Browse Source

second draft, still lots of bugs

Bedeho Mender 6 years ago

+ 0 - 0
project-management/KR-Weighting.svg → KR-Weighting.svg

+ 0 - 0
project-management/OKR-figure.svg → OKR-figure.svg

+ 347 - 16

@@ -1,33 +1,364 @@
 <p align="center"><img width=200px src="landing-icon.png"></p>
-<p align="center" style="font-size:100px;font-weight:100;">Landing Repo</p>
+<p align="center"><img  src="landing-repo-headline.svg"></p>
-# Overview
+<div align="center">
+  <h4>Eventually, this all goes on-chain, read our :scroll: <a href="">whitepaper</a> :scroll:, we are on-chain governance maximalists!<h4>
+<div align="center">
+  <h5>The place to learn about Joystream project planning, collaboration and communication</h5>
+<div align="center">
+  These are our <a href="">ends and means</a>
+<br />
-This landing repo as meant as a the best starting place to get a coherent view of how information is organized in this GitHub organization.
+<div align="center">
+  <h3>
+    <a href="#">
+      Athens Testnet
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="#">
+      Live OKRs
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="#">
+      Meetings
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="#">
+      Helpdesk
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="#">
+      Contributing
+    </a>
+  </h3>
-- [Project Management](....)
-- [Testnet Releases](....)
+# Table of contents
-## Repo Index
+- [Overview](#overview)
+- [Project Management](#project-management)
+    - [Why is this on Github?](#why-is-this-on-github?)
+    - [Meetings](#meetings)
+      - [Daily standup](#daily-standup)
+      - [Monday all-hands](#monday-all-hands)
+      - [Release meeting](#release-meeting)
+    - [OKR System](#okr-system)
+      - [Assignment](#assignment)
+      - [OKR types](#okr-types)
+      - [Hierarchy](#hierarchy)
+      - [Tracking](#tracking)
+      - [Schema](#schema)
+    - [OKRs](#okrs)
+      - [Project OKRs](#project-okrs)
+      - [Quarterly OKRs](#quarterly-okrs)
+      - [Release OKRs](#release-okrs)
+      - [Personal OKRs](#personal-okrs)
+- [Testnet Releases](#testnet-releases)
+    - [Live Testnet](#live-testnet)
+    - [Next Testnet](#next-testnet)
+    - [Past Testnets](#past-testnets)
+    - [Testnet Planning](#testnet-planning)
+      - [Set-by-step Process](#step-by-step-process)
+      - [Branding](#branding)
+      - [Testnet Directory](#testnet-directory)
+      - [Roles](#roles)
+        - [Release Manager](#release-manager)
+        - [Specification Lead and Committee](#specification-lead-and-committee)
+# Overview
+This landing repo as meant as a the best starting place to get a coherent view of how information is organised in this GitHub organization.
+# Repo Index
 This is the set of key repos that
-<TAble here>
+| Repo                                                                                      | Description                                           | Maintainer      |
+| :-------------                                                                            | :-------------                                        | :-----------:   |
+| [substrate-runtime-joystream](   | The Joystream substrate runtime.                      | @mnaamani       |
+| [apps](                                                 | The Pioneer application.                              | @siman          |
+| [storage-node-joystream](             | The storage node application.                         | @jfinkhaeuser   |
+| [whitepaper](                                     | The Joystream whitepaper.                             | @bedeho         |
+| [communications](                             | The Joystream communications workspace and archive.   | @@bwhm          |
+# Project Management
+<p align="center"><img src="project-management-headline.jpg"></p>
+## Why is this on Github?
+The reason this is placed in public view on Github is that two fold
+- **Open Invitation:** Serve as an open invitation for anyone who wants to learn, comment and possibly contribute, to the current or future development of the Joystream project.
+- **Best Practices**: Establish best practices which can be replicated by the platform, when it is fully live, in how to collaboratively build and manage the platform using open tools. In particular, the current plan is that the platform has a built in Github equivalent, which thus would allow the use of these conventions.
+## Meetings
+### Itinerary
+Meeting itineraryies are prepared on a case by case basis, depending on the context, anda template for this, as well as an index of archived itineraries, can be found [here](/meetings).
+### Meeting Types
+#### Daily standup
+- **Description:** Everyone states, within 1 minute, what they accomplished the prior day, and what the goals are for the day. After this, people can start separate calls which need not be conducted in plenum.
+- **When:** Every day at 10am (GMT)
+- **Where:** Zoom
+- **Participant:** Core Jsgenesis team _must_ be present, any one else is welcome (join Rocket.Chat for invite).
+- **Record&Publish:** YES, if no participant objects.
+#### Monday all-hands
+- **Description:** Everyone states individual:
+  1. **OKR Tracking**: Track your OKRs and OKR assignments
+  2. **Health Comments:** Any points you wish to discuss related to things like team health, code health, workflow/system health etc.
+  3. **Weekly Priorities:** Your top 3-5 priorities this week. *Not* the same as your tasks today.
+  4. **Announcements:** Anything you think should be brought to everyones attention.
+- **When:** Every working monday at 10am (GMT)
+- **Where:** Zoom
+- **Participant:** Core Jsgenesis team _must_ be present, any one else is welcome (join Rocket.Chat for invite).
+- **Record&Publish:** YES, if no participant objects.
+#### Release meeting
+- **Description:** Discussion about impending testnet release.
+- **When:** Weekly
+- **Where:** Zoom
+- **Participant:** Core release team _must_ be present, any one else is welcome (join Rocket.Chat for invite).
+- **Record&Publish:** YES, if no participant objects.
+## OKR system
+<p align="center"><img width=300px src="okr-logo.png"></p>
+Project management is primarily centred around planning and tracking OKRs. OKRs is a planning and project management system, which can be reviewed in further detail [here](
+### Assignment
+A key result can be _assigned_ to a mix of people or other objectives. The _assignment set_ of a key result consitutes the set of relevant actors, directly or indirectly - for OKRs, that are working to satisfy the result. Each assignment is given a weight from 0 to 1, and the total weight across an assignment set is 1. Some key results, in particular for very higher order OKRs, may not have assignments at all times.
+### OKR types
+The OKRs can be classified into two separate families of types, first
+- **Project OKRs**: Project OKRs run over multiple years and are graded very rarely. They contain the root objectives that require no deeper justification. Every other objective must be justified directly, or indirectly through another key result, by virtue of its relevance to the project OKRs. The current set of such OKRs can be found [below](#project-okrs).
+- **Quarterly OKRs**: Every quarter, new OKRs for the given quarter are derived, referred to as quarterly OKRs. Only OKRs which have independent objectives are formally referred to as quarterly OKRs, any derivative OKR is not, even if derived at the start of a quarter. Importantly, they should contain very little detail about releases. The current set of such OKRs can be found [below](#quarterly-okrs).
+- **Release OKRs**: Releases are planned one after the other on a rolling basis, and the release OKRs correspond to a single release. Only OKRs which have independent objectives are formally referred to as release OKRs, any derivative OKR is not, even if derived at in the context of a release. The current set of such OKRs can be found [below](#release-okrs)
+and then second
+- **Group OKRs**: Group OKRs are defined by the set of stakeholders assigned to the key results, and in particular that there is more than one person involved. Typically this could be a set of people working as a team on some topic or problem. In principle, such an OKR can be rationalised by a mix of release and quarterly OKRs, but in practice it will most often just be one or the other. These OKRs should be flexible in time scope, and should be reorganized if circumstances change. The current set of such OKRs can be found [below](#group-okrs).
+- **Personal OKRs**: The exact same thing as personal OKRs, only applying to a single person only. The current set of such OKRs can be found [below](#personal-okrs).
+_Note: As a matter of definition, its important to realise that any OKR from the first family, assigned to a single person, is not actually a personal OKR, or alternatively a group OKR if assigned to multiple people._
+The following figure attempts to summarise how these OKR families and types are related, and their relevant temporal scopes.
+![alt text](OKR-figure.svg "OKR Tree")
+### Hierarchy
+All OKRs, except the project OKR, should be derived, in terms of its objective, from one or more key results of already existing higher order OKRs.
+### Tracking
+In order to keep track of whether a key result, and thus the corresponding objective, will in the end be satisfied, forecasts are tracked throughout the lifetime of an OKR. Each OKR has its own periodic tracking of progress, and to compute the its forecasted value, do as indicated in the example figure below.
+![alt text](KR-Weighting.svg "Key Result ")
+Briefly, do a topological sort of the key result graph, where having an objective in the result assignment set counts towards the indegree. Then just do ascending weighted averaging of scores, where key results are simply averaged into objective scores. Importantly, in order to do this, one has to get personal scores on key results, and there are two modes of doing this
+- **Naive**: Simply evaluate the key result statement directly based on available data at the time. For example, if the result is `Get $100 in revenue`, and one has $20 so far, then the score would be 0.2. This method is often suitable, but no if partial work is unlikely to have had any real world effects while tracking.
+- **Planned Work Done**: Fraction of estimated total hours required that have been completed. This means that, if the estimate of total time required changes, then the score can change, even there is not change in actual hours completed.
+The mode used depend on the nature of the key result.
+### Schema
+The schema used for recording and tracking OKRs has the following form:
+ - **Objective:** `<Name of objective>`
+ - **KR Measurement Deadline**: `<When the final grading is conducted>`
+ - **Tracked**: `<Time interval at which OKR is tracked>`
+ - **Tracking Manager**: `<Name of person responsible for doing tracking, at given interval, and final grading>`
+ - **Key Results**: `<If all key results have same assignment set, write here>`
+   1. `<Statement of Key result>`
+     - `<Name of assignment>`: `<assignment weight>`
+     - ...
+ - **Tracking:**
+| Date     | KR #1 | ... |  Total |
+| `<date&time>` | (`<... assignment set scores>`)  **Total KR score**  | ... |  **Tracked objective score** |
+# Testnet Releases
+<p align="center"><img width=200px src="testnet-logo.png"></p>
+..... say something general here ....
+## Live Testnet
+<p align="center">
+<img width="120px" src="testnets/athens/logo.png"/>
+## Next Testnet
+<p align="center">
+<img width="120px" src="testnets/athens/logo.png"/>
+## Past Testnets
+| Network         | Started           | Ended         | Release Plan    |
+| -------------   | -------------     | -----         | -----           |
+| Sparta          | x                 |   NA          |       NA        |
+| Mesopotamia     | x                 |   x           |       NA        |
+## Testnet Planning
+### Step-by-step Process
+This whole process should take no more than **X** days from start to finish, and involves the following sequence of events and corresponding deadlines.
+1. The following must be determined no later than **the day before the prior testnet release.**
+    - [**RM**](#release-manager)
+    - testnet name, denoted by `TESTNET_NAME`
+    - tentative release date
+2. **RM** shall have done the following no later than at **the day after the prior testnet release.**
+    - created PR establishing a new [testnet directory](testnet-directory), where
+        - the release name is set to `TESTNET_NAME`
+        - the naming rationale is left blank, unless it is ready
+        - the goal is left blank, unless it is ready
+        - the logomark is left blank, unless it is ready
+    - initiated creation of possibly missing logomark
+    - scheduled a meeting time for the [launch meeting](launch-meeting) no later than the next available working day when all core contributors are available.
+    - create a subdirectory of the [meeting](meetings) directory that has itinerary with appropriate agenda
+3. Conduct launch meeting.
+4. After the meeting is over, the **RM** shall on the same day have the testnet directory pull request merged with completed itinerary.
+5. Leads must complete their user stories contributions, in the form of PRs into the meeting directory, before the user stories meeting starts.
+6. Conduct user stories meeting.
+7. After the meeting is over, the **RM** shall have the lead pull requests merged, with possible modifications, no later than **the day after**.
+8. Leads must complete their release plan sections, in the form of PRs into the meeting directory, before the release plan finalisation meeting starts.
+9. Conduct release plan finalisation meeting.
+10. After the meeting is over, the **RM** shall on the same days
+    - create a github project per release objective on the [Joystream Github Organisation]( which kanban boards with standardized columns: `TODO`, `In progress`, `Done` and `Halted`.
+    - update release document link to relevant github projects.
+    - updates the label set to reflect any new possible products
+10. Specification work begins, and is scheduled and organised on an ad-hoc basis. Anyone unaffected by this work can continue to move forward immediately.
+11. Leads must convert their release plan contributions into tangible tasks, in the form of github issues on the relevant github project created. After this process, the release plan itself should no longer be consulted, also if changes are made.
+12. Release planning meetings are conducted on a per-need basis, typically more frequently as the release date approaches.
+### Branding
+All releases have the following branding materials, which should be summarised in a markdown _Branding Document_
+- **Name:** Our current naming system is important historical ancient cities in the development of new political systems. It's still not clear if we will just stick to ancient cities, or move forward in time also (TBD).
+- **Naming Rationale:** A brief 40-150 word text about the significance of this city in our context.
+- **Goal:** A brief 100-200 word text about what technical and community goals we are trying to achieve.
+- **Logomark:** Illustrated logomark corresponding to name.
+### Testnet Directory
+All releases should have a corresponding _release directory_ in the `/testnets` directory of this repo, and it should have the following structure
+  - ``: Release document.
+  - **WIP**``: Testnet speficiation.
+  - `/branding`: A directory which includes a branding document and related assets, as described in the branding [section](branding)
+  - `/tutorials`: User facing tutorials for participating on the network.
+### Roles
+#### Release Manager
+Each release is directed by a _Release Manager_ (**RM**) who is responsible for
+ - Moving the release process forward and on track.
+ - Calling and conducting release meetings.
+ - Preparing all adminstrative pull requests for the release on this repo.
+#### Leads
+A [release plan]( will consist of a set of projects, each with a corresponding lead, these are referred to as the _leads_.
+#### Specification Lead and Committee
+The specification lead is responsible for moving the specification process forward, and the committee is anyone who is expected to contribute.
+**WIP: we need to connect this to broader information about our specification work, but that is not done yet**
+### Standard Release Meetings
+#### Launch Meeting
+First release meeting, should take no more than **45 minutes**, with agenda
+1. Propose set of release OKRs based on review of
+    - open help desk issues that have bearing on release  
+    - any possibly finalised OKRs from prior release
+    - project OKRs
+2. Identify set of projects, products etc. and assign leads.
+3. Assign responsibility to someone for finalising outstanding branding assets, which must be delivered no later than **five days after this meeting**
+4. Schedule the [user stories meeting](#user-stories-meeting) to no later than **two working days after this meeting**.
+#### User Stories Meeting
+Second release meeting, should take no more than **90 minutes**, with agenda
+1. For experiences identified in the [launch meeting](launch-meeting), review proposed user stories suggestions prepared by each lead, and settle on final set of stories
+2. Schedule the [Release Plan Finalisation Meeting](#release-plan-finalisation-meeting) to no later than **two working days after this meeting**.
-## GitHub policy
+#### Release Plan Finalisation Meeting
-How we use github? rules and so on, e.g. on having good readme etc.
+Third release meeting, should take no more than **90 minutes**, with agenda
-- all Tasks
-- use label set... actors, product, ...
+1. Finalise release plan based on lead proposals
+2. Evaluate whether plan is feasible based on projected total load on contributors, and tentative release date. If not feasible, try to make minor modifications of scope or deadline. If that also does not work, go back and redo process from launch meeting step.
-Blgo posts are put in Blog repo....
-all tasks must be tagged with person as lead, and taggred with label..
+If feasible, then proceed with
-## Helpdesk
+3. If a specification is to be done, assign a [specification lead and committee](Specification Lead and Committee), and schedule first [specification planning meeting](#specification-planning-meeting)
+#### Specification Planning meeting
+Open ended technical meetings which are conducted iteratively with implementing out parts of the release.
-## Communication
+# Helpdesk
-Where to find team members


+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg width="552px" height="91px" viewBox="0 0 552 91" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+    <!-- Generator: Sketch 53.2 (72643) - -->
+    <title>Landing Repo</title>
+    <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
+    <g id="Headlines" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" font-family="HelveticaNeue-UltraLight, Helvetica Neue" font-size="100" font-weight="200">
+        <text id="Landing-Repo" fill="#000000">
+            <tspan x="-4.65" y="72">Landing Repo</tspan>
+        </text>
+    </g>

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Meeting Itinerary
-## Use
-Lead should instantiate new instance in relevant folder, populat logistics section, and query relevant stakeholders to open PRs to contribute to agenda.
-## Logistics
-- **Date:** _date of meeting_
-- **Starts:** _start time with time zone_
-- **Duration:** _how long the meeting lasts_
-- **Venue:** _e.g. Zoom link or physical location_
-- **Lead**: _person is responsible for time keeping, note taking and post-meeting_
-- **Participants**: _persons known to be participating in advance_
-  - _name 1_
-  - _name 2_
-## Agenda
-| Time Required         | Item            | Decision  |
-| -------------         |:-------------:  | :-----:   |
-| x                     | x               | x         |

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<p align="center"><img width=300px src="okr-logo.png"></p>
+<p align="center" style="font-size:100px;font-weight:100;">Meetings</p>
+# Table of contents
+- [Meeting Archiving](#meeting-archiving)
+- [Archive Index](#archive-index)
+- [Itinerary Template](#itinerary-template)
+# Meeting Archiving
+Each meeting which will be archived has a _meeting identifier_, which is just a unique number, as seen in the template [below](#meeting-itinerary-archive-index). The itinerary, and any other related assets, for a meeting should be placed in a subdirectory of this directory with the same name as this identifier.
+# Archive Index
+This is the index of past meetings with itineraries, they should all be stored in this directory.
+| Identifier       | Scheduled        | Status (`pending`,`done`) | [Type](../project-management/ (`daily`, `monday`,`release`, `misc`)     | Link      |
+| :-------------  | :-------------   |:-------------:            | :-----:                                                                                         | :-----:   |
+| x               | x                | x                         | x                                                                                               | x         |
+# Itinerary Template
+- **Nr:** `meeting identifier`
+- **Date:** `date of meeting`
+- **Starts:** `start time with time zone`
+- **Duration:** `how long the meeting lasts`
+- **Venue:** `e.g. Zoom link or physical location`
+- **Lead**: `person is responsible for time keeping, note taking and post-meeting`
+- **Participants**: `persons known to be participating in advance`
+  - `Name of person`
+  - `...``
+- **Agenda:**
+| Time Required         | Item            | Decision  |
+| -------------         |:-------------:  | :-----:   |
+| x                     | x               | x         |

+ 0 - 0
project-management/okr-logo.png → okr-logo.png

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+<p align="center"><img width=300px src="okr-logo.png"></p>
+<p align="center" style="font-size:100px;font-weight:100;">Joystream Project Objectives and Key Results</p>
+# Table of contents
+- [OKRs](#okrs)
+  - [Project OKRs](#project-okrs)
+  - [Quarterly OKRs](#quarterly-okrs)
+  - [Release OKRs](#release-okrs)
+  - [Personal OKRs](#personal-okrs)
+# OKRs
+Archived OKRs are found in [archive](okr), below only live OKRs are found.
+## Project OKRs
+### Objective: `Launch a functional, upgradable video platform, governed and operated by a vibrant community`
+- **KR Measurement Deadline:** Joystream autonomous network live
+- **Tracked:** Every 6 months
+- **Tracking Manager:** Martin
+- **Key Results:**
+  1. `All (IT) infrastructure roles are contested, and at least one professional for profit operation is taking part`
+  2. `There are at least 10 builders, with at least 2 in a full time capacity`
+  3. `There are at least 100 active governance or operations focused daily active members`
+  4. `There are at least 10000 daily active members, as measured by any kind of use of the platform`
+  5. `<... something about publishers/content. ..>`
+- **Tracking:**
+| Date     | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | KR #5 |  Total |
+| 01.06.19 |    NA  |   NA    |  NA     |  NA     |    NA    |     **NA**  |
+## Quarterly OKRs
+### Objective: `Expand the Jsgenesis team`
+- **KR Measurement Deadline:** xxxx
+- **Tracked:** Weekly
+- **Tracking Manager:** Martin
+- **Key Results:** all assigned to Martin and Bedeho equally
+  1. `Add full 3 full time blockchain developers`
+  3. `Add full 1 time full stack developer`
+  4. `Source 25 candidates outside of angel/jsg/dribble/hh`
+  5. `Interview at least 25 candidates once, and 15 candidates twice`
+- **Tracking:**
+| Date     | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | KR #5 |  Total |
+| 18.03.19 |     x  |   x    |  x     |  x     |    x    |     **x**  |
+### Objective: `Launch and grow Staked podcast`
+- **KR Measurement Deadline:** End of Q1
+- **Tracked:** Every 2 weeks
+- **Tracking Manager:** Martin
+- **Key Results:**
+  1. `Launch a new branded podcast available in all major podcast channels`
+  2. `Record and publish 5 first episodes`
+  3. `Get 100 subscribers`
+  4. `Get 500 listens`
+- **Tracking:**
+| Date     | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 |  Total |
+| 18.03.19      |   1    |   0.4    |   x   |  x      |  **x**     |
+## Release OKRs
+### Objective: `Launch Athens network`
+- **KR Measurement Deadline**: x time after Athens launch
+- **Tracked**: Every monday
+- **Tracking Manager**: Martin
+- **Key Results**:
+  1. `Get 10 claims per $ for tokens on our faucet`
+    - Mokhtar: 0.5
+    - Martin: 0.5
+  2. `Have all episodes of the Staked (4) and Make_World (n) podcast in the content directory`
+    - Jens: 0.5
+    - Martin+Bedeho: 0.5
+  3. `Have second council upgrade consensus after reaching quorum`
+    - Alex: 0.3
+    - Mokhtar: 0.3
+    - Martin: 0.3
+  4. `20 Uploads (100min) and 100 Downloads not including Jsgenesis`
+    - Jens: 0.3
+    - Alex: 0.3
+    - Mokhtar: 0.3
+  5. `75 Memberships created (not including Jsgenesis) at a min 1/2 membership/unique view ratio`
+    - Mokhtar: 0.5
+    - Alex: 0.5
+- **Tracking:**
+| Date     | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | KR #5 |  Total |
+| 18.03.19 | (1.0 , 0.75)  **0.873**  | (0.66 , 0.9) **0.78**  | (1.0 , 0.8 , 0.8) **0.933**  |  (0.66 , 0, 0) **0.33** |  (0.8 , 0.65) **0.725** |  **0,7282** |
+## Group OKRs
+Fill in if needed.
+## Personal OKRs
+### `Alex` (@siman)
+Fill in if needed.
+### `Mokhtar` (@mnaamani)
+Fill in if needed.
+### `Martin` (@bwhm)
+Fill in if needed.
+### `Jens` (@jfinkhaeuser)
+Fill in if needed.
+### `Bedeho` (@bedeho)
+#### Objective: `Make Joystream easier to understand for prospective community members and Jsgenesis hires`
+- **KR Measurement Deadline**: xxxx
+- **Tracked**: Weekly
+- **Key Results**:
+  1. `Publish first whitepaper draft`
+  2. `Add role list to`
+- **Tracking:**
+| Date     | KR #1 | KR #2 |  Total |
+| 18.03.19 |   0.98  | 0.7  | **0.85**   |
+#### Objective: `Establish critical routines for future productivity`
+- **KR Measurement Deadline**: xxxx
+- **Tracked**: Weekly
+- **Key Results**:
+  1. `Draft planning framework for releases, quarters and longer term`
+  2. `Come up with specification framework`
+  3. `Learn Rust and Substrate`
+  4. `Draft framework for how to plan on Github`
+- **Tracking:**
+| Date     | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 |  Total |
+| 18.03.19 |  0.6 |  0.1 | 0.1  | 0  | **0**  |



+ 11 - 10

@@ -30,18 +30,21 @@ The reason this is placed in public view on Github is that two fold
 # Meetings
-We use [the following template](meeting-itinerary-template) for managing meetings, of which there are three regular varieties
+## Itinerary
-## Daily standup
+Meeting itineraryies are prepared on a case by case basis, depending on the context, anda template for this, as well as an index of archived itineraries, can be found [here](/meetings).
+## Meeting Types
+### Daily standup
 - **Description:** Everyone states, within 1 minute, what they accomplished the prior day, and what the goals are for the day. After this, people can start separate calls which need not be conducted in plenum.
 - **When:** Every day at 10am (GMT)
 - **Where:** Zoom
 - **Participant:** Core Jsgenesis team _must_ be present, any one else is welcome (join Rocket.Chat for invite).
-- **Broadcast:** <span style="color:red">Livestreamed to Youtube also</span>
-- **Notes:** NO
+- **Record&Publish:** YES, if no participant objects.
-## Monday all-hands
+### Monday all-hands
 - **Description:** Everyone states individual:
   1. **OKR Tracking**: Track your OKRs and OKR assignments
@@ -51,17 +54,15 @@ We use [the following template](meeting-itinerary-template) for managing meeting
 - **When:** Every working monday at 10am (GMT)
 - **Where:** Zoom
 - **Participant:** Core Jsgenesis team _must_ be present, any one else is welcome (join Rocket.Chat for invite).
-- **Broadcast:** <span style="color:red">Livestreamed to Youtube also</span>
-- **Notes:** NO
+- **Record&Publish:** YES, if no participant objects.
-## Release meeting
+### Release meeting
 - **Description:** Discussion about impending testnet release.
 - **When:** Weekly
 - **Where:** Zoom
 - **Participant:** Core release team _must_ be present, any one else is welcome (join Rocket.Chat for invite).
-- **Broadcast:** <span style="color:red">Livestreamed to Youtube also</span>
-- **Notes:** YES, archived in  `meetings` directory of release directory.
+- **Record&Publish:** YES, if no participant objects.
 # OKR system


+ 136 - 41

@@ -6,15 +6,21 @@
 - [Live Testnet](#live-testnet)
 - [Next Testnet](#next-testnet)
 - [Past Testnets](#past-testnets)
-- [Testnet Planning Process](#testnet-planning-process)
+- [Testnet Planning](#testnet-planning)
+  - [Set-by-step Process](#step-by-step-process)
+  - [Branding](#branding)
+  - [Testnet Directory](#testnet-directory)
+  - [Roles](#roles)
+    - [Release Manager](#release-manager)
+    - [Specification Lead and Committee](#specification-lead-and-committee)
 # Live Testnet
+Sparta <=== add image
 # Next Testnet
+[Athens](athens/ <=== add image
 # Past Testnets
@@ -23,42 +29,131 @@ Sparta
 | Sparta          | x                 |   NA          |       NA        |
 | Mesopotamia     | x                 |   x           |       NA        |
+# Testnet Planning
-# Testnet Planning Process
-Assume has name `RELEASE_NAME`, ..
-1. Release manager is selected, this person is responsible for shepherding the release planning, and the release itself.
-2. Manager creates folder directory s follows
-   - ....
-   - ....
-1. Create new folder, store xyz there
-2. Collect KR values from prior Testnet
-3. Review any open helpdesk issues
-4. Review project OKR
-5. Propose new set of OKRs <== one meeting
-6. Come up with user stories for relevant products that need to be changed, and come up with project deadline, write
-in separate document in separate meeting, write in document Y.
-7. ASsign leads to products, marketing and release overall, write in document X
-8. Intantiate release planning framework using these users stories an OKRs .. explain that oyu need
-9. Each proroduct lead sketheces out description of each change
-9. marketing lead to writeup
-9. release lead reviews all writeup to do check that everything is followed
-9. etiamte total load on everyone involved
-9. have meeting to discuss
-9. review release manager deadline
-9. review feasibility of load and deadline
-9. release manager decides on changes, or fi we need to circle back to 4.
-7. create github porject
-8. create github milestones
-9. start writing specification, neve touch plan again?..... where crete tons of issues on github for actual tasks?
-10. start
-11. What about weekly meetings
-create folder strucuture
-where to store blog, newsletter, tutorials, etc.
+## Step-by-step Process
+This whole process should take no more than **X** days from start to finish, and involves the following sequence of events and corresponding deadlines.
+1. The following must be determined no later than **the day before the prior testnet release.**
+    - [**RM**](#release-manager)
+    - testnet name, denoted by `TESTNET_NAME`
+    - tentative release date
+2. **RM** shall have done the following no later than at **the day after the prior testnet release.**
+    - created PR establishing a new [testnet directory](testnet-directory), where
+        - the release name is set to `TESTNET_NAME`
+        - the naming rationale is left blank, unless it is ready
+        - the goal is left blank, unless it is ready
+        - the logomark is left blank, unless it is ready
+    - initiated creation of possibly missing logomark
+    - scheduled a meeting time for the [launch meeting](launch-meeting) no later than the next available working day when all core contributors are available.
+    - create a subdirectory of the [meeting](meetings) directory that has itinerary with appropriate agenda
+3. Conduct launch meeting.
+4. After the meeting is over, the **RM** shall on the same day have the testnet directory pull request merged with completed itinerary.
+5. Leads must complete their user stories contributions, in the form of PRs into the meeting directory, before the user stories meeting starts.
+6. Conduct user stories meeting.
+7. After the meeting is over, the **RM** shall have the lead pull requests merged, with possible modifications, no later than **the day after**.
+8. Leads must complete their release plan sections, in the form of PRs into the meeting directory, before the release plan finalisation meeting starts.
+9. Conduct release plan finalisation meeting.
+10. After the meeting is over, the **RM** shall on the same days
+    - create a github project per release objective on the [Joystream Github Organisation]( which kanban boards with standardized columns: `TODO`, `In progress`, `Done` and `Halted`.
+    - update release document link to relevant github projects.
+    - updates the label set to reflect any new possible products
+10. Specification work begins, and is scheduled and organised on an ad-hoc basis. Anyone unaffected by this work can continue to move forward immediately.
+11. Leads must convert their release plan contributions into tangible tasks, in the form of github issues on the relevant github project created. After this process, the release plan itself should no longer be consulted, also if changes are made.
+12. Release planning meetings are conducted on a per-need basis, typically more frequently as the release date approaches.
+## Branding
+All releases have the following branding materials, which should be summarised in a markdown _Branding Document_
+- **Name:** Our current naming system is important historical ancient cities in the development of new political systems. It's still not clear if we will just stick to ancient cities, or move forward in time also (TBD).
+- **Naming Rationale:** A brief 40-150 word text about the significance of this city in our context.
+- **Goal:** A brief 100-200 word text about what technical and community goals we are trying to achieve.
+- **Logomark:** Illustrated logomark corresponding to name.
+## Testnet Directory
+All releases should have a corresponding _release directory_ in the `/testnets` directory of this repo, and it should have the following structure
+  - ``: Release document.
+  - **WIP**``: Testnet speficiation.
+  - `/branding`: A directory which includes a branding document and related assets, as described in the branding [section](branding)
+  - `/tutorials`: User facing tutorials for participating on the network.
+## Roles
+### Release Manager
+Each release is directed by a _Release Manager_ (**RM**) who is responsible for
+ - Moving the release process forward and on track.
+ - Calling and conducting release meetings.
+ - Preparing all adminstrative pull requests for the release on this repo.
+### Leads
+A [release plan]( will consist of a set of projects, each with a corresponding lead, these are referred to as the _leads_.
+### Specification Lead and Committee
+The specification lead is responsible for moving the specification process forward, and the committee is anyone who is expected to contribute.
+**WIP: we need to connect this to broader information about our specification work, but that is not done yet**
+## Standard Release Meetings
+### Launch Meeting
+First release meeting, should take no more than **45 minutes**, with agenda
+1. Propose set of release OKRs based on review of
+    - open help desk issues that have bearing on release  
+    - any possibly finalised OKRs from prior release
+    - project OKRs
+2. Identify set of projects, products etc. and assign leads.
+3. Assign responsibility to someone for finalising outstanding branding assets, which must be delivered no later than **five days after this meeting**
+4. Schedule the [user stories meeting](#user-stories-meeting) to no later than **two working days after this meeting**.
+### User Stories Meeting
+Second release meeting, should take no more than **90 minutes**, with agenda
+1. For experiences identified in the [launch meeting](launch-meeting), review proposed user stories suggestions prepared by each lead, and settle on final set of stories
+2. Schedule the [Release Plan Finalisation Meeting](#release-plan-finalisation-meeting) to no later than **two working days after this meeting**.
+### Release Plan Finalisation Meeting
+Third release meeting, should take no more than **90 minutes**, with agenda
+1. Finalise release plan based on lead proposals
+2. Evaluate whether plan is feasible based on projected total load on contributors, and tentative release date. If not feasible, try to make minor modifications of scope or deadline. If that also does not work, go back and redo process from launch meeting step.
+If feasible, then proceed with
+3. If a specification is to be done, assign a [specification lead and committee](Specification Lead and Committee), and schedule first [specification planning meeting](#specification-planning-meeting)
+### Specification Planning meeting
+Open ended technical meetings which are conducted iteratively with implementing out parts of the release.

+ 26 - 8

@@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
 <p align="center"><img width=200px src="logo.png"></p>
-<p align="center" style="font-size:100px;font-weight:100;">Athens Testnet</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="athens-testnet-headline.svg"></p>
+<div align="center">
+  <h3>
+    <a href="">
+      Specification
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="">
+      OKRs
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="">
+      Products
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="">
+      Milestones
+    </a>
+  </h3>
 # Table of contents
 - [Overview](#overview)
-- [Release Meetings](#release-meetings)
+- [Finished Release Meetings](#finished-release-meetings)
 - [Specification](#specification)
 - [GitHub Projects](#github-projects)
 - [OKR results](#okr-results)
@@ -43,11 +63,11 @@ Athens is the third Joystream testnet, and it is scheduled for release
 ### 04. April 2019, 12:00 (GMT+1)
-# Release Meetings
+# Finished Release Meetings
 | Date            | Link          |
 | -------------   | ------------- |
-| NA              | x              |
+| NA              | x             |
 #  Specification
@@ -61,9 +81,7 @@ The current set of relevant GitHub projects are
 # OKR results
-Will be available on measurement deadline, will be done by
-- <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
 # Release Plan
@@ -71,7 +89,7 @@ Read more about how a release plan is used, and how it is generated, [here](....
 ## Manager
-<span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
 ## Release Date

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg width="592px" height="74px" viewBox="0 0 592 74" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+    <!-- Generator: Sketch 53.2 (72643) - -->
+    <title>Athens Testnet</title>
+    <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
+    <g id="Headlines" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" font-family="HelveticaNeue-UltraLight, Helvetica Neue" font-size="100" font-weight="200">
+        <text id="Athens-Testnet" fill="#000000">
+            <tspan x="2.5" y="72">Athens Testnet</tspan>
+        </text>
+    </g>


+ 264 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+<p align="center"><img width=200px src="testnet-placeholder-logo.svg"></p>
+<p align="center"><img src="testnet-placeholder-headline.svg"></p>
+<div align="center">
+  <h3>
+    <a href="#">
+      Specification
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="#">
+      OKRs
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="#">
+      Products
+    </a>
+    <span> | </span>
+    <a href="#">
+      Milestones
+    </a>
+  </h3>
+# Table of contents
+- [Overview](#overview)
+- [Release Meetings](#release-meetings)
+- [Specification](#specification)
+- [GitHub Projects](#github-projects)
+- [OKR results](#okr-results)
+- [Release Plan](#release-plan)
+  - [Manager](#manager)
+  - [Release Date](#release-date)
+  - [OKRs](#okrs)
+  - [Constraints](#constraints)
+  - [Risks](#risks)
+  - [Deployment](#deployment)
+  - [Specification Plans](#specification-plans)
+  - [Products](#products)
+  - [Events](#events)
+  - [Go-To-Market](#go-to-market)
+    - [Paid Roles](#paid-roles)
+    - [Tutorials](#tutorials)
+    - [Messages](#messages)
+  - [Public Infrastructure](#public-infrastructure)
+  - [Internal Infrastructure and Tools](#internal-infrastructure-and-tools)
+  - [Internal Operations](#internal-operations)
+  - [Milestones](#milestones)
+# Overview
+Athens is the third Joystream testnet, and it is scheduled for release
+### `Date`, `Time` (`Time Zone`)
+# Release Meetings
+| Date            | Link          |
+| -------------   | ------------- |
+| NA              | x              |
+#  Specification
+# GitHub Projects
+The current set of relevant GitHub projects are
+- [X Release](
+# OKR results
+Will be available on measurement deadline, will be done by
+- **`Name`**
+# Release Plan
+`A release plan is a planning document used in a process, her, its not meant to be kept in synch with ongoing efforts after this initial planning stage.`
+## Manager
+## Release Date
+`Date`, `Time` (`Time Zone`)
+## OKRs
+### Objective: `objective`
+- **KR Measurement Deadline**: 1 week after  launch
+- **Key Results**:
+#### 1. `...`
+## Constraints
+`List of constraints`
+## Risks
+`List of risks`
+## Specification Plans
+`Whether there is going to be a separate spec`
+## Deployment
+`How to do upgrade, specifically on-chain upgrade of runtime, with or without migration, or new genesis block and thus network`
+## Products
+The following public products will be part of this release.
+### Runtime
+- **Description:** Runtime for Validator node
+- **Manager:** <span style="color:blue">Mokhtar</span>
+- **Core Team:**
+  - `Name of person`: `Role`
+- **Main repo:** [`repo name`](...)
+- **Current version:** `..`
+- **New version:** `..`
+- **Audit:** `..`
+- **Documentation:** `..`
+- **Legal Review/ToS update:** `..`
+- **Build/CI system:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>: Get CI builds for runtime
+- **Target Platforms:** NO CHANGE
+- **New/Altered Functionality:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Mokhtar</span>: Basic membership system:
+    - `...`
+- **Refactor/Reorganization:**
+  - Split the runtime into its own repo, and include a docker script for doing
+reproducible builds. Will be needed for testing/verifying runtime upgrade
+proposals, and first use will be for this next release
+- **New Key User Stories:** NONE
+- **Deployment/Distribution:**
+    - Will be voted in through an upgrade proposal in council, see Events section for how.
+## Events
+### Athens Runtime Testnet
+- **Description:** We conduct an actual testnet with ourselves and key community members as
+- **Deadline:** 29. March
+- **Manager:** <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Team:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Mokhtar</span>: Developer
+  - <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>: DevOps
+- **Test specification:**
+  - <span style="color:red">Please rewrite more clearly</span>
+## Go-To-Market
+### Paid Roles
+- **Description:** During the lifetime of the testnet, until next upgrade or network or discretionary
+announcement, the following incentive campaign is in place to achieve key results for service
+providers. Policy would be
+  - Validator: 30$ per week -> 0.03C per block
+  - Council Member: 5$ for seat, 5$ for vote
+  - Storage: $0.1/GB per day (depends on whether anyone can upload)
+- **Manager:** <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Team:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>: Manager
+  - <span style="color:blue">Bedeho</span>: ElPassion Manager
+  - <span style="color:blue">Mokhtar</span>: Developer
+  - <span style="color:blue">Tomasz</span>: Designer
+  - <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>: Community manager/Devops
+- **Tasks:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Bedeho</span>, <span style="color:blue">Tomasz</span>: Update with new testnet summary information
+   - New fields about new state
+     - Number of members (perhaps even actual names?)
+     - Number of storage providers
+     - Total amount of storage used
+     - Total amount of content items published
+   - Better representation about election cycle system, more clearly need to represent the multistaged nature, with a countdown to act, and perhaps why, and also a CTA to actually act.
+   - New list of roles, with active ones emphasied
+   - New section for next testnet, with state there <== needs name
+  - <span style="color:blue">Mokhtar</span>: Update backend infrastructure to support new life Athens web based summary
+  - <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>: Update or write tutorials for how to participate in roles on Github
+    - Validator (systemd setup, fine tuning linux, inspiration:
+    - Storage Provider
+  - <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>: Write & publish blog posts
+    - [Runtime upgrades vs forks](runtime-upgrades-vs-forks)
+    - [Announcing Athens Testnet](announcing-athens-testnet)
+    - [Athens Incentive Structure](athens-incentive-structure)
+    - [Athens Released](athens-released)
+  - <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>: Tech support/online presence
+    - Monitor tlgrm, RC, (after trust established, twtr and reddit?)
+### Tutorials
+#### How to be a Validator
+- **Description:** Step by step guide for how to setup and run a validator node, and claim reward
+- **CTA:** Go and setup your node
+- **Author:** <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Distribution:** Github?
+- **Assets:** NONE
+## Public Infrastructure
+### Hosted Joystream Pioneer
+- **Description:** Host a version of Joystream Pioneer on + others?
+- **Manager:** <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>
+- **DevOps:** <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>
+- **Repo:** Aim for static build of pioneer repo (similar to polkadot-js apps deploymnet)
+- **Team:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>
+- **Tasks:**
+  - Reuse existing linode server or deploy to heroku for example (autodeploy o master branch merge)?
+## Internal Infrastructure and Tools
+### Payout Tool
+- **Description:** Tool to compute payouts to relevant parties on testnet
+- **Manager:** <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Repo (private):** [testnet-payout-scripts](
+- **Team:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Tasks:**
+  - Update to cover storage providers
+## Internal Operations
+### Payouts
+- **Description:** Conduct regular payouts
+- **Manager:** <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Team:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Schedule:**
+  - Storage and Validator get payouts every fifth day
+  - Counil gets one time payout after council upgrade
+### Support
+- **Description:** Provide support to users enaging with testnet functionality and campaigns
+- **Manager:** <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>
+- **Team:**
+  - <span style="color:blue">Jaydip</span>
+  - <span style="color:blue">Martin</span>
+- **Duration:**
+  - Very high availability in the week following releases
+  - No more than 24 hour lag in response to queries after that
+- **Channels:**
+  - Telegram
+  - Reddit
+  - RocketChat
+## Milestones
+1. `...`
+2. `...`

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg width="460px" height="74px" viewBox="0 0 460 74" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+    <!-- Generator: Sketch 53.2 (72643) - -->
+    <title>&lt;* Testnet&gt;</title>
+    <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
+    <g id="Headlines" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" font-family="HelveticaNeue-UltraLight, Helvetica Neue" font-size="100" font-weight="200">
+        <text id="&lt;*-Testnet&gt;" fill="#000000">
+            <tspan x="-3.65" y="72">&lt;* Testnet&gt;</tspan>
+        </text>
+    </g>

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg width="424px" height="171px" viewBox="0 0 424 171" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+    <!-- Generator: Sketch 53.2 (72643) - -->
+    <title>Group</title>
+    <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
+    <g id="logoes" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
+        <g id="Group">
+            <rect id="Rectangle" fill="#D8D8D8" x="0" y="0" width="424" height="171" rx="8"></rect>
+            <text id="Testnet-Logo" font-family="HelveticaNeue-UltraLight, Helvetica Neue" font-size="60" font-weight="200" fill="#000000">
+                <tspan x="59.43" y="107">Testnet Logo</tspan>
+            </text>
+        </g>
+    </g>