services: archive_db: container_name: orion_archive_db hostname: orion_archive_db image: postgres:14 # CockroachDB cluster might be a better fit for production deployment restart: unless-stopped volumes: - orion_archive_db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres POSTGRES_DB: squid-archive ports: - '${DB_PORT}:${DB_PORT}' - '[::1]:${DB_PORT}:${DB_PORT}' command: ['postgres', '-c', 'log_statement=all', '-p', '${DB_PORT}'] ingest: container_name: orion_archive_ingest depends_on: - archive_db restart: unless-stopped image: subsquid/substrate-ingest:firesquid command: [ '-e', '${WS_SOURCE}', '-c', '20', # allow up to 20 pending requests for the above endpoint (default is 5) # "--start-block", "1000000", # uncomment to specify a non-zero start block '--out', 'postgres://postgres:postgres@orion_archive_db:${DB_PORT}/squid-archive', ] gateway: container_name: orion_archive_gateway hostname: orion_archive_gateway depends_on: - archive_db restart: unless-stopped image: subsquid/substrate-gateway:firesquid environment: DATABASE_MAX_CONNECTIONS: 5 RUST_LOG: 'actix_web=info,actix_server=info' command: [ '--database-url', 'postgres://postgres:postgres@orion_archive_db:${DB_PORT}/squid-archive', # "--evm-support" # uncomment for chains with Frontier EVM pallet # (e.g. Moonbeam/Moonriver or Astar/Shiden) ] ports: - '${GATEWAY_PORT}:8000' - '[::1]:${GATEWAY_PORT}:8000' # Explorer service is optional. # It provides rich GraphQL API for querying archived data. # Many developers find it very useful for exploration and debugging. explorer: container_name: orion_archive_explorer hostname: orion_archive_explorer restart: unless-stopped image: subsquid/substrate-explorer:firesquid environment: DB_TYPE: postgres # set to `cockroach` for Cockroach DB DB_HOST: archive_db DB_NAME: 'squid-archive' DB_USER: 'postgres' DB_PASS: 'postgres' ports: - '${EXPLORER_PORT}:3000' networks: default: external: name: joystream_default volumes: orion_archive_db_data: