@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use hiring;
use rstd::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
use rstd::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet;
use runtime_primitives::traits::One;
-use srml_support::{StorageLinkedMap, StorageValue};
+use srml_support::{assert_err, assert_ok, StorageLinkedMap, StorageValue};
/// InputValidationLengthConstraint has not been factored out yet!!!
@@ -747,6 +747,78 @@ fn apply_on_curator_opening_success() {
+fn multiple_applications_by_same_member_to_opening_fails() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ let normal_opening_constructed = setup_normal_accepting_opening();
+ // Add curator membership
+ let curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account = 72618;
+ let curator_applicant_member_id = add_member(
+ curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account,
+ to_vec("IwillTrytoapplyhere"),
+ );
+ let curator_applicant_role_account = 8881111;
+ let role_stake_balance = get_baseline_opening_policy()
+ .role_staking_policy
+ .unwrap()
+ .amount;
+ let application_stake_balance = get_baseline_opening_policy()
+ .application_staking_policy
+ .unwrap()
+ .amount;
+ let total_balance = role_stake_balance + application_stake_balance;
+ let source_account = curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account;
+ // Credit staking source account with enough funds for two applications,
+ // because we don't want our second application to fail for lack of funds
+ let _ = balances::Module::<Test>::deposit_creating(&source_account, total_balance * 2);
+ let human_readable_text = generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get());
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
+ // First application should work
+ assert_ok!(ContentWorkingGroup::apply_on_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account),
+ curator_applicant_member_id,
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ curator_applicant_role_account,
+ Some(role_stake_balance),
+ Some(application_stake_balance),
+ human_readable_text.clone()
+ ));
+ // Second application should fail since
+ // first application is still active
+ assert_err!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::apply_on_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account),
+ curator_applicant_member_id,
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ curator_applicant_role_account,
+ Some(role_stake_balance),
+ Some(application_stake_balance),
+ human_readable_text
+ ),
+ );
+ });
struct UpdateCuratorRoleAccountFixture {
pub origin: Origin,
pub member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,