@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+use super::mock::*;
+use crate::*;
+use frame_support::{assert_err, assert_ok};
+pub fn add_curator_to_new_group(curator_id: CuratorId) -> CuratorGroupId {
+ let curator_group_id = Content::next_curator_group_id();
+ // create new group and add curator id to it
+ assert_ok!(Content::create_curator_group(Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN)));
+ assert_ok!(Content::add_curator_to_group(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ curator_id
+ ));
+ // make group active
+ assert_ok!(Content::set_curator_group_status(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ true
+ ));
+ curator_group_id
+fn curator_group_management() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let curator_group_id = Content::next_curator_group_id();
+ assert_ok!(Content::create_curator_group(Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN)));
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::CuratorGroupCreated(curator_group_id))
+ );
+ let group = Content::curator_group_by_id(curator_group_id);
+ // By default group is empty and not active
+ assert_eq!(group.is_active(), false);
+ assert_eq!(group.get_curators().len(), 0);
+ // Activate group
+ assert_ok!(Content::set_curator_group_status(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ true
+ ));
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::CuratorGroupStatusSet(curator_group_id, true))
+ );
+ let group = Content::curator_group_by_id(curator_group_id);
+ assert_eq!(group.is_active(), true);
+ // Add curator to group
+ assert_err!(
+ Content::add_curator_to_group(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ MEMBERS_COUNT + 1 // not a curator
+ ),
+ Error::<Test>::CuratorIdInvalid
+ );
+ assert_ok!(Content::add_curator_to_group(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ ));
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::CuratorAdded(curator_group_id, FIRST_CURATOR_ID))
+ );
+ // Ensure curator is in group
+ let group = Content::curator_group_by_id(curator_group_id);
+ assert!(group.has_curator(&FIRST_CURATOR_ID));
+ assert_err!(
+ Content::add_curator_to_group(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ ),
+ Error::<Test>::CuratorIsAlreadyAMemberOfGivenCuratorGroup
+ );
+ // Remove curator from group
+ assert_err!(
+ Content::remove_curator_from_group(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ MEMBERS_COUNT + 1 // not a curator
+ ),
+ Error::<Test>::CuratorIsNotAMemberOfGivenCuratorGroup
+ );
+ assert_ok!(Content::remove_curator_from_group(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ORIGIN),
+ curator_group_id,
+ ));
+ assert_eq!(
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event,
+ MetaEvent::content(RawEvent::CuratorRemoved(curator_group_id, FIRST_CURATOR_ID))
+ );
+ let group = Content::curator_group_by_id(curator_group_id);
+ assert!(!group.has_curator(&FIRST_CURATOR_ID));
+ })