intro.ts 1.7 KB

  1. const intro = String.raw`Welcome to JoystreamStats.live APIv1!
  2. This API exposes json objects for following routes accessible via any browser:
  3. /blocks returns all known blocks
  4. /blocks/:id returns one block if found
  5. /events returns all events
  6. /events/:id returns one event if found
  7. /events/sections returns all sections found on events
  8. /events/methods returns all methods found on events
  9. /events/{method|section} all events using method / section, for example:
  10. /events/{balances|transfer|reward|[era]payout|voted|[un]bonded|..}
  11. /events/{:method}/:key events using :method containing :key in data
  12. /eras returns all known eras
  13. /eras/:id returns one era if found
  14. /members returns all known members
  15. /members/:id returns one membership if found (id: number or handle)
  16. /members/:id/posts all posts by member
  17. /members/:id/proposals all proposals by member
  18. /members/:id/termns all council terms by member
  19. /members/:id/votes all proposal and coucnil votes by member
  20. /councils returns all council terms including votes
  21. /councils/:id returns specific term with votes
  22. /proposals returns all known proposals
  23. /proposals/:id returns one proposal if found
  24. /channels returns all known channels
  25. /channels/:id returns one channel if found
  26. /categories returns all known categories
  27. /categories/:id returns one category if found
  28. /threads returns all known threads
  29. /threads/:id returns one thread if found
  30. /posts returns all known posts
  31. /posts/:id returns one post if found
  32. `
  33. export default intro