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Storage Nodes for Joystream

This repository contains several Node packages, located under the packages/ subdirectory. See each individual package for details:



This project uses yarn as Node package manager. It also uses some node packages with native components, so make sure to install your system's basic build tools.

On Debian-based systems:

$ apt install build-essential

On Mac OS (using homebrew):

$ brew install libtool automake autoconf


$ yarn install

The command will install dependencies, and make a colossus executable available:

$ yarn colossus --help


Run an ipfs node and a joystream-node development chain (in separate terminals)

ipfs daemon
joystream-node --dev
$ yarn workspace storage-node test

Running a development environment, after starting the ipfs node and development chain

yarn storage-cli dev-init

This will configure the running chain with alice as the storage lead and with a known role key for the storage provider.

Run colossus in development mode:

yarn colossus --dev

Start pioneer ui:

yarn workspace pioneer start

Browse pioneer on http://localhost:3000/ You should find Alice account is the storage working group lead and is a storage provider.

Detailed Setup and Configuration Guide

For details on how to setup a storage node on the Joystream network, follow this step by step guide.