
Create spat_sochi_1843.md

Spartak 3 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 50 次插入0 次删除
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+ 50 - 0

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+I am
+Member ID: <1843>
+Member handle: <spat_sochi>
+Membership Controller: 5Dktmjs6UTN7eRPAHwg9mcu8stgLLfjHyWXfr9yQH3WtfjER
+Scoring Period 25:
+1. Content curator 
+Date: 17.01.22-26.01.22
+Description: I checked 68 videos on license , as well found 2 violations 
+Link:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wEW-edUKKdxoTckmMGTnNYId9du-_ypd2HdeKbzZhYU/edit#gid=710498827 ; http://joxi.ru/82Q1bZ1c8wMwJ2
+2. Coinmarketcap challenge  
+Date: 20.01.22
+Description: Participated  in challenge cmo#1656  with coinmarketcap and posted on Polkadot branch about Joystream 
+Link: http://joxi.ru/EA4GgQGuXo4b12
+3. Communication with newcomer in telegram channel
+Description: I replied to newcomer , what is Giza network
+https://t.me/JoyStreamOfficial/37672 ; https://t.me/JoyStreamOfficial/37673
+4. Improving Russian channel telegram
+Description: I updated russian template version for navigation  I have prepared an information template in Russian version with navigation , template is attached in link, Russian community is using this template for information to newcomers 
+https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/795?page=1 ;  http://joxi.ru/52a9x59hlGVRb2
+5. Marketing 
+Description: I posted on the forum proposal regarding news channel for Joystream and created the channel @JoystreamANN  
+https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/795?page=1 ; http://joxi.ru/v29zvLzt4ZMPRA  
+6. Commmunity call
+Date: 26.01.2022
+Description: I send question for AMA  "Have you considered an alternative to storage data, for example, using a data transfer protocol that torrent uses ?Where content is stored on users  local computers and not on leased servers ."
+Link:  https://twitter.com/spat_sochi/status/1486298297673338880?s=20
+7. Inviting newcomer (developer) to project
+Description: I invited HISAMITSU (member id 3346 bluelight) to discord chat  , introduced his to the team , and asked to assign his on developer group , as well I helped him created wallet in testnet , sent him 1000 tjoy 
+Link: https://discord.com/channels/933091008529448990/933091008529448993/935528259100213299 ; https://discord.com/channels/933091008529448990/933091008529448993/935807176335847536
+http://joxi.ru/v29zvLzt4ZgXWA ; http://joxi.ru/p27j0WjiLKJpWm
+8. Meeting with the community in zello
+Description: I organized a meeting with the community (freakstatic, jen4ph, katefm , kriptos ,leet_joy ,arstep1991, HISAMITSU(Bluelight184527), the agenda was to introduce a newcomer HISAMITSU developer from Japan to the Joystream project
+Ricardo explained the technical details of the project, what the developer does in the project, what language is used for programming, we told in general terms about the project to newcomer ,
+discussed to each other  the latest news of the Giza launch and much more.
+Link: https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/884?replyIdx=16&page=2 ; http://joxi.ru/GrqDW1Dtz47xPA