Joystream Stats vor 1 Jahr
3 geänderte Dateien mit 394 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 291 0
  2. 91 0
  3. 12 0

+ 291 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+import { Component } from "react";
+import { types } from "@joystream/types";
+import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api";
+import * as get from "./lib/getters";
+import { getCouncilApplicants, getCouncilSize, getVotes } from "./lib/election";
+import {
+  getStashes,
+  getNominators,
+  getValidators,
+  getValidatorStakes,
+  getEraRewardPoints,
+  getLastReward,
+  getTotalStake,
+} from "./lib/validators";
+import { getBlockHash, getEvents, getTimestamp } from "./jslib";
+import { wsLocation } from "./config";
+export const connectApi = () => {
+`Connecting to ${wsLocation}`);
+  const provider = new WsProvider(wsLocation);
+  return ApiPromise.create({ provider, types }).then(async (api) => {
+    await api.isReady;
+    const [chain, nodeName, nodeVersion, runtimeVersion] = await Promise.all([
+      api.rpc.system.chain(),
+      api.rpc.system.version(),
+      api.runtimeVersion,
+    ]);
+    console.log(
+      `Connected to ${wsLocation}: ${chain} spec:${runtimeVersion.specVersion} (${nodeName} v${nodeVersion})`
+    );
+    this.setState({ connected: true });
+    api.rpc.chain.subscribeFinalizedHeads((header: Header) =>
+      this.handleBlock(api, header)
+    );
+    this.syncBlocks(api);
+  });
+class JoystreamApi extends Component {
+  api = connectApi(); // joystream API endpoint
+  async handleBlock(api: ApiPromise, header: Header) {
+    let { status } = this.state;
+    const id = header.number.toNumber();
+    //const isEven = id / 50 === Math.floor(id / 50);
+    //if (isEven || status.block?.id + 50 < id) this.updateStatus(api, id);
+    if (this.state.blocks.find((b) => === id)) return;
+    const timestamp = (await;
+    //const duration = status.block ? timestamp - status.block.timestamp : 6000;
+    const hash = await getBlockHash(api, id);
+    const events = (await getEvents(api, hash)).map((e) => {
+      const { section, method, data } = e.event;
+      return { blockId: id, section, method, data: data.toHuman() };
+    });
+    status.block = { id, timestamp, events };
+`new finalized head`, status.block);
+"status", status);
+"blocks", this.state.blocks.concat(status.block));
+  }
+  async syncBlocks(api: ApiPromise) {
+    const head = this.state.blocks.reduce(
+      (max, b) => ( > max ? : max),
+      0
+    );
+    console.log(`Syncing block events from ${head}`);
+    let missing = [];
+    for (let id = head; id > 0; --id) {
+      if (!this.state.blocks.find((block) => === id)) missing.push(id);
+    }
+    if (!this.state.syncEvents) return;
+    const maxWorkers = 5;
+    let slots = [];
+    for (let s = 0; s < maxWorkers; ++s) {
+      slots[s] = s;
+    }
+ (slot) => {
+      while (this.state.syncEventsl && missing.length) {
+        const id = slot < maxWorkers / 2 ? missing.pop() : missing.shift();
+        await this.syncBlock(api, id, slot);
+      }
+      console.debug(`Slot ${slot} idle.`);
+      return true;
+    });
+  }
+  async syncBlock(api: ApiPromise, id: number, slot: number) {
+    try {
+      const hash = await getBlockHash(api, id);
+      const events = (await getEvents(api, hash))
+        .map((e) => {
+          const { section, method, data } = e.event;
+          return { blockId: id, section, method, data: data.toHuman() };
+        })
+        .filter((e) => e.method !== "ExtrinsicSuccess");
+      const timestamp = (await;
+      //const duration = 6000 // TODO update later
+      const block = { id, timestamp, events };
+      console.debug(`worker ${slot}: synced block`, block);
+"blocks", this.state.blocks.concat(block));
+    } catch (e) {
+      console.error(`Failed to get block ${id}: ${e.message}`);
+    }
+  }
+  async updateStatus(api: ApiPromise, id: number): Promise<Status> {
+    console.debug(`#${id}: Updating status`);
+    //this.updateActiveProposals();
+    //getTokenomics().then((tokenomics) =>`tokenomics`, tokenomics));
+    let { status, councils } = this.state;
+    //status.election = await updateElection(api);
+    //if (status.election?.stage) this.getElectionStatus(api);
+    councils.forEach((c) => {
+      if (c?.round > status.council) status.council = c;
+    });
+    let hash: string = await getBlockHash(api, 1);
+    if (hash) status.startTime = await getTimestamp(api, hash);
+    const nextMemberId = await await api.query.members.nextMemberId();
+    status.members = nextMemberId - 1;
+    this.fetchMembers(api, status.members);
+    status.proposals = await get.proposalCount(api);
+    status.posts = await get.currentPostId(api);
+    status.threads = await get.currentThreadId(api);
+    status.categories = await get.currentCategoryId(api);
+    status.proposalPosts = await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount();
+    await this.updateEra(api, status.era).then(async (era) => {
+      status.era = era;
+      status.lastReward = await getLastReward(api, era);
+      status.validatorStake = await getTotalStake(api, era);
+"status", status);
+    });
+    return status;
+  }
+  fetchMembers(api: ApiPromise, max: number) {
+    // fallback for failing cache
+    let missing = [];
+    for (let id = max; id > 0; --id) {
+      if (!this.state.members.find((m) => === id)) missing.push(id);
+    }
+    if (missing.length < 100)
+      missing.forEach((id) => this.fetchMember(api, id));
+    else
+      api.query.members.membershipById.entries().then((map) => {
+        let members = [];
+        for (const [storageKey, member] of map) {
+          members.push({ ...member.toJSON(), id: storageKey.args[1] });
+        }
+"members", members);
+        console.debug(`got members`, members);
+      });
+  }
+  fetchMember(api: ApiPromise, id: number) {
+    get.membership(api, id).then((member) => {
+      console.debug(`got member ${id} ${member.handle}`);
+      const members = this.state.members.filter((m) => !== id);
+"members", members.concat({ ...member, id }));
+    });
+  }
+  async getElectionStatus(api: ApiPromise): Promise<IElectionState> {
+    getCouncilSize(api).then((councilSize) => {
+      let election = this.state.election;
+      election.councilSize = councilSize;
+"election", election);
+    });
+    getVotes(api).then((votes) => {
+      let election = this.state.election;
+      election.votes = votes;
+"election", election);
+    });
+    getCouncilApplicants(api).then((applicants) => {
+      let election = this.state.election;
+      election.applicants = applicants;
+"election", election);
+    });
+  }
+  updateActiveProposals() {
+    const active = this.state.proposals.filter((p) => p.result === "Pending");
+    if (!active.length) return;
+    const s = active.length > 1 ? `s` : ``;
+    console.log(`Updating ${active.length} active proposal${s}`);
+    active.forEach(async (a) => {
+      const { data } = await axios.get(`${apiLocation}/v2/proposals/${}`);
+      if (!data || data.error)
+        return console.error(`failed to fetch proposal from API`);
+        "proposals",
+ => ( === ? data : p))
+      );
+    });
+  }
+  async updateEra(api: Api, old: number) {
+    const { status, validators } = this.state;
+    const era = Number(await api.query.staking.currentEra());
+    if (era === old) return era;
+    this.updateValidatorPoints(api, status.era);
+    if (era > status.era || !validators.length) this.updateValidators(api);
+    return era;
+  }
+  updateValidators(api: ApiPromise) {
+    getValidators(api).then((validators) => {
+"validators", validators);
+      getNominators(api).then((nominators) => {
+"nominators", nominators);
+        getStashes(api).then((stashes) => {
+"stashes", stashes);
+          const { status, members } = this.state;
+          const { era } = status;
+          getValidatorStakes(api, era, stashes, members,
+            (stakes) =>"stakes", stakes)
+          );
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  }
+  async updateValidatorPoints(api: ApiPromise, currentEra: number) {
+    let points = this.state.rewardPoints;
+    const updateTotal = (eraTotals) => {
+      let total = 0;
+      Object.keys(eraTotals).forEach((era) => (total += eraTotals[era]));
+      return total;
+    };
+    for (let era = currentEra; era > currentEra - historyDepth; --era) {
+      if (era < currentEra && points.eraTotals[era]) continue;
+      getEraRewardPoints(api, era).then((eraPoints) => {
+        console.debug(`era ${era}: ${} points`);
+        points.eraTotals[era] =;
+ = updateTotal(points.eraTotals);
+        Object.keys(eraPoints.individual).forEach((validator: string) => {
+          if (!points.validators[validator]) points.validators[validator] = {};
+          points.validators[validator][era] = eraPoints.individual[validator];
+        });
+"rewardPoints", points);
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  async updateCouncils() {
+    queryJstats(`v1/councils`).then((councils) => {
+      if (!councils) return;
+`councils`, councils);
+      // TODO OPTIMIZE find max round
+      let council = { round: 0 };
+      councils.forEach((c) => {
+        if (c.round > council.round) council = c;
+      });
+      let { status } = this.state;
+      status.council = council; // needed by dashboard
+"status", status);
+    });
+  }
+  getMember(input: string) {
+    const { members } = this.state;
+    let member;
+    // search by handle
+    member = members.find((m) => m.handle === input);
+    if (member) return member;
+    // search by key
+    member = members.find((m) => m.rootKey === input);
+    if (member) return member;
+    // TODO fetch live
+    //member = await get.membership(this.api, input)
+    //member = await get.memberIdByAccount(this.api, input)
+    return {};
+  }
+  render() {
+    return <div />;
+  }
+export default JoystreamApi;

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// source:
+//const stateSubscription = `subscription	{stateSubscription {lastCompleteBlock,lastProcessedEvent,indexerHead,chainHead} }`;
+export const councils = `query {  electedCouncils (limit:10000) { electedAtTime electedAtBlock endedAtBlock endedAtTime} }`;
+export const elections = `query { electionRounds (limit:10000) { createdAt cycleId, candidates{ member {id handle} noteMetadata {bulletPoints description} votePower } castVotes {id,castBy,deletedAt,electionRoundId,stake,stakeLocked,voteFor {memberId}, voteForId} } }`;
+export const members = `query { memberships (limit:10000) { createdAt id handle rootAccount controllerAccount channels {id} metadata {about name} roles { isLead isActive groupId application{id answers {question {question} answer}} stake stakeAccount missingRewardAmount} } }`;
+export const proposals = `query { proposals (limit:10000) {createdAt id title creator {id} details {__typename} discussionThread {posts {id authorId text}} description votes {voterId voteKind}} }`;
+export const releasedStakes = `query { stakeReleasedEvents (limit:10000) {inExtrinsic,inBlock,id,stakingAccount}}`;
+export const electionStages = `query { councilStageUpdates (limit:10000) {id,createdAt,stage{__typename},changedAt,electedCouncilId,electionProblem} }`;
+export const revealedVotes = `query { voteRevealedEvents (limit:10000) { createdAt inBlock,id,castVoteId,castVote{electionRoundId,stake,votePower,stakeLocked,commitment,voteForId,voteFor{id,memberId,votePower } } } }`;
+export const candidateVotes = `query {
+  candidates (limit:10000) { createdAt memberId status stake electionRound {cycleId} noteMetadata {bulletPoints bannerImageUri description} }
+  voteCastEvents (limit:10000) { createdAt inBlock castVote{id,commitment,electionRound {cycleId} ,stake,stakeLocked,castBy,voteFor {memberId status} }}
+export const forumCategories = `query {forumCategories (limit:10000) {id,createdAt,deletedAt,parentId,status{__typename}}}`;
+export const bounties = `query { bounties (limit:10000) {
+  id creator {id handle} stage isTerminated workPeriod judgingPeriod judgment { inBlock } cherry entrantStake totalFunding
+  createdInEvent { inBlock } canceledEvent { inBlock } createdAt createdById updatedAt,updatedById
+   discussionThreadId title description worksubmittedeventbounty { entryId inBlock createdAt description } } }`;
+export const councilsElected = `query { newCouncilElectedEvents (limit:10000) { createdAt inBlock }}`;
+export const councilSalaryPayouts = `query { rewardPaymentEvents (limit:10000) { createdAt inBlock paidBalance rewardAccount missingBalance } }`;
+export const councilBudgetRefills = `query { budgetRefillEvents (limit:10000) { createdAt balance inBlock  } }`;
+export const wgBudgetRefills = `query WG_BudgetUpdated { budgetUpdatedEvents (limit:10000) { createdAt group { name } budgetChangeAmount inBlock } }`;
+export const videos = `query { videos (limit:100000) { createdAt id title createdInBlock channelId categoryId isCensored isExplicit isPublic } }`;
+export const channels = `query { channels (limit:10000) { createdAt createdInBlock title id isPublic isCensored } }`;
+export const workerPayouts = `query { rewardPaidEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock amount worker { membership { handle } } } }`;
+export const workerPayments = `query { rewardPaidEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock amount groupId worker { membership{handle} rewardPerBlock missingRewardAmount } } }`;
+export const councilSalaryChanges = `query { councilorRewardUpdatedEvents(limit: 9999) { createdAt inBlock rewardAmount } }`;
+export const openings = `query {
+  openingAddedEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock groupId opening { id metadata {title shortDescription description applicationDetails applicationFormQuestions { index question }} } }
+  openingFilledEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock groupId openingId workersHired { rewardAccount rewardPerBlock membership { id handle} } }
+  openingCanceledEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock groupId openingId }
+export const wgSpending = `query { budgetSpendingEvents (limit: 10000) { inBlock amount groupId rationale reciever }}`;
+export const workerChanges = `query {
+  workerRewardAmountUpdatedEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock newRewardPerBlock groupId worker { id membership { id handle} } }
+  stakeSlashedEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock groupId slashedAmount worker { id membership { id handle} } }
+  workerRoleAccountUpdatedEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock workerId inExtrinsic groupId worker { membership { id handle} } }
+  terminatedWorkerEvents (limit: 10000) { inBlock createdAt groupId rationale worker  { id membership { id handle}} }
+  workerExitedEvents (limit: 10000) { createdAt inBlock groupId worker { id membership { id handle} } }
+// name, lifetime hours, query string, active
+const queries = [
+  ["councils", 24, councils, true],
+  ["elections", 24, elections, true],
+  ["electionStages", 24, electionStages],
+  ["councilsElected", 12, councilsElected, true],
+  ["councilSalaryChanges", 24, councilSalaryChanges, true],
+  ["councilSalaryPayouts", 24, councilSalaryPayouts, true],
+  ["councilBudgetRefills", 24, councilBudgetRefills, true],
+  ["wgBudgetRefills", 24, wgBudgetRefills, true],
+  ["wgSpending", 24, wgSpending, true],
+  ["workerPayouts", 24, workerPayouts],
+  ["workerPayments", 24, workerPayments, true],
+  ["workerChanges", 1, workerChanges, true],
+  ["openings", 24, openings, true],
+  ["proposals", 1, proposals, true],
+  ["bounties", 24, bounties, true],
+  ["members", 24, members, true],
+  ["releasedStakes", 1, releasedStakes],
+  ["revealedVotes", 24, revealedVotes],
+  ["candidateVotes", 4, candidateVotes],
+  ["forumCategories", 6, forumCategories, true],
+  ["videos", 24, videos, true],
+  ["channels", 24, channels, true],
+export default queries;

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+const proxy = require("http-proxy-middleware");
+module.exports = function(app) {
+  // proxy websocket
+  app.use(
+    proxy("/", {
+      target: "http://localhost:3030/",
+      changeOrigin: true,
+      ws: true
+    })
+  );