Project Management
The reason this is placed in public view on Github is that two fold
Open Invitation: Serve as an open invitation for anyone who wants to learn, comment and possibly contribute, to the current or future development of the Joystream project.
Best Practices: Establish best practices which can be replicated by the platform, when it is fully live, in how to collaboratively build and manage the platform using open tools. In particular, the current plan is that the platform has a built in Github equivalent, which thus would allow the use of these conventions.
Meeting itineraryies are prepared on a case by case basis, depending on the context, anda template for this, as well as an index of archived itineraries, can be found here.
Project management is primarily centred around planning and tracking OKRs. OKRs is a planning and project management system, which can be reviewed in further detail here.
A key result can be assigned to a mix of people or other objectives. The assignment set of a key result consitutes the set of relevant actors, directly or indirectly - for OKRs, that are working to satisfy the result. Each assignment is given a weight from 0 to 1, and the total weight across an assignment set is 1. Some key results, in particular for very higher order OKRs, may not have assignments at all times.
The OKRs can be classified into two separate families of types, first
Project OKRs: Project OKRs run over multiple years and are graded very rarely. They contain the root objectives that require no deeper justification. Every other objective must be justified directly, or indirectly through another key result, by virtue of its relevance to the project OKRs. The current set of such OKRs can be found below.
Quarterly OKRs: Every quarter, new OKRs for the given quarter are derived, referred to as quarterly OKRs. Only OKRs which have independent objectives are formally referred to as quarterly OKRs, any derivative OKR is not, even if derived at the start of a quarter. Importantly, they should contain very little detail about releases. The current set of such OKRs can be found below.
Release OKRs: Releases are planned one after the other on a rolling basis, and the release OKRs correspond to a single release. Only OKRs which have independent objectives are formally referred to as release OKRs, any derivative OKR is not, even if derived at in the context of a release. The current set of such OKRs can be found below
and then second
Group OKRs: Group OKRs are defined by the set of stakeholders assigned to the key results, and in particular that there is more than one person involved. Typically this could be a set of people working as a team on some topic or problem. In principle, such an OKR can be rationalised by a mix of release and quarterly OKRs, but in practice it will most often just be one or the other. These OKRs should be flexible in time scope, and should be reorganized if circumstances change. The current set of such OKRs can be found below.
Personal OKRs: The exact same thing as personal OKRs, only applying to a single person only. The current set of such OKRs can be found below.
Note: As a matter of definition, its important to realise that any OKR from the first family, assigned to a single person, is not actually a personal OKR, or alternatively a group OKR if assigned to multiple people.
The following figure attempts to summarise how these OKR families and types are related, and their relevant temporal scopes.
All OKRs, except the project OKR, should be derived, in terms of its objective, from one or more key results of already existing higher order OKRs.
In order to keep track of whether a key result, and thus the corresponding objective, will in the end be satisfied, forecasts are tracked throughout the lifetime of an OKR. Each OKR has its own periodic tracking of progress, and to compute the its forecasted value, do as indicated in the example figure below.
Briefly, do a topological sort of the key result graph, where having an objective in the result assignment set counts towards the indegree. Then just do ascending weighted averaging of scores, where key results are simply averaged into objective scores. Importantly, in order to do this, one has to get personal scores on key results, and there are two modes of doing this
Naive: Simply evaluate the key result statement directly based on available data at the time. For example, if the result is Get $100 in revenue
, and one has $20 so far, then the score would be 0.2. This method is often suitable, but no if partial work is unlikely to have had any real world effects while tracking.
Planned Work Done: Fraction of estimated total hours required that have been completed. This means that, if the estimate of total time required changes, then the score can change, even there is not change in actual hours completed.
The mode used depend on the nature of the key result.
The schema used for recording and tracking OKRs has the following form:
<Name of objective>
<When the final grading is conducted>
<Time interval at which OKR is tracked>
<Name of person responsible for doing tracking, at given interval, and final grading>
<If all key results have same assignment set, write here>
<Statement of Key result>
<Name of assignment>
: <assignment weight>
Date | KR #1 | ... | Total |
<date&time> |
(<... assignment set scores> ) Total KR score |
... | Tracked objective score |
Launch a functional, upgradable video platform, governed and operated by a vibrant community
All (IT) infrastructure roles are contested, and at least one professional for profit operation is taking part
There are at least 10 builders, with at least 2 in a full time capacity
There are at least 100 active governance or operations focused daily active members
There are at least 10000 daily active members, as measured by any kind of use of the platform
<... something about publishers/content. ..>
Date | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | KR #5 | Total |
01.06.19 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Expand the Jsgenesis team
Add full 3 full time blockchain developers
Add full 1 time full stack developer
Source 25 candidates outside of angel/jsg/dribble/hh
Interview at least 25 candidates once, and 15 candidates twice
Date | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | KR #5 | Total |
18.03.19 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Launch and grow Staked podcast
Launch a new branded podcast available in all major podcast channels
Record and publish 5 first episodes
Get 100 subscribers
Get 500 listens
Date | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | Total |
18.03.19 | 1 | 0.4 | x | x | x |
Launch Athens network
Get 10 claims per $ for tokens on our faucet
Have all episodes of the Staked (4) and Make_World (n) podcast in the content directory
Have second council upgrade consensus after reaching quorum
20 Uploads (100min) and 100 Downloads not including Jsgenesis
75 Memberships created (not including Jsgenesis) at a min 1/2 membership/unique view ratio
Date | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | KR #5 | Total |
18.03.19 | (1.0 , 0.75) 0.873 | (0.66 , 0.9) 0.78 | (1.0 , 0.8 , 0.8) 0.933 | (0.66 , 0, 0) 0.33 | (0.8 , 0.65) 0.725 | 0,7282 |
Fill in if needed.
(@siman)Fill in if needed.
(@mnaamani)Fill in if needed.
(@bwhm)Fill in if needed.
(@jfinkhaeuser)Fill in if needed.
(@bedeho)Make Joystream easier to understand for prospective community members and Jsgenesis hires
Publish first whitepaper draft
Add role list to
Date | KR #1 | KR #2 | Total |
18.03.19 | 0.98 | 0.7 | 0.85 |
Establish critical routines for future productivity
Draft planning framework for releases, quarters and longer term
Come up with specification framework
Learn Rust and Substrate
Draft framework for how to plan on Github
Date | KR #1 | KR #2 | KR #3 | KR #4 | Total |
18.03.19 | 0.6 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0 | 0 |