import { Op } from 'sequelize' import { Account, Balance, Block, Category, Channel, Council, Consul, ConsulStake, Era, Event, Member, Post, Proposal, ProposalPost, ProposalVote, Thread, Moderation, } from '../db/models' import * as get from './lib/getters' //import {fetchReports} from './lib/github' import axios from 'axios' import moment from 'moment' import chalk from 'chalk' import { MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members' import { VoteKind } from '@joystream/types/proposals' import { Seats } from '@joystream/types/council' import { AccountInfo } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/system' import { Api, Handles, IState, MemberType, CategoryType, ChannelType, PostType, Seat, ThreadType, CouncilType, ProposalDetail, Status, } from '../types' import { AccountId, Moment, ActiveEraInfo, EventRecord, } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces' import { Vec } from '@polkadot/types' // TODO fetch consts from db/chain const TERMDURATION = 144000 const VOTINGDURATION = 57601 const CYCLE = VOTINGDURATION + TERMDURATION const WORKERS = 3 const DELAY = 100 // ms let lastUpdate = 0 let queuedAll = false let queue: any[] = [] let processing = '' let busy = 0 const processNext = async () => { if (busy === WORKERS) return const task = queue.shift() if (!task) return busy++ if (busy < WORKERS) setTimeout(processNext, DELAY) const result = await task() busy-- setTimeout(processNext, DELAY) } const getBlockHash = (api: Api, blockId: number) => { //console.log(`getBlockHash`, blockId) return api.rpc.chain .getBlockHash(blockId) .then((array: any) => array.toHuman()) } const getEraAtHash = (api: Api, hash: string) => api.query.staking.activeEra .at(hash) .then((era: any) => era.unwrap().index.toNumber()) const getEraAtBlock = async (api: Api, block: number) => getEraAtHash(api, await getBlockHash(api, block)) const getTimestamp = async (api: Api, hash?: string) => { const timestamp = hash ? await : await return moment.utc(timestamp.toNumber()).valueOf() } const findCouncilAtBlock = (api: Api, block: number) => Council.findOne({ where: { start: { [Op.lte]: block }, end: { [Op.gte]: block - VOTINGDURATION }, }, }) export const addBlock = async ( api: Api, io: any, header: { number: number; author: string }, status: Status = { block: 0, era: 0, round: 0, members: 0, channels: 0, categories: 0, threads: 0, posts: 0, proposals: 0, proposalPosts: 0, } ): Promise => { const id = +header.number const exists = await Block.findByPk(id) if (exists) { console.error(`TODO handle fork`, String( return status } const block = await processBlock(api, id) const key = const [account] = await Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key } }) await block.setValidator(account.key) io.emit('block', await Block.findByIdWithIncludes(id)) const handle = await getHandleOrKey(api, key) console.log(`[Joystream] block ${id} ${handle} ${logStatus()}`) return id / 10 === Math.floor(id / 10) ? updateStatus(api, status, id) : status } const logStatus = () => { return queue.length ?` [${busy}/${queue.length}:${processing}]`) : '[no tasks]' } const processBlock = async (api: Api, id: number) => { const exists = await Block.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists processing = `block ${id}` const last = await Block.findByPk(id - 1) let lastBlockTimestamp if (last) { if (last.timestamp) lastBlockTimestamp = last.timestamp.getTime() } else { let lastBlockHash = await getBlockHash(api, id - 1) lastBlockTimestamp = await getTimestamp(api, lastBlockHash) } const [block] = await Block.findOrCreate({ where: { id } }) block.hash = await getBlockHash(api, id) let currentBlockTimestamp = await getTimestamp(api, block.hash) block.timestamp = new Date(currentBlockTimestamp) if (lastBlockTimestamp) block.blocktime = currentBlockTimestamp - lastBlockTimestamp processEvents(api, id, block.hash) importEraAtBlock(api, id, block.hash) processNext() return block } export const addBlockRange = async ( api: Api, startBlock: number, endBlock: number ) => { for (let block = startBlock; block <= endBlock; block++) queue.push(() => processBlock(api, block)) setInterval(() => { const status = logStatus() if (status === `[no tasks]`) process.exit() console.log(status) }, 1000) processNext() } const updateStatus = async (api: Api, old: Status, block: number) => { const status = { block, era: await getEraAtBlock(api, block), round: Number(await api.query.councilElection.round()), members: (await api.query.members.nextMemberId()) - 1, channels: 0, //await get.currentChannelId(api), categories: await get.currentCategoryId(api), threads: await get.currentThreadId(api), posts: await get.currentPostId(api), proposals: await get.proposalCount(api), proposalPosts: (await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount()).toHuman(), } console.log(`updated status`) if (!queuedAll) fetchAll(api, status) else { fetchMember(api, status.members) fetchCategory(api, status.categories) fetchThread(api, status.threads) fetchPost(api, status.posts) const active = Proposal.findAll({ where: { result: `Pending` }, }).then((pp: { id: number }[]) => pp.forEach((p: { id: number }) => { fetchProposal(api, ProposalVote.destroy({ where: { vote: `Reject` } }) }) ) } return status } const fetchAll = async (api: Api, status: Status) => { queue.push(() => fetchProposal(api, status.proposals)) queue.push(() => fetchAccounts(api, status.block)) queue.push(() => fetchMember(api, status.members)) queue.push(() => fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts)) queue.push(() => fetchCouncil(api, status.round, status.block)) //queue.push(() => addBlockRange(api, 1, status.block)) queuedAll = true } const processEvents = async (api: Api, blockId: number, hash: string) => { processing = `events block ${blockId}` console.log(processing) try { const blockEvents = await blockEvents.forEach(({ event }: EventRecord) => { let { section, method, data } = event Event.create({ blockId, section, method, data: JSON.stringify(data) }) }) } catch (e) { console.log(`failed to fetch events for block ${blockId} ${hash}`) } // TODO catch votes, posts, proposals? } const fetchValidators = async (api: Api, hash: string) => const importEraAtBlock = async (api: Api, blockId: number, hash: string) => { const id = await getEraAtHash(api, hash) const [era] = await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id } }) era.addBlock(blockId) if ( return processing = `era ${id}` try { fetchValidators(api, hash).then(async (snapshot: any) => { if (snapshot.isEmpty) return console.log(`[Joystream] Found validator info for era ${id}`) const validatorCount = snapshot.unwrap().length era.slots = (await = Math.min(era.slots, validatorCount) era.waiting = validatorCount > era.slots ? validatorCount - era.slots : 0 era.stake = await, id) const chainTimestamp = (await as Moment era.timestamp = moment(chainTimestamp.toNumber()) // era.update({ slots, active, waiting, stake, timestamp }) era.blockId = id updateBalances(api, hash) }) } catch (e) { console.error(`import era ${blockId} ${hash}`, e) } } const validatorStatus = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => { const hash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId) let totalValidators = await if (totalValidators.isEmpty) return let totalNrValidators = totalValidators.unwrap().length const maxSlots = Number(await const actives = Math.min(maxSlots, totalNrValidators) const waiting = totalNrValidators > maxSlots ? totalNrValidators - maxSlots : 0 let timestamp = await const date = moment(timestamp.toNumber()).valueOf() return { blockId, actives, waiting, maxSlots, date } } const updateBalances = async (api: Api, blockHash: string) => { const currentEra: number = await const era = await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id: currentEra } }) try { processing = `balances ${era}` Account.findAll().then(async (account: any) => { const { key } = account if (!key) return console.log(`updating balance of`, key, key) const { data } = await getAccountAtBlock(api, blockHash, key) const { free, reserved, miscFrozen, feeFrozen } = data const balance = { available: free, reserved, frozen: miscFrozen } console.log(`balance ${era}`, balance) Balance.create(balance).then((balance: any) => { balance.setAccount(key) balance.setEra( console.log(`balance`,, key, balance.available) }) }) } catch (e) { console.error(`balances era ${era}`) } } const fetchTokenomics = async () => { console.debug(`Updating tokenomics`) const { data } = await axios.get('') if (!data) return // TODO save 'tokenomics', data } const fetchCategory = async (api: Api, id: number) => { if (id <= 0) return queue.push(() => fetchCategory(api, id - 1)) const exists = await Category.findByPk(+id) if (exists) return exists processing = `category ${id}` console.log(processing) const data = await const { title, description, deleted, archived } = data const category = await Category.create({ id, title, threadId: +data.thread_id, // TODO needed? description, createdAt: +data.created_at.block, deleted, archived, subcategories: Number(data.num_direct_subcategories), moderatedThreads: Number(data.num_direct_moderated_threads), unmoderatedThreads: Number(data.num_direct_unmoderated_threads), //position:+data.position_in_parent_category // TODO sometimes NaN, }) createModeration(api, { categoryId: id }, String(data.moderator_id), category) return category } const fetchPost = async (api: Api, id: number) => { if (id <= 0) return queue.push(() => fetchPost(api, id - 1)) const exists = await Post.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists processing = `post ${id}` console.log(processing) const data = await const author: string = String(data.author_id) const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, author) const authorId = member ? : null const threadId = Number(data.thread_id) const thread = await fetchThread(api, threadId) const text = data.current_text const history = data.text_change_history // TODO needed? const createdAt = data.created_at.block const post = await Post.create({ id, authorId, text, createdAt, threadId }) if (data.moderation) createModeration(api, { postId: id }, data.moderation, post) return post } const createModeration = async ( api: Api, where: {}, key: string, object: { setModeration: (id: number) => {} } ) => { if (key === '') return return // TODO await Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key } }) const moderation = await Moderation.create({ moderatorKey: key }) object.setModeration( return moderation } const fetchThread = async (api: Api, id: number) => { if (id <= 0) return const exists = await Thread.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists processing = `thread ${id}` console.log(processing) const data = await const { title, moderation, nr_in_category } = data const account = String(data.author_id) const t = { id, title, nrInCategory: +nr_in_category, createdAt: +data.created_at.block, } const thread = await Thread.create(t) const category = await fetchCategory(api, +data.category_id) if (category) thread.setCategory( const author = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, account) if (author) thread.setCreator( if (moderation) { const { moderated_at, moderator_id, rationale } = moderation const created = moderated_at.block const createdAt = moment.utc(moderated_at.time) createModeration( api, { created, createdAt, rationale }, moderator_id.toHuman(), thread ) } return thread } const fetchCouncil = async (api: Api, round: number, head: number) => { if (round <= 0) return console.log(`[fetchCouncil] round:${round}`)) queue.push(() => fetchCouncil(api, round - 1, head)) const exists = await Council.findByPk(round) if (exists) return exists processing = `council ${round}` console.log(processing) const start = 57601 + (round - 1) * CYCLE const end = start + TERMDURATION let council = { round, start, end, startDate: 0, endDate: 0 } let seats: Seats if (start > head || end > head) return try { const startHash = await getBlockHash(api, start) console.log(`start`, start, `hash`, startHash) council.startDate = await getTimestamp(api, startHash) seats = await } catch (e) { return console.log(`council term ${round} lies in the future ${start}`) } try { const endHash = await getBlockHash(api, end) council.endDate = await getTimestamp(api, endHash) } catch (e) { console.warn(`end of council term ${round} lies in the future ${end}`) } try { Council.create(council).then(({ round }: any) =>{ member, stake, backers }) => fetchMemberByAccount(api, member.toHuman()).then(({ id }: any) => Consul.create({ stake: Number(stake), councilRound: round, memberId: id, }).then((consul: any) => ({ member, stake }) => fetchMemberByAccount(api, member.toHuman()).then(({ id }: any) => ConsulStake.create({ stake: Number(stake), consulId:, memberId: id, }) ) ) ) ) ) ) } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to save council ${round}`, e) } } const fetchProposal = async (api: Api, id: number) => { if (id <= 0) return queue.push(() => fetchProposal(api, id - 1)) const exists = await Proposal.findByIdWithIncludes(id) if (exists && exists.result !== `Pending`) { //if (!exists.votes.length) queue.push(() => fetchProposalVotes(api, id)) return exists } processing = `proposal ${id}` const proposal = await get.proposalDetail(api, id) console.log(`proposal ${id}: ${proposal.result}`) await fetchMember(api, proposal.authorId) queue.push(() => fetchProposalVotes(api, id)) console.log(`createdAt`, proposal.createdAt) if (exists) Proposal.update(proposal, { where: { id } }) else Proposal.create(proposal) return proposal } const fetchProposalPost = (api: Api, threadId: number, postId: number) => api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postThreadIdByPostId(threadId, postId) const fetchProposalPosts = async (api: Api, posts: number) => { const threads = (await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.threadCount()).toNumber() let proposalId = 1 for (let id = 1; id <= posts && proposalId <= threads; ) { const exists = await ProposalPost.findByPk(id) if (exists) { id++ proposalId = 1 continue } processing = `proposal post ${id}/${posts} ${proposalId}/${threads}` console.log(processing) const post = await fetchProposalPost(api, proposalId, id) if (!post.text.length) { proposalId++ continue } let proposal = await Proposal.findByPk(proposalId) if (!proposal) proposal = await fetchProposal(api, proposalId) if (!proposal) { console.warn(`[fetchProposalPosts] proposal ${proposalId} not found.`) id++ continue } ProposalPost.create({ id, text: post.text.toHuman(), created: Number(post.created_at), updated: Number(post.updated_at), edition: Number(post.edition_number), authorId: Number(post.author_id), }).then((p: any) => proposal.addPost(p)) id++ proposalId = 1 } } const fetchProposalVotes = async (api: Api, id: number) => { const proposal = await Proposal.findByPk(id) if (!proposal) return processing = `votes proposal ${}` console.log(processing) // find council for creation and finalization time const { createdAt, finalizedAt } = proposal const start = createdAt ? await findCouncilAtBlock(api, createdAt) : null if (start) start.addProposal( else return // some proposals make it into a second term const end = finalizedAt ? await findCouncilAtBlock(api, finalizedAt) : null const councils = [start && start.round, end && end.round] // fetch votes const entries = await api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter.entries( id ) // find memberId and consulId for each vote entries.forEach(async (e: any) => { const memberId = Number(e[0].args[1]) const vote = String(e[1]) const consul = await Consul.findOne({ where: { memberId, councilRound: { [Op.or]: councils } }, }) if (consul) { const v = { vote, proposalId: id, consulId:, memberId } const exists = await ProposalVote.findOne({ where: { proposalId: id, consulId:, memberId }, }) if (exists) return console.log(v) ProposalVote.create(v) } }) } // accounts const getHandleOrKey = async (api: Api, key: string) => { const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, key) return member ? member.handle : key //abbrKey(key) } const abbrKey = (key: string) => `${key.slice(0, 5)}..${key.slice(key.length - 5)}` const getAccountAtBlock = ( api: Api, hash: string, account: string ): Promise =>, account) const fetchAccounts = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => { processing = `accounts` api.query.system.account .entries() .then((account: any) => Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key: account[0][0].toHuman()[0] } }) ) } const fetchMemberByAccount = async (api: Api, rootKey: string) => { const member = await Member.findOne({ where: { rootKey } }) if (member) return member const id = Number(await get.memberIdByAccount(api, rootKey)) if (id) return fetchMember(api, id) else Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key: rootKey } }) } const fetchMember = async ( api: Api, id: number ): Promise => { if (id <= 0) return queue.push(() => fetchMember(api, id - 1)) const exists = await Member.findByPk(+id) if (exists) return exists processing = `member ${id}` const membership = await get.membership(api, id) const about = String(membership.about) const handle = String(membership.handle) const createdAt = +membership.registered_at_block const rootKey = String(membership.root_account) return Member.create({ id, about, createdAt, handle, rootKey }).then( (member: any) => { Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key: rootKey } }).then(([account]: any) => account.setMember(id) ) return member } ) }