@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ use crate::storage::data_object_type_registry::Trait as DOTRTrait;
use crate::traits::{ContentIdExists, IsActiveDataObjectType, Members, Roles};
use parity_codec::Codec;
use parity_codec_derive::{Decode, Encode};
-use primitives::Ed25519AuthorityId;
use rstd::prelude::*;
-use runtime_primitives::traits::{As, MaybeDebug, MaybeSerializeDebug, Member, SimpleArithmetic};
+use runtime_primitives::traits::{As, MaybeDebug, MaybeSerializeDebug, Member, MaybeDisplay, SimpleArithmetic};
use srml_support::{
decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch, ensure, Parameter, StorageMap, StorageValue,
@@ -16,16 +15,10 @@ use system::{self, ensure_signed};
pub trait Trait: timestamp::Trait + system::Trait + DOTRTrait + MaybeDebug {
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
- type ContentId: Parameter
- + Member
- + SimpleArithmetic
- + Codec
- + Default
- + Copy
- + As<usize>
- + As<u64>
- + MaybeSerializeDebug
- + PartialEq;
+ type ContentId: Parameter + Member + MaybeSerializeDebug + MaybeDisplay + Copy + Ord + Default;
+ type SchemaId: Parameter + Member + SimpleArithmetic + Codec + Default + Copy
+ + As<usize> + As<u64> + MaybeSerializeDebug + PartialEq;
type Members: Members<Self>;
type Roles: Roles<Self>;
@@ -38,14 +31,19 @@ static MSG_CREATOR_MUST_BE_MEMBER: &str = "Only active members may create conten
"Cannot create content for inactive or missing data object type.";
+#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
+pub struct BlockAndTime<T: Trait> {
+ pub block: T::BlockNumber,
+ pub time: T::Moment,
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
pub enum LiaisonJudgement {
- Rejected,
+ Rejected,
impl Default for LiaisonJudgement {
@@ -57,26 +55,68 @@ impl Default for LiaisonJudgement {
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
pub struct DataObject<T: Trait> {
- pub data_object_type: <T as DOTRTrait>::DataObjectTypeId,
- pub signing_key: Option<Ed25519AuthorityId>,
- pub size: u64,
- pub added_at_block: T::BlockNumber,
- pub added_at_time: T::Moment,
pub owner: T::AccountId,
+ pub added_at: BlockAndTime<T>,
+ pub type_id: <T as DOTRTrait>::DataObjectTypeId,
+ pub size: u64,
pub liaison: T::AccountId,
pub liaison_judgement: LiaisonJudgement,
+ // TODO signing_key: public key supplied by the uploader,
+ // they sigh the content with this key
+ // TODO add support for this field (Some if judgment == Rejected)
+ // pub rejection_reason: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
+// TODO ContentVisibility
+pub enum ContentVisibility {
+ Draft, // TODO rename to Unlisted?
+ Public,
+impl Default for ContentVisibility {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ ContentVisibility::Draft // TODO make Public by default?
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
+pub struct ContentMetadata<T: Trait> {
+ pub owner: T::AccountId,
+ pub added_at: BlockAndTime<T>,
+ pub children_ids: Vec<T::ContentId>,
+ pub visibility: ContentVisibility,
+ pub schema: T::SchemaId,
+ pub json: Vec<u8>,
+#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
+pub struct ContentMetadataUpdate<T: Trait> {
+ pub children_ids: Option<Vec<T::ContentId>>,
+ pub visibility: Option<ContentVisibility>,
+ pub schema: Option<T::SchemaId>,
+ pub json: Option<Vec<u8>>,
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as DataDirectory {
- // Start at this value
- pub FirstContentId get(first_content_id) config(first_content_id): T::ContentId = T::ContentId::sa(DEFAULT_FIRST_CONTENT_ID);
- // Increment
- pub NextContentId get(next_content_id) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| config.first_content_id): T::ContentId = T::ContentId::sa(DEFAULT_FIRST_CONTENT_ID);
+ // TODO default_liaison = Joystream storage account id.
+ // TODO this list of ids should be moved off-chain once we have Content Indexer.
+ // TODO deprecated, moved tp storage relationship
+ KnownContentIds get(known_content_ids): Vec<T::ContentId> = vec![];
- // Mapping of Content ID to Data Object
- pub Contents get(contents): map T::ContentId => Option<DataObject<T>>;
+ DataObjectByContentId get(data_object_by_content_id):
+ map T::ContentId => Option<DataObject<T>>;
+ MetadataByContentId get(metadata_by_content_id):
+ map T::ContentId => Option<ContentMetadata<T>>;
@@ -85,25 +125,16 @@ decl_event! {
<T as Trait>::ContentId,
<T as system::Trait>::AccountId
- // The account is the Liaison that was selected
+ // The account is the one who uploaded the content.
ContentAdded(ContentId, AccountId),
- // The account is the liaison again - only they can reject or accept
+ // The account is the liaison - only they can reject or accept
ContentAccepted(ContentId, AccountId),
ContentRejected(ContentId, AccountId),
- }
-impl<T: Trait> ContentIdExists<T> for Module<T> {
- fn has_content(which: &T::ContentId) -> bool {
- Self::contents(which.clone()).is_some()
- }
- fn get_data_object(which: &T::ContentId) -> Result<DataObject<T>, &'static str> {
- match Self::contents(which.clone()) {
- None => Err(MSG_CID_NOT_FOUND),
- Some(data) => Ok(data),
- }
+ // The account is the owner of the content.
+ MetadataAdded(ContentId, AccountId),
+ MetadataUpdated(ContentId, AccountId),
@@ -111,71 +142,170 @@ decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
fn deposit_event<T>() = default;
- pub fn add_content(origin, data_object_type_id: <T as DOTRTrait>::DataObjectTypeId,
- size: u64, signing_key: Option<Ed25519AuthorityId>) {
- // Origin has to be a member
+ // TODO send file_name as param so we could create a Draft metadata in this fn
+ pub fn add_content(
+ origin,
+ content_id: T::ContentId,
+ type_id: <T as DOTRTrait>::DataObjectTypeId,
+ size: u64
+ ) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
ensure!(T::Members::is_active_member(&who), MSG_CREATOR_MUST_BE_MEMBER);
- // Data object type has to be active
- ensure!(T::IsActiveDataObjectType::is_active_data_object_type(&data_object_type_id), MSG_DO_TYPE_MUST_BE_ACTIVE);
+ ensure!(T::IsActiveDataObjectType::is_active_data_object_type(&type_id),
+ ensure!(!<DataObjectByContentId<T>>::exists(content_id),
+ "Data object aready added under this content id");
// The liaison is something we need to take from staked roles. The idea
// is to select the liaison, for now randomly.
let liaison = T::Roles::random_account_for_role(actors::Role::Storage)?;
// Let's create the entry then
- let new_id = Self::next_content_id();
let data: DataObject<T> = DataObject {
- data_object_type: data_object_type_id,
- signing_key: signing_key,
- size: size,
- added_at_block: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
- added_at_time: <timestamp::Module<T>>::now(),
- owner: who,
- liaison: liaison.clone(),
+ type_id,
+ size,
+ added_at: Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ owner: who.clone(),
+ liaison: liaison,
liaison_judgement: LiaisonJudgement::Pending,
- // If we've constructed the data, we can store it and send an event.
- <Contents<T>>::insert(new_id, data);
- <NextContentId<T>>::mutate(|n| { *n += T::ContentId::sa(1); });
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAdded(new_id, liaison));
+ <DataObjectByContentId<T>>::insert(&content_id, data);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAdded(content_id, who));
// The LiaisonJudgement can be updated, but only by the liaison.
- fn accept_content(origin, id: T::ContentId) {
+ fn accept_content(origin, content_id: T::ContentId) {
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::update_content_judgement(&who, content_id.clone(), LiaisonJudgement::Accepted)?;
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAccepted(content_id, who));
+ }
+ fn reject_content(origin, content_id: T::ContentId) {
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::update_content_judgement(&who, content_id.clone(), LiaisonJudgement::Rejected)?;
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentRejected(content_id, who));
+ }
+ fn add_metadata(
+ origin,
+ content_id: T::ContentId,
+ update: ContentMetadataUpdate<T>
+ ) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
- Self::update_content_judgement(&who, id.clone(), LiaisonJudgement::Accepted)?;
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAccepted(id, who));
+ ensure!(T::Members::is_active_member(&who),
+ "Only active members can add content metadata");
+ ensure!(!<MetadataByContentId<T>>::exists(&content_id),
+ "Metadata aready added under this content id");
+ let schema = update.schema.ok_or("Schema is required")?;
+ Self::validate_metadata_schema(&schema)?;
+ let json = update.json.ok_or("JSON is required")?;
+ Self::validate_metadata_json(&json)?;
+ let meta = ContentMetadata {
+ owner: who.clone(),
+ added_at: Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ children_ids: vec![],
+ visibility: update.visibility.unwrap_or_default(),
+ schema,
+ json,
+ };
+ // TODO temporary hack!!!
+ // TODO create Storage Relationship. ready = true
+ <MetadataByContentId<T>>::insert(&content_id, meta);
+ <KnownContentIds<T>>::mutate(|ids| ids.push(content_id));
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MetadataAdded(content_id, who));
- fn reject_content(origin, id: T::ContentId) {
+ fn update_metadata(
+ origin,
+ content_id: T::ContentId,
+ update: ContentMetadataUpdate<T>
+ ) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
- Self::update_content_judgement(&who, id.clone(), LiaisonJudgement::Rejected)?;
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentRejected(id, who));
+ // Even if origin is an owner of metadata, they stil need to be an active member.
+ ensure!(T::Members::is_active_member(&who),
+ "Only active members can update content metadata");
+ let has_updates = update.schema.is_some() || update.json.is_some();
+ ensure!(has_updates, "No updates provided");
+ let mut meta = Self::metadata_by_content_id(&content_id)
+ .ok_or("No metadata found by content id")?;
+ ensure!(meta.owner == who.clone(), "Only owner can update content metadata");
+ if let Some(schema) = update.schema {
+ Self::validate_metadata_schema(&schema)?;
+ meta.schema = schema;
+ }
+ if let Some(json) = update.json {
+ Self::validate_metadata_json(&json)?;
+ meta.json = json;
+ }
+ if let Some(visibility) = update.visibility {
+ meta.visibility = visibility;
+ }
+ <MetadataByContentId<T>>::insert(&content_id, meta);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MetadataUpdated(content_id, who));
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> ContentIdExists<T> for Module<T> {
+ fn has_content(content_id: &T::ContentId) -> bool {
+ Self::data_object_by_content_id(content_id.clone()).is_some()
+ }
+ fn get_data_object(content_id: &T::ContentId) -> Result<DataObject<T>, &'static str> {
+ match Self::data_object_by_content_id(content_id.clone()) {
+ Some(data) => Ok(data),
+ None => Err(MSG_CID_NOT_FOUND),
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ fn current_block_and_time() -> BlockAndTime<T> {
+ BlockAndTime {
+ block: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
+ time: <timestamp::Module<T>>::now(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn validate_metadata_schema(_schema: &T::SchemaId) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // TODO validate that schema id is registered.
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_metadata_json(_json: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // TODO validate a max length of JSON.
+ Ok(())
+ }
fn update_content_judgement(
who: &T::AccountId,
- id: T::ContentId,
+ content_id: T::ContentId,
judgement: LiaisonJudgement,
) -> dispatch::Result {
- // Find the data
- let mut data = Self::contents(&id).ok_or(MSG_CID_NOT_FOUND)?;
+ let mut data = Self::data_object_by_content_id(&content_id).ok_or(MSG_CID_NOT_FOUND)?;
// Make sure the liaison matches
ensure!(data.liaison == *who, MSG_LIAISON_REQUIRED);
- // At this point we can update the data.
data.liaison_judgement = judgement;
- // Update and send event.
- <Contents<T>>::insert(id, data);
+ <DataObjectByContentId<T>>::insert(content_id, data);
@@ -247,4 +377,45 @@ mod tests {
+ // TODO update and add more tests for metadata
+ // #[test]
+ // fn add_metadata() {
+ // with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // let res =
+ // TestContentDirectory::add_metadata(Origin::signed(1), 1, "foo".as_bytes().to_vec());
+ // assert!(res.is_ok());
+ // });
+ // }
+ // #[test]
+ // fn publish_metadata() {
+ // with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // let res =
+ // TestContentDirectory::add_metadata(Origin::signed(1), 1, "foo".as_bytes().to_vec());
+ // assert!(res.is_ok());
+ // // Grab ID from event
+ // let metadata_id = match System::events().last().unwrap().event {
+ // MetaEvent::content_directory(
+ // content_directory::RawEvent::MetadataDraftCreated(metadata_id),
+ // ) => metadata_id,
+ // _ => 0xdeadbeefu64, // invalid value, unlikely to match
+ // };
+ // assert_ne!(metadata_id, 0xdeadbeefu64);
+ // // Publishing a bad ID should fail
+ // let res = TestContentDirectory::publish_metadata(Origin::signed(1), metadata_id + 1);
+ // assert!(res.is_err());
+ // // Publishing should not work for non-owners
+ // let res = TestContentDirectory::publish_metadata(Origin::signed(2), metadata_id);
+ // assert!(res.is_err());
+ // // For the owner, it should work however
+ // let res = TestContentDirectory::publish_metadata(Origin::signed(1), metadata_id);
+ // assert!(res.is_ok());
+ // });
+ // }