#9 Slow Validator UI

isonar möchte 1 Commits von Operations/slow-validator nach Operations/frontend zusammenführen
isonar kommentierte vor 3 Jahren
added as per request https://discord.com/channels/811216481340751934/812343711870091285/875383006032965652
l1dev kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

I spent some time researching block times a while back: If a validator fails to submit a block within 6s (eg. because of a non-empty queue) another one is assigned. If it delivers blocktime is 12s. If it also fails you will see a blocktime of 18s and so on. Hence these are not the slow ones but the skipped ones you don't see are. The reward points stat tells which validators produced less blocks per era.

I spent some time researching block times a while back: If a validator fails to submit a block within 6s (eg. because of a non-empty queue) another one is assigned. If it delivers blocktime is 12s. If it also fails you will see a blocktime of 18s and so on. Hence these are not the slow ones but the skipped ones you don't see are. The reward points stat tells which validators produced less blocks per era.
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