type StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing { phantom: Int } type StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited { workerId: Int! } type StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive { workerId: Int! transactorAccountId: String! } union StorageBucketOperatorStatus = StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing | StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited | StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive type GeoCoordinates { latitude: Float! longitude: Float! } enum Continent { AF NA OC AN AS EU SA } type GeographicalAreaContinent { continentCode: Continent } type GeographicalAreaCountry { "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code" countryCode: String } type GeographicalAreaSubdivistion { "ISO 3166-2 subdivision code" subdivisionCode: String } union GeographicalArea = GeographicalAreaContinent | GeographicalAreaCountry | GeographicalAreaSubdivistion type NodeLocationMetadata { "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (2 letters)" countryCode: String "City name" city: String "Geographic coordinates" coordinates: GeoCoordinates } type StorageBucketOperatorMetadata @entity { id: ID! "Storage bucket to which the metadata is assigned" storageBucket: StorageBucket! @unique "Root node endpoint" nodeEndpoint: String "Optional node location metadata" nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadata "Additional information about the node/operator" extra: String } type StorageBucket @entity { "Runtime bucket id" id: ID! "Current bucket operator status" operatorStatus: StorageBucketOperatorStatus! "Storage bucket operator metadata" operatorMetadata: StorageBucketOperatorMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "storageBucket") "Whether the bucket is accepting any new storage bags" acceptingNewBags: Boolean! "Storage bags assigned to the bucket" bags: [StorageBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "storageBucket") "Bucket's data object size limit in bytes" dataObjectsSizeLimit: BigInt! "Bucket's data object count limit" dataObjectCountLimit: BigInt! "Number of assigned data objects" dataObjectsCount: BigInt! "Total size of assigned data objects" dataObjectsSize: BigInt! } type StorageBagOwnerCouncil { phantom: Int } type StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroup { workingGroupId: String } type StorageBagOwnerMember { memberId: String! } type StorageBagOwnerChannel { channelId: String! } # Note: Not supported by runtime yet type StorageBagOwnerDAO { daoId: Int } union StorageBagOwner = StorageBagOwnerCouncil | StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroup | StorageBagOwnerMember | StorageBagOwnerChannel | StorageBagOwnerDAO type StorageBag @entity { "Storage bag id" id: ID! "Data objects in the bag" objects: [StorageDataObject!] @derivedFrom(field: "storageBag") "Storage buckets assigned to the bag" storageBuckets: [StorageBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "bag") "Distribution buckets assigned to the bag" distributionBuckets: [DistributionBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "bag") "Owner of the storage bag" owner: StorageBagOwner! } type StorageBucketBag @entity @index(fields: ["storageBucket", "bag"], unique: true) { "{storageBucketId}-{storageBagId}" id: ID! storageBucket: StorageBucket! bag: StorageBag! } type DistributionBucketBag @entity @index(fields: ["distributionBucket", "bag"], unique: true) { "{distributionBucketId}-{storageBagId}" id: ID! distributionBucket: DistributionBucket! bag: StorageBag! } type DataObjectTypeChannelAvatar { "Related channel entity" channel: Channel! } type DataObjectTypeChannelCoverPhoto { "Related channel entity" channel: Channel! } type DataObjectTypeVideoMedia { "Related video entity" video: Video! } type DataObjectTypeVideoThumbnail { "Related video entity" video: Video! } type DataObjectTypeVideoSubtitle { "Related subtitle entity" subtitle: VideoSubtitle! # Useful for filtering subtitles against video, since # relationship filtering through variant is not supported "Related video entity" video: Video! } type DataObjectTypeChannelPayoutsPayload { phantom: Int } union DataObjectType = DataObjectTypeChannelAvatar | DataObjectTypeChannelCoverPhoto | DataObjectTypeVideoMedia | DataObjectTypeVideoThumbnail | DataObjectTypeVideoSubtitle | DataObjectTypeChannelPayoutsPayload type StorageDataObject @entity { "Data object runtime id" id: ID! "Timestamp of the block the data object was created at" createdAt: DateTime! "Whether the data object was uploaded and accepted by the storage provider" isAccepted: Boolean! "Data object size in bytes" size: BigInt! "Storage bag the data object is part of" storageBag: StorageBag! "IPFS content hash" ipfsHash: String! "The type of the asset that the data object represents (if known)" type: DataObjectType "State Bloat Bond for removing the data object" stateBloatBond: BigInt! "If the object is no longer used as an asset - the time at which it was unset (if known)" unsetAt: DateTime "Resolved asset urls" # This field should be populated with [dataObjectId] and will be then resolved by Orion's GraphQL # server during query resolution resolvedUrls: [String!]! } type DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata @entity { id: ID! "Distribution bucket family" family: DistributionBucketFamily! @unique "Name of the geographical region covered by the family (ie.: us-east-1)" region: String @index "Optional, more specific description of the region covered by the family" description: String "Geographical areas covered by the family" areas: [GeographicalArea!] "List of targets (hosts/ips) best suited latency measurements for the family" latencyTestTargets: [String] } type DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata @entity { id: ID! "Distribution bucket operator" distirbutionBucketOperator: DistributionBucketOperator! @unique "Root distributor node api endpoint" nodeEndpoint: String "Optional node location metadata" nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadata "Additional information about the node/operator" extra: String } enum DistributionBucketOperatorStatus { INVITED ACTIVE } type DistributionBucketOperator @entity { "{bucketId}-{workerId}" id: ID! "Related distirbution bucket" distributionBucket: DistributionBucket! "ID of the distribution group worker" workerId: Int! "Current operator status" status: DistributionBucketOperatorStatus! "Operator metadata" metadata: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "distirbutionBucketOperator") } type DistributionBucket @entity { "Runtime bucket id in {familyId}:{bucketIndex} format" id: ID! "Distribution family the bucket is part of" family: DistributionBucketFamily! "Bucket index within the family" bucketIndex: Int! "Distribution bucket operators (either active or invited)" operators: [DistributionBucketOperator!] @derivedFrom(field: "distributionBucket") "Whether the bucket is accepting any new bags" acceptingNewBags: Boolean! "Whether the bucket is currently distributing content" distributing: Boolean! "Storage bags assigned to the bucket" bags: [DistributionBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "distributionBucket") } type DistributionBucketFamily @entity { "Runtime bucket family id" id: ID! "Current bucket family metadata" metadata: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "family") "Distribution buckets belonging to the family" buckets: [DistributionBucket!] @derivedFrom(field: "family") }