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Orion v2 (#49) (#101)

* Initial commit

* Initial orion draft

* Hide private data

* Fix extendedChannels query

* docker-compose db config adjustments

* Fix ExtendedBasicChannelFields

* Add `video` view

* Storage, Membership and ChannelCreated mappings

* Channel events processing

* Video mappings + some generic fixes

* Mappings: Comments, reactions + some generic fixes

* Cleanup

* NFT mappings, some post-testing fixes

* Video views mutation

* Channel follows + video views improvements

* Channel/video reports

* Category filtering: Part 1

* State subscription

* Category filtering: Part 2 + some refactorization

* Category filtering: Part 3 - add missing views and operator auth

* mostViewedVideosConnection custom query + generic custom queries fixes

* Kill switch

* mostRecentChannels query

* channelNftCollectors query

* extendedVideoCategories query

* Fix AND-OR queries and "eq: null"

* Docker setup improvements

* Video hero

* Category featured videos

* Entity caching (overlay) refactorization

* Prettier

* Documentation, setup improvements, cleanup

* FIX: Save NextEntityIds

* Excludable content

* - Allow limiting the total number of cached entities
- Deployment manifest fixes
- Updated dependencies
- `processAssets` bug fix

* setVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit operator mutation

* Ephesus mappings WIP

* Fix conflicts with local Joystream docker setup

* Metadata-protobuf patch location fix

* Ephesus Atlas queries


* Linting/formatting fixes, dead code removal

* Apps metaprotocol mappings

* Open auction topBid fix

* Fix metadata-protobuf patch

* Add signAppActionCommitment endpoint

* Tests: Basic data comparison script + bug fixes

* Remove channel-owned apps

* Remove Ephesus scope

* Apps as member-owned initial rework

* Fixes after compareState vs mainnet

* Remove lead-owned apps, fix typeorm-codegen patch

* AppAction support (https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/pull/4631)

* Update CHANGELOG based on tests

* Allow controlling "is_censored" content exclusion via env

* buildExtendedChannelsQuery fix (activeVideosCount_gt: 0)

* Benchmarking script

* Benchmarking results

* Event queries optimalizations, fix gitignored v1 and v2 schemas

* Adjust autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor

* Fix entity cache cleanup

* Add index on event's `inExtrinsic` field

* Benchmarking round 2

* Fix req.ip reverse proxy issue, allow conditionally displaying excluded content in results

* Operator queries

* Update docs

* Prettier format

* Add CI checks

* Remove issue template, fix "workflows" location

* Disallow app deletion

* Update `generateAppActionCommitment` from `@joystream/js`

* Fix channel follows, video views and reports after operator queries

* Fix https://github.com/Joystream/orion/issues/82

* Comment notifications: Don't notify the author about their own comment

* Introduce a mechanism to preserve views, follows, reports and config data when updating the processor

* mostViewedVideosConnection missing params fix

* Fix assets encoding (AppAction)

* Assets url resolving

* Remove accidently commited file

* Fix Aquarium deployment


* Improve caching speed and add more logs

* Latest apps-related updated (generateAppActionCommitment, mappings)

* Add Request entity

* Add mutation to request featured nft

* Add new flag for nft

* Add protected mutation to edit featured NFTs

* Small fixes

* Regenerating migration

* Hiding request table

* Process member banning/unbanning

* Fix: Remove banned members when channel is removed

* Update migration

* State queries: Re-enable apps

* Views: Add missing chanel/video related entities

* Excluding/restoring comments: Update:
- parentComment.repliesCount,
- parentComment.reactionsAndRepliesCount,
- video.commentsCount

* Operator queries: 401 Unauthorized, remove `x-display-hidden-entities` (operator just sees all hidden entities by default)

* Update changelog

* Simplify processor state subscription

* Prevent the same comment from being "excluded"/"restored" multiple times

* Small adjustments to docs and compareState script

* Orion v1 migration scripts

* New logic for comment exclusion

* Fix: Reference to `yarn` in package.json

* Increase interval of ProcessorStateRetriever from 100 ms to 1000 ms

* Dependencies update: Fix npm audit issues

* Remove cached gitignore files

* CR fixes

* Delete index.ts

* @subsquid/graphql-server `forbidUnknownValues` patch

* Asset resolution: Return multiple urls

* Update changelog

* FIX: Events cleanup on deleteVideo


Co-authored-by: WRadoslaw <r.wyszynski00@gmail.com>
Leszek Wiesner пре 1 година
100 измењених фајлова са 37389 додато и 1319 уклоњено
  1. 4 5
  2. 32 0
  3. 6 0
  4. 22 35
  5. 6 6
  6. 0 22
  7. 0 22
  8. 12 20
  9. 0 5
  10. 1 0
  11. 10 0
  12. 8 2
  13. 5 0
  14. 0 3
  15. 0 2
  16. 162 0
  17. 42 6
  18. 674 0
  19. 57 0
  20. 5 76
  21. 4 0
  22. 77 0
  23. 3 0
  24. 58 0
  25. 64 0
  26. 69 0
  27. 200 0
  28. 1752 0
  29. 1584 0
  30. 1748 0
  31. 19 0
  32. 359 0
  33. 104 0
  34. 45 0
  35. 32 0
  36. 4 0
  37. 63 14
  38. 8 0
  39. 247 0
  40. 1 0
  41. 0 12
  42. 0 9
  43. 23673 0
  44. 67 72
  45. 0 125
  46. 10 0
  47. 0 145
  48. 170 0
  49. 38 0
  50. 25 0
  51. 68 0
  52. 296 0
  53. 64 0
  54. 54 0
  55. 329 0
  56. 76 0
  57. 255 0
  58. 5 0
  59. 13 0
  60. 15 0
  61. 119 0
  62. 16 0
  63. 45 0
  64. 0 143
  65. 0 4
  66. 0 3
  67. 0 181
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  69. 0 11
  70. 0 10
  71. 0 28
  72. 0 10
  73. 0 10
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  75. 0 3
  76. 0 1
  77. 36 0
  78. 0 46
  79. 86 0
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  83. 613 0
  84. 653 0
  85. 172 0
  86. 101 0
  87. 114 0
  88. 513 0
  89. 202 0
  90. 212 0
  91. 135 0
  92. 26 0
  93. 20 0
  94. 3 0
  95. 0 27
  96. 0 28
  97. 0 64
  98. 0 36
  99. 0 31
  100. 302 0

+ 4 - 5

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Db config
+# Processor service host
+# Processor service prometheus port
+# Graphql server port
+# Archive gateway url
+# Default config values
+VIDEO_VIEW_PER_IP_TIME_LIMIT=86400 # 86400 seconds = 24 hours
+# Operator API secret
+# Processor configuration
+# Adjust accordingly with the number of trusted (used) reverse proxies!
+# Debug settings

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Any build artifacts/JS
+# Autogenerated stuff

+ 22 - 35

@@ -1,47 +1,34 @@
 module.exports = {
-  extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended', 'plugin:jest/recommended', 'prettier'],
   env: {
-    node: true,
     es6: true,
-    jest: true,
+  },
+  globals: {
+    Atomics: 'readonly',
+    SharedArrayBuffer: 'readonly',
   parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
-  plugins: ['@typescript-eslint', 'jest'],
+  parserOptions: {
+    ecmaVersion: 2019,
+    sourceType: 'module',
+    project: ['./tsconfig.json', './scripts/tsconfig.json'],
+  },
+  extends: [
+    'standard',
+    'eslint:recommended',
+    'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended',
+    'plugin:prettier/recommended',
+    'prettier',
+  ],
   rules: {
-    '@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': 'off',
-    '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 'off',
-    '@typescript-eslint/naming-convention': [
+    'no-console': 'off',
+    'no-useless-constructor': 'off',
+    '@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises': [
-        selector: 'default',
-        format: ['camelCase'],
-      },
-      {
-        selector: 'variable',
-        format: ['camelCase', 'UPPER_CASE', 'PascalCase'],
-      },
-      {
-        selector: 'property',
-        format: [], // Don't force format of object properties, so they can be ie.: { "Some thing": 123 }, { some_thing: 123 } etc.
-      },
-      {
-        selector: 'accessor',
-        format: ['camelCase', 'snake_case'],
-      },
-      {
-        selector: 'enumMember',
-        format: null,
-      },
-      {
-        selector: 'typeLike',
-        format: [],
-        custom: { regex: '^([A-Z][a-z0-9]*_?)+', match: true }, // combined PascalCase and snake_case to allow ie. OpeningType_Worker
-      },
-      {
-        selector: 'classMethod',
-        modifiers: ['static'],
-        format: ['PascalCase'],
+        ignoreVoid: true,
+    '@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises': 'error',
+  plugins: ['standard', '@typescript-eslint', 'prettier'],

+ 6 - 6

@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ name: Checks
 on: [push, pull_request]
-  lint:
-    name: Linting
+  checks:
+    name: Checks
     runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ jobs:
         uses: actions/setup-node@v1
           node-version: ${{matrix.node-version}}
-      - name: Install modules
-        run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
-      - name: Run ESLint
-        run: yarn lint
+      - name: Install npm packages
+        run: npm ci
+      - name: Run checks
+        run: npm run checks

+ 0 - 22

@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-name: Build and publish to Docker Hub
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - 'master'
-  docker:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    steps:
-      - name: Login to DockerHub
-        uses: docker/login-action@v1
-        with:
-          username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
-          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
-      - name: Build and push
-        id: docker_build
-        uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
-        with:
-          push: true
-          tags: joystream/orion:latest

+ 0 - 22

@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-name: Tests
-on: [push, pull_request]
-  lint:
-    name: Tests
-    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
-    strategy:
-      matrix:
-        os: [ubuntu-latest]
-        node-version: [16.x]
-      fail-fast: true
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-      - name: Use Node.js ${{matrix.node-version}}
-        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
-        with:
-          node-version: ${{matrix.node-version}}
-      - name: Install modules
-        run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
-      - name: Run Jest
-        run: yarn test

+ 12 - 20

@@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
+# IDE files

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-    "hooks": {
-        "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
-    }

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Any build artifacts
+# MD files (for now)
+# Autogenerated stuff

+ 8 - 2

@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
 module.exports = {
-  ...require('@joystream/prettier-config'),
-  printWidth: 120
+  singleQuote: true,
+  arrowParens: 'always',
+  useTabs: false,
+  tabWidth: 2,
+  semi: false,
+  trailingComma: 'es5',
+  quoteProps: 'preserve',
+  printWidth: 100,

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+    "source.fixAll.eslint": true
+  }

Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 0 - 3

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-yarnPath: .yarn/releases/yarn-3.2.1.cjs
-nodeLinker: node-modules

+ 162 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# 2.0.0
+Orion v2 is a major architecture change compared to Orion v1:
+- **No proxying to external Query Node:** Event processing is now part of Orion, the state is unified in a single database (PostgreSQL) instead of being spread between Joystream Query Node and Orion.
+- **[Subsquid](https://docs.subsquid.io/)** framework is now used for event processing and GraphQL api generation.
+For detailed overview of the new architecture, see the [developer guide](docs/developer-guide.md)
+## External api changes
+### Queries
+- Significantly improved query speed should be observed in most cases (the average query should be 2x faster in Orion v2, see [the latest benchmarking results](https://github.com/Joystream/orion/issues/77#issuecomment-1440447170))
+#### Changes:
+- Generally reduced set of supported queries and queryable entity fields. Only queries for the entities based on `members`, `content` and `storage` Joystream modules, which are relevant to Atlas, are now supported by Orion. Additionally, fields like `ownerCuratorGroup`, channel's `collaborators` etc., which are not yet supported by Atlas are also not yet supported in Orion v2.
+- `Event` interface has been replaced with `EventData` union, as GraphQL interfaces are not supported in Subsquid. This affects the way `events` query works, as well as removes specific event queries (like `categoryCreatedEvents`, `videoReactedEvents` etc.)
+- Some redundant relationships were removed (for example, entities that had relation to both `Video` and video's `Channel`, now may only have relation to a `Video`. Similarly, entities that contained `ownerMember`/`ownerCuratorGroup` fields, but also had a relation to `Channel`, no longer include redundant channel ownership information), which were previously required to workaround lack of deeply nested filtering. For the same reason, other relations were replaced with more specific ones (for exmaple `auction` instead of `video`). Some examples of this include:
+    - Auction bid canceled event has a relation to `bid` instead of `video`,
+    - Auction bid made event no longer has `bidAmount`, `previousTopBid` and `previousTopBidder`. They can all be derived from the related `bid` instead,
+    - Auction canceled event has a relation to `auction` instead of `video`,
+    - Event with `winningBid` field no longer contian relations like `video` or `winner`, as they can be derived from `winningBid`,
+    - Most of other nft-related events now have a relation to `nft` instead of `video`.
+- NFT's `transactionalStatus` and `transactionalStatusAuction` is now represented as a single `transactionalStatus` which includes `TransactionalStatusAuction` as one of the variants.
+- Entity fields like `nftOwnerMember`, `isNftOwnerChannel`, `nftOwnerCuratorGroup` have been relaplaced with a single `NftOwner` union.
+- `Channel.followsNum`, `Channel.videoViewsNum` and `Video.viewsNum` fields have been added and can now be used for filtering, sorting etc. (in Orion v1 fields like `Channel.follows`, `Channel.views` and `Video.views` also existed, but had limited functionality)
+- Some small differences in the representation of empty values:
+    - `Auction.buyNowPrice`: `0` => `null`
+    - `Comment.reactionsCountByReactionId`: `[]` => `null`
+    - `DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas`: `[]` => `null`
+    - `VideoCategory.description`: `''` => `null`
+- Some small differences in types:
+    - `StorageBag.owner.channelId`: `number` => `string`
+- `DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas` is now a `jsonb` field, so it was possible to skip one level of nesting:
+    - `DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas.area` => `DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas`
+- Some fileds were renamed:
+    - `Event.createdAt` => `Event.timestamp`
+    - `*Event.contentActor` => `*EventData.actor`
+    - `NftBoughtEvent.member` => `NftBoughtEventData.buyer`
+    - `Membership.memberBannedFromChannels` => `Membership.bannedFromChannels`
+- Some entity ids are not backward-compatible:
+    - `DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata`
+    - `StorageBucketOperatorMetadata`
+    - `DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata`
+    - `MemberMetadata`
+    - `Event`
+- Some entities no longer have ids, as are now stored as `jsonb` objects in the parent table:
+    - `GeoCoordinates`
+    - `NodeLocationMetadata`
+    - `DistributionBucketFamilyGeographicArea`
+    - `CommentReactionsCountByReactionId`
+    - `VideoReactionsCountByReactionType`
+- In Orion v1 providing a non-existing category id resulted in a creation of empty video category (without any `name` or `description`). Such categories are no longer created, providing non-existing category as part of `ContentMetadata` results in setting `Video.category` to `null` instead.
+- `Channel.activeVideoCounter` and `VideoCategory.activeVideoCounter` fields have been removed, instead custom `extendedChannels` and `extendedVideoCategories` queries have been introduced, which allow retrieving the number of active videos per channel/category.
+- `createdAt` and `updatedAt` fields are no longer automatically added to entities in Subsquid, so most of the entities no longer include them (unless they were explicitly required by Atlas).
+- `Many-to-Many` entity relationships are not supported in Subsquid, so those relationships were refactored to 2-side Many-to-One relationships with a specific "join entity". This means that some queries may now require one more level of nesting, ie.:
+    - `Channel.bannedMembers.id` => `Channel.bannedMembers.member.id`
+    - `Auction.whitelistedMembers.id` => `Auction.whitelistedMembers.member.id`
+    - `Membership.whitelistedInAuctions.id` => `Membership.whitelistedInAuctions.auction.id`
+    - `StorageBucket.bags.id` => `StorageBucket.bags.bag.id`
+    - `DistributionBucket.bags.id` => `DistributionBucket.bags.bag.id`
+    - `StorageBag.storageBuckets.id` => `StorageBag.storageBuckets.storageBucket.id`
+    - `StorageBag.distributionBuckets.id` => `StorageBag.distributionBuckets.distributionBucket.id`
+- `Language` entity has been removed. Language is now represented as a simple ISO code `string`.
+- `DataTime` format is slightly different:
+    - `2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z` => `2022-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z`
+- `{ entity { relatedEntityId } }` syntax is not supported in Subsquid, `{ entity { relatedEntity { id } } }` has to be used instead
+- the type of entity `id` property is now `String` (previously `ID`)
+- `entityByUniqueInput` queries are no longer supported. The new `entityById` queries can be used instead in some cases.
+- `admin` query (kill switch) was renamed to `getKillSwitch`
+- `categoryFeaturedVideos` and `allCategoriesFeaturedVideos` queries do not exist anymore. Instead, videos featured in a category can be accessed through `category.featuredVideos` relation
+-  `mostViewedCategories` and `mostViewedCategoriesAllTime` queries have been removed (currently unused by Atalas)
+- `discoverChannels` and `promisingChannels` queries has been removed in favor of a new more generic/reusable `mostRecentChannels` query (searching among X most recent channels)
+- `popularChannels` query has been removed, as the same results can now be obtained with `channels`/`extendedChannels` query with `orderBy: videoViewsNum_DESC, limit: 15`
+- `top10Channels` query has been removed as the same results can now be obtained with `channels`/`extendedChannels` query with `orderBy: followsNum_DESC, limit: 10`
+- `mostViewedChannelsConnection` and `mostFollowedChannelsConnection` queries have been removed (currently unused by Atalas)
+- `top10VideosThisWeek` and `top10VideosThisMonth` queries have been removed, as the same results can now be obtained with `mostViewedVideosConnection(limit: 10, where: $where, periodDays: (7|30), orderBy: createdAt_DESC)` query
+- `search` query is temporarily not supported (unused by Atals)
+- `channelNftCollectors` query now takes `channelId: String!` input instead of `where: ChannelNftCollectorsWhereInput`. `orderBy` variants have been reduced to `amount_ASC` and `amount_DESC`
+- `ChannelFundsWithdrawnEventData.account` as well as `ChannelRewardClaimedAndWithdrawnEventData.account` are now `null` in case the funds destination was `Council` and account address otherwise (periously this field contained a json string representing the serialized `ChannelFundsDestination` enum)
+- Event ids are now assigned sequentially (`00000001`, `00000002`, `00000003` etc.) instead of being `{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}`. Because all events now live in the same database table, `{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}` would no longer be a unique identifier when dealing with metaprotocol events (as there can be multiple metaprotocol events triggered by the same runtime event)
+- `MetaprotocolTransactionStatus` has been renamed to `MetaprotocolTransactionResult` and now also includes variants that have been previously represented by optional fields of `MetaprotocolTransactionSuccessful` (`MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentCreated`, `MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentEdited` etc.). To check if the transaction was generally successful you can now use `event.result.isTypeOf !== 'MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed'`
+- `MetaprotocolTransactionErrored` variant has been replaced with `MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed` and may include slightly different error messages. The error messages should be completely removed and replaced with error codes in the future.
+- The default limit for number of returned rows when no limit was provided in Orion v1 was `50`. In Orion v2 there is no default limit(!)
+#### New query features
+- _(Subsquid)_ Deeply nested filtering (for example: `videos(where: { channel: { avatarPhoto: { storageBag: { storageBuckets_some: { id_eq: "1" } } } } })`) is now supported, as well as [nested field queries](https://docs.subsquid.io/query-squid/nested-field-queries/)
+- _(Subsquid)_ There are a few new properties for `where` inputs of queries, like `filed_isNull`, `field_containsInsensitive`, `field_not_(eq|in|contains|containsInsensitive|endsWith|startsWith)`
+- It is now possible to query the `resolvedUrls` property of any `StorageDataObject` (for example: `{ videoById(id: "1") { media { resolvedUrls } } }`). The Orion v2 GraphQL server will then resolve it to a list of available asset urls, based on its internal distributor nodes data cache. If you provide `x-client-loc` header, Orion v2 will additionally prioritize distributor nodes closest to the provided location when resolving the url. The value for `x-client-loc` should be provided in `lat,lon` format, where `lat` is the `latitude` (-90, 90) and `lon` is the `longitude` (-180, 180), for example: `x-client-loc: 42.557127,-103.886719`. You can also provide `x-asset-urls-limit` to specify the maximum number of urls to return per asset (by default all available urls will be returned).
+- Censored channels and videos belonging to censored channels, as well as channels/videos excluded by the gateway operator via `excludeContent` mutation are now filtered-out from all query results by default. The same applies to videos belonging to categories not supported by the gateway (see: `setSupportedCategories` [operator mutation](#operator-mutations) and [operator queries](#operator-queries) for more details)
+- Video comments can also be excluded by the gateway operator via `excludeContent` mutation, but they are not filtered out from the query results in that case. Instead, their `text` is hidden and they can be identified by having `isExcluded` property set to `true`.
+- Entities like `VideoViewEvent`, `Report` and `ChannelFollow` are now part of the Subsquid GraphQL input schema / PostgreSQL database schema. In Orion v1 similar entities were stored in a local MongoDB database and some of them were exposed for the gateway operator via authorized queries like `reportedChannels`, `reportedVideos`. In Orion v2 the api includes autogenerated queries like `videoViewEvents`, `videoViewEventsConnection`, `reports`, `reportsConnection`, `channelFollows`, `channelFollowsConnection` etc. with all the features provided by Subsquid's Openreader. However, just like in Orion v1, this data is also hidden from the public view as it includes sensitive information like IP addresses of the users. Only the Gateway operator is able to query this hidden data (see [operator queries](#operator-queries) for more details).
+- `VideoHero` entity includes additional fields (`video`, `activatedAt`)
+- Featured nfts: `OwnedNft`s now have `isFeatured` property can be set by the Gateway operator.
+#### New queries
+- `getVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit`: allows retrieving the current value of `VideoViewPerIpTimeLimit` config value (see also: `setVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit` under [operator mutations](#operator-mutations))
+- In order to optimize Atlas queries that do complex filtering of `Event` entities, like `GetNotifications`, `GetNftHistory` and `GetNftActivities`, a few new entities were introduced which include a reltionship to `Event` (this was not possible in Orion v1, as there wasn't a single `Event` entity). The new entities (and associated queries) are: `Notification` (`notifications`, `notificationsConnection`), `NftHistoryEntry` (`nftHistoryEntries`, `nftHistoryEntriesConnection`) and `NftActivity` (`nftActivities`, `nftActivitiesConnection`).
+- historical `VideoHero` snapshots can now be queried using new autogenerated queries like `videoHeros`, `videoHeroById` etc.
+#### Bug fixes
+- `Auction.topBid` can no longer be a canceled bid (this was previously possible in `OpenAuction`). In case the top bid gets canceled, the next best bid is set as `Auction.topBid`. In case there is no next best bid, `Auction.topBid` is set to `null`.
+- In Orion v1 (Query Node), when a member placed a bid in `OpenAuction`, it was possible for their bid in an old, already finalized auction for the same nft to get canceled (even if it was already a winning bid). Now this will no longer happen.
+- `Video.pinnedComment` relation was incorrectly declared in Orion v1 (Query Node) input schema, which resulted in some comments, which were never actually pinned, being returned as `Video.pinnedComment`. This should no longer happen in Orion v2.
+- In Orion v1 (Query Node) sometimes the `createdAt` field of an entity (like `Memberships`) would be incorrectly modified on update. This will no longer happen in Orion v2, as fields like `createdAt` need to be added explicitly in Subsquid and are no longer automatically managed.
+- Using property aliases was not working in Orion v1 (for example: `channels { channelId: id }`), this is no longer an issue in Orion v2. 
+- `OwnedNft.creatorRoyalty` was incorrectly calculated in Orion v1 (rounded down to nearest integer), this has been fixed in Orion v2, so that now `creatorRoyalty` can have non-integer value (like `0.5`).
+### Operator queries
+- An authorized operator, who provided a valid `x-operator-secret` HTTP header, can see any entities hidden from the public view in the query results (unless explicitly filtered out by the query `where` conditions or otherwise). Those include:
+    - Censored (by the DAO) channels & videos and their related entities (nfts, auctions, comments, reactions, metadata entities etc.),
+    - Excluded (censored by the Gateway) channels, videos and their related entities (nfts, auctions, reactions, metadata entities etc.),
+    - Any content not belonging to a category currently supported by the Gateway,
+    - Other entities hidden from public view for security reasons:
+        - `VideoViewEvent`s,
+        - `Report`s,
+        - `ChannelFollow`s,
+        - `NftFeaturingRequest`s.
+### Subscriptions
+- `stateSubscription` has been renamed to `processorState`, properties have been reduced to just `lastProcessedBlock`
+### User Mutations
+#### Changes
+- `addVideoView`:
+    - no longer requires `channelId` and `categoryId` as input
+    - now only increases number of video views if the request is a unique request per ip-videoId pair in the last `Config.VideoViewPerIpTimeLimit` seconds (to prevent abuse). This limit can be set via environment variable or through `setVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit` operator mutation.
+    - `added` boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether a new view was added or not
+- `followChannel`:
+    - channel id is now returned in `channelId` field of the mutation result, instead of `id`
+    - `cancelToken` is now returned as part of the mutation result. This token has to be used when unfollowing the channel to prevent arbitrarly triggering `unfollow` when there is not matching channel follow on the client side.
+    - only one follow is now counted per client ip to prevent abuse.
+    - `added` boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether a new follow was added or not (depending on whether a matching follow already existed for given ip-channleId pair)
+- `unfollowChannel`
+    - now additionally requires `token` as input (see `followChannel` changes)
+    - `removed` boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether the follow was removed or not (it is only removed if there is a matching follow per token-channelId pair)
+- `reportChannel`/`reportVideo`:
+    - now only one report can be sent from given ip for given channel/video to prevent abuse.
+    - `created` boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether a new report was created
+#### New mutations:
+- `requestNftFeatured` - allows users to make a request for a given nft to be featured by the Gateway. Operator can then read those requests using the new queries like `nftFeaturingRequests`. Functionally this feature is similar to `reportChannel`/`reportVideo`.
+### Operator mutations
+#### Changes
+- All operator mutations now require `x-operator-secret` HTTP header to be provided, with value equal to `OPERATOR_SECRET` environment value. There is currently no distinction between secret used for content featuring and other operator activities.
+- `setVideoHero`
+    - the history of video heros' set is now persisted in the database and is publicly accessible,
+    - mutation result now only includes the id of the created `VideoHero` entity
+- `setCategoryFeaturedVideos`
+    - the mutation result now only includes `categoryId` and number of featured videos set / unset
+#### New mutations
+- `setSupportedCategories` - allows specifying which video categories are supported by the gateway. Content that doesn't belong to supported categories will not be displayed in query results. This includes the categories themselves, videos, nfts, auctions, comments, reactions etc.
+- `setVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit` - allows specifying the time after which a video view triggered from the same ip address will be counted again (see: `addVideoView`)
+- `excludeContent` - allows excluding specified channels/videos/comments from all query results. Can be used as a gateway-level mechanism to censor some of the content. Comments are the only entities that don't get completely filtered-out from query results when excluded. Instead, their `text` becomes hidden and `isExcluded` property is set to `true`.
+- `restoreContent` - effectively the opposite of `excludeContent`, can be used to make content appear in the query results again (if previously excluded).
+- `setFeaturedNfts` - allows the operator to provide the list of nfts (ids) that are currently featured by the Gateway. This will affect the `isFeatured` propety of the `OwnedNft` entity.

+ 42 - 6

@@ -1,8 +1,44 @@
-FROM node:16.13
-WORKDIR /usr/src/orion
+FROM node:16-alpine AS node
-COPY . .
-RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile
-RUN yarn run build
+FROM node AS node-with-gyp
+RUN apk add g++ make python3
-CMD ["yarn", "start"]
+FROM node-with-gyp AS builder
+WORKDIR /squid
+ADD package.json .
+ADD package-lock.json .
+ADD assets assets
+RUN npm ci
+ADD tsconfig.json .
+ADD src src
+RUN npm run build
+FROM node-with-gyp AS deps
+WORKDIR /squid
+ADD package.json .
+ADD package-lock.json .
+ADD assets assets
+RUN npm ci --production
+FROM node AS squid
+WORKDIR /squid
+COPY --from=deps /squid/package.json .
+COPY --from=deps /squid/package-lock.json .
+COPY --from=deps /squid/node_modules node_modules
+COPY --from=builder /squid/lib lib
+RUN echo -e "loglevel=silent\nupdate-notifier=false" > /squid/.npmrc
+ADD db db
+ADD assets assets
+ADD schema schema
+# TODO: use shorter PROMETHEUS_PORT
+EXPOSE 3000
+EXPOSE 4000
+FROM squid AS processor
+CMD ["npm", "run", "processor-start"]
+FROM squid AS query-node
+CMD ["npm", "run", "query-node-start"]

+ 674 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+  0. Definitions.
+  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+  1. Source Code.
+  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+  2. Basic Permissions.
+  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+    it, and giving a relevant date.
+    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+    released under this License and any conditions added under section
+    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+    "keep intact all notices".
+    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
+    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
+    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+    work need not make them do so.
+  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+    customarily used for software interchange.
+    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
+    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+    with subsection 6b.
+    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
+    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
+    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
+    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+    charge under subsection 6d.
+  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+  7. Additional Terms.
+  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+    authors of the material; or
+    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+    those licensors and authors.
+  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+  8. Termination.
+  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+  11. Patents.
+  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+  14. Revised Versions of this License.
+  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+  Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+  16. Limitation of Liability.
+  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+process: migrate
+	@SQD_DEBUG=sqd:processor:mapping node -r dotenv-expand/config lib/processor.js
+	@npm install
+	@npm run build
+	@docker build . --target processor -t orion-processor
+	@docker build . --target query-node -t orion-api
+build-images: build-processor-image build-query-node-image
+	@npx squid-graphql-server --subscriptions
+	@npx squid-typeorm-migration apply
+	@npx squid-typeorm-migration generate
+	@npm run generate:schema || true
+	@npx squid-typeorm-codegen
+	@npx squid-substrate-typegen typegen.json
+prepare: install codegen build
+	@mkdir db/persisted || true
+	@docker network create joystream_default || true
+	@docker-compose up -d
+	@docker network create joystream_default || true
+	@docker-compose -f archive/docker-compose.yml up -d
+up: up-archive up-squid
+	@./db/export.sh
+	@docker-compose down -v
+	@docker-compose -f archive/docker-compose.yml down -v
+down: down-squid down-archive
+.PHONY: build serve process migrate codegen typegen prepare up-squid up-archive up down-squid down-archive down

+ 5 - 76

@@ -1,78 +1,7 @@
-# Orion
+# Orion V2
-Orion is a backend service for [Atlas](https://github.com/Joystream/atlas). It is a GraphQL API that combines [Query Node](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/tree/master/query-node) data with some of its own data to provide a unified API for Atlas. Current Orion functionalities include:
+Orion V2 is a backed node powering [Atlas](https://github.com/Joystream/atlas).
+The project is using [Subsquid framework](https://docs.subsquid.io/) and is based on [squid-substrate-template](https://github.com/subsquid/squid-substrate-template).
-- Proxying data from the Query Node
-- Keeping count of video views and channel follows
-- Providing featured content data
-- Handling content reporting
-## Functionalities overview
-### Video views and channel follows
-Orion keeps track of video views and channel follows happening in Atlas. It does so by following very simple approach - it offers 3 mutations - `addVideoView`, `followChannel` and `unfollowChannel`. Based on the operation, data in the database is updated. However, Orion currently doesn't use any authentication mechanism. That means that anyone can call these mutation any number of times. It is very easy to create thousands of fake views and follows. This is a temporary solution and will be replaced with a more robust solution in the future.
-### Featured content
-Orion provides a way to set featured content in Atlas. This currently includes video hero and featured videos for each video category. This is done by providing a set of mutations that allow to set the featured content. The mutations are:
-- `setVideoHero`
-- `setCategoryFeaturedVideos`
-Both of those mutations require a secret token (`ORION_FEATURED_CONTENT_SECRET`) to be provided in the `Authorization` header.
-To get more information about featured content, please refer to [this Atlas document](https://github.com/Joystream/atlas/blob/master/docs/community/featured-content.md).
-### Content reporting
-Orion also enables content reporting which may be useful to you as an operator. When the app users see something that shouldn't be there (e.g. illegal content or copyright infringement), they can report it using 2 mutations - `reportVideo` and `reportChannel`. Orion's operators can then review the reports and take appropriate actions. You can use this GraphQL query to get all the content reports:
-query {
-  reportedVideos {
-    id
-    videoId
-    reporterIp
-    rationale
-  }
-  reportedChannels {
-    id
-    channelId
-    reporterIp
-    rationale
-  }
-Both of those queries require a secret token (`ORION_ADMIN_SECRET`) to be provided in the `Authorization` header.
-## Deployment
-Orion uses following environment variables:
-- `ORION_MONGO_HOSTNAME` - **required**, hostname of the MongoDB instance to keep Orion's data
-- `ORION_QUERY_NODE_URL` - **required**, URL of the Query Node GraphQL endpoint
-- `ORION_FEATURED_CONTENT_SECRET` - **required**, secret token used to authorize featured content mutations
-- `ORION_ADMIN_SECRET` - **required**, secret token used to authorize admin mutations
-- `ORION_MONGO_PORT` - _optional_, port of the MongoDB instance, defaults to `27017`
-- `ORION_MONGO_DATABASE` - _optional_, name of the MongoDB database, defaults to `orion`
-- `ORION_PORT` - _optional_, port on which Orion will be available, defaults to `6116`
-- `ORION_DEBUGGING` - _optional_, enables debugging, defaults to `false`
-### Docker
-Easiest way to deploy Orion is by using the provided Docker image. You can find the latest image on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/joystream/orion).
-To start Orion and MongoDB, you can use `docker-compose`. Just remember to first update the environment variables in the `docker-compose.yml` file.
-docker-compose up
-## Starting a dev server
-```shell script
-yarn install
-yarn run dev
+## [Developer guide](docs/developer-guide.md)
+## [Operator guide](docs/operator-guide.md)

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+  archive_db:
+    container_name: orion_archive_db
+    hostname: orion_archive_db
+    image: postgres:14 # CockroachDB cluster might be a better fit for production deployment
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    volumes:
+      - orion_archive_db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
+    environment:
+      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+      POSTGRES_DB: squid-archive
+    ports:
+      - '${DB_PORT}:${DB_PORT}'
+      - '[::1]:${DB_PORT}:${DB_PORT}'
+    command: ['postgres', '-c', 'log_statement=all', '-p', '${DB_PORT}']
+  ingest:
+    container_name: orion_archive_ingest
+    depends_on:
+      - archive_db
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    image: subsquid/substrate-ingest:firesquid
+    command: [
+        '-e',
+        '${WS_SOURCE}',
+        '-c',
+        '20', # allow up to 20 pending requests for the above endpoint (default is 5)
+        #  "--start-block", "1000000", # uncomment to specify a non-zero start block
+        '--out',
+        'postgres://postgres:postgres@orion_archive_db:${DB_PORT}/squid-archive',
+      ]
+  gateway:
+    container_name: orion_archive_gateway
+    hostname: orion_archive_gateway
+    depends_on:
+      - archive_db
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    image: subsquid/substrate-gateway:firesquid
+    environment:
+      RUST_LOG: 'actix_web=info,actix_server=info'
+    command: [
+        '--database-url',
+        'postgres://postgres:postgres@orion_archive_db:${DB_PORT}/squid-archive',
+        # "--evm-support" # uncomment for chains with Frontier EVM pallet
+        # (e.g. Moonbeam/Moonriver or Astar/Shiden)
+      ]
+    ports:
+      - '${GATEWAY_PORT}:8000'
+      - '[::1]:${GATEWAY_PORT}:8000'
+  # Explorer service is optional.
+  # It provides rich GraphQL API for querying archived data.
+  # Many developers find it very useful for exploration and debugging.
+  explorer:
+    container_name: orion_archive_explorer
+    hostname: orion_archive_explorer
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    image: subsquid/substrate-explorer:firesquid
+    environment:
+      DB_TYPE: postgres # set to `cockroach` for Cockroach DB
+      DB_HOST: archive_db
+      DB_NAME: 'squid-archive'
+      DB_USER: 'postgres'
+      DB_PASS: 'postgres'
+    ports:
+      - '${EXPLORER_PORT}:3000'
+  default:
+    external:
+      name: joystream_default
+  orion_archive_db_data:

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Assets 
+`assets` is the designated folder for any additional files to be used by the squid, for example a static data file. The folder is added by default to `Dockerfile` and is kept when the squid is deployed to the Aquairum.

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+diff --git a/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/resolvers.js b/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/resolvers.js
+index ea605c2..2564ebd 100644
+--- a/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/resolvers.js
++++ b/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/resolvers.js
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ async function loadCustomResolvers(mod) {
+     return (0, type_graphql_1.buildSchema)({
+         resolvers: [mod],
+         scalarsMap,
++        validate: { forbidUnknownValues: false },
+         container: resolverData => new CustomResolversContainer(resolverData)
+     });
+ }
+diff --git a/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/server.js b/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/server.js
+index 04e74c3..e95a07b 100644
+--- a/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/server.js
++++ b/node_modules/@subsquid/graphql-server/lib/server.js
+@@ -90,16 +90,17 @@ class Server {
+         });
+     }
+     async schema() {
+-        let schemas = [
+-            new schema_2.SchemaBuilder({ model: this.model(), subscriptions: this.options.subscriptions }).build()
+-        ];
+-        if (this.options.squidStatus !== false) {
+-            schemas.push(this.squidStatusSchema());
+-        }
+         let customResolvers = await this.customResolvers();
++        let schemas = []
+         if (customResolvers) {
+             schemas.push(customResolvers);
+         }
++        schemas.push(
++            new schema_2.SchemaBuilder({ model: this.model(), subscriptions: this.options.subscriptions }).build()
++        );
++        if (this.options.squidStatus !== false) {
++            schemas.push(this.squidStatusSchema());
++        }
+         return (0, schema_1.mergeSchemas)({ schemas });
+     }
+     squidStatusSchema() {
+@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ class Server {
+                 return new db_1.PoolOpenreaderContext(dialect, pool, pool, this.options.subscriptionPollInterval);
+             };
+         }
+-        return () => {
++        return ({ req }) => {
+             let openreader = createOpenreader();
+             if (this.options.maxResponseNodes) {
+                 openreader.responseSizeLimit = new limit_1.ResponseSizeLimit(this.options.maxResponseNodes);
+@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ class Server {
+             if (this.options.subscriptionMaxResponseNodes) {
+                 openreader.subscriptionResponseSizeLimit = new limit_1.ResponseSizeLimit(this.options.subscriptionMaxResponseNodes);
+             }
+-            return { openreader };
++            return { req, openreader };
+         };
+     }
+     async createTypeormConnection(options) {

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+diff --git a/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/context.d.ts b/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/context.d.ts
+index ccb64b5..faa6199 100644
+--- a/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/context.d.ts
++++ b/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/context.d.ts
+@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+ import { Dialect } from './dialect';
+ import { Query } from './sql/query';
+ import { Limit } from './util/limit';
++import { Request } from 'express'
+ export interface Context {
++    req: Request;
+     openreader: OpenreaderContext;
+ }
+ export interface OpenreaderContext {
+@@ -10,5 +12,6 @@ export interface OpenreaderContext {
+     subscription<T>(query: Query<T>): AsyncIterable<T>;
+     responseSizeLimit?: Limit;
+     subscriptionResponseSizeLimit?: Limit;
++    req: Request
+ }
+ //# sourceMappingURL=context.d.ts.map
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.d.ts b/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.d.ts
+index 7f5df76..066e4b2 100644
+--- a/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.d.ts
++++ b/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.d.ts
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import type { Pool } from 'pg';
+ import { Context } from './context';
+ import type { Dialect } from './dialect';
+ import type { Model } from './model';
++import { ExpressContext } from 'apollo-server-express'
+ export interface ServerOptions {
+     port: number | string;
+     model: Model;
+@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ export declare type Dispose = () => Promise<void>;
+ export interface ApolloOptions {
+     port: number | string;
+     disposals: Dispose[];
+-    context: () => Context;
++    context: (ctx: ExpressContext) => Context;
+     schema: GraphQLSchema;
+     plugins?: PluginDefinition[];
+     subscriptions?: boolean;
+diff --git a/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.js b/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.js
+index 6fb0711..854393f 100644
+--- a/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.js
++++ b/node_modules/@subsquid/openreader/lib/server.js
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ async function serve(options) {
+     let { connection, subscriptionConnection, subscriptionPollInterval, maxResponseNodes, subscriptionMaxResponseNodes } = options;
+     let dialect = options.dialect ?? 'postgres';
+     let schema = new schema_1.SchemaBuilder(options).build();
+-    let context = () => {
++    let context = ({ req }) => {
+         let openreader = new db_1.PoolOpenreaderContext(dialect, connection, subscriptionConnection, subscriptionPollInterval);
+         if (maxResponseNodes) {
+             openreader.responseSizeLimit = new limit_1.ResponseSizeLimit(maxResponseNodes);
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ async function serve(options) {
+             openreader.subscriptionResponseSizeLimit = new limit_1.ResponseSizeLimit(subscriptionMaxResponseNodes);
+         }
+         return {
++            req,
+             openreader
+         };
+     };

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+diff --git a/node_modules/@subsquid/typeorm-codegen/lib/codegen.js b/node_modules/@subsquid/typeorm-codegen/lib/codegen.js
+index e40f9bc..648e5e8 100644
+--- a/node_modules/@subsquid/typeorm-codegen/lib/codegen.js
++++ b/node_modules/@subsquid/typeorm-codegen/lib/codegen.js
+@@ -62,9 +62,17 @@ function generateOrmModels(model, dir) {
+         out.line();
+         printComment(entity, out);
+         entity.indexes?.forEach(index => {
++            if (index.unique) {
++                imports.useTypeorm('Unique')
++                out.line(
++                    `@Unique_('${name}_${index.fields.map(f => f.name).join('_')}', `+
++                    `[${index.fields.map(f => `"${f.name}"`).join(', ')}], `+
++                    `{  deferrable: 'INITIALLY DEFERRED' })`
++                )
++            }
+             if (index.fields.length < 2)
+                 return;
+-            out.line(`@Index_([${index.fields.map(f => `"${f.name}"`).join(', ')}], {unique: ${!!index.unique}})`);
++            out.line(`@Index_([${index.fields.map(f => `"${f.name}"`).join(', ')}])`);
+         });
+         out.line('@Entity_()');
+         out.block(`export class ${name}`, () => {
+@@ -109,8 +117,8 @@ function generateOrmModels(model, dir) {
+                     case 'fk':
+                         if (getFieldIndex(entity, key)?.unique) {
+                             imports.useTypeorm('OneToOne', 'Index', 'JoinColumn');
+-                            out.line(`@Index_({unique: true})`);
+-                            out.line(`@OneToOne_(() => ${prop.type.entity}, {nullable: false})`);
++                            out.line(`@Index_()`);
++                            out.line(`@OneToOne_(() => ${prop.type.entity}, {nullable: false, deferrable: 'INITIALLY DEFERRED'})`);
+                             out.line(`@JoinColumn_()`);
+                         }
+                         else {
+@@ -119,7 +127,7 @@ function generateOrmModels(model, dir) {
+                                 out.line(`@Index_()`);
+                             }
+                             // Make foreign entity references always nullable
+-                            out.line(`@ManyToOne_(() => ${prop.type.entity}, {nullable: true})`);
++                            out.line(`@ManyToOne_(() => ${prop.type.entity}, {nullable: true, deferrable: 'INITIALLY DEFERRED'})`);
+                         }
+                         break;
+                     case 'lookup':
+@@ -161,6 +169,11 @@ function generateOrmModels(model, dir) {
+                 }
+                 if (prop.type.kind != 'lookup') {
+                     out.line(`${key}!: ${getPropJsType(imports, 'entity', prop)}`);
++                    if (prop.type.kind === 'fk') {
++                        out.line()
++                        out.line(`@Column_(${!getFieldIndex(entity, key)?.unique ? '{ nullable: true }' : ''})`)
++                        out.line(`${key}Id!: string` + (!getFieldIndex(entity, key)?.unique ? ' | null | undefined' : ''))
++                    }
+                 }
+             }
+         });
+@@ -456,12 +469,7 @@ function addIndexAnnotation(entity, field, imports, out) {
+     if (index == null)
+         return;
+     imports.useTypeorm('Index');
+-    if (index.unique) {
+-        out.line(`@Index_({unique: true})`);
+-    }
+-    else {
+-        out.line(`@Index_()`);
+-    }
++    out.line(`@Index_()`);
+ }
+ function getFieldIndex(entity, field) {
+     if (entity.properties[field]?.unique)

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+Orion V1 endpoint:
+Orion V2 endpoint:
+  v1Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v2Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7757', memberId: '798' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7757', memberId: '798' },
+  v1Rows: 110,
+  v2Rows: 110,
+  v1Results: [
+    1106.0513463020325,
+    635.3214621543884,
+    665.5094952583313,
+    594.7931537628174,
+    562.6600451469421
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1904.6169037818909,
+    1453.1587672233582,
+    1531.671293258667,
+    1379.4050331115723,
+    1408.2432866096497
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 712.8671005249023,
+  v2Avg: 1535.4190567970277
+  v1Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v2Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7692', memberId: '2962' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7692', memberId: '2962' },
+  v1Rows: 38,
+  v2Rows: 38,
+  v1Results: [
+    390.9999623298645,
+    341.74745512008667,
+    314.5849962234497,
+    284.43431186676025,
+    313.59731101989746
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1470.9821829795837,
+    1350.1738820075989,
+    1468.8746967315674,
+    1523.363648891449,
+    1455.382926940918
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 329.0728073120117,
+  v2Avg: 1453.7554675102233
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '5' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 20,
+  v2Rows: 20,
+  v1Results: [
+    224.9494423866272,
+    175.72976970672607,
+    179.2677140235901,
+    174.42952299118042,
+    187.78701496124268
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1092.545313835144,
+    1077.791911125183,
+    1116.974962234497,
+    1140.339367866516,
+    1093.845244884491
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 188.4326928138733,
+  v2Avg: 1104.2993599891663
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '14' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '14' },
+  v1Rows: 9,
+  v2Rows: 9,
+  v1Results: [
+    141.68778324127197,
+    157.10310316085815,
+    161.84043407440186,
+    149.2254762649536,
+    168.77385425567627
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1169.3571248054504,
+    1089.0723886489868,
+    1106.8910360336304,
+    1092.0042786598206,
+    1179.6475882530212
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 155.72613019943236,
+  v2Avg: 1127.394483280182
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '338' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '338' },
+  v1Rows: 14,
+  v2Rows: 14,
+  v1Results: [
+    163.89581203460693,
+    175.90639400482178,
+    163.9634346961975,
+    176.35755491256714,
+    170.54833889007568
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1103.8704543113708,
+    1152.5445137023926,
+    1109.7572317123413,
+    1150.9899983406067,
+    1109.5024557113647
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 170.1343069076538,
+  v2Avg: 1125.3329307556153
+  v1Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '4537' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '4537' },
+  v1Rows: 446,
+  v2Rows: 450,
+  v1Results: [
+    2268.2287921905518,
+    2035.5242977142334,
+    2156.759829044342,
+    2010.4331917762756,
+    2034.2985792160034
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    4527.932033061981,
+    4637.940931797028,
+    4728.392993927002,
+    4538.484937667847,
+    4606.6357679367065
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 2101.048937988281,
+  v2Avg: 4607.877332878113
+  v1Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '798' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '798' },
+  v1Rows: 376,
+  v2Rows: 380,
+  v1Results: [
+    1839.6556577682495,
+    1941.33367395401,
+    1860.6781787872314,
+    1713.2440829277039,
+    1941.1711330413818
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    4371.274667739868,
+    4356.305029392242,
+    4343.96886920929,
+    4397.0060358047485,
+    4485.6696701049805
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1859.2165452957154,
+  v2Avg: 4390.844854450226
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 7
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -340.58%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -341.77%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -346.05%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: -366.92%
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - 100ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 0
+========= QUERIES IN 101ms - 500ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 4
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -503.30%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -523.74%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -508.09%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: -530.44%
+========= QUERIES IN 501ms - 2000ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 2
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -125.78%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -125.78%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -131.83%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: -131.83%
+========= QUERIES IN 2000ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 1
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -119.31%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -119.31%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -126.31%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: -126.31%

+ 1752 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1752 @@
+Orion V1 endpoint:
+Orion V2 endpoint:
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: { nft: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { auction: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 11,
+  v2Rows: 11,
+  v1Results: [
+    421.19117879867554,
+    163.13986778259277,
+    129.42280769348145,
+    112.2303056716919,
+    118.83463382720947
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    303.17519998550415,
+    66.7838659286499,
+    72.47513008117676,
+    68.80956888198853,
+    65.30918073654175
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 188.96375875473024,
+  v2Avg: 115.31058912277221
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: { bidder: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { bidder: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    93.11739826202393,
+    87.66728019714355,
+    92.8959321975708,
+    89.85720205307007,
+    84.56506490707397
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    71.88657188415527,
+    64.33595418930054,
+    62.170491218566895,
+    65.18707704544067,
+    62.554245948791504
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 89.62057552337646,
+  v2Avg: 65.22686805725098
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 53,
+  v2Rows: 53,
+  v1Results: [
+    317.4668221473694,
+    278.0240716934204,
+    273.81632566452026,
+    335.95528411865234,
+    249.63872814178467
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    131.43993282318115,
+    148.3516411781311,
+    120.04446029663086,
+    125.5801887512207,
+    121.84051084518433
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 290.9802463531494,
+  v2Avg: 129.45134677886963
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCategories',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedVideoCategories',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 29,
+  v2Rows: 29,
+  v1Results: [
+    66.14623975753784,
+    62.87800598144531,
+    63.253201961517334,
+    66.02718687057495,
+    66.30277585983276
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    69.70861482620239,
+    62.85316276550293,
+    62.281888008117676,
+    62.330246925354004,
+    59.7666449546814
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 64.92148208618164,
+  v2Avg: 63.38811149597168
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannel',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullChannel',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '7757' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '7757' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    83.8572268486023,
+    71.72754001617432,
+    74.71778678894043,
+    75.86461400985718,
+    70.17161130905151
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    63.21177434921265,
+    66.28264999389648,
+    60.33377170562744,
+    72.96462726593018,
+    62.06374216079712
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 75.26775579452514,
+  v2Avg: 64.97131309509277
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v2Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v1Input: { where: { category: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { category: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    74.74455785751343,
+    66.66368865966797,
+    66.95752286911011,
+    72.04269599914551,
+    71.53086280822754
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    68.04775190353394,
+    66.37166786193848,
+    66.88651609420776,
+    64.02910900115967,
+    63.339770793914795
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 70.3878656387329,
+  v2Avg: 65.73496313095093
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v2Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v1Input: { where: {} },
+  v2Input: { where: {} },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    68.7070541381836,
+    62.03211736679077,
+    61.3677396774292,
+    66.51247310638428,
+    64.52027893066406
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    59.809531688690186,
+    62.72549486160278,
+    56.092894077301025,
+    61.54808282852173,
+    57.137871742248535
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 64.62793264389038,
+  v2Avg: 59.46277503967285
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 1, language: [Object] },
+    limit: 100,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_ASC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 1, channel: [Object] },
+    limit: 100,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_ASC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 44,
+  v2Rows: 44,
+  v1Results: [
+    153.39953422546387,
+    144.06597089767456,
+    128.5862011909485,
+    145.6520037651062,
+    156.21932363510132
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    71.88532161712646,
+    74.65329265594482,
+    69.77712488174438,
+    75.77475929260254,
+    74.50010061264038
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 145.58460674285888,
+  v2Avg: 73.31811981201172
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    178.52417182922363,
+    159.60775184631348,
+    228.59030675888062,
+    237.02427005767822,
+    205.4558572769165
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    177.8631992340088,
+    175.88821125030518,
+    175.75369501113892,
+    174.07207679748535,
+    170.09397506713867
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 201.8404715538025,
+  v2Avg: 174.73423147201538
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    1250.8551998138428,
+    1245.4255104064941,
+    1107.5180191993713,
+    1023.1205387115479,
+    1052.9191160202026
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    530.5339818000793,
+    493.39230489730835,
+    519.6276531219482,
+    472.1422986984253,
+    462.8647699356079
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1135.9676768302918,
+  v2Avg: 495.71220169067385
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 5 } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 5 } },
+  v1Rows: 17,
+  v2Rows: 17,
+  v1Results: [
+    208.32790184020996,
+    198.79837894439697,
+    187.45538902282715,
+    196.41755199432373,
+    210.31847763061523
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    131.9381880760193,
+    132.50413179397583,
+    132.07942390441895,
+    128.79442358016968,
+    129.5107011795044
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 200.2635398864746,
+  v2Avg: 130.96537370681762
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    485.90900897979736,
+    502.74723529815674,
+    493.8253450393677,
+    483.21063232421875,
+    496.1202321052551
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    309.2644462585449,
+    299.81357431411743,
+    306.3402919769287,
+    305.5112318992615,
+    303.7119936943054
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 492.36249074935915,
+  v2Avg: 304.9283076286316
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    3857.2243642807007,
+    3745.495181083679,
+    3712.0744309425354,
+    3826.4734230041504,
+    3805.3891520500183
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    784.2543258666992,
+    707.6921191215515,
+    716.5077013969421,
+    686.4854230880737,
+    655.8917288780212
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 3789.331310272217,
+  v2Avg: 710.1662596702575
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannelsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicChannelsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { title_contains: 'a', avatarPhoto: [Object], isPublic_eq: true },
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { title_contains: 'a', avatarPhoto: [Object], isPublic_eq: true },
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    214.1855297088623,
+    217.18303966522217,
+    163.2842240333557,
+    156.80159616470337,
+    162.413010597229
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    134.21514558792114,
+    82.55778789520264,
+    74.47067975997925,
+    79.15636014938354,
+    76.05493497848511
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 182.7734800338745,
+  v2Avg: 89.29098167419434
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10Channels',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10Channels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 0, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 0, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    55.938393115997314,
+    61.32223463058472,
+    60.94342231750488,
+    62.37822914123535,
+    63.58266305923462
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    62.01163101196289,
+    67.39911794662476,
+    66.93669319152832,
+    65.62528800964355,
+    64.97405576705933
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 60.83298845291138,
+  v2Avg: 65.38935718536376
+  v1Query: 'GetPromisingChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetPromisingChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    113.39564800262451,
+    110.71231603622437,
+    109.02454137802124,
+    106.11804294586182,
+    114.78720283508301
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    71.7989239692688,
+    70.08385801315308,
+    67.92963790893555,
+    68.35090732574463,
+    60.26752471923828
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 110.80755023956299,
+  v2Avg: 67.68617038726806
+  v1Query: 'GetDiscoverChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetDiscoverChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    123.49010276794434,
+    109.52056121826172,
+    106.4278359413147,
+    120.96437168121338,
+    108.74368190765381
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    61.793911933898926,
+    63.35046911239624,
+    62.705503940582275,
+    65.86193895339966,
+    66.9338231086731
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 113.82931070327759,
+  v2Avg: 64.12912940979004
+  v1Query: 'GetPopularChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetPopularChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    59.21133518218994,
+    63.312808990478516,
+    63.60664987564087,
+    63.77114772796631,
+    63.40945339202881
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    66.12633466720581,
+    63.418736934661865,
+    67.53504800796509,
+    66.23921203613281,
+    67.21646881103516
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 62.66227903366089,
+  v2Avg: 66.10716009140015
+  v1Query: 'GetChannelNftCollectors',
+  v2Query: 'GetChannelNftCollectors',
+  v1Input: { where: { channel: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { channelId: '7693' },
+  v1Rows: 8,
+  v2Rows: 8,
+  v1Results: [
+    80.18467807769775,
+    80.11003303527832,
+    79.54493618011475,
+    80.00109958648682,
+    76.3753080368042
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    66.85215425491333,
+    65.3834400177002,
+    70.74419927597046,
+    66.57812309265137,
+    64.34331178665161
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 79.24321098327637,
+  v2Avg: 66.7802456855774
+  v1Query: 'GetComment',
+  v2Query: 'GetComment',
+  v1Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-769463-2' },
+  v2Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-769463-2' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    70.87953805923462,
+    63.640191078186035,
+    66.02025079727173,
+    65.73933982849121,
+    69.7096381187439
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    65.14625787734985,
+    54.67692708969116,
+    65.20886325836182,
+    67.9664740562439,
+    63.1194429397583
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 67.1977915763855,
+  v2Avg: 63.223593044281
+  v1Query: 'GetCommentRepliesConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetCommentRepliesConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    parentCommentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-874662-2',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    parentCommentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-874662-2',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 2,
+  v2Rows: 2,
+  v1Results: [
+    77.05896615982056,
+    73.91739177703857,
+    75.00851917266846,
+    77.64734125137329,
+    67.86735820770264
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    65.73792362213135,
+    62.08174705505371,
+    67.16134023666382,
+    63.9364218711853,
+    63.95925998687744
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 74.2999153137207,
+  v2Avg: 64.57533855438233
+  v1Query: 'GetUserCommentsAndVideoCommentsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetUserCommentsAndVideoCommentsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    videoId: '5',
+    memberId: '4680',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    videoId: '5',
+    memberId: '4680',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 11,
+  v2Rows: 11,
+  v1Results: [
+    105.49908971786499,
+    102.58012008666992,
+    105.23410272598267,
+    102.98625087738037,
+    99.61199808120728
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    70.75768566131592,
+    72.2657117843628,
+    78.56287240982056,
+    78.20898723602295,
+    68.45703983306885
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 103.18231229782104,
+  v2Avg: 73.65045938491821
+  v1Query: 'GetUserCommentsReactions',
+  v2Query: 'GetUserCommentsReactions',
+  v1Input: { memberId: '3233', videoId: '193' },
+  v2Input: { memberId: '3233', videoId: '193' },
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    70.73677730560303,
+    59.36874198913574,
+    64.62766218185425,
+    60.28378677368164,
+    64.39493083953857
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    64.25262498855591,
+    58.87449932098389,
+    62.75416707992554,
+    53.005496978759766,
+    58.40084886550903
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 63.882379817962644,
+  v2Avg: 59.45752744674682
+  v1Query: 'GetCommentEdits',
+  v2Query: 'GetCommentEdits',
+  v1Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-1049713-2' },
+  v2Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-1049713-2' },
+  v1Rows: 2,
+  v2Rows: 2,
+  v1Results: [
+    72.38071393966675,
+    69.33194017410278,
+    72.78404188156128,
+    67.04246520996094,
+    67.23769807815552
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    68.29141330718994,
+    63.38331079483032,
+    62.78171491622925,
+    74.58481168746948,
+    60.97283315658569
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 69.75537185668945,
+  v2Avg: 66.00281677246093
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0', '1', '2', '3',
+      '4', '5', '6', '7',
+      '8', '9'
+    ],
+    limit: 10
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0', '1', '2', '3',
+      '4', '5', '6', '7',
+      '8', '9'
+    ],
+    limit: 10
+  },
+  v1Rows: 10,
+  v2Rows: 10,
+  v1Results: [
+    73.34512376785278,
+    58.2767858505249,
+    62.86376714706421,
+    64.79999113082886,
+    61.0808687210083
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    50.125935077667236,
+    52.19748115539551,
+    53.763554096221924,
+    55.75706720352173,
+    54.293893337249756
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 64.07330732345581,
+  v2Avg: 53.22758617401123
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'
+    ],
+    limit: 100
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'
+    ],
+    limit: 100
+  },
+  v1Rows: 99,
+  v2Rows: 99,
+  v1Results: [
+    72.63295412063599,
+    69.48676872253418,
+    76.58421277999878,
+    76.11389541625977,
+    74.24702644348145
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    59.706161975860596,
+    58.827009201049805,
+    61.6181902885437,
+    58.3860502243042,
+    58.34018087387085
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 73.81297149658204,
+  v2Avg: 59.37551851272583
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99',
+      ... 900 more items
+    ],
+    limit: 1000
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99',
+      ... 900 more items
+    ],
+    limit: 1000
+  },
+  v1Rows: 954,
+  v2Rows: 954,
+  v1Results: [
+    142.06596088409424,
+    122.80291080474854,
+    122.27795839309692,
+    119.0836591720581,
+    134.74790716171265
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    76.70351982116699,
+    66.95917177200317,
+    66.27426624298096,
+    69.28363800048828,
+    74.81394481658936
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 128.19567928314208,
+  v2Avg: 70.80690813064575
+  v1Query: 'GetAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    67.76015424728394,
+    59.42477512359619,
+    56.76981830596924,
+    51.056944847106934,
+    59.30195999145508
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    93.6363000869751,
+    83.03214597702026,
+    78.39022636413574,
+    79.9343843460083,
+    77.40477991104126
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 58.862730503082275,
+  v2Avg: 82.47956733703613
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: { controllerAccount_in: [Array] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { controllerAccount_in: [Array] } },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    214.15404987335205,
+    182.97863626480103,
+    184.82217597961426,
+    186.02766466140747,
+    182.85374784469604
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    66.20597267150879,
+    70.55012226104736,
+    67.13733291625977,
+    64.06079912185669,
+    70.39453220367432
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 190.16725492477417,
+  v2Avg: 67.66975183486939
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    333.6070990562439,
+    314.0952458381653,
+    327.9120593070984,
+    315.27012825012207,
+    331.3791127204895
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    127.5027551651001,
+    142.95735788345337,
+    123.67933082580566,
+    123.08590698242188,
+    121.60571765899658
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 324.45272903442384,
+  v2Avg: 127.76621370315551
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    30849.73528432846,
+    31882.469860076904,
+    31109.63481903076,
+    30614.91681098938,
+    30950.97841501236
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    3052.7483744621277,
+    3554.0164704322815,
+    3415.2259860038757,
+    3284.211546897888,
+    3351.091986179352
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 31081.547037887573,
+  v2Avg: 3331.458872795105
+  v1Query: 'GetNft',
+  v2Query: 'GetNft',
+  v1Input: { id: '5' },
+  v2Input: { id: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    94.42390012741089,
+    70.99061298370361,
+    75.04313135147095,
+    83.69558477401733,
+    87.41263914108276
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    109.23487997055054,
+    84.78160381317139,
+    92.18809795379639,
+    97.03550100326538,
+    113.14659595489502
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 82.31317367553712,
+  v2Avg: 99.27733573913574
+  v1Query: 'GetNft',
+  v2Query: 'GetNft',
+  v1Input: { id: '9' },
+  v2Input: { id: '9' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    81.1192569732666,
+    77.66667985916138,
+    72.31310892105103,
+    71.75890016555786,
+    77.78996515274048
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    95.35447025299072,
+    96.32403326034546,
+    100.6230821609497,
+    99.6693344116211,
+    91.5633659362793
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 76.12958221435547,
+  v2Avg: 96.70685720443726
+  v1Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v2Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    1516.715693950653,
+    1485.822862148285,
+    1415.5554280281067,
+    1408.7918581962585,
+    1422.4151797294617
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    419.95120096206665,
+    469.25443172454834,
+    434.8049511909485,
+    433.76535415649414,
+    422.5718607902527
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1449.860204410553,
+  v2Avg: 436.06955976486205
+  v1Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v2Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 632,
+  v2Rows: 632,
+  v1Results: [
+    8736.58143901825,
+    8027.877285003662,
+    8017.714208126068,
+    8199.404845237732,
+    8273.757127285004
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1138.7621746063232,
+    979.259006023407,
+    1213.139995098114,
+    984.5032978057861,
+    1217.3297839164734
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 8251.066980934143,
+  v2Avg: 1106.5988514900207
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: { where: { OR: [Array] }, first: 10, orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC' },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { transactionalStatus: [Object] },
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 10,
+  v2Rows: 10,
+  v1Results: [
+    208.1110258102417,
+    188.20164489746094,
+    186.994038105011,
+    189.2771201133728,
+    196.83653688430786
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    194.6592321395874,
+    174.11980724334717,
+    225.97443199157715,
+    182.2728977203369,
+    186.91593599319458
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 193.88407316207886,
+  v2Avg: 192.78846101760865
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { creatorChannel: [Object], video: [Object] },
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v2Input: { where: { video: [Object] }, orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC', first: 50 },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    875.5980272293091,
+    867.5878348350525,
+    890.464898109436,
+    892.9318900108337,
+    867.7934184074402
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    337.6217017173767,
+    362.4307789802551,
+    334.556293964386,
+    306.31625509262085,
+    332.5812349319458
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 878.8752137184143,
+  v2Avg: 334.7012529373169
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: { where: { ownerMember: [Object], video: [Object] }, first: 50 },
+  v2Input: { where: { OR: [Array] }, first: 50 },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    892.9570322036743,
+    853.0992479324341,
+    877.8199729919434,
+    878.872606754303,
+    992.4630327224731
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    435.7008147239685,
+    441.5585136413574,
+    461.15005588531494,
+    415.9951968193054,
+    426.98348331451416
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 899.0423785209656,
+  v2Avg: 436.2776128768921
+  v1Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v2Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7757', memberId: '798' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7757', memberId: '798' },
+  v1Rows: 107,
+  v2Rows: 107,
+  v1Results: [
+    550.4048280715942,
+    501.2757987976074,
+    487.1333951950073,
+    536.0914778709412,
+    498.24291229248047
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1445.486295223236,
+    1389.0695791244507,
+    1383.3935737609863,
+    1513.5665192604065,
+    1456.1625089645386
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 514.6296824455261,
+  v2Avg: 1437.5356952667237
+  v1Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v2Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7692', memberId: '2962' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, channelId: '7692', memberId: '2962' },
+  v1Rows: 37,
+  v2Rows: 37,
+  v1Results: [
+    282.56104803085327,
+    284.16384506225586,
+    294.0263376235962,
+    274.5316801071167,
+    291.8484048843384
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1421.9847450256348,
+    1498.7254118919373,
+    1386.1704230308533,
+    1420.0155906677246,
+    1395.3243989944458
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 285.4262631416321,
+  v2Avg: 1424.4441139221192
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '5' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 20,
+  v2Rows: 20,
+  v1Results: [
+    200.89012718200684,
+    173.88734912872314,
+    196.80633020401,
+    179.11635303497314,
+    170.6115379333496
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1104.4836640357971,
+    1094.294376373291,
+    1054.3348608016968,
+    1164.1998901367188,
+    1105.8195872306824
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 184.26233949661255,
+  v2Avg: 1104.6264757156373
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '14' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '14' },
+  v1Rows: 9,
+  v2Rows: 9,
+  v1Results: [
+    178.28355407714844,
+    166.6809320449829,
+    149.1403203010559,
+    157.61766910552979,
+    164.93955421447754
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1095.4141011238098,
+    1073.3860268592834,
+    1127.3224921226501,
+    1098.5844469070435,
+    1048.8867902755737
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 163.33240594863892,
+  v2Avg: 1088.7187714576721
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '338' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '338' },
+  v1Rows: 14,
+  v2Rows: 14,
+  v1Results: [
+    169.1531286239624,
+    166.22336101531982,
+    177.1820297241211,
+    157.99354791641235,
+    160.28074312210083
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1043.0286660194397,
+    1114.5620112419128,
+    1045.9608130455017,
+    1039.3346590995789,
+    1046.5136580467224
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 166.1665620803833,
+  v2Avg: 1057.879961490631
+  v1Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '4537' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '4537' },
+  v1Rows: 446,
+  v2Rows: 450,
+  v1Results: [
+    1985.1007766723633,
+    2020.4005188941956,
+    2353.54096698761,
+    2108.218147277832,
+    2028.2483730316162
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    4557.656895160675,
+    4586.954351902008,
+    4777.58341884613,
+    4669.475918769836,
+    4621.450538158417
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 2099.1017565727234,
+  v2Avg: 4642.624224567413
+  v1Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '798' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '798' },
+  v1Rows: 376,
+  v2Rows: 380,
+  v1Results: [
+    1906.9350337982178,
+    1820.815878868103,
+    1861.610330581665,
+    1833.0889353752136,
+    1814.4130339622498
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    4557.399219989777,
+    4331.383925914764,
+    4329.167932033539,
+    4256.457892894745,
+    4419.476686954498
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1847.3726425170898,
+  v2Avg: 4378.777131557465
+  v1Query: 'GetDistributionBucketsWithBags',
+  v2Query: 'GetDistributionBucketsWithBags',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 16,
+  v2Rows: 16,
+  v1Results: [
+    6441.058031082153,
+    6398.98236989975,
+    6046.677813053131,
+    6166.344225883484,
+    6210.616687774658
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    2527.584487915039,
+    2693.8000507354736,
+    2536.3556418418884,
+    2669.446587085724,
+    2373.4409008026123
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 6252.735825538635,
+  v2Avg: 2560.1255336761474
+  v1Query: 'GetStorageBucketsWithBags',
+  v2Query: 'GetStorageBucketsWithBags',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    5082.594819068909,
+    5243.263826847076,
+    5185.951680183411,
+    5148.845768928528,
+    5430.089545726776
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    2183.454391002655,
+    1859.054081916809,
+    2085.4263796806335,
+    1877.52525806427,
+    1752.7501153945923
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 5218.14912815094,
+  v2Avg: 1951.642045211792
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicDistributionBuckets',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicDistributionBuckets',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 6,
+  v2Rows: 6,
+  v1Results: [
+    71.7662091255188,
+    62.67876386642456,
+    67.08984804153442,
+    62.062345027923584,
+    64.87987995147705
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    58.704387187957764,
+    57.185120582580566,
+    56.77264070510864,
+    55.178711891174316,
+    52.652371883392334
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 65.69540920257569,
+  v2Avg: 56.09864645004272
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicStorageBuckets',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicStorageBuckets',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    61.25364637374878,
+    59.18447017669678,
+    61.45736217498779,
+    62.92768669128418,
+    63.0603461265564
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    52.754788875579834,
+    59.61000728607178,
+    56.9753942489624,
+    56.309372901916504,
+    56.9772629737854
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 61.57670230865479,
+  v2Avg: 56.52536525726318
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      title_contains: 'a'
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: [ 'reactionsCount_DESC', 'commentsCount_DESC', 'createdAt_DESC' ]
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      title_contains: 'a'
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: [ 'reactionsCount_DESC', 'commentsCount_DESC', 'createdAt_DESC' ]
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    539.3446879386902,
+    517.5640339851379,
+    498.5641589164734,
+    505.30816411972046,
+    499.96891593933105
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    129.79853200912476,
+    124.13662338256836,
+    179.8704071044922,
+    232.50274515151978,
+    219.74482917785645
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 512.1499921798707,
+  v2Avg: 177.21062736511232
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      channel: [Object]
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      channel: [Object]
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    514.4686961174011,
+    499.1900291442871,
+    497.70259189605713,
+    518.3011870384216,
+    484.9368486404419
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    241.90118026733398,
+    237.62355995178223,
+    290.8125729560852,
+    236.3748688697815,
+    239.3299126625061
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 502.91987056732177,
+  v2Avg: 249.2084189414978
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    799.4153046607971,
+    777.0028653144836,
+    777.2323431968689,
+    785.8897371292114,
+    798.3927230834961
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    311.01856994628906,
+    295.6560649871826,
+    307.79802417755127,
+    305.10088777542114,
+    310.3852291107178
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 787.5865946769715,
+  v2Avg: 305.99175519943236
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 779,
+  v2Rows: 779,
+  v1Results: [
+    5330.425018787384,
+    5356.049385070801,
+    5433.774178028107,
+    5295.674503803253,
+    5394.812087059021
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    849.0378179550171,
+    836.553328037262,
+    843.9542899131775,
+    825.6594324111938,
+    807.7384171485901
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 5362.147034549713,
+  v2Avg: 832.5886570930481
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '5' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    85.67720603942871,
+    81.52558422088623,
+    80.4773850440979,
+    80.98601818084717,
+    79.1787657737732
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    100.9360146522522,
+    92.08908939361572,
+    82.77301788330078,
+    98.49220323562622,
+    86.0603346824646
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 81.56899185180664,
+  v2Avg: 92.07013196945191
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '338' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '338' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    82.94252443313599,
+    80.40571403503418,
+    88.00243282318115,
+    81.573157787323,
+    77.25836515426636
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    87.49602127075195,
+    88.36841297149658,
+    90.80904722213745,
+    88.60844612121582,
+    90.22147512435913
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 82.03643884658814,
+  v2Avg: 89.10068054199219
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { channel: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { channel: [Object] }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    1032.6302490234375,
+    1029.7906007766724,
+    1072.7440309524536,
+    1031.409644126892,
+    1026.7497262954712
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    336.2768588066101,
+    383.8435468673706,
+    375.41422510147095,
+    396.07827615737915,
+    433.5107431411743
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1038.6648502349854,
+  v2Avg: 385.02473001480104
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    1653.6555547714233,
+    1576.405680179596,
+    1583.077163696289,
+    1790.9930610656738,
+    1519.3924040794373
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    530.14919090271,
+    557.6267728805542,
+    481.2665410041809,
+    527.1358051300049,
+    536.5478067398071
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1624.7047727584838,
+  v2Avg: 526.5452233314514
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 779,
+  v2Rows: 779,
+  v1Results: [
+    11229.611734867096,
+    11183.397915840149,
+    11619.439226150513,
+    11257.4853348732,
+    11296.847748279572
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1919.4295959472656,
+    2054.9404373168945,
+    2110.6565680503845,
+    1911.7394742965698,
+    1905.1007676124573
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 11317.356392002106,
+  v2Avg: 1980.3733686447144
+  v1Query: 'GetMetaprotocolTransactionStatusEvents',
+  v2Query: 'GetMetaprotocolTransactionStatusEvents',
+  v1Input: {
+    transactionHash: '0x536d93a5e19c48d6f5983c8de3b9622fe44d096f13698aa2c13e8ae0f8a62780'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    transactionHash: '0x536d93a5e19c48d6f5983c8de3b9622fe44d096f13698aa2c13e8ae0f8a62780'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    78.56457710266113,
+    66.30377721786499,
+    69.91919994354248,
+    71.27927303314209,
+    81.59591484069824
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    644.0295257568359,
+    607.843499660492,
+    658.7308602333069,
+    638.6925640106201,
+    634.631941318512
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 73.53254842758179,
+  v2Avg: 636.7856781959533
+  v1Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    periodDays: 30,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    periodDays: 30,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    70.81594705581665,
+    71.48780488967896,
+    70.24749755859375,
+    66.39251804351807,
+    65.36716985702515
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    96.57228803634644,
+    92.30346632003784,
+    97.12106513977051,
+    93.89601421356201,
+    102.39606618881226
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 68.86218748092651,
+  v2Avg: 96.4577799797058
+  v1Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    periodDays: 7,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    periodDays: 7,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    80.6299819946289,
+    67.76058101654053,
+    83.47169589996338,
+    72.06933927536011,
+    75.38465213775635
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    98.32912015914917,
+    99.78071975708008,
+    96.20028257369995,
+    107.51283931732178,
+    92.14394283294678
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 75.86325006484985,
+  v2Avg: 98.79338092803955
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisMonth',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisMonth',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    61.79753112792969,
+    68.34893894195557,
+    67.90552186965942,
+    68.42774105072021,
+    68.55544519424438
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    91.75692319869995,
+    86.72869491577148,
+    89.5940899848938,
+    91.78943490982056,
+    87.32158946990967
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 67.00703563690186,
+  v2Avg: 89.4381464958191
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisWeek',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisWeek',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    74.12490606307983,
+    66.56605291366577,
+    63.83128118515015,
+    67.35725402832031,
+    63.28269720077515
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    91.50098991394043,
+    90.08909797668457,
+    86.97438192367554,
+    90.94919681549072,
+    84.72011232376099
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 67.03243827819824,
+  v2Avg: 88.84675579071045
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 63
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  40.43%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  18.66%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  39.60%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 18.20%
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - 100ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 26
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -31.89%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  4.05%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -32.18%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 3.64%
+========= QUERIES IN 101ms - 500ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 18
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -49.00%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  62.59%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -48.50%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 61.81%
+========= QUERIES IN 501ms - 2000ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 11
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  103.68%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  157.39%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  100.30%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 155.33%
+========= QUERIES IN 2000ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 8
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  389.77%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  452.53%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  387.67%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 462.11%

+ 1584 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1584 @@
+Orion V1 endpoint:
+Orion V2 endpoint:
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: { nft: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { auction: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 11,
+  v2Rows: 11,
+  v1Results: [
+    351.02572298049927,
+    144.37370491027832,
+    114.2889461517334,
+    99.33062028884888,
+    111.39957427978516
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    256.1857099533081,
+    73.308021068573,
+    67.76437997817993,
+    71.22424077987671,
+    70.45703315734863
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 164.083713722229,
+  v2Avg: 107.78787698745728
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: { bidder: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { bidder: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    90.72837686538696,
+    86.81660032272339,
+    83.32580709457397,
+    80.82108688354492,
+    79.33098030090332
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    65.52863597869873,
+    65.38411617279053,
+    64.07430124282837,
+    66.65355920791626,
+    66.97036504745483
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 84.20457029342651,
+  v2Avg: 65.72219552993775
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 53,
+  v2Rows: 53,
+  v1Results: [
+    291.56118297576904,
+    271.3921489715576,
+    318.485634803772,
+    276.305832862854,
+    249.57571029663086
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    135.63745975494385,
+    136.04301595687866,
+    122.84854412078857,
+    131.01009893417358,
+    126.48750591278076
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 281.4641019821167,
+  v2Avg: 130.4053249359131
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCategories',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedVideoCategories',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 29,
+  v2Rows: 29,
+  v1Results: [
+    64.07827997207642,
+    61.663715839385986,
+    56.17241191864014,
+    61.84263372421265,
+    64.47818899154663
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    76.97072887420654,
+    67.68674516677856,
+    59.853971004486084,
+    59.00072908401489,
+    62.8611741065979
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 61.64704608917236,
+  v2Avg: 65.2746696472168
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannel',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullChannel',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '7757' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '7757' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    78.6821231842041,
+    67.4102578163147,
+    65.54518222808838,
+    73.16770267486572,
+    71.42301797866821
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    63.20758819580078,
+    55.80344772338867,
+    58.91524600982666,
+    60.20719003677368,
+    62.53057813644409
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 71.24565677642822,
+  v2Avg: 60.132810020446776
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v2Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v1Input: { where: { category: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { category: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    76.57626628875732,
+    69.95659112930298,
+    67.14319515228271,
+    74.0327959060669,
+    62.68935489654541
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    66.42495203018188,
+    63.51208972930908,
+    63.843608379364014,
+    60.161314964294434,
+    60.84304666519165
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 70.07964067459106,
+  v2Avg: 62.957002353668216
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v2Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v1Input: { where: {} },
+  v2Input: { where: {} },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    59.42924880981445,
+    61.186224937438965,
+    68.07916116714478,
+    62.48158884048462,
+    62.887285232543945
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    59.52981185913086,
+    59.4633731842041,
+    56.996686935424805,
+    60.65805530548096,
+    59.71352291107178
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 62.81270179748535,
+  v2Avg: 59.2722900390625
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 1, language: [Object] },
+    limit: 100,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_ASC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 1, channel: [Object] },
+    limit: 100,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_ASC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 44,
+  v2Rows: 44,
+  v1Results: [
+    161.2904977798462,
+    140.99450397491455,
+    130.2878041267395,
+    129.56940031051636,
+    136.74770975112915
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    72.40646409988403,
+    79.6157751083374,
+    73.38055276870728,
+    71.08998489379883,
+    73.57665014266968
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 139.77798318862915,
+  v2Avg: 74.01388540267945
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    171.06009769439697,
+    204.85531616210938,
+    216.27013492584229,
+    217.25743579864502,
+    215.53982400894165
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    210.8510389328003,
+    179.29413318634033,
+    187.0370101928711,
+    182.00229740142822,
+    187.68624687194824
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 204.99656171798705,
+  v2Avg: 189.37414531707765
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    1184.7927551269531,
+    1057.7540402412415,
+    1054.7816181182861,
+    1074.3552598953247,
+    1013.4511742591858
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    473.5260920524597,
+    481.73468017578125,
+    472.5509309768677,
+    466.19573879241943,
+    460.4130778312683
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1077.0269695281982,
+  v2Avg: 470.88410396575927
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 5 } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 5 } },
+  v1Rows: 17,
+  v2Rows: 17,
+  v1Results: [
+    207.08776473999023,
+    190.1620111465454,
+    198.29216814041138,
+    196.66253900527954,
+    197.91717290878296
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    137.15320587158203,
+    130.24438619613647,
+    143.06694793701172,
+    129.45653820037842,
+    129.90967798233032
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 198.0243311882019,
+  v2Avg: 133.9661512374878
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    479.3956027030945,
+    474.2727789878845,
+    503.69446420669556,
+    487.54080533981323,
+    485.7384366989136
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    321.03546380996704,
+    301.72580003738403,
+    300.6019039154053,
+    306.901074886322,
+    313.21841287612915
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 486.1284175872803,
+  v2Avg: 308.6965311050415
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    3703.879601955414,
+    3625.786853790283,
+    3549.6904430389404,
+    3761.639130115509,
+    3533.107913017273
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    727.8321404457092,
+    737.2137570381165,
+    679.8065857887268,
+    689.4157419204712,
+    740.1408367156982
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 3634.820788383484,
+  v2Avg: 714.8818123817443
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannelsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicChannelsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { title_contains: 'a', avatarPhoto: [Object], isPublic_eq: true },
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { title_contains: 'a', avatarPhoto: [Object], isPublic_eq: true },
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    222.8079390525818,
+    165.16188669204712,
+    172.60509395599365,
+    163.67632293701172,
+    164.14750719070435
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    83.96283292770386,
+    80.49282264709473,
+    86.18280601501465,
+    77.42142486572266,
+    75.00189018249512
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 177.67974996566772,
+  v2Avg: 80.6123553276062
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10Channels',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10Channels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 0, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 0, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    60.209189891815186,
+    68.78154993057251,
+    63.43837213516235,
+    56.839077949523926,
+    63.86671686172485
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    63.91867113113403,
+    68.12056970596313,
+    61.683133125305176,
+    62.352580070495605,
+    67.7284049987793
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 62.62698135375977,
+  v2Avg: 64.76067180633545
+  v1Query: 'GetPromisingChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetPromisingChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    115.12865495681763,
+    124.91708183288574,
+    115.0407133102417,
+    113.2903470993042,
+    115.83485221862793
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    64.88032913208008,
+    66.88290309906006,
+    66.79583215713501,
+    72.32754755020142,
+    66.61921834945679
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 116.84232988357545,
+  v2Avg: 67.50116605758667
+  v1Query: 'GetDiscoverChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetDiscoverChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    107.86486339569092,
+    117.13844203948975,
+    117.69694375991821,
+    122.36654615402222,
+    115.51811408996582
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    71.5183572769165,
+    67.6355357170105,
+    66.71591567993164,
+    66.3922610282898,
+    70.23603439331055
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 116.11698188781739,
+  v2Avg: 68.4996208190918
+  v1Query: 'GetPopularChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetPopularChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    60.22153329849243,
+    61.00160217285156,
+    62.18603515625,
+    65.1305022239685,
+    60.20593881607056
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    64.07989692687988,
+    65.53806591033936,
+    70.62896966934204,
+    65.83584213256836,
+    63.14526987075806
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 61.749122333526614,
+  v2Avg: 65.84560890197754
+  v1Query: 'GetChannelNftCollectors',
+  v2Query: 'GetChannelNftCollectors',
+  v1Input: { where: { channel: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { channelId: '7693' },
+  v1Rows: 8,
+  v2Rows: 8,
+  v1Results: [
+    84.721999168396,
+    84.92406034469604,
+    73.64917755126953,
+    77.56458187103271,
+    73.21150493621826
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    71.46470785140991,
+    68.61239719390869,
+    61.16129684448242,
+    60.24693298339844,
+    62.460777282714844
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 78.81426477432251,
+  v2Avg: 64.78922243118286
+  v1Query: 'GetComment',
+  v2Query: 'GetComment',
+  v1Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-769463-2' },
+  v2Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-769463-2' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    67.84387969970703,
+    63.071584701538086,
+    62.56364679336548,
+    57.57170867919922,
+    62.76511573791504
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    65.34497594833374,
+    58.24398183822632,
+    60.57919502258301,
+    57.718688011169434,
+    67.62197971343994
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 62.76318712234497,
+  v2Avg: 61.90176410675049
+  v1Query: 'GetCommentRepliesConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetCommentRepliesConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    parentCommentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-874662-2',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    parentCommentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-874662-2',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 2,
+  v2Rows: 2,
+  v1Results: [
+    72.73540163040161,
+    68.1835708618164,
+    69.02516984939575,
+    74.44636821746826,
+    67.76200008392334
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    64.69666004180908,
+    61.359211921691895,
+    61.207284927368164,
+    56.96854114532471,
+    56.10349798202515
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 70.43050212860108,
+  v2Avg: 60.0670392036438
+  v1Query: 'GetUserCommentsAndVideoCommentsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetUserCommentsAndVideoCommentsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    videoId: '5',
+    memberId: '4680',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    videoId: '5',
+    memberId: '4680',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 11,
+  v2Rows: 11,
+  v1Results: [
+    101.10666704177856,
+    99.75271797180176,
+    97.94096612930298,
+    97.9159369468689,
+    102.24518013000488
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    78.03773307800293,
+    80.50903797149658,
+    74.89095067977905,
+    89.05176115036011,
+    74.12760162353516
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 99.79229364395141,
+  v2Avg: 79.32341690063477
+  v1Query: 'GetUserCommentsReactions',
+  v2Query: 'GetUserCommentsReactions',
+  v1Input: { memberId: '3233', videoId: '193' },
+  v2Input: { memberId: '3233', videoId: '193' },
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    69.01059103012085,
+    60.79531908035278,
+    62.57866716384888,
+    64.36368608474731,
+    61.62317514419556
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    60.38915300369263,
+    61.218173027038574,
+    57.35211515426636,
+    54.18977403640747,
+    57.046114921569824
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 63.674287700653075,
+  v2Avg: 58.03906602859497
+  v1Query: 'GetCommentEdits',
+  v2Query: 'GetCommentEdits',
+  v1Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-1049713-2' },
+  v2Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-1049713-2' },
+  v1Rows: 2,
+  v2Rows: 2,
+  v1Results: [
+    74.94028902053833,
+    64.4493670463562,
+    61.975950717926025,
+    71.22682285308838,
+    77.15701866149902
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    63.545719146728516,
+    67.16982984542847,
+    66.6722583770752,
+    67.7824273109436,
+    70.37388181686401
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 69.94988965988159,
+  v2Avg: 67.10882329940796
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0', '1', '2', '3',
+      '4', '5', '6', '7',
+      '8', '9'
+    ],
+    limit: 10
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0', '1', '2', '3',
+      '4', '5', '6', '7',
+      '8', '9'
+    ],
+    limit: 10
+  },
+  v1Rows: 10,
+  v2Rows: 10,
+  v1Results: [
+    73.47532320022583,
+    64.83420991897583,
+    64.44350290298462,
+    71.51928424835205,
+    63.933963775634766
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    66.49474000930786,
+    55.089118003845215,
+    55.08620309829712,
+    54.01557207107544,
+    55.725101947784424
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 67.64125680923462,
+  v2Avg: 57.28214702606201
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'
+    ],
+    limit: 100
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'
+    ],
+    limit: 100
+  },
+  v1Rows: 99,
+  v2Rows: 99,
+  v1Results: [
+    75.24080801010132,
+    69.42366790771484,
+    71.78870296478271,
+    73.58966827392578,
+    70.84509086608887
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    64.64723205566406,
+    62.55567407608032,
+    55.5822548866272,
+    59.06649971008301,
+    60.49521780014038
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 72.1775876045227,
+  v2Avg: 60.469375705718996
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99',
+      ... 900 more items
+    ],
+    limit: 1000
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99',
+      ... 900 more items
+    ],
+    limit: 1000
+  },
+  v1Rows: 954,
+  v2Rows: 954,
+  v1Results: [
+    129.9235978126526,
+    126.7927598953247,
+    118.37580299377441,
+    125.27902221679688,
+    136.18229484558105
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    81.64089584350586,
+    68.00131559371948,
+    113.7443299293518,
+    68.08289098739624,
+    70.67308521270752
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 127.31069555282593,
+  v2Avg: 80.42850351333618
+  v1Query: 'GetAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    69.29430913925171,
+    57.667731285095215,
+    57.642905712127686,
+    56.32417678833008,
+    60.51044178009033
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    87.38526105880737,
+    82.61059713363647,
+    91.014732837677,
+    81.35418796539307,
+    83.27819108963013
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 60.287912940979005,
+  v2Avg: 85.1285940170288
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: { controllerAccount_in: [Array] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { controllerAccount_in: [Array] } },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    192.48236513137817,
+    173.80783700942993,
+    181.8291220664978,
+    180.28931283950806,
+    181.42369174957275
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    67.34213590621948,
+    66.56249284744263,
+    66.09216594696045,
+    64.94986724853516,
+    73.94656705856323
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 181.96646575927736,
+  v2Avg: 67.77864580154419
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    345.690495967865,
+    314.55832529067993,
+    320.7412452697754,
+    325.7995090484619,
+    316.1946539878845
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    127.85859060287476,
+    121.17460203170776,
+    132.59450387954712,
+    130.5676770210266,
+    135.50622701644897
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 324.59684591293336,
+  v2Avg: 129.54032011032103
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    31217.29212999344,
+    31195.989154815674,
+    31005.00260591507,
+    31196.03697490692,
+    31175.859553337097
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    3316.195736885071,
+    3648.7722063064575,
+    3655.7634172439575,
+    3413.6556582450867,
+    3371.402070045471
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 31158.03608379364,
+  v2Avg: 3481.157817745209
+  v1Query: 'GetNft',
+  v2Query: 'GetNft',
+  v1Input: { id: '5' },
+  v2Input: { id: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    92.38447523117065,
+    80.11186408996582,
+    78.84967994689941,
+    85.38935804367065,
+    87.2223629951477
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    120.59908199310303,
+    98.16303014755249,
+    95.06198167800903,
+    97.07886791229248,
+    99.6321153640747
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 84.79154806137085,
+  v2Avg: 102.10701541900634
+  v1Query: 'GetNft',
+  v2Query: 'GetNft',
+  v1Input: { id: '9' },
+  v2Input: { id: '9' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    84.61159420013428,
+    84.14678287506104,
+    74.11174583435059,
+    81.91703128814697,
+    82.16833686828613
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    93.37670469284058,
+    93.64284086227417,
+    108.13537120819092,
+    98.7408390045166,
+    91.6027340888977
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 81.3910982131958,
+  v2Avg: 97.099697971344
+  v1Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v2Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    1537.781542301178,
+    1454.5448899269104,
+    1418.5338640213013,
+    1393.5445580482483,
+    1416.2222032546997
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    464.40286779403687,
+    460.86845111846924,
+    437.1583843231201,
+    430.3762011528015,
+    448.22832202911377
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1444.1254115104675,
+  v2Avg: 448.2068452835083
+  v1Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v2Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 631,
+  v2Rows: 631,
+  v1Results: [
+    8648.370851039886,
+    8032.49658203125,
+    8294.345482349396,
+    8178.65115070343,
+    8034.094361782074
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1209.1400990486145,
+    1073.0909543037415,
+    1054.402156829834,
+    1021.5400218963623,
+    1042.990526676178
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 8237.591685581207,
+  v2Avg: 1080.2327517509461
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+  v1Input: { where: { OR: [Array] }, first: 10, orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC' },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { transactionalStatus: [Object] },
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 10,
+  v2Rows: 10,
+  v1Results: [
+    224.2797532081604,
+    188.783203125,
+    188.66390466690063,
+    198.7700653076172,
+    200.44619178771973
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    194.62058401107788,
+    182.8341908454895,
+    190.04347276687622,
+    202.23474502563477,
+    238.03395175933838
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 200.18862361907958,
+  v2Avg: 201.55338888168336
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { creatorChannel: [Object], video: [Object] },
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v2Input: { where: { video: [Object] }, orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC', first: 50 },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    839.4913139343262,
+    858.2606058120728,
+    826.8806748390198,
+    891.1690502166748,
+    830.2530360221863
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    323.97558784484863,
+    316.07275199890137,
+    372.93453311920166,
+    350.01811504364014,
+    323.0510182380676
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 849.210936164856,
+  v2Avg: 337.2104012489319
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: { where: { ownerMember: [Object], video: [Object] }, first: 50 },
+  v2Input: { where: { OR: [Array] }, first: 50 },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    811.175449848175,
+    848.1425633430481,
+    802.7815489768982,
+    815.3897981643677,
+    787.5873188972473
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    459.72402906417847,
+    431.54463624954224,
+    420.48580598831177,
+    428.74516105651855,
+    433.21308994293213
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 813.0153358459472,
+  v2Avg: 434.74254446029664
+  v1Query: 'GetDistributionBucketsWithBags',
+  v2Query: 'GetDistributionBucketsWithBags',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 16,
+  v2Rows: 16,
+  v1Results: [
+    5883.147616863251,
+    6437.796696186066,
+    5931.157866001129,
+    6185.892535209656,
+    6127.641261577606
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    2414.379853248596,
+    2340.5169496536255,
+    2282.6629910469055,
+    2437.533754825592,
+    2545.099416255951
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 6113.127195167542,
+  v2Avg: 2404.038593006134
+  v1Query: 'GetStorageBucketsWithBags',
+  v2Query: 'GetStorageBucketsWithBags',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    5038.884709358215,
+    5607.376286029816,
+    4975.983366012573,
+    5149.292353630066,
+    5210.415150165558
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1680.396508693695,
+    1732.5695571899414,
+    1726.2483820915222,
+    1809.3679809570312,
+    1745.495244026184
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 5196.390373039246,
+  v2Avg: 1738.8155345916748
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicDistributionBuckets',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicDistributionBuckets',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 6,
+  v2Rows: 6,
+  v1Results: [
+    74.92073488235474,
+    70.62652254104614,
+    63.20944309234619,
+    65.37120485305786,
+    65.35340213775635
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    52.08699178695679,
+    49.34480857849121,
+    53.62740993499756,
+    56.36330604553223,
+    58.073333740234375
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 67.89626150131225,
+  v2Avg: 53.89917001724243
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicStorageBuckets',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicStorageBuckets',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    55.010536670684814,
+    63.92977285385132,
+    58.74574518203735,
+    61.03099536895752,
+    61.72537803649902
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    58.75134611129761,
+    56.61147117614746,
+    56.69510316848755,
+    55.04124689102173,
+    55.93437910079956
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 60.088485622406004,
+  v2Avg: 56.60670928955078
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      title_contains: 'a'
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: [ 'reactionsCount_DESC', 'commentsCount_DESC', 'createdAt_DESC' ]
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      title_contains: 'a'
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: [ 'reactionsCount_DESC', 'commentsCount_DESC', 'createdAt_DESC' ]
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    572.0018677711487,
+    482.29221057891846,
+    514.3223552703857,
+    504.5605368614197,
+    535.0036463737488
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    133.4855670928955,
+    132.24152898788452,
+    193.72595596313477,
+    183.37153577804565,
+    212.65218687057495
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 521.6361233711243,
+  v2Avg: 171.09535493850709
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      channel: [Object]
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      channel: [Object]
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    516.7374062538147,
+    493.71704721450806,
+    472.7464499473572,
+    487.26635789871216,
+    516.6283240318298
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    237.61371326446533,
+    239.8506259918213,
+    236.74835586547852,
+    240.24665117263794,
+    236.99432182312012
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 497.4191170692444,
+  v2Avg: 238.29073362350465
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    819.8700528144836,
+    775.5232028961182,
+    795.8243880271912,
+    829.5806188583374,
+    813.335364818573
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    305.6489977836609,
+    292.4465560913086,
+    319.4423804283142,
+    278.46905994415283,
+    304.03416681289673
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 806.8267254829407,
+  v2Avg: 300.0082322120667
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
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+  v1Rows: 778,
+  v2Rows: 778,
+  v1Results: [
+    5388.0146317481995,
+    5546.750940799713,
+    5421.953876018524,
+    5200.1736850738525,
+    5526.722643852234
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    787.4114141464233,
+    839.0167841911316,
+    879.9918007850647,
+    843.1927008628845,
+    792.5112299919128
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 5416.723155498505,
+  v2Avg: 828.4247859954834
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '5' } },
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+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    92.01959896087646,
+    82.05976486206055,
+    84.47138786315918,
+    73.0777940750122,
+    78.35286712646484
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    94.91889429092407,
+    93.26108932495117,
+    85.57831907272339,
+    85.97363090515137,
+    86.60453271865845
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 81.99628257751465,
+  v2Avg: 89.26729326248169
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '338' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '338' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    84.5684289932251,
+    85.39738082885742,
+    83.32421064376831,
+    85.44851398468018,
+    84.29686880111694
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    99.19255018234253,
+    84.94116306304932,
+    78.35830593109131,
+    89.33116674423218,
+    94.41657495498657
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 84.60708065032959,
+  v2Avg: 89.24795217514038
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideosConnection',
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+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { channel: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { channel: [Object] }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    1084.4443321228027,
+    1038.4766573905945,
+    1016.0386118888855,
+    1019.0978503227234,
+    1147.4668412208557
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    352.9328670501709,
+    419.7729182243347,
+    408.9530391693115,
+    395.9355549812317,
+    396.96132707595825
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1061.1048585891724,
+  v2Avg: 394.9111413002014
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    1573.3234586715698,
+    1593.4580950737,
+    1499.2919759750366,
+    1575.9014353752136,
+    1568.499349117279
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    520.0619840621948,
+    521.4182653427124,
+    522.97691822052,
+    528.3123297691345,
+    514.3947477340698
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1562.09486284256,
+  v2Avg: 521.4328490257263
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 778,
+  v2Rows: 778,
+  v1Results: [
+    11669.284381866455,
+    11160.417222976685,
+    11350.557770729065,
+    11605.046117782593,
+    11425.330091953278
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1907.529704093933,
+    1944.6552982330322,
+    1932.0102367401123,
+    1958.9019808769226,
+    1994.9127740859985
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 11442.127117061615,
+  v2Avg: 1947.6019988059998
+  v1Query: 'GetMetaprotocolTransactionStatusEvents',
+  v2Query: 'GetMetaprotocolTransactionStatusEvents',
+  v1Input: {
+    transactionHash: '0x536d93a5e19c48d6f5983c8de3b9622fe44d096f13698aa2c13e8ae0f8a62780'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    transactionHash: '0x536d93a5e19c48d6f5983c8de3b9622fe44d096f13698aa2c13e8ae0f8a62780'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    85.6957688331604,
+    64.56345510482788,
+    61.467331886291504,
+    75.40327310562134,
+    62.78186321258545
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    633.5990433692932,
+    625.4406132698059,
+    613.8682188987732,
+    644.7749752998352,
+    629.5833640098572
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 69.98233842849731,
+  v2Avg: 629.453242969513
+  v1Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    periodDays: 30,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    periodDays: 30,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    76.2688422203064,
+    74.14687538146973,
+    69.02205419540405,
+    68.34701442718506,
+    66.85932207107544
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    114.99944591522217,
+    107.10354280471802,
+    104.1666431427002,
+    96.21369075775146,
+    98.52290534973145
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 70.92882165908813,
+  v2Avg: 104.20124559402466
+  v1Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    periodDays: 7,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    periodDays: 7,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    74.28222703933716,
+    67.32513999938965,
+    72.52995491027832,
+    62.718424797058105,
+    68.46848821640015
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    98.96771430969238,
+    98.3171501159668,
+    95.49901390075684,
+    107.23607587814331,
+    92.00734186172485
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 69.06484699249268,
+  v2Avg: 98.40545921325683
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisMonth',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisMonth',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    65.34620904922485,
+    65.79404592514038,
+    67.71387100219727,
+    67.69756174087524,
+    55.415831089019775
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    94.46654272079468,
+    86.30305910110474,
+    88.43129587173462,
+    95.22284030914307,
+    83.87975120544434
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 64.3935037612915,
+  v2Avg: 89.66069784164429
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisWeek',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisWeek',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    62.04579496383667,
+    67.56130504608154,
+    75.61498928070068,
+    57.82266092300415,
+    65.20413017272949
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    85.8071141242981,
+    91.32144403457642,
+    107.3624529838562,
+    82.71107578277588,
+    83.85615825653076
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 65.6497760772705,
+  v2Avg: 90.21164903640747
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 56
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  86.57%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  27.05%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  85.59%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 27.49%
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - 100ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 27
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -31.97%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  1.39%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -34.06%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 3.61%
+========= QUERIES IN 101ms - 500ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 14
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  79.92%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  71.31%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  81.53%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 76.30%
+========= QUERIES IN 501ms - 2000ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 8
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  166.48%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  168.81%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  162.34%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 164.56%
+========= QUERIES IN 2000ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 7
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  465.79%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  487.50%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  467.49%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 487.52%

+ 1748 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1748 @@
+Orion V1 endpoint:
+Orion V2 endpoint:
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: { nft: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { auction: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 11,
+  v2Rows: 11,
+  v1Results: [
+    451.6073489189148,
+    114.20155811309814,
+    106.01173877716064,
+    101.04585790634155,
+    128.7146201133728
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    267.9239549636841,
+    65.42646789550781,
+    67.24522495269775,
+    66.71128702163696,
+    65.09114170074463
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 180.31622476577758,
+  v2Avg: 106.47961530685424
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: { bidder: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { bidder: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    90.37601375579834,
+    91.17880010604858,
+    90.95580768585205,
+    88.20493507385254,
+    88.19603109359741
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    61.92208242416382,
+    60.4068169593811,
+    65.43991899490356,
+    68.17588806152344,
+    59.92394304275513
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 89.78231754302979,
+  v2Avg: 63.17372989654541
+  v1Query: 'GetBids',
+  v2Query: 'GetBids',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 54,
+  v2Rows: 54,
+  v1Results: [
+    304.3629755973816,
+    267.896635055542,
+    325.00013971328735,
+    275.5339198112488,
+    245.78830814361572
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    134.60595512390137,
+    121.77902936935425,
+    119.463134765625,
+    122.28263092041016,
+    114.59080600738525
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 283.7163956642151,
+  v2Avg: 122.54431123733521
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCategories',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedVideoCategories',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 29,
+  v2Rows: 29,
+  v1Results: [
+    67.63761901855469,
+    61.41241502761841,
+    54.07106685638428,
+    59.953453063964844,
+    62.78451585769653
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    72.4404411315918,
+    55.936996936798096,
+    56.505009174346924,
+    60.57462978363037,
+    57.27991962432861
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 61.17181396484375,
+  v2Avg: 60.54739933013916
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannel',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullChannel',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '7757' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '7757' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    73.93110370635986,
+    69.3416428565979,
+    69.40294122695923,
+    62.49119806289673,
+    72.97301626205444
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    66.32205009460449,
+    57.584778785705566,
+    57.90076971054077,
+    64.42083501815796,
+    56.27457571029663
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 69.62798042297364,
+  v2Avg: 60.500601863861085
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v2Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v1Input: { where: { category: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { category: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    72.92594003677368,
+    63.20552062988281,
+    66.65710020065308,
+    68.4023380279541,
+    65.44714260101318
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    60.32369327545166,
+    62.29304313659668,
+    61.23977184295654,
+    59.735437870025635,
+    59.11085319519043
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 67.32760829925537,
+  v2Avg: 60.54055986404419
+  v1Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v2Query: 'GetVideoCount',
+  v1Input: { where: {} },
+  v2Input: { where: {} },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    62.79400587081909,
+    64.649827003479,
+    62.23615264892578,
+    59.6593599319458,
+    58.77700901031494
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    56.736756324768066,
+    57.29971218109131,
+    52.639094829559326,
+    54.709716796875,
+    52.31397294998169
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 61.62327089309692,
+  v2Avg: 54.73985061645508
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 1, language: [Object] },
+    limit: 100,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_ASC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 1, channel: [Object] },
+    limit: 100,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_ASC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 45,
+  v2Rows: 45,
+  v1Results: [
+    178.79056692123413,
+    129.10826683044434,
+    143.36266708374023,
+    130.6205611228943,
+    151.6289529800415
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    130.6102843284607,
+    87.16336584091187,
+    71.93801021575928,
+    66.26082801818848,
+    67.75594902038574
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 146.7022029876709,
+  v2Avg: 84.74568748474121
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    173.36541604995728,
+    220.23044109344482,
+    200.27008485794067,
+    200.69436693191528,
+    192.70560503005981
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    167.95117855072021,
+    162.95448207855225,
+    165.16422700881958,
+    165.57441997528076,
+    167.28913974761963
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 197.45318279266357,
+  v2Avg: 165.78668947219847
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedBasicChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    1205.7221760749817,
+    1200.7246718406677,
+    1152.6847352981567,
+    1045.1255683898926,
+    1043.264066696167
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    403.0171160697937,
+    365.16763973236084,
+    360.86713886260986,
+    356.7894597053528,
+    638.9542942047119
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1129.504243659973,
+  v2Avg: 424.9591297149658
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 5 } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 5 } },
+  v1Rows: 17,
+  v2Rows: 17,
+  v1Results: [
+    193.95196914672852,
+    190.84022617340088,
+    180.09491729736328,
+    187.3145251274109,
+    209.67547798156738
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    175.58866691589355,
+    163.25306224822998,
+    166.52650213241577,
+    160.48963594436646,
+    168.3750901222229
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 192.37542314529418,
+  v2Avg: 166.84659147262573
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    491.4386773109436,
+    490.5867381095886,
+    493.37763500213623,
+    476.0246319770813,
+    519.8726239204407
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    291.05618715286255,
+    296.22258853912354,
+    292.77316665649414,
+    328.04914903640747,
+    284.609356880188
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 494.2600612640381,
+  v2Avg: 298.5420896530151
+  v1Query: 'GetFullChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetExtendedFullChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    3886.396867275238,
+    3593.615144252777,
+    3714.1051630973816,
+    3899.643774032593,
+    3710.19717168808
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    893.1546912193298,
+    814.763729095459,
+    799.289128780365,
+    741.7758016586304,
+    713.1137599945068
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 3760.791624069214,
+  v2Avg: 792.4194221496582
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicChannelsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicChannelsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { title_contains: 'a', avatarPhoto: [Object], isPublic_eq: true },
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { title_contains: 'a', avatarPhoto: [Object], isPublic_eq: true },
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    235.89207696914673,
+    164.3727011680603,
+    166.9079098701477,
+    174.40144300460815,
+    169.3932490348816
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    83.52474021911621,
+    79.34227991104126,
+    74.15279388427734,
+    80.53447961807251,
+    78.60183095932007
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 182.1934760093689,
+  v2Avg: 79.23122491836548
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10Channels',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10Channels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 0, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 0, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    55.634692668914795,
+    54.121520042419434,
+    52.466662883758545,
+    61.26058912277222,
+    56.689069747924805
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    64.95254182815552,
+    56.5157036781311,
+    60.15813493728638,
+    56.09858322143555,
+    61.32310104370117
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 56.03450689315796,
+  v2Avg: 59.809612941741946
+  v1Query: 'GetPromisingChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetPromisingChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    118.96855068206787,
+    128.19401502609253,
+    111.16012573242188,
+    106.00648307800293,
+    102.57280778884888
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    69.84083414077759,
+    64.38641691207886,
+    67.94728088378906,
+    64.48251104354858,
+    62.70247793197632
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 113.38039646148681,
+  v2Avg: 65.87190418243408
+  v1Query: 'GetDiscoverChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetDiscoverChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    106.04616832733154,
+    112.5551381111145,
+    109.14944505691528,
+    120.06705236434937,
+    109.43275499343872
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    61.66274881362915,
+    57.57513618469238,
+    61.72244691848755,
+    58.907649993896484,
+    62.95890998840332
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 111.45011177062989,
+  v2Avg: 60.56537837982178
+  v1Query: 'GetPopularChannels',
+  v2Query: 'GetPopularChannels',
+  v1Input: { where: { activeVideosCounter_gt: 4, isPublic_eq: true } },
+  v2Input: { where: { activeVideosCount_gt: 4, channel: [Object] } },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    56.282920360565186,
+    53.66085910797119,
+    60.297786235809326,
+    57.574613094329834,
+    59.22861289978027
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    61.76993942260742,
+    63.31771183013916,
+    59.37308979034424,
+    68.91024017333984,
+    59.89177227020264
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 57.40895833969116,
+  v2Avg: 62.65255069732666
+  v1Query: 'GetChannelNftCollectors',
+  v2Query: 'GetChannelNftCollectors',
+  v1Input: { where: { channel: [Object] } },
+  v2Input: { channelId: '7693' },
+  v1Rows: 8,
+  v2Rows: 8,
+  v1Results: [
+    75.03145980834961,
+    79.18820333480835,
+    67.39400386810303,
+    74.03173971176147,
+    72.80786323547363
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    67.48623991012573,
+    59.69623422622681,
+    59.331666469573975,
+    59.56627178192139,
+    58.40815734863281
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 73.69065399169922,
+  v2Avg: 60.89771394729614
+  v1Query: 'GetComment',
+  v2Query: 'GetComment',
+  v1Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-769463-2' },
+  v2Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-769463-2' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    63.760324001312256,
+    58.47451686859131,
+    58.608006954193115,
+    58.659850120544434,
+    58.421006202697754
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    60.79394340515137,
+    54.84171676635742,
+    59.06128215789795,
+    54.15728282928467,
+    57.00504970550537
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 59.584740829467776,
+  v2Avg: 57.171854972839355
+  v1Query: 'GetCommentRepliesConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetCommentRepliesConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    parentCommentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-874662-2',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    parentCommentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-874662-2',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 2,
+  v2Rows: 2,
+  v1Results: [
+    68.1422791481018,
+    66.33758211135864,
+    67.44891738891602,
+    64.9177827835083,
+    66.80030918121338
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    60.83445596694946,
+    58.08392095565796,
+    55.81062602996826,
+    58.84915828704834,
+    62.00218486785889
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 66.72937412261963,
+  v2Avg: 59.11606922149658
+  v1Query: 'GetUserCommentsAndVideoCommentsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetUserCommentsAndVideoCommentsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    videoId: '5',
+    memberId: '4680',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    videoId: '5',
+    memberId: '4680',
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 11,
+  v2Rows: 11,
+  v1Results: [
+    101.38298988342285,
+    105.04670190811157,
+    97.98076105117798,
+    100.79863405227661,
+    99.02087497711182
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    79.94801616668701,
+    68.6978268623352,
+    67.52224493026733,
+    77.45289468765259,
+    73.63604736328125
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 100.84599237442016,
+  v2Avg: 73.45140600204468
+  v1Query: 'GetUserCommentsReactions',
+  v2Query: 'GetUserCommentsReactions',
+  v1Input: { memberId: '3233', videoId: '193' },
+  v2Input: { memberId: '3233', videoId: '193' },
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    64.82499980926514,
+    58.72316884994507,
+    56.67060422897339,
+    60.69253206253052,
+    55.78748369216919
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    61.91022491455078,
+    51.87665510177612,
+    53.88494396209717,
+    54.754793643951416,
+    54.111567974090576
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 59.33975772857666,
+  v2Avg: 55.30763711929321
+  v1Query: 'GetCommentEdits',
+  v2Query: 'GetCommentEdits',
+  v1Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-1049713-2' },
+  v2Input: { commentId: 'METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-1049713-2' },
+  v1Rows: 2,
+  v2Rows: 2,
+  v1Results: [
+    62.68960905075073,
+    57.97328996658325,
+    57.086419105529785,
+    60.27161121368408,
+    62.89357614517212
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    64.36245393753052,
+    61.04490089416504,
+    58.92174816131592,
+    65.44227933883667,
+    58.809218883514404
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 60.182901096344,
+  v2Avg: 61.71612024307251
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0', '1', '2', '3',
+      '4', '5', '6', '7',
+      '8', '9'
+    ],
+    limit: 10
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0', '1', '2', '3',
+      '4', '5', '6', '7',
+      '8', '9'
+    ],
+    limit: 10
+  },
+  v1Rows: 10,
+  v2Rows: 10,
+  v1Results: [
+    67.98108291625977,
+    58.376338958740234,
+    61.982563972473145,
+    56.46553134918213,
+    62.47335386276245
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    53.37629175186157,
+    54.1727409362793,
+    49.326687812805176,
+    49.755455017089844,
+    48.75551462173462
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 61.45577421188354,
+  v2Avg: 51.0773380279541
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'
+    ],
+    limit: 100
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'
+    ],
+    limit: 100
+  },
+  v1Rows: 99,
+  v2Rows: 99,
+  v1Results: [
+    74.95590019226074,
+    66.29628086090088,
+    64.87846326828003,
+    72.6738109588623,
+    67.58620166778564
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    54.45785093307495,
+    56.590288162231445,
+    61.86349868774414,
+    56.43477010726929,
+    58.11848783493042
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 69.27813138961793,
+  v2Avg: 57.49297914505005
+  v1Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v2Query: 'GetDataObjectAvailability',
+  v1Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99',
+      ... 900 more items
+    ],
+    limit: 1000
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    id_in: [
+      '0',  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9',
+      '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
+      '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
+      '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39',
+      '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49',
+      '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59',
+      '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69',
+      '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79',
+      '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89',
+      '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99',
+      ... 900 more items
+    ],
+    limit: 1000
+  },
+  v1Rows: 954,
+  v2Rows: 954,
+  v1Results: [
+    129.60854387283325,
+    123.82021808624268,
+    127.32239818572998,
+    125.7621431350708,
+    134.17256021499634
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    79.85085773468018,
+    75.6263780593872,
+    69.25914716720581,
+    72.1812539100647,
+    66.43816804885864
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 128.1371726989746,
+  v2Avg: 72.6711609840393
+  v1Query: 'GetAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    65.91067600250244,
+    55.22586107254028,
+    64.7338490486145,
+    51.20635509490967,
+    52.616971015930176
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    93.53805589675903,
+    85.31139802932739,
+    79.91429805755615,
+    79.89435815811157,
+    75.81462526321411
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 57.93874244689941,
+  v2Avg: 82.89454708099365
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: { controllerAccount_in: [Array] } },
+  v2Input: { where: { controllerAccount_in: [Array] } },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    222.62482357025146,
+    169.91324520111084,
+    175.36150074005127,
+    172.30606508255005,
+    181.8167748451233
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    74.62292289733887,
+    63.325045585632324,
+    65.19469833374023,
+    62.48115682601929,
+    71.37512540817261
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 184.40448188781738,
+  v2Avg: 67.39978981018066
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    319.1039433479309,
+    335.1447548866272,
+    322.6870470046997,
+    308.63164472579956,
+    318.19133043289185
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    125.20798921585083,
+    159.95756340026855,
+    118.78639698028564,
+    125.6853699684143,
+    121.26108694076538
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 320.75174407958986,
+  v2Avg: 130.17968130111694
+  v1Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v2Query: 'GetMemberships',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 1000,
+  v2Rows: 1000,
+  v1Results: [
+    31561.164360046387,
+    30392.431162834167,
+    30117.18757200241,
+    29851.098025798798,
+    30027.455605983734
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    3063.888674736023,
+    3229.2635340690613,
+    3156.872458934784,
+    3092.045279979706,
+    3078.773596763611
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 30389.8673453331,
+  v2Avg: 3124.168708896637
+  v1Query: 'GetNft',
+  v2Query: 'GetNft',
+  v1Input: { id: '5' },
+  v2Input: { id: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    91.2691707611084,
+    73.79289293289185,
+    78.17633581161499,
+    76.20761680603027,
+    78.76906394958496
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    155.87402486801147,
+    101.62593793869019,
+    86.68707799911499,
+    89.40459394454956,
+    95.70322895050049
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 79.6430160522461,
+  v2Avg: 105.85897274017334
+  v1Query: 'GetNft',
+  v2Query: 'GetNft',
+  v1Input: { id: '9' },
+  v2Input: { id: '9' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    84.73744487762451,
+    81.08872699737549,
+    74.04753971099854,
+    71.21485614776611,
+    73.30465412139893
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    90.00795698165894,
+    89.31843996047974,
+    91.29979515075684,
+    95.273184299469,
+    85.01616191864014
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 76.87864437103272,
+  v2Avg: 90.18310766220092
+  v1Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v2Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    1508.7081952095032,
+    1441.308193206787,
+    1422.7598690986633,
+    1428.6702208518982,
+    1402.7967190742493
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    435.9036021232605,
+    427.1053080558777,
+    399.91761207580566,
+    393.53779125213623,
+    464.017352104187
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1440.8486394882202,
+  v2Avg: 424.09633312225344
+  v1Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v2Query: 'GetNfts',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 658,
+  v2Rows: 658,
+  v1Results: [
+    9254.795014858246,
+    8504.871553897858,
+    8642.884343147278,
+    8569.958996295929,
+    8381.646343231201
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    918.3122339248657,
+    935.5347948074341,
+    962.4567971229553,
+    953.2088260650635,
+    940.7230038642883
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 8670.831250286103,
+  v2Avg: 942.0471311569214
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: { where: { OR: [Array] }, first: 10, orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC' },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: { transactionalStatus: [Object] },
+    first: 10,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 10,
+  v2Rows: 10,
+  v1Results: [
+    247.14272356033325,
+    228.97371196746826,
+    246.34102869033813,
+    212.13250303268433,
+    225.15745210647583
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    199.41567182540894,
+    174.77051877975464,
+    170.97509288787842,
+    174.42056322097778,
+    181.86301803588867
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 231.94948387145996,
+  v2Avg: 180.28897294998168
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { creatorChannel: [Object], video: [Object] },
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    first: 50
+  },
+  v2Input: { where: { video: [Object] }, orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC', first: 50 },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    826.129762172699,
+    827.857581615448,
+    800.5643539428711,
+    820.9212961196899,
+    826.4920339584351
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    300.6907811164856,
+    292.02654123306274,
+    296.18386602401733,
+    297.9059638977051,
+    305.9102349281311
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 820.3930055618287,
+  v2Avg: 298.54347743988035
+  v1Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftsConnection',
+  v1Input: { where: { ownerMember: [Object], video: [Object] }, first: 50 },
+  v2Input: { where: { OR: [Array] }, first: 50 },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    842.9543380737305,
+    839.5892696380615,
+    863.8201351165771,
+    821.7399010658264,
+    824.3597412109375
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    448.3910698890686,
+    378.1370120048523,
+    391.88626527786255,
+    385.3741660118103,
+    430.1134309768677
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 838.4926770210266,
+  v2Avg: 406.7803888320923
+  v1Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v2Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v1Input: { limit: 50, channelId: '7692', memberId: '2962' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 50, channelId: '7692', memberId: '2962' },
+  v1Rows: 41,
+  v2Rows: 41,
+  v1Results: [
+    270.49364709854126,
+    271.6407051086426,
+    279.46371936798096,
+    261.41202783584595,
+    273.94333600997925
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    197.88383102416992,
+    152.39541625976562,
+    177.45843601226807,
+    165.91651725769043,
+    162.6848030090332
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 271.390687084198,
+  v2Avg: 171.26780071258545
+  v1Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v2Query: 'GetNotifications',
+  v1Input: { limit: 50, channelId: '7693', memberId: '3233' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 50, channelId: '7693', memberId: '3233' },
+  v1Rows: 46,
+  v2Rows: 46,
+  v1Results: [
+    323.11878490448,
+    329.5598211288452,
+    339.73275566101074,
+    335.63270902633667,
+    303.4187841415405
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    232.3558349609375,
+    202.4163122177124,
+    204.18560791015625,
+    200.78714323043823,
+    199.25273084640503
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 326.2925709724426,
+  v2Avg: 207.79952583312988
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '5' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 20,
+  v2Rows: 20,
+  v1Results: [
+    173.31935739517212,
+    166.9516897201538,
+    170.40279293060303,
+    174.7423939704895,
+    174.00578212738037
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    150.33283710479736,
+    93.94427919387817,
+    95.62960386276245,
+    101.97420406341553,
+    98.52111673355103
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 171.88440322875977,
+  v2Avg: 108.0804081916809
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '14' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '14' },
+  v1Rows: 9,
+  v2Rows: 9,
+  v1Results: [
+    153.43514585494995,
+    152.6274151802063,
+    155.12263679504395,
+    161.05454444885254,
+    158.95368194580078
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    97.54259634017944,
+    94.80965518951416,
+    95.51508903503418,
+    96.91102695465088,
+    93.29117918014526
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 156.2386848449707,
+  v2Avg: 95.61390933990478
+  v1Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftHistory',
+  v1Input: { nftId: '338' },
+  v2Input: { nftId: '338' },
+  v1Rows: 14,
+  v2Rows: 14,
+  v1Results: [
+    166.03739500045776,
+    166.7796459197998,
+    172.1448130607605,
+    163.5264310836792,
+    143.60776567459106
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    109.72193622589111,
+    134.63825511932373,
+    94.42882108688354,
+    95.80560684204102,
+    103.1104211807251
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 162.41921014785765,
+  v2Avg: 107.5410080909729
+  v1Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '4537' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '4537' },
+  v1Rows: 461,
+  v2Rows: 461,
+  v1Results: [
+    2103.966788291931,
+    1992.9248509407043,
+    1973.9286150932312,
+    1893.4369668960571,
+    1999.6285200119019
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1804.5559911727905,
+    1809.0813269615173,
+    1753.9034934043884,
+    1761.358551979065,
+    1780.8872237205505
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1992.7771482467651,
+  v2Avg: 1781.9573174476623
+  v1Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v2Query: 'GetNftActivities',
+  v1Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '798' },
+  v2Input: { limit: 1000, memberId: '798' },
+  v1Rows: 388,
+  v2Rows: 388,
+  v1Results: [
+    1810.0302248001099,
+    1788.5535926818848,
+    1733.6757907867432,
+    1667.0256538391113,
+    1631.6055517196655
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1717.2195363044739,
+    1657.9192810058594,
+    1794.0801358222961,
+    1890.4457349777222,
+    1760.8137216567993
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1726.178162765503,
+  v2Avg: 1764.0956819534301
+  v1Query: 'GetDistributionBucketsWithBags',
+  v2Query: 'GetDistributionBucketsWithBags',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 16,
+  v2Rows: 16,
+  v1Results: [
+    6124.845028877258,
+    5903.374890804291,
+    6154.950941085815,
+    5830.3549036979675,
+    6539.96883392334
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    2431.7393584251404,
+    2372.260127067566,
+    2212.2559452056885,
+    2306.838137149811,
+    2271.765986919403
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 6110.698919677734,
+  v2Avg: 2318.9719109535217
+  v1Query: 'GetStorageBucketsWithBags',
+  v2Query: 'GetStorageBucketsWithBags',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    5120.38583612442,
+    5322.9696979522705,
+    4829.539776802063,
+    5126.352346897125,
+    5208.865458011627
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1804.4636058807373,
+    1778.0691933631897,
+    1564.810200214386,
+    1659.2368817329407,
+    1595.5258312225342
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 5121.622623157501,
+  v2Avg: 1680.4211424827577
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicDistributionBuckets',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicDistributionBuckets',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 6,
+  v2Rows: 6,
+  v1Results: [
+    65.99231290817261,
+    56.99334383010864,
+    57.952476978302,
+    57.92965888977051,
+    57.281028270721436
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    52.19367742538452,
+    52.99570608139038,
+    49.56632995605469,
+    54.63258504867554,
+    52.325228691101074
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 59.22976417541504,
+  v2Avg: 52.34270544052124
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicStorageBuckets',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicStorageBuckets',
+  v1Input: undefined,
+  v2Input: undefined,
+  v1Rows: 5,
+  v2Rows: 5,
+  v1Results: [
+    54.4355149269104,
+    58.684725761413574,
+    59.79257535934448,
+    55.931814670562744,
+    53.20528984069824
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    50.20194387435913,
+    51.81971597671509,
+    52.32881784439087,
+    52.80382823944092,
+    51.54786825180054
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 56.40998411178589,
+  v2Avg: 51.74043483734131
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      title_contains: 'a'
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: [ 'reactionsCount_DESC', 'commentsCount_DESC', 'createdAt_DESC' ]
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      title_contains: 'a'
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: [ 'reactionsCount_DESC', 'commentsCount_DESC', 'createdAt_DESC' ]
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    525.9611740112305,
+    499.14545726776123,
+    472.49702072143555,
+    470.825767993927,
+    479.811487197876
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    132.35848188400269,
+    160.8291997909546,
+    174.8821120262146,
+    212.03918027877808,
+    204.2135772705078
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 489.64818143844604,
+  v2Avg: 176.86451025009154
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      channel: [Object]
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      channel: [Object]
+    },
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    497.44476413726807,
+    506.4688448905945,
+    551.8768815994263,
+    513.709804058075,
+    534.9751572608948
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    233.6807770729065,
+    230.80591773986816,
+    226.9445719718933,
+    221.15662288665771,
+    228.60488986968994
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 520.8950903892517,
+  v2Avg: 228.23855590820312
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    971.390682220459,
+    790.1636462211609,
+    781.1701049804688,
+    785.5167179107666,
+    801.3047060966492
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    290.8095955848694,
+    284.5373420715332,
+    272.68615198135376,
+    276.4959993362427,
+    289.1570100784302
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 825.9091714859009,
+  v2Avg: 282.73721981048584
+  v1Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetBasicVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 805,
+  v2Rows: 805,
+  v1Results: [
+    5157.266532897949,
+    5299.321074962616,
+    5411.904640197754,
+    5209.753086090088,
+    5391.348983764648
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    746.8637552261353,
+    777.111270904541,
+    751.1737179756165,
+    754.7440190315247,
+    752.4644060134888
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 5293.918863582611,
+  v2Avg: 756.4714338302613
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '5' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '5' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    85.38859033584595,
+    79.43997383117676,
+    75.47072887420654,
+    77.16838598251343,
+    77.21770429611206
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    105.34136009216309,
+    83.28246402740479,
+    82.277578830719,
+    107.06755495071411,
+    98.24903583526611
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 78.93707666397094,
+  v2Avg: 95.24359874725342
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideo',
+  v1Input: { where: { id: '338' } },
+  v2Input: { id: '338' },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    73.76963710784912,
+    77.9059386253357,
+    73.89200973510742,
+    76.05835819244385,
+    74.9159460067749
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    83.53682613372803,
+    81.02129364013672,
+    85.55844926834106,
+    83.07700109481812,
+    81.2549238204956
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 75.3083779335022,
+  v2Avg: 82.8896987915039
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { channel: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    first: 50,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { channel: [Object] }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 50,
+  v2Rows: 50,
+  v1Results: [
+    977.525957107544,
+    1022.142493724823,
+    1031.2828168869019,
+    987.822506904602,
+    943.4987850189209
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    326.3035707473755,
+    344.3207583427429,
+    340.7321081161499,
+    340.8959951400757,
+    339.0178442001343
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 992.4545119285583,
+  v2Avg: 338.25405530929567
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 100 },
+  v1Rows: 100,
+  v2Rows: 100,
+  v1Results: [
+    1537.1318459510803,
+    1513.86785030365,
+    1515.2559418678284,
+    1585.4749579429626,
+    1562.4298496246338
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    496.73525857925415,
+    480.32121896743774,
+    486.2063159942627,
+    487.0490369796753,
+    508.7582540512085
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 1542.832089138031,
+  v2Avg: 491.8140169143677
+  v1Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v2Query: 'GetFullVideos',
+  v1Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v2Input: { where: {}, limit: 1000 },
+  v1Rows: 805,
+  v2Rows: 805,
+  v1Results: [
+    11362.29087638855,
+    11582.575244903564,
+    11715.4169216156,
+    12441.800940990448,
+    12011.797077178955
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    1775.348120212555,
+    1893.0316281318665,
+    1878.4460277557373,
+    1792.5191836357117,
+    1767.898630142212
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 11822.776212215424,
+  v2Avg: 1821.4487179756165
+  v1Query: 'GetMetaprotocolTransactionStatusEvents',
+  v2Query: 'GetMetaprotocolTransactionStatusEvents',
+  v1Input: {
+    transactionHash: '0x536d93a5e19c48d6f5983c8de3b9622fe44d096f13698aa2c13e8ae0f8a62780'
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    transactionHash: '0x536d93a5e19c48d6f5983c8de3b9622fe44d096f13698aa2c13e8ae0f8a62780'
+  },
+  v1Rows: 1,
+  v2Rows: 1,
+  v1Results: [
+    76.09493684768677,
+    61.26659393310547,
+    67.08289289474487,
+    62.03224325180054,
+    62.84442472457886
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    99.51310014724731,
+    75.71026611328125,
+    78.08668994903564,
+    77.9978232383728,
+    75.89909315109253
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 65.8642183303833,
+  v2Avg: 81.44139451980591
+  v1Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    periodDays: 30,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    periodDays: 30,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    80.48915433883667,
+    65.49996328353882,
+    61.12476396560669,
+    62.614012241363525,
+    64.81580972671509
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    106.05631828308105,
+    93.0529899597168,
+    87.02544689178467,
+    90.3436050415039,
+    88.66995906829834
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 66.90874071121216,
+  v2Avg: 93.02966384887695
+  v1Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v2Query: 'GetMostViewedVideosConnection',
+  v1Input: {
+    periodDays: 7,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    periodDays: 7,
+    orderBy: 'createdAt_DESC',
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    66.27537775039673,
+    72.85521984100342,
+    64.4862608909607,
+    66.47858428955078,
+    65.51822805404663
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    83.86245536804199,
+    85.17027282714844,
+    86.42342805862427,
+    88.33325576782227,
+    178.35977792739868
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 67.12273416519164,
+  v2Avg: 104.42983798980713
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisMonth',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisMonth',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    60.40868091583252,
+    63.82251024246216,
+    59.40767812728882,
+    60.54756689071655,
+    60.28232717514038
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    103.657479763031,
+    81.3549427986145,
+    81.7249755859375,
+    82.16871070861816,
+    80.46699285507202
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 60.89375267028809,
+  v2Avg: 85.87462034225464
+  v1Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisWeek',
+  v2Query: 'GetTop10VideosThisWeek',
+  v1Input: {
+    where: { isPublic_eq: true, thumbnailPhoto: [Object], media: [Object] }
+  },
+  v2Input: {
+    where: {
+      isPublic_eq: true,
+      thumbnailPhoto: [Object],
+      media: [Object],
+      viewsNum_gt: 0
+    }
+  },
+  v1Rows: 0,
+  v2Rows: 0,
+  v1Results: [
+    71.49823474884033,
+    57.3078031539917,
+    59.002439975738525,
+    71.05788040161133,
+    58.2105827331543
+  ],
+  v2Results: [
+    94.3049201965332,
+    82.18999814987183,
+    80.69693517684937,
+    85.2896900177002,
+    78.74044990539551
+  ],
+  v1Avg: 63.41538820266724,
+  v2Avg: 84.24439868927001
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 63
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  102.42%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  42.12%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  104.30%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 45.95%
+========= QUERIES IN 0ms - 100ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 26
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -5.54%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -0.76%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  -3.96%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 0.76%
+========= QUERIES IN 101ms - 500ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 19
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  81.62%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  69.34%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  83.95%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 72.39%
+========= QUERIES IN 501ms - 2000ms RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 10
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  142.35%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  170.29%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  146.00%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 177.51%
+========= QUERIES IN 2000ms - Infinity RANGE =========
+Tested queries in this range: 7
+On average, the average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  512.14%
+The median of average improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  549.09%
+On average, the median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is:  511.71%
+The median of median improvement in query execution time in Orion v2 vs Orion v1 is: 553.57%

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
+source ../.env
+DOCKER_COMPOSE="docker-compose -f ../docker-compose.yml"
+echo "Exporting video views..."
+$DOCKER_COMPOSE exec orion_db psql -p ${DB_PORT} -U postgres -d ${DB_NAME} -c "\copy processor.video_view_event to '/persisted_data/video_view_event' csv;"
+echo "Exporting channel follows..."
+$DOCKER_COMPOSE exec orion_db psql -p ${DB_PORT} -U postgres -d ${DB_NAME} -c "\copy processor.channel_follow to '/persisted_data/channel_follow' csv;"
+echo "Exporting reports..."
+$DOCKER_COMPOSE exec orion_db psql -p ${DB_PORT} -U postgres -d ${DB_NAME} -c "\copy processor.report to '/persisted_data/report' csv;"
+echo "Exporting gateway config..."
+$DOCKER_COMPOSE exec orion_db psql -p ${DB_PORT} -U postgres -d ${DB_NAME} -c "\copy gateway_config to '/persisted_data/gateway_config' csv;"
+echo "Exporting NFT featuring requests..."
+$DOCKER_COMPOSE exec orion_db psql -p ${DB_PORT} -U postgres -d ${DB_NAME} -c "\copy processor.nft_featuring_request to '/persisted_data/nft_featuring_request' csv;"

+ 359 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+module.exports = class Data1679665568053 {
+    name = 'Data1679665568053'
+    async up(db) {
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "bid" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "auction_id" character varying, "nft_id" character varying, "bidder_id" character varying, "amount" numeric NOT NULL, "is_canceled" boolean NOT NULL, "created_in_block" integer NOT NULL, "index_in_block" integer NOT NULL, "previous_top_bid_id" character varying, CONSTRAINT "PK_ed405dda320051aca2dcb1a50bb" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_9e594e5a61c0f3cb25679f6ba8" ON "bid" ("auction_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_3caf2d6b31d2fe45a2b85b8191" ON "bid" ("nft_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_e7618559409a903a897164156b" ON "bid" ("bidder_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_32cb73025ec49c87f4c594a265" ON "bid" ("previous_top_bid_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "auction" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "nft_id" character varying, "winning_member_id" character varying, "starting_price" numeric NOT NULL, "buy_now_price" numeric, "auction_type" jsonb NOT NULL, "top_bid_id" character varying, "starts_at_block" integer NOT NULL, "ended_at_block" integer, "is_canceled" boolean NOT NULL, "is_completed" boolean NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_9dc876c629273e71646cf6dfa67" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_cfb47e97e60c9d1462576f85a8" ON "auction" ("nft_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_a3127ec87cccc5696b92cac4e0" ON "auction" ("winning_member_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_1673ad4b059742fbabfc40b275" ON "auction" ("top_bid_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "auction_whitelisted_member" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "auction_id" character varying, "member_id" character varying, CONSTRAINT "AuctionWhitelistedMember_auction_member" UNIQUE ("auction_id", "member_id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, CONSTRAINT "PK_f20264ca8e878696fbc25f11bd5" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_d5ae4854487c7658b64225be30" ON "auction_whitelisted_member" ("member_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_5468573a96fa51c03743de5912" ON "auction_whitelisted_member" ("auction_id", "member_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "banned_member" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "member_id" character varying, "channel_id" character varying, CONSTRAINT "BannedMember_member_channel" UNIQUE ("member_id", "channel_id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, CONSTRAINT "PK_ebdf9a9c6d88f1116a5f2d0815d" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_ed36c6c26bf5410796c2fc21f7" ON "banned_member" ("channel_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_f29ff095bdb945975deca021ad" ON "banned_member" ("member_id", "channel_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "membership" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "handle" text NOT NULL, "controller_account" text NOT NULL, "total_channels_created" integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "Membership_handle" UNIQUE ("handle") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, CONSTRAINT "PK_83c1afebef3059472e7c37e8de8" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_1298811c0de5f11198fd43df72" ON "membership" ("handle") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "storage_bucket" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "operator_status" jsonb NOT NULL, "accepting_new_bags" boolean NOT NULL, "data_objects_size_limit" numeric NOT NULL, "data_object_count_limit" numeric NOT NULL, "data_objects_count" numeric NOT NULL, "data_objects_size" numeric NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_97cd0c3fe7f51e34216822e5f91" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "storage_bucket_bag" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "storage_bucket_id" character varying, "bag_id" character varying, CONSTRAINT "StorageBucketBag_storageBucket_bag" UNIQUE ("storage_bucket_id", "bag_id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, CONSTRAINT "PK_9d54c04557134225652d566cc82" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_aaf00b2c7d0cba49f97da14fbb" ON "storage_bucket_bag" ("bag_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_4c475f6c9300284b095859eec3" ON "storage_bucket_bag" ("storage_bucket_id", "bag_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "distribution_bucket_family" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_8cb7454d1ec34b0d3bb7ecdee4e" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "distribution_bucket_operator" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "distribution_bucket_id" character varying, "worker_id" integer NOT NULL, "status" character varying(7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_03b87e6e972f414bab94c142285" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_678dc5427cdde0cd4fef2c07a4" ON "distribution_bucket_operator" ("distribution_bucket_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "distribution_bucket" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "family_id" character varying, "bucket_index" integer NOT NULL, "accepting_new_bags" boolean NOT NULL, "distributing" boolean NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_c90d25fff461f2f5fa9082e2fb7" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_8cb7454d1ec34b0d3bb7ecdee4" ON "distribution_bucket" ("family_id") `)
+        await db.query(`CREATE TABLE "distribution_bucket_bag" ("id" character varying NOT NULL, "distribution_bucket_id" character varying, "bag_id" character varying, CONSTRAINT "DistributionBucketBag_distributionBucket_bag" UNIQUE ("distribution_bucket_id", "bag_id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, CONSTRAINT "PK_02cb97c17ccabf42e8f5154d002" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`)
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+        await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_69ec9bdc975b95f7dff94a7106" ON "distribution_bucket_operator_metadata" ("distirbution_bucket_operator_id") `)
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+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_8cb7454d1ec34b0d3bb7ecdee4e" FOREIGN KEY ("family_id") REFERENCES "distribution_bucket_family"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
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+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_bag" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a9810100aee7584680f197c8ff0" FOREIGN KEY ("bag_id") REFERENCES "storage_bag"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "storage_data_object" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ff8014300b8039dbaed764f51bc" FOREIGN KEY ("storage_bag_id") REFERENCES "storage_bag"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "app" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c9cc395bbc485f70a15be64553e" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_member_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_25c85bc448b5e236a4c1a5f7895" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_member_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
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+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_6997e94413b3f2f25a84e4a96f8" FOREIGN KEY ("avatar_photo_id") REFERENCES "storage_data_object"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_118ecfa0199aeb5a014906933e8" FOREIGN KEY ("entry_app_id") REFERENCES "app"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
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+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_subtitle" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2203674f18d8052ed6bac396252" FOREIGN KEY ("video_id") REFERENCES "video"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_subtitle" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b6eabfb8de4128b28d73681020f" FOREIGN KEY ("asset_id") REFERENCES "storage_data_object"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment_reaction" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_15080d9fb7cf8b563103dd9d900" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
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+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment_reaction" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_d7995b1d57614a6fbd0c103874d" FOREIGN KEY ("video_id") REFERENCES "video"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3ce66469b26697baa097f8da923" FOREIGN KEY ("author_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_1ff03403fd31dfeaba0623a89cf" FOREIGN KEY ("video_id") REFERENCES "video"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ac69bddf8202b7c0752d9dc8f32" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_comment_id") REFERENCES "comment"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_reaction" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_73dda64f53bbc7ec7035d5e7f09" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_reaction" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_436a3836eb47acb5e1e3c88ddea" FOREIGN KEY ("video_id") REFERENCES "video"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_81b11ef99a9db9ef1aed040d750" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channel"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2a5c61f32e9636ee10821e9a58d" FOREIGN KEY ("category_id") REFERENCES "video_category"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_8530d052cc79b420f7ce2b4e09d" FOREIGN KEY ("thumbnail_photo_id") REFERENCES "storage_data_object"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3ec633ae5d0477f512b4ed957d6" FOREIGN KEY ("license_id") REFERENCES "license"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2db879ed42e3308fe65e6796729" FOREIGN KEY ("media_id") REFERENCES "storage_data_object"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_54f88a7decf7d22fd9bd9fa439a" FOREIGN KEY ("pinned_comment_id") REFERENCES "comment"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_6c49ad08c44d36d11f77c426e43" FOREIGN KEY ("entry_app_id") REFERENCES "app"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "owned_nft" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_466896e39b9ec953f4f2545622d" FOREIGN KEY ("video_id") REFERENCES "video"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "storage_bucket_operator_metadata" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7beffc9530b3f307bc1169cb524" FOREIGN KEY ("storage_bucket_id") REFERENCES "storage_bucket"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_family_metadata" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_dd93ca0ea24f3e7a02f11c4c149" FOREIGN KEY ("family_id") REFERENCES "distribution_bucket_family"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_operator_metadata" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_69ec9bdc975b95f7dff94a71069" FOREIGN KEY ("distirbution_bucket_operator_id") REFERENCES "distribution_bucket_operator"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ac8de39626657d3c0e909d9d82f" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_122be1f0696e0255acf95f9e336" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "event"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_history_entry" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_57f51d35ecab042478fe2e31c19" FOREIGN KEY ("nft_id") REFERENCES "owned_nft"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_history_entry" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_d1a28b178f5d028d048d40ce208" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "event"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_activity" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_18a65713a9fd0715c7a980f5d54" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_activity" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_94d325a753f2c08fdd416eb095f" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "event"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "member_metadata" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e7e4d350f82ae2383894f465ede" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "membership"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_hero" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_9feac5d9713a9f07e32eb8ba7a1" FOREIGN KEY ("video_id") REFERENCES "video"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_media_metadata" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_5944dc5896cb16bd395414a0ce0" FOREIGN KEY ("encoding_id") REFERENCES "video_media_encoding"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_media_metadata" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4dc101240e8e1536b770aee202a" FOREIGN KEY ("video_id") REFERENCES "video"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`)
+    }
+    async down(db) {
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "bid"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_9e594e5a61c0f3cb25679f6ba8"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_3caf2d6b31d2fe45a2b85b8191"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e7618559409a903a897164156b"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_32cb73025ec49c87f4c594a265"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "auction"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_cfb47e97e60c9d1462576f85a8"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_a3127ec87cccc5696b92cac4e0"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_1673ad4b059742fbabfc40b275"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "auction_whitelisted_member"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_d5ae4854487c7658b64225be30"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_5468573a96fa51c03743de5912"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "banned_member"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_ed36c6c26bf5410796c2fc21f7"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_f29ff095bdb945975deca021ad"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "membership"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_1298811c0de5f11198fd43df72"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "storage_bucket"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "storage_bucket_bag"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_aaf00b2c7d0cba49f97da14fbb"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_4c475f6c9300284b095859eec3"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "distribution_bucket_family"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "distribution_bucket_operator"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_678dc5427cdde0cd4fef2c07a4"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "distribution_bucket"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_8cb7454d1ec34b0d3bb7ecdee4"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "distribution_bucket_bag"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_a9810100aee7584680f197c8ff"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_32e552d352848d64ab82d38e9a"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "storage_bag"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "storage_data_object"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_ff8014300b8039dbaed764f51b"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "app"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_f36adbb7b096ceeb6f3e80ad14"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_c9cc395bbc485f70a15be64553"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "channel"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_25c85bc448b5e236a4c1a5f789"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_a77e12f3d8c6ced020e179a5e9"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_6997e94413b3f2f25a84e4a96f"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e58a2e1d78b8eccf40531a7fdb"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_118ecfa0199aeb5a014906933e"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_featured_in_category"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_7b16ddad43901921a8d3c8eab7"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_6d0917e1ac0cc06c8075bcf256"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_category"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_cbe7e5d162a819e4ee2e2f6105"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_da26b34f037c0d59d3c0d0646e"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "license"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_subtitle"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_2203674f18d8052ed6bac39625"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_ffa63c28188eecc32af921bfc3"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_b6eabfb8de4128b28d73681020"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "comment_reaction"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_15080d9fb7cf8b563103dd9d90"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_962582f04d3f639e33f43c54bb"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_d7995b1d57614a6fbd0c103874"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "comment"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_3ce66469b26697baa097f8da92"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_1ff03403fd31dfeaba0623a89c"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_c3c2abe750c76c7c8e305f71f2"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_ac69bddf8202b7c0752d9dc8f3"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_reaction"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_73dda64f53bbc7ec7035d5e7f0"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_436a3836eb47acb5e1e3c88dde"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_81b11ef99a9db9ef1aed040d75"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_2a5c61f32e9636ee10821e9a58"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_8530d052cc79b420f7ce2b4e09"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_75fbab42a4cb18371b6d5004b0"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_3ec633ae5d0477f512b4ed957d"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_2db879ed42e3308fe65e679672"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_54f88a7decf7d22fd9bd9fa439"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_6c49ad08c44d36d11f77c426e4"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "owned_nft"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_466896e39b9ec953f4f2545622"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "storage_bucket_operator_metadata"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_7beffc9530b3f307bc1169cb52"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "distribution_bucket_family_metadata"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_dd93ca0ea24f3e7a02f11c4c14"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_5510d3b244a63d6ec702faa426"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "distribution_bucket_operator_metadata"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_69ec9bdc975b95f7dff94a7106"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "event"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_8f3f220c4e717207d841d4e6d4"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "notification"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_ac8de39626657d3c0e909d9d82"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_122be1f0696e0255acf95f9e33"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "nft_history_entry"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_57f51d35ecab042478fe2e31c1"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_d1a28b178f5d028d048d40ce20"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "nft_activity"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_18a65713a9fd0715c7a980f5d5"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_94d325a753f2c08fdd416eb095"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "member_metadata"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e7e4d350f82ae2383894f465ed"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "curator_group"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "curator"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_view_event"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_2e29fba63e12a2b1818e0782d7"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_2529e6da5b4b7410d7245eef78"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "report"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_8afe872a1f3227ba331f9e63eb"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_893057921f4b5cc37a0ef36684"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_f732b6f82095a935db68c9491f"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "nft_featuring_request"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_4daf8ec7002b0752488c06113d"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_76d87e26cce72ac2e7ffa28dfb"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "channel_follow"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_9bba17db99b72836523ab6c16f"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_9bc0651dda94437ec18764a260"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_hero"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_9feac5d9713a9f07e32eb8ba7a"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_media_encoding"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "video_media_metadata"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_5944dc5896cb16bd395414a0ce"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_4dc101240e8e1536b770aee202"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "next_entity_id"`)
+        await db.query(`DROP TABLE "gateway_config"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "bid" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_9e594e5a61c0f3cb25679f6ba8d"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "bid" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3caf2d6b31d2fe45a2b85b81912"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "bid" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e7618559409a903a897164156b7"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "bid" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_32cb73025ec49c87f4c594a265f"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "auction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_cfb47e97e60c9d1462576f85a88"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "auction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_a3127ec87cccc5696b92cac4e09"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "auction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_1673ad4b059742fbabfc40b275c"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "auction_whitelisted_member" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_aad797677bc7c7c7dc1f1d397f5"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "auction_whitelisted_member" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_d5ae4854487c7658b64225be305"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "banned_member" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_b94ea874da235d9b6fbc35cf58e"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "banned_member" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_ed36c6c26bf5410796c2fc21f74"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "storage_bucket_bag" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_791e2f82e3919ffcef8712aa1b9"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "storage_bucket_bag" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_aaf00b2c7d0cba49f97da14fbba"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_operator" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_678dc5427cdde0cd4fef2c07a43"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_8cb7454d1ec34b0d3bb7ecdee4e"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_bag" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_8a807921f1aae60d4ba94895826"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_bag" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_a9810100aee7584680f197c8ff0"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "storage_data_object" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_ff8014300b8039dbaed764f51bc"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "app" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_c9cc395bbc485f70a15be64553e"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_25c85bc448b5e236a4c1a5f7895"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_a77e12f3d8c6ced020e179a5e94"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_6997e94413b3f2f25a84e4a96f8"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_118ecfa0199aeb5a014906933e8"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_featured_in_category" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_7b16ddad43901921a8d3c8eab71"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_featured_in_category" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_0e6bb49ce9d022cd872f3ab4288"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_category" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_da26b34f037c0d59d3c0d0646e9"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_subtitle" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_2203674f18d8052ed6bac396252"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_subtitle" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_b6eabfb8de4128b28d73681020f"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment_reaction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_15080d9fb7cf8b563103dd9d900"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment_reaction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_962582f04d3f639e33f43c54bbc"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment_reaction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_d7995b1d57614a6fbd0c103874d"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3ce66469b26697baa097f8da923"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_1ff03403fd31dfeaba0623a89cf"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "comment" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_ac69bddf8202b7c0752d9dc8f32"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_reaction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_73dda64f53bbc7ec7035d5e7f09"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_reaction" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_436a3836eb47acb5e1e3c88ddea"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_81b11ef99a9db9ef1aed040d750"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_2a5c61f32e9636ee10821e9a58d"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_8530d052cc79b420f7ce2b4e09d"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3ec633ae5d0477f512b4ed957d6"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_2db879ed42e3308fe65e6796729"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_54f88a7decf7d22fd9bd9fa439a"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_6c49ad08c44d36d11f77c426e43"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "owned_nft" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_466896e39b9ec953f4f2545622d"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "storage_bucket_operator_metadata" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_7beffc9530b3f307bc1169cb524"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_family_metadata" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_dd93ca0ea24f3e7a02f11c4c149"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "distribution_bucket_operator_metadata" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_69ec9bdc975b95f7dff94a71069"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_ac8de39626657d3c0e909d9d82f"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_122be1f0696e0255acf95f9e336"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_history_entry" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_57f51d35ecab042478fe2e31c19"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_history_entry" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_d1a28b178f5d028d048d40ce208"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_activity" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_18a65713a9fd0715c7a980f5d54"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "nft_activity" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_94d325a753f2c08fdd416eb095f"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "member_metadata" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e7e4d350f82ae2383894f465ede"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_hero" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_9feac5d9713a9f07e32eb8ba7a1"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_media_metadata" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_5944dc5896cb16bd395414a0ce0"`)
+        await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "video_media_metadata" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_4dc101240e8e1536b770aee202a"`)
+    }

+ 104 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+const noCategoryVideosSupportedByDefault =
+  process.env.SUPPORT_NO_CATEGORY_VIDEOS === 'true' ||
+  process.env.SUPPORT_NO_CATEGORY_VIDEOS === '1'
+module.exports = class Views2000000000000 {
+  name = 'Views2000000000000'
+  getViewDefinitions(db) {
+    return {
+      channel: [`is_excluded='0'`, `is_censored='0'`],
+      banned_member: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "channel" WHERE "id"="channel_id")`],
+      video: [
+        `is_excluded='0'`,
+        `is_censored='0'`,
+        `EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "channel" WHERE "id"="channel_id")`,
+        `EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video_category" WHERE "id"="category_id" AND "is_supported"='1')
+          OR (
+            "category_id" IS NULL
+            AND COALESCE(
+              (SELECT "value" FROM "gateway_config" WHERE "id"='SUPPORT_NO_CATEGORY_VIDEOS'),
+              ${noCategoryVideosSupportedByDefault ? "'1'" : "'0'"}
+            )='1'
+          )`
+      ],
+      video_category: [`"is_supported" = '1'`],
+      owned_nft: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="video_id")`],
+      auction: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "owned_nft" WHERE "id"="nft_id")`],
+      bid: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "owned_nft" WHERE "id"="nft_id")`],
+      comment: `
+        SELECT
+            ${db.connection
+              .getMetadata('Comment')
+              .columns.filter((c) => c.databaseName !== 'text')
+              .map((c) => `"${c.databaseName}"`)
+              .join(',')},
+            CASE WHEN "is_excluded" = '1' THEN '' ELSE "comment"."text" END as "text"
+        FROM
+            "processor"."comment"
+            WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="video_id")
+      `,
+      comment_reaction: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "comment" WHERE "id"="comment_id")`],
+      license: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "license_id"="this"."id")`],
+      video_media_metadata: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="video_id")`],
+      video_media_encoding: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video_media_metadata" WHERE "encoding_id"="this"."id")`],
+      video_reaction: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="video_id")`],
+      video_subtitle: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="video_id")`],
+      video_featured_in_category: [
+        `EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="video_id")`,
+        `EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video_category" WHERE "id"="category_id")`
+      ],
+      video_hero: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="video_id")`],
+      // TODO: Consider all events having ref to a video they're related to - this will make filtering much easier
+      event: [
+        `("data"->>'channel' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "channel" WHERE "id"="data"->>'channel'))`,
+        `("data"->>'video' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="data"->>'video'))`,
+        `("data"->>'nft' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "owned_nft" WHERE "id"="data"->>'nft'))`,
+        `("data"->>'auction' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "auction" WHERE "id"="data"->>'auction'))`,
+        `("data"->>'bid' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "bid" WHERE "id"="data"->>'bid'))`,
+        `("data"->>'comment' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "comment" WHERE "id"="data"->>'comment'))`
+      ],
+      storage_data_object: [
+        `("type"->>'channel' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "channel" WHERE "id"="type"->>'channel'))`,
+        `("type"->>'video' IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "video" WHERE "id"="type"->>'video'))`
+      ],
+      notification: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "event" WHERE "id"="event_id")`],
+      nft_history_entry: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "event" WHERE "id"="event_id")`],
+      nft_activity: [`EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "event" WHERE "id"="event_id")`],
+      // HIDDEN entities
+      video_view_event: ['FALSE'],
+      channel_follow: ['FALSE'],
+      report: ['FALSE'],
+      nft_featuring_request: ['FALSE'],
+    }
+  }
+  async up(db) {
+    // Create new schema for the processor in order to be easily able to access "hidden" entities
+    await db.query(`CREATE SCHEMA "processor"`)
+    const viewDefinitions = this.getViewDefinitions(db)
+    for (const [tableName, viewConditions] of Object.entries(viewDefinitions)) {
+      await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "${tableName}" SET SCHEMA "processor"`)
+      if (Array.isArray(viewConditions)) {
+        await db.query(`
+          CREATE VIEW "${tableName}" AS
+            SELECT *
+            FROM "processor"."${tableName}" AS "this"
+            WHERE ${viewConditions.map(cond => `(${cond})`).join(" AND\n")}
+        `)
+      } else {
+        await db.query(`
+          CREATE VIEW "${tableName}" AS (${viewConditions})`)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  async down(db) {
+    const viewDefinitions = this.getViewDefinitions(db)
+    for (const viewName of Object.keys(viewDefinitions)) {
+      await db.query(`DROP VIEW "${viewName}"`)
+      await db.query(`ALTER TABLE "processor"."${viewName}" SET SCHEMA "public"`)
+    }
+    await db.query(`DROP SCHEMA "processor"`)
+  }

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+module.exports = class Indexes2000000000000 {
+  name = 'Indexes2000000000000'
+  async up(db) {
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_video" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'video'));`)
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_comment" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'comment'));`)
+    await db.query(
+      `CREATE INDEX "events_nft_owner_member" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->'nftOwner'->>'member'));`
+    )
+    await db.query(
+      `CREATE INDEX "events_nft_owner_channel" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->'nftOwner'->>'channel'));`
+    )
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_auction" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'auction'));`)
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_type" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'isTypeOf'));`)
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_nft" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'nft'));`)
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_bid" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'bid'));`)
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_member" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'member'));`)
+    await db.query(
+      `CREATE INDEX "events_winning_bid" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'winningBid'));`
+    )
+    await db.query(
+      `CREATE INDEX "events_previous_nft_owner_member" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->'previousNftOwner'->>'member'));`
+    )
+    await db.query(
+      `CREATE INDEX "events_previous_nft_owner_channel" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->'previousNftOwner'->>'channel'));`
+    )
+    await db.query(`CREATE INDEX "events_buyer" ON "processor"."event" USING BTREE (("data"->>'buyer'));`)
+  }
+  async down(db) {
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_video"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_comment"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_nft_owner_member"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_nft_owner_channel"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_auction"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_type"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_nft"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_bid"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_member"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_winning_bid"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_previous_nft_owner_member"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_previous_nft_owner_channel"`)
+    await db.query(`DROP INDEX "events_buyer"`)
+  }

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+const fs = require('fs')
+const path = require('path')
+module.exports = class PersistedData2200000000000 {
+    name = 'PersistedData2200000000000'
+    tablesToImport = [
+      'video_view_event',
+      'report',
+      'channel_follow',
+      'gateway_config',
+      'nft_featuring_request'
+    ]
+    async up(db) {
+      if (process.env.SKIP_IMPORT === '1' || process.env.SKIP_IMPORT === 'true') {
+        return
+      }
+      await db.query('SET LOCAL search_path TO processor,public')
+      for (const tableName of this.tablesToImport) {
+        const sourcePath = path.resolve(__dirname, `../persisted/${tableName}`)
+        const containerPath = `/persisted_data/${tableName}`
+        if (fs.existsSync(sourcePath)) {
+          await db.query(`COPY ${tableName} FROM '${containerPath}' DELIMITER ',' CSV;`)
+        }
+      }
+      await db.query('SET LOCAL search_path TO DEFAULT')
+    }
+    async down() {
+        // Do nothing
+    }
+  }

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+listen_addresses = '*'
+log_statement = all
+autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.01

+ 63 - 14

@@ -1,18 +1,67 @@
-version: '3.3'
+version: '3'
-  orion:
-    image: joystream/orion:latest
+  orion_db:
+    container_name: orion_db
+    hostname: orion_db
+    image: postgres:14
+    restart: unless-stopped
-      - ORION_PORT=6116
-      - ORION_FEATURED_CONTENT_SECRET=change_me_please
-      - ORION_ADMIN_SECRET=change_me_please
-      - ORION_QUERY_NODE_URL=https://query.joystream.org/graphql
+      POSTGRES_DB: squid
-      - ''
-    restart: always
-  mongo:
-    restart: always
-    image: library/mongo:4.4
+      - '${DB_PORT}:${DB_PORT}'
+      - '[::1]:${DB_PORT}:${DB_PORT}'
+    command: ['postgres', '-c', 'config_file=/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf', '-p', '${DB_PORT}']
+    shm_size: 1g
-      - ./db:/data/db
+      - orion_db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
+      - ./db/persisted:/persisted_data
+      - ./db/postgres.conf:/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf
+  orion_processor:
+    container_name: orion_processor
+    hostname: orion_processor
+    image: node:14
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    env_file:
+      - .env
+      - docker.env
+    ports:
+    depends_on:
+      - orion_db
+    volumes:
+      - type: bind
+        source: .
+        target: /orion
+    working_dir: /orion
+    command: ['make', 'process']
+  orion_graphql-server:
+    container_name: orion_graphql-server
+    hostname: orion_graphql-server
+    image: node:14
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    env_file:
+      - .env
+      - docker.env
+    depends_on:
+      - orion_db
+    volumes:
+      - type: bind
+        source: .
+        target: /orion
+    working_dir: /orion
+    command: ['make', 'serve']
+    ports:
+      - '4350:4350'
+  orion_db_data:
+  default:
+    external:
+      name: joystream_default

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Docker db config
+# Processor service host
+# Archive gateway host&port (can be overriden via local env)

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# Quick start
+## 1. Run Orion v2 alongside Joystream monorepo local playground
+# Clone the Joystream repository (if not already done)
+git clone https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git
+cd joystream
+# If needed, run the setup script:
+# ./setup.sh
+# Enable testing profile for the runtime
+# Build packages
+yarn build:packages
+# Build/pull joystream-node docker image
+yarn build:node:docker
+# Start local Joystream playground
+yarn start
+# Clone the Orion v2 repository
+cd ..
+git clone https://github.com/Lezek123/orion
+cd orion
+git checkout orion-v2
+# Prepare & build the code
+make prepare
+# Start all services (archive + orion-v2)
+make up
+# The GraphQL playground should now accessible at http://localhost:4350/graphql!
+# Kill the services once done
+make down
+## 2. Run Orion v2 w/ local archive and custom Joytream node websocket endpoint
+# Clone the Orion v2 repository
+# ...(just like in 1.)
+# Use custom WS_SOURCE for local Squid archive service
+export WS_SOURCE=wss://rpc.joystream.org:9944
+# Start all services (archive + orion-v2)
+make up
+# The GraphQL playground should now accessible at http://localhost:4350/graphql!
+# Kill the services once done
+make down
+## 3. Run Orion v2 w/ remote archive
+# Clone the Orion v2 repository
+# ...(just like in 1.)
+# Use custom Squid archive url
+export CUSTOM_ARCHIVE_GATEWAY_URL=https://joystream.archive.subsquid.io/graphql
+# Start orion-v2 services (no local archive instance will be launched)
+make up-squid
+# The GraphQL playground should now accessible at http://localhost:4350/graphql!
+# Kill the services once done
+make down
+## Commands
+- `make typegen` - generates event types (`src/types`) based on `typegen.json` (the archive endpoint provided in `specVersions` must be pointing to a running archive)
+- `make codegen` - granetes TypeORM models based on the [input schema](#input-schema)
+- `make dbgen` - generates database migration in `db/migrations` (PostgreSQL service must be running) based on the difference between current database schema and TypeORM models
+- `make build` - builds the code
+- `make prepare` - runs `npm install + codegen + build`
+- `make process` - runs the processor locally (w/o docker)
+- `make serve` - runs the GraphQL server locally (w/o docker)
+- `make up-squid` - runs dockerized `db` + `processor` + `graphql-server` (`docker-compose up -d`)
+- `make up-archive` - runs dockerized `archive_db` + `subsquid-gateway` + `archive-ingest` (indexer) + `archive-explorer` (`docker-compose -f archive/docker-compose.yml up -d`)
+- `make up` - runs `up-squid` + `up-archive`
+- `make down-squid` - kills docker services and volumes created by `up-squid`
+- `make down-archive` - kills docker services and volumes created by `up-archive`
+- `make down` - kills docker services and volumes created by both `up-squid` and `up-archive`
+# Architecture
+## Overview
+- [`/archive`](../archive/): a [Squid archive](#squid-archive) docker setup, 
+- [`/schema`](../schema/) - GraphQL [input schemas](#input-schema),
+- [`/src/server-extension`](../src/server-extension/) - [GraphQL server extensions (resolvers)](#custom-type-graphql-resolvers)
+- [`/src/model`](../src/model/) - [TypeORM models](#typeorm-models)
+- [`/src/processor.ts`](../src/processor.ts) - [Subquid processor setup](#processor-substratebatchprocessor)
+- [`/src/mappings`](../src/mappings/) - [Event handlers / mappings](#event-handlers)
+- [`/db/migrations`](../db/migrations/) - [PostgreSQL database migrations](#migrations)
+- [`/src/utils/overlay.ts`](../src/utils/overlay.ts) - [Overlay utilities for managing in-memory entity cache](#overlay)
+## Squid Archive
+A [Squid Arachive](https://docs.subsquid.io/archives/) is analogous concept to the Joystream's Query Node _Indexer_. It uses the Joystream node websocket endpoint to fetch data about blocks, events and extrinsics and store it in a relational database (PostgreSQL).
+It can be configured via a docker-compose file located in [`archive/docker-compose.yml`](../archive/docker-compose.yml).
+Currently the default configuration is to use the websocket endpoint of a Joystream docker node (`ws://joystream-node:9944`) that runs on `joystream_default` network as a data source.
+The websocket endpoint can be set via `WS_SOURCE` environment variable.
+Archive's GraphQL explorer is by default available on http://localhost:4444/graphql 
+## Processor (`SubstrateBatchProcessor`)
+[`SubstrateBatchProcessor`](https://docs.subsquid.io/develop-a-squid/substrate-processor/) is a class we use to instantialize the events processor. As opposed to Hydra framework, where we would only implement the event handlers (or "mappings"), Subsquid let's us instantialize and programatically configure the processor instance ourselves (`manifest.yml` file is no longer required), which gives us more controll over its behavior.
+`SubstrateBatchProcessor` is just one of the many processor implementations available in Subsquid, but it's the one currently recommended for processing substrate events and extrinsics. This specific processor implementation queries all blocks along with the events of interest from the Squid Arachive (using the `@subsquid/substrate-gateway` service). The maximum number of blocks in a single batch currently depends on the `@subsquid/substrate-gateway` implementation. Currently there are two main components that affect the size of the returned batch:
+- [the time it takes to read & prepare a batch (by the gateway) is limited to 5 seconds](https://github.com/subsquid/substrate-gateway/blob/main/substrate-archive/src/postgres/partial.rs#L32)
+- [the size of the batch is limited to "1 MB", however, this depends on some assumptions about "average" event/call/extrinsic size, so the actual final batch size may be much greater](https://github.com/subsquid/substrate-gateway/blob/main/substrate-archive/src/postgres/partial.rs#L57)
+#### Current implementation:
+In Orion v2 the implmenetation of the `SubstrateBatchProcessor` processor can be found [here](../src/processor.ts). 
+As you can see the `SubstrateBatchProcessor` is given `new TypeormDatabase({ isolationLevel: 'READ COMMITTED' })` instance in this case. This `TypeormDatabase` instance is then used by the processor to perform any operations on the underlying PostgreSQL database. The `isolationLevel: 'READ COMMITTED'` isolation level elimiates the possibility of conflicts that could arise when the database state is being modified by both the processor and via the external graphql api (through mutations)
+## Input schema
+_Input schema_ is the graphql schema from which both the [TypeORM models](#typeorm-models) (`src/model/generated`) and the final graphQL server api are generated.
+The current input schema files can be found [here](/schema).
+The Subsquid input schema documentation can be found [here](https://docs.subsquid.io/develop-a-squid/schema-file/). 
+## TypeORM models
+As mentioned in the previous section, most of the TypeORM models are autogenerated from the _input schema_ (via `make codegen` command) and placed in `src/model/generated` directory. 
+Besides those autogenerated models, some custom, handcrafted models can also be added in [`src/model`](`src/model`). Those models, along with the autogenerated ones, will be then used to generate a [migration](#migrations) which defines the final shape of the underlying PostgreSQL database.
+In general, custom models can be used for entities that should not be exposed publicly (an alternative approach is to hide the non-public entities using [views](#2000000000000-viewsjs)). All the entities defined in _input schema_ will have corresponding graphql queries automatically generated, which will expose all their data to the public. This is not always desired, as some entities may include private data (like e-mails, ip adresses etc.).
+The limitation of declaring non-public entities inside `src/model` is that although they can include relations to public entities defined in the input schema, it doesn't work the other way around.
+## Migrations
+Migrations are JavaScript files which specify queries to execute when the PostgreSQL database is being setup.
+Migrations are located in [`db/migrations`](../db/migrations/) directory.
+### Migration generated from TypeORM models
+A migration which sets up an intial PostgreSQL database schema (tables, indexes, relations etc.) can be autogenerated from the TypeORM models. In order to do this, however, you have to first start a local PostgreSQL database service.
+# Oftentimes you'll first want to remove the old migration(s)
+rm db/migrations/*-Data.js
+# Start PostgreSQL database service
+docker-compose up -d orion_db
+# Generate the new migration
+make dbegen
+This will generate a file like `xxxxxxxxxxxxx-Data.js` inside `db/migrations`, where `xxxxxxxxxxxxx` is the current timestamp.
+### Custom migrations
+Besides the migration autogenerated from TypeORM models, Orion v2 includes two custom migrations that should always be executed after the initial migration:
+#### `2000000000000-Views.js`
+This migration generates `public` views for tables like `channel`, `video`, `video_view_event` etc., which allows introducing global filters for all publically exposed entities of given type. The use-cases for this include:
+- default filtering out of the content that doesn't belong to any of the categories supported by the gateway,
+- default filtering out of the censored content (and all related entities),
+- default filtering out of the content excluded by the gateway operator (and all related entities),
+- default filtering out of the entities that may include sensitive information, but could still be useful for the operator to be able to query using the api (like channel reports, channel follows and video view events which include the client IP addresses) 
+The migration also introduces `processor` database schema, through which the original tables (which include filtered-out data) can be accessed (for example, by the processor or authorized gateway operator).
+#### `2100000000000-Indexes.js`
+This migration specifies additional indexes on `jsonb` fileds, which are not currently supported through _input schema_.
+## Overlay
+[Overlay](src/utils/overlay.ts) is an additional memory layer which allows persisting entities in a memory cache, retrieving them (based on id or relations) and performing updates on them, before saving the final state into the database.
+This allows combining the result of multiple mutations that happen within the same batch of processed events (see: [`SubstrateBatchProcessor`](#processor-substratebatchprocessor)) into a single database update, as well as batching of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations, which significantly reduces the processing speed.
+The `EntityManagerOverlay` is part of the event handler context and is used for managing (creating, updating, retrieving) entities within the event handlers.
+## Event handlers
+Event handlers (mappings) are responsible for executing the state transitions that should occur when processing a Joystream blockchain event of a given type (for example `Content.VideoCreated`).
+They can be found in the [`src/mappings`](../src/mappings/) directory.
+Adding a new event to be handled by the processor currently requires the following changes:
+- Adding it to [`typegen.json`](../typegen.json) file to inform the Subsquid typegen (`make typegen`) to generate types for this event based on chain metadata
+- After running `make typegen`: Adding a mapping from an event name to its constructor inside [`src/utils/events.ts`](../src/utils/events.ts) (`eventConstructors`)
+- Adding an event to `SubstrateBatchProcessor` instance via `addEvent` method inside [`src/processor`](../src/processor.ts), to instruct the processor to retrieve events of this type from the archive through `@subsquid/substrate-gateway`
+- Implementing a handler function inside `src/mappings` which takes `EventHandlerContext<'{EventModule}.{EventMethod}'>` as argument (replace `{EventModule}.{EventMethod}` accordingly)
+- Adding a mapping from event name to handler function inside [`src/processor`](../src/processor.ts) (`eventHandlers`)
+## Orion GraphQL API
+The Orion GraphQL API is partially autogenerated from the [input schema](#input-schema) by the `@subsquid/openreader` utility.
+However, Subsquid also supports adding custom [`type-graphql`](https://typegraphql.com/) resolvers to the autogenerated api.
+Those resolvers are defined in the [`src/server-extension/resolvers`](../src/server-extension/resolvers) directory and constitute a significant part of the Orion v2 API.
+### Custom `type-graphql` Resolvers
+[Custom `type-graphql` resolvers](https://docs.subsquid.io/develop-a-squid/graphql-api/custom-resolvers/) make it possible to define additional queries, mutations and subsriptions that will be then merged with the autogenerated GraphQL schema & resolvers, to produce the final GraphQL api exposed by `@subsquid/graphql-server` (for example, when running `make serve`).
+#### "Placeholder" types for autogenerated GraphQL types
+Because of the way this merge is performed, it is possible to use "placeholder" types for the autogenerated GraphQL types, which we cannot access from the custom resolvers directly. Examples of such placeholder types can be found in [`src/server-extension/resolvers/baseTypes.ts`](../src/server-extension/resolvers/baseTypes.ts). When the autogenerated GraphQL schema is merged with the custom resolvers, those placeholder type definitions are merged with the definitions generated by `@subsquid/openreader`. Currently, because of the [patched version of `@subsquid/graphql-server`](/patches/@subsquid+graphql-server+3.2.3.patch) used by Orion v2, the autogenerated definitions take priority (note however, that if you specify a property in a placeholder type that doesn't exits in the autogenerated type, it will be added, as this is a non-conflicting change).
+#### Custom queries
+Custom resolvers may define custom GraphQL queries that either extend the functionality provided by the autogenerated queries or have a completely customized logic.
+To facilitate extending the queries, some utility functions were introduced in [`/src/utils/sql.ts`](src/utils/sql.ts). Using those functions we can easily extend PostgreSQL queries that can be generated from the user input with `@subsquid/openreader`.
+For example, inside [`src/server-extension/resolvers/ChannelsResolver/index.ts`](src/server-extension/resolvers/ChannelsResolver/index.ts) you can find a query called `extendedChannels`, which build on the `channels` listing query (one of the autogenerated queries), but includes additional information about number of active videos (videos that meet certain criteria) per channel.
+Notice that each resolver method can access an entity manger that gets injected into each custom resolver via its constructor, in order to execute queries against Orion's PostgresQL database. 
+#### Mutations
+Custom resolvers may also define mutations which modify the database state. Note that since both the processor and graphql server operate on the same database, some extra care needs to be taken to not break any assumptions that the processor might be relying on.
+Example mutation: `addVideoView` inside [`src/server-extension/resolvers/VideosResolver/index.ts`](../src/server-extension/resolvers/VideosResolver/index.ts)
+#### Authentication
+Because of [a patch](/patches/@subsquid+graphql-server+3.2.3.patch) that was added to `@subsquid/graphql-server`, the HTTP request data (like ip address, headers etc.) is accessible through GraphQL context, making it possible to introduce reusable authentication middleware.
+Currently in Orion v2 there is only one middleware called [`OperatorOnly`](../src/server-extension/resolvers/middleware.ts), which can be used to secure endpoints that should only be accessible for the gateway operator. Those endpoints will require the `OPERATOR_SECRET` (defined in [`.env`](.env)) to be provided in `x-operator-secret` http header.

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+## WIP

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
-  mongodbMemoryServerOptions: {
-    binary: {
-      version: '4.4.2',
-      skipMD5: true,
-    },
-    autoStart: false,
-    instance: {
-      dbName: 'jest',
-    },
-  },

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
-const { defaults: tsjPreset } = require('ts-jest/presets')
-module.exports = {
-  preset: '@shelf/jest-mongodb',
-  transform: tsjPreset.transform,
-  setupFiles: ['./tests/setup.ts'],

+ 23673 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23673 @@
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+      "integrity": "sha512-QZWQekv6iB72Naeake9hS1KxHlotfRpe+WGNbNx5/ta+R3DNjVO2bswf63gXlWDcs+EMd7XY8HfVQyP1X6T4Zg==",
+      "optional": true,
+      "requires": {
+        "zen-observable": "0.8.15"
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 67 - 72

@@ -1,85 +1,80 @@
   "name": "orion",
-  "version": "1.0.0",
-  "description": "Video view count service for Joystream",
-  "license": "ISC",
-  "directories": {
-    "src": "src"
-  },
-  "files": [
-    "src"
-  ],
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git"
-  },
-  "bugs": {
-    "url": "https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/issues"
+  "version": "2.0.0",
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">=16"
   "scripts": {
-    "clean": "rm -rf dist",
-    "dev": "NODE_ENV=development ts-node-dev --respawn src/main.ts",
-    "build": "yarn clean && yarn tsc -p tsconfig.build.json",
-    "start": "node dist/main.js",
-    "lint": "yarn lint:ts && yarn lint:prettier",
-    "lint:ts": "eslint --ext .ts --max-warnings 0 ./src",
-    "lint:prettier": "prettier --check ./src",
-    "test": "jest"
+    "generate:schema": "./scripts/generate-schema-file.sh",
+    "build": "npm run generate:schema; rm -rf lib && tsc",
+    "lint": "eslint --ext .ts ./src",
+    "format": "prettier --write .",
+    "checks": "prettier --check . && npm run lint && make codegen && tsc --noEmit --pretty",
+    "db:migrate": "npx squid-typeorm-migration apply",
+    "processor-start": "node lib/processor.js",
+    "query-node-start": "NODE_ENV=production patch-package --patch-dir assets/patches && squid-graphql-server --subscriptions --max-response-size 10000 --dumb-cache in-memory --dumb-cache-ttl 1000 --dumb-cache-size 100 --dumb-cache-max-age 1000",
+    "postinstall": "patch-package --patch-dir assets/patches",
+    "tests:codegen": "npx graphql-codegen -c ./src/tests/v1/codegen.yml && npx graphql-codegen -c ./src/tests/v2/codegen.yml",
+    "tests:compareState": "npx ts-node ./src/tests/compareState.ts",
+    "tests:benchmark": "npx ts-node ./src/tests/benchmarks/index.ts",
+    "v1-migration:prepare": "./scripts/orion-v1-migration/export.sh && npx ts-node ./scripts/orion-v1-migration/prepareData.ts"
-  "lint-staged": {
-    "*.{ts,json}": [
-      "prettier --write"
-    ]
+  "overrides": {
+    "@polkadot/api": "8.9.1",
+    "@polkadot/keyring": "9.5.1",
+    "@polkadot/types": "8.9.1",
+    "@polkadot/util": "9.5.1",
+    "@polkadot/util-crypto": "9.5.1",
+    "@joystream/types": "0.20.5"
   "dependencies": {
-    "@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader": "^7.3.3",
-    "@graphql-tools/load": "^7.4.1",
-    "@graphql-tools/schema": "^8.3.1",
-    "@graphql-tools/stitch": "^8.4.1",
-    "@graphql-tools/url-loader": "^7.5.2",
     "@joystream/js": "^1.4.0",
-    "@typegoose/auto-increment": "^1.3.0",
-    "@typegoose/typegoose": "^9.8.1",
-    "apollo-server-core": "^3.8.1",
-    "apollo-server-express": "^3.8.1",
-    "class-validator": "^0.13.2",
-    "date-fns": "^2.28.0",
-    "dotenv": "^16.0.1",
-    "express": "^4.18.1",
-    "graphql": "^15.8.0",
+    "@polkadot/util-crypto": "9.5.1",
+    "@subsquid/archive-registry": "^2.1.0",
+    "@subsquid/graphql-server": "^3.3.2",
+    "@subsquid/ss58": "^0.1.3",
+    "@subsquid/substrate-processor": "^2.2.0",
+    "@subsquid/typeorm-migration": "^0.1.4",
+    "@subsquid/typeorm-store": "^0.2.0",
+    "@types/lodash": "^4.14.189",
+    "@typescript/analyze-trace": "^0.9.1",
+    "ajv": "^6.11.0",
+    "axios": "^1.2.1",
+    "csv-stringify": "^6.3.0",
+    "dotenv": "^16.0.3",
+    "dotenv-expand": "^10.0.0",
+    "graphql-tools": "^8.3.11",
+    "haversine-distance": "^1.2.1",
     "lodash": "^4.17.21",
-    "mongodb": "^4.6.0",
-    "mongoose": "^6.3.4",
-    "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.13",
-    "type-graphql": "^1.1.1"
+    "patch-package": "^6.5.0",
+    "pg": "8.8.0",
+    "type-graphql": "^1.2.0-rc.1",
+    "typeorm": "^0.3.11",
+    "url-join": "^4"
   "devDependencies": {
-    "@joystream/prettier-config": "^1.0.0",
-    "@shelf/jest-mongodb": "^3.0.0",
-    "@types/express": "^4.17.13",
-    "@types/jest": "^27.5.1",
-    "@types/lodash": "^4.14.182",
-    "@types/node": "^16.11.36",
-    "@types/validator": "^13.7.2",
-    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.27.0",
-    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.27.0",
-    "eslint": "^8.16.0",
+    "@graphql-codegen/cli": "^3.0.0",
+    "@graphql-codegen/import-types-preset": "^1.18.1",
+    "@graphql-codegen/typescript": "^1.22.0",
+    "@graphql-codegen/typescript-document-nodes": "^2.2.11",
+    "@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "^1.17.16",
+    "@subsquid/substrate-metadata-explorer": "^1.0.9",
+    "@subsquid/substrate-typegen": "^2.1.0",
+    "@subsquid/typeorm-codegen": "^0.3.1",
+    "@types/node": "16.11.56",
+    "@types/url-join": "^4",
+    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.53.0",
+    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.43.0",
+    "eslint": "^8.35.0",
     "eslint-config-prettier": "^8.5.0",
-    "eslint-plugin-jest": "^26.4.5",
-    "husky": "^4.3.0",
-    "jest": "^28.1.0",
-    "lint-staged": "^12.4.3",
-    "prettier": "^2.6.2",
-    "ts-jest": "^28.0.3",
-    "ts-node": "^10.8.0",
-    "ts-node-dev": "^2.0.0",
-    "typescript": "^4.7.2"
-  },
-  "resolutions": {
-    "cross-undici-fetch": "0.4.3"
-  },
-  "engines": {
-    "node": "^16.13.1"
-  },
-  "packageManager": "yarn@3.2.1"
+    "eslint-config-standard": "^17.0.0",
+    "eslint-config-standard-with-typescript": "^34.0.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.27.5",
+    "eslint-plugin-n": "^15.6.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.2.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-standard": "^5.0.0",
+    "prettier": "^2.7.1",
+    "typescript": "^4.8.2"
+  }

+ 0 - 125

@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-extend type VideoHero {
-  video: Video!
-extend type FeaturedVideo {
-  video: Video!
-extend type CategoryFeaturedVideos {
-  category: VideoCategory!
-extend type Video {
-  views: Int!
-extend type Channel {
-  views: Int!
-  follows: Int!
-type Query {
-  # ===== Videos =====
-  """
-  Get list of 10 most watched videos in last week
-  """
-  top10VideosThisWeek(where: VideoWhereInput): [Video!]!
-  """
-  Get list of 10 most watched videos in last month
-  """
-  top10VideosThisMonth(where: VideoWhereInput): [Video!]!
-  """
-  Get connection of most viewed videos in a given period or of all time
-  """
-  mostViewedVideosConnection(
-    """
-    `periodDays` indicates from which time period the views should be taken from. Can be 7 or 30.
-    If not provided, views from all time will be used.
-    """
-    periodDays: Int
-    """
-    `limit` indicates on how many videos the connection should be capped.
-    """
-    limit: Int!
-    first: Int
-    after: String
-    last: Int
-    before: String
-    where: VideoWhereInput
-    orderBy: [VideoOrderByInput!]
-  ): VideoConnection!
-  # ===== Channels =====
-  """
-  Get list of 15 most followed channels out of 100 newest channels in random order
-  """
-  discoverChannels(where: ChannelWhereInput): [Channel!]!
-  """
-  Get list of 15 most watched channels out of 100 newest channels in random order
-  """
-  promisingChannels(where: ChannelWhereInput): [Channel!]!
-  """
-  Get list of 15 most watched channels in random order
-  """
-  popularChannels(where: ChannelWhereInput): [Channel!]!
-  """
-  Get list of 10 most followed channels of all time
-  """
-  top10Channels(where: ChannelWhereInput): [Channel!]!
-  """
-  Get connection of most followed channels in a given period or of all time
-  """
-  mostFollowedChannelsConnection(
-    """
-    `periodDays` indicates from which time period the follows should be taken from. Can be 7 or 30.
-    If not provided, follows from all time will be used.
-    """
-    periodDays: Int
-    """
-    `limit` indicates on how many channels the connection should be capped.
-    """
-    limit: Int!
-    first: Int
-    after: String
-    last: Int
-    before: String
-    where: ChannelWhereInput
-    orderBy: [ChannelOrderByInput!]
-  ): ChannelConnection!
-  """
-  Get connection of most viewed channels in a given period or of all time
-  """
-  mostViewedChannelsConnection(
-    """
-    `periodDays` indicates from which time period the views should be taken from. Can be 7 or 30.
-    If not provided, views from all time will be used.
-    """
-    periodDays: Int
-    """
-    `limit` indicates on how many channels the connection should be capped.
-    """
-    limit: Int!
-    first: Int
-    after: String
-    last: Int
-    before: String
-    where: ChannelWhereInput
-    orderBy: [ChannelOrderByInput!]
-  ): ChannelConnection!

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
+  "extends": ["config:base"],
+  "packageRules": [
+    {
+      "matchPackagePatterns": ["^@subsquid/"],
+      "groupName": "@subsquid"
+    }
+  ]

+ 0 - 145

@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------
-type Admin {
-  isKilled: Boolean!
-type CategoryFeaturedVideos {
-  categoryFeaturedVideos: [FeaturedVideo!]!
-  categoryId: ID!
-type ChannelFollowsInfo {
-  follows: Int!
-  id: ID!
-type ChannelReportInfo {
-  channelId: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  id: ID!
-  rationale: String!
-  reporterIp: String!
-enum ChannelReportOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-input ChannelReportsWhereInput {
-  channelId: ID
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  reporterIp: String
-The javascript `Date` as string. Type represents date and time as the ISO Date string.
-scalar DateTime
-type EntityViewsInfo {
-  id: ID!
-  views: Int!
-type FeaturedVideo {
-  videoCutUrl: String
-  videoId: ID!
-input FeaturedVideoInput {
-  videoCutUrl: String
-  videoId: ID!
-type GeneratedSignature {
-  """App signature converted to hexadecimal string."""
-  signature: String!
-type Mutation {
-  """Add a single view to the target video's count"""
-  addVideoView(categoryId: ID, channelId: ID!, videoId: ID!): EntityViewsInfo!
-  """Add a single follow to the target channel"""
-  followChannel(channelId: ID!): ChannelFollowsInfo!
-  """Report a channel"""
-  reportChannel(channelId: ID!, rationale: String!): ChannelReportInfo!
-  """Report a video"""
-  reportVideo(rationale: String!, videoId: ID!): VideoReportInfo!
-  setCategoryFeaturedVideos(categoryId: ID!, videos: [FeaturedVideoInput!]!): [FeaturedVideo!]!
-  setKillSwitch(isKilled: Boolean!): Admin!
-  setVideoHero(newVideoHero: VideoHeroInput!): VideoHero!
-  signAppActionCommitment(assets: String!, creatorId: String!, rawAction: String!, rawAppActionMetadata: String!): GeneratedSignature!
-  """Remove a single follow from the target channel"""
-  unfollowChannel(channelId: ID!): ChannelFollowsInfo!
-type Query {
-  """Set killed instance"""
-  admin: Admin!
-  """Get featured videos for all categories"""
-  allCategoriesFeaturedVideos(videosLimit: Int!): [CategoryFeaturedVideos!]!
-  """Get featured videos for a given video category"""
-  categoryFeaturedVideos(categoryId: ID!): [FeaturedVideo!]!
-  """Get list of most viewed categories in a given time period"""
-  mostViewedCategories(
-    limit: Int
-    """timePeriodDays must take one of the following values: 7, 30"""
-    timePeriodDays: Int!
-  ): [EntityViewsInfo!]
-  """Get list of most viewed categories of all time"""
-  mostViewedCategoriesAllTime(limit: Int!): [EntityViewsInfo!]
-  reportedChannels(limit: Int = 30, orderBy: ChannelReportOrderByInput = createdAt_DESC, skip: Int, where: ChannelReportsWhereInput): [ChannelReportInfo!]!
-  reportedVideos(limit: Int = 30, orderBy: VideoReportOrderByInput = createdAt_DESC, skip: Int, where: VideoReportsWhereInput): [VideoReportInfo!]!
-  """Get current video hero"""
-  videoHero: VideoHero!
-type VideoHero {
-  heroPosterUrl: String!
-  heroTitle: String!
-  heroVideoCutUrl: String!
-  videoId: ID!
-input VideoHeroInput {
-  heroPosterUrl: String!
-  heroTitle: String!
-  heroVideoCutUrl: String!
-  videoId: ID!
-type VideoReportInfo {
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  id: ID!
-  rationale: String!
-  reporterIp: String!
-  videoId: ID!
-enum VideoReportOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-input VideoReportsWhereInput {
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  reporterIp: String
-  videoId: ID

+ 170 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+"NFT transactional state"
+union TransactionalStatus =
+    TransactionalStatusIdle
+  | TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember
+  | TransactionalStatusBuyNow
+  | TransactionalStatusAuction
+"Represents TransactionalStatus Idle"
+type TransactionalStatusIdle {
+  phantom: Int
+"Represents TransactionalStatus InitiatedOfferToMember"
+type TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember {
+  "Member that recieved the offer"
+  member: Membership!
+  "The price that the member should pay to accept offer (optional)"
+  price: BigInt
+"Represents TransactionalStatus BuyNow"
+type TransactionalStatusBuyNow {
+  price: BigInt!
+"Represents TransactionalStatus Auction"
+type TransactionalStatusAuction {
+  auction: Auction!
+"Represents NFT details"
+type OwnedNft @entity {
+  "Timestamp of the block the NFT was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "NFT's video"
+  video: Video! @unique
+  "Auctions done for this NFT"
+  auctions: [Auction!]! @derivedFrom(field: "nft")
+  "Current owner of the NFT."
+  owner: NftOwner!
+  "NFT's transactional status"
+  transactionalStatus: TransactionalStatus
+  "Creator royalty (if any)"
+  creatorRoyalty: Float
+  "NFT's last sale price (if any)"
+  lastSalePrice: BigInt
+  "NFT's last sale date (if any)"
+  lastSaleDate: DateTime
+  "All NFT auction bids"
+  bids: [Bid!]! @derivedFrom(field: "nft")
+  "Flag to indicate whether the NFT is featured or not"
+  isFeatured: Boolean!
+"Represents various action types"
+union AuctionType = AuctionTypeEnglish | AuctionTypeOpen
+"Represents English auction details"
+type AuctionTypeEnglish {
+  "English auction duration in blocks"
+  duration: Int!
+  "Auction extension period in blocks"
+  extensionPeriod: Int!
+  "Block when auction is supposed to end"
+  plannedEndAtBlock: Int!
+  "Minimal step between auction bids"
+  minimalBidStep: BigInt!
+"Represents Open auction details"
+type AuctionTypeOpen @variant {
+  "Auction bid lock duration"
+  bidLockDuration: Int!
+"Represents NFT auction"
+type Auction @entity {
+  "Unique identifier"
+  id: ID!
+  "Auctioned NFT"
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "Member that won this auction"
+  winningMember: Membership
+  "Auction starting price"
+  startingPrice: BigInt!
+  "Price at which the auction gets completed instantly (if any)"
+  buyNowPrice: BigInt
+  "The type of auction"
+  auctionType: AuctionType!
+  "Auction last bid (if exists)"
+  # TODO: Is it really needed? (bids(orderBy: amount_DESC, limit: 1).?[0])
+  topBid: Bid
+  "All bids made during this auction"
+  bids: [Bid!]! @derivedFrom(field: "auction")
+  "Block when auction starts"
+  startsAtBlock: Int!
+  "Block when auction ended"
+  endedAtBlock: Int
+  "Is auction canceled"
+  isCanceled: Boolean!
+  "Is auction completed"
+  isCompleted: Boolean!
+  "Auction participants whitelist"
+  whitelistedMembers: [AuctionWhitelistedMember!] @derivedFrom(field: "auction")
+type AuctionWhitelistedMember @entity @index(fields: ["auction", "member"], unique: true) {
+  "{auctionId}-{memberId}"
+  id: ID!
+  auction: Auction!
+  member: Membership!
+"Represents bid in NFT auction"
+type Bid @entity {
+  "Unique identifier"
+  id: ID!
+  "Timestamp of the block the bid was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "NFT's auction"
+  auction: Auction!
+  "Bid's NFT"
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "Bidder membership"
+  bidder: Membership!
+  "Amount bidded"
+  amount: BigInt!
+  "Sign for canceled bid"
+  isCanceled: Boolean!
+  "Block in which the bid was placed"
+  createdInBlock: Int!
+  "Index in block of the related AuctionBidMade event"
+  indexInBlock: Int!
+  "Bid that was displaced by this bid in the English auction (if any)"
+  previousTopBid: Bid

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Content Actor
+union ContentActor = ContentActorCurator | ContentActorMember | ContentActorLead
+type ContentActorCurator {
+  curator: Curator!
+type ContentActorMember {
+  member: Membership!
+type ContentActorLead {
+  phantom: Int
+type CuratorGroup @entity {
+  "Runtime identifier"
+  id: ID!
+  "Is group active or not"
+  isActive: Boolean!
+type Curator @entity {
+  "Runtime identifier"
+  id: ID!
+# NFT owner
+union NftOwner = NftOwnerChannel | NftOwnerMember
+type NftOwnerChannel {
+  channel: Channel!
+type NftOwnerMember {
+  member: Membership!

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+type App @entity {
+  "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
+  id: ID!
+  "The name of the App"
+  name: String! @unique
+  "Member owning the App"
+  ownerMember: Membership!
+  "Url where user can read more about the project or company for this app"
+  websiteUrl: String
+  "Url to the app"
+  useUri: String
+  smallIcon: String
+  mediumIcon: String
+  bigIcon: String
+  "Tagline of the app"
+  oneLiner: String
+  description: String
+  termsOfService: String
+  "List of platforms on which the app will be available, e.g. [mobile, web, native]"
+  platforms: [String]
+  category: String
+  authKey: String
+  appVideos: [Video!] @derivedFrom(field: "entryApp")
+  appChannels: [Channel!] @derivedFrom(field: "entryApp")

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+type Channel @entity {
+  "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
+  id: ID!
+  "Timestamp of the block the channel was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "Current member-owner of the channel (if owned by a member)"
+  ownerMember: Membership
+  "The title of the Channel"
+  title: String
+  "The description of a Channel"
+  description: String
+  "Channel's cover (background) photo asset. Recommended ratio: 16:9."
+  coverPhoto: StorageDataObject
+  "Channel's avatar photo asset."
+  avatarPhoto: StorageDataObject
+  "Flag signaling whether a channel is public."
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  "Flag signaling whether a channel is censored."
+  isCensored: Boolean!
+  "Whether a channel has been excluded/hidden (by the gateway operator)"
+  isExcluded: Boolean!
+  "The primary langauge of the channel's content"
+  language: String @index
+  "List of videos that belong to the channel"
+  videos: [Video!]! @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
+  "Number of the block the channel was created in"
+  createdInBlock: Int!
+  "Channel's reward account, storing the income from the nft sales and channel payouts."
+  rewardAccount: String!
+  "Value of channel state bloat bond fee paid by channel creator"
+  channelStateBloatBond: BigInt!
+  "Number of active follows (to speed up orderBy queries by avoiding COUNT aggregation)"
+  followsNum: Int!
+  "Number of total video views (to speed up orderBy queries by avoiding COUNT aggregation)"
+  videoViewsNum: Int!
+  "List of members blocked from commenting/reacting on any video of the channel."
+  bannedMembers: [BannedMember!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
+  "Application used for channel creation"
+  entryApp: App
+  "Number of videos ever created in this channel"
+  totalVideosCreated: Int!
+type BannedMember @entity @index(fields: ["member", "channel"], unique: true) {
+  "{memberId}-{channelId}"
+  id: ID!
+  member: Membership!
+  channel: Channel!

+ 296 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+type Event @entity {
+  "{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
+  id: ID!
+  "Blocknumber of the block in which the event was emitted."
+  inBlock: Int!
+  "Hash of the extrinsic the event was emitted in"
+  inExtrinsic: String @index
+  "Index of event in block from which it was emitted."
+  indexInBlock: Int!
+  "Timestamp of the block the event was emitted in"
+  timestamp: DateTime!
+  "More specific event data, which depends on event type"
+  data: EventData!
+type Notification @entity {
+  "Autoincremented"
+  id: ID!
+  "Member that should recieve the notification"
+  member: Membership!
+  "The notification event"
+  event: Event!
+type NftHistoryEntry @entity {
+  "Autoincremented"
+  id: ID!
+  "The NFT the event relates to"
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "Nft-related event"
+  event: Event!
+type NftActivity @entity {
+  "Autoincremented"
+  id: ID!
+  "The member the activity relates to"
+  member: Membership!
+  "Nft-related activity"
+  event: Event!
+union EventData =
+    CommentCreatedEventData
+  | CommentTextUpdatedEventData
+  | OpenAuctionStartedEventData
+  | EnglishAuctionStartedEventData
+  | NftIssuedEventData
+  | AuctionBidMadeEventData
+  | AuctionBidCanceledEventData
+  | AuctionCanceledEventData
+  | EnglishAuctionSettledEventData
+  | BidMadeCompletingAuctionEventData
+  | OpenAuctionBidAcceptedEventData
+  | NftSellOrderMadeEventData
+  | NftBoughtEventData
+  | BuyNowCanceledEventData
+  | BuyNowPriceUpdatedEventData
+  | MetaprotocolTransactionStatusEventData
+  | MemberBannedFromChannelEventData
+# Atlas use-case: `GetCommentEdits` query
+type CommentCreatedEventData {
+  "The comment that was added"
+  comment: Comment!
+  "Comment's original text"
+  text: String!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetCommentEdits` query
+type CommentTextUpdatedEventData {
+  "The comment being updated"
+  comment: Comment!
+  "New comment text"
+  newText: String!
+  # Only author can edit the comment, so no actor context required
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory` query
+type OpenAuctionStartedEventData {
+  "Actor that started this auction."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "Nft owner at the time it was put on an auction."
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+  "Auction started."
+  auction: Auction!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory` query
+type EnglishAuctionStartedEventData {
+  "Actor that started this auction."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "Nft owner at the time it was put on an auction."
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+  "Auction started."
+  auction: Auction!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory` query
+type NftIssuedEventData {
+  "Actor that issued the NFT."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "NFT that was issued."
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "NFT's initial owner."
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities`, `GetNftHistory` and `GetNotifications` query
+type AuctionBidMadeEventData {
+  "The bid that was submitted "
+  bid: Bid!
+  "Nft owner at the time it was being auctioned."
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory` query
+type AuctionBidCanceledEventData {
+  "Member that canceled the bid."
+  member: Membership!
+  "Nft owner at the time it was being auctioned."
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+  "The bid that got canceled."
+  bid: Bid!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory` query
+type AuctionCanceledEventData {
+  "Content actor canceling the auction."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "Nft owner at the time the auction was being auctioned."
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+  "Auction that was canceled."
+  auction: Auction!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities`, `GetNftHistory` and `GetNotifications` query
+type EnglishAuctionSettledEventData {
+  "English auction winning bid"
+  winningBid: Bid!
+  "NFT owner before the english auction was settled"
+  previousNftOwner: NftOwner!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities`, `GetNftHistory` and `GetNotifications` query
+type BidMadeCompletingAuctionEventData {
+  "Bid that completed the auction"
+  winningBid: Bid!
+  "NFT owner before the auction was completed"
+  previousNftOwner: NftOwner!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities`, `GetNftHistory` and `GetNotifications` query
+type OpenAuctionBidAcceptedEventData {
+  "Content actor that accepted the bid."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "Accepted/winning bid"
+  winningBid: Bid!
+  "NFT owner before the auction was completed"
+  previousNftOwner: NftOwner!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory` query
+type NftSellOrderMadeEventData {
+  "NFT being sold"
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "Content actor acting as NFT owner."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "NFT owner at the time it was put on sale"
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+  "Offer's price."
+  price: BigInt!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities`, `GetNftHistory` and `GetNotifications` query
+type NftBoughtEventData {
+  "The NFT that was bought"
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "Member that bought the NFT."
+  buyer: Membership!
+  "NFT owner before it was bought"
+  previousNftOwner: NftOwner!
+  "Price for which the NFT was bought"
+  price: BigInt!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory`
+type BuyNowCanceledEventData {
+  "The NFT for which the buy now offer was canceled"
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "Content actor acting as NFT owner."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "Owner of the NFT at the time the buy now offer was canceled."
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+# Atlas use-case: `GetNftActivities` and `GetNftHistory`
+type BuyNowPriceUpdatedEventData {
+  "NFT being sold"
+  nft: OwnedNft!
+  "Content actor acting as NFT owner."
+  actor: ContentActor!
+  "NFT owner at the time it was on sale"
+  nftOwner: NftOwner!
+  "New sell order price."
+  newPrice: BigInt!
+type MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentCreated {
+  commentCreated: Comment
+type MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentEdited {
+  commentEdited: Comment
+type MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentDeleted {
+  commentDeleted: Comment
+type MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentModerated {
+  commentModerated: Comment
+type MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK {
+  phantom: Int
+type MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed {
+  errorMessage: String!
+union MetaprotocolTransactionResult =
+    MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK
+  | MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentCreated
+  | MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentEdited
+  | MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentDeleted
+  | MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentModerated
+  | MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed
+type MetaprotocolTransactionStatusEventData {
+  "The result of metaprotocol action"
+  result: MetaprotocolTransactionResult!
+# This event is emitted both when a member is banned and when they are unbanned
+type MemberBannedFromChannelEventData {
+  "The chanel the member is being banned / unbanned from"
+  channel: Channel!
+  "The member being banned / unbanned"
+  member: Membership!
+  "The action performed. TRUE if the member is being banned, FALSE if the member is being unbanned"
+  action: Boolean!

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+type VideoViewEvent @entity {
+  "Unique identifier of the video view event"
+  id: ID!
+  "ID of the video that was viewed (the video may no longer exist)"
+  videoId: String! @index
+  "IP address of the viewer"
+  ip: String! @index
+  "Video view event timestamp"
+  timestamp: DateTime!
+type Report @entity {
+  "Unique identifier of the report"
+  id: ID!
+  "IP address of the reporter"
+  ip: String! @index
+  "If it's a channel report: ID of the channel being reported (the channel may no longer exist)"
+  channelId: String @index
+  "If it's a video report: ID of the video being reported (the video may no longer exist)"
+  videoId: String @index
+  "Time of the report"
+  timestamp: DateTime!
+  "Rationale behind the report"
+  rationale: String!
+type NftFeaturingRequest @entity {
+  "Unique identifier of the request"
+  id: ID!
+  "IP address of the reporter"
+  ip: String! @index
+  "ID of the nft that is being requested to be featured by operator"
+  nftId: String! @index
+  "Time of the request"
+  timestamp: DateTime!
+  "Rationale behind the request"
+  rationale: String!
+type ChannelFollow @entity {
+  "Unique identifier of the follow, also serves as a 'cancelToken' that needs to be provided when unfollowing the channel (to prevent abuse / inconsistent state)"
+  id: ID!
+  "IP address of the follower"
+  ip: String! @index
+  "ID of the channel being followed (the channel may no longer exist)"
+  channelId: String! @index
+  "Time when user started following the channel"
+  timestamp: DateTime!

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+type AvatarObject @variant {
+  "The avatar data object"
+  avatarObject: StorageDataObject!
+type AvatarUri @variant {
+  "The avatar URL"
+  avatarUri: String!
+union Avatar = AvatarObject | AvatarUri
+type MemberMetadata @entity {
+  "Member's name"
+  name: String
+  "Avatar data object"
+  avatar: Avatar
+  "Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves"
+  about: String
+  member: Membership! @unique
+"Stored information about a registered user"
+type Membership @entity {
+  "MemberId: runtime identifier for a user"
+  id: ID!
+  "Timestamp of the block the membership was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "The unique handle chosen by member"
+  handle: String! @unique
+  "Member's metadata"
+  metadata: MemberMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "member")
+  "Member's controller account id"
+  controllerAccount: String!
+  "Auctions in which is this user whitelisted to participate"
+  whitelistedInAuctions: [AuctionWhitelistedMember!] @derivedFrom(field: "member")
+  "Channels owned by this member"
+  channels: [Channel!] @derivedFrom(field: "ownerMember")
+  "Channels the member is banned from (in terms of commenting/reacting)"
+  bannedFromChannels: [BannedMember!] @derivedFrom(field: "member")
+  "Number of channels ever created by this member"
+  totalChannelsCreated: Int!

+ 329 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+type StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing {
+  phantom: Int
+type StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited {
+  workerId: Int!
+type StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive {
+  workerId: Int!
+  transactorAccountId: String!
+union StorageBucketOperatorStatus =
+    StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing
+  | StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited
+  | StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive
+type GeoCoordinates {
+  latitude: Float!
+  longitude: Float!
+enum Continent {
+  AF
+  NA
+  OC
+  AN
+  AS
+  EU
+  SA
+type GeographicalAreaContinent {
+  continentCode: Continent
+type GeographicalAreaCountry {
+  "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code"
+  countryCode: String
+type GeographicalAreaSubdivistion {
+  "ISO 3166-2 subdivision code"
+  subdivisionCode: String
+union GeographicalArea =
+    GeographicalAreaContinent
+  | GeographicalAreaCountry
+  | GeographicalAreaSubdivistion
+type NodeLocationMetadata {
+  "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (2 letters)"
+  countryCode: String
+  "City name"
+  city: String
+  "Geographic coordinates"
+  coordinates: GeoCoordinates
+type StorageBucketOperatorMetadata @entity {
+  id: ID!
+  "Storage bucket to which the metadata is assigned"
+  storageBucket: StorageBucket! @unique
+  "Root node endpoint"
+  nodeEndpoint: String
+  "Optional node location metadata"
+  nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadata
+  "Additional information about the node/operator"
+  extra: String
+type StorageBucket @entity {
+  "Runtime bucket id"
+  id: ID!
+  "Current bucket operator status"
+  operatorStatus: StorageBucketOperatorStatus!
+  "Storage bucket operator metadata"
+  operatorMetadata: StorageBucketOperatorMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "storageBucket")
+  "Whether the bucket is accepting any new storage bags"
+  acceptingNewBags: Boolean!
+  "Storage bags assigned to the bucket"
+  bags: [StorageBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "storageBucket")
+  "Bucket's data object size limit in bytes"
+  dataObjectsSizeLimit: BigInt!
+  "Bucket's data object count limit"
+  dataObjectCountLimit: BigInt!
+  "Number of assigned data objects"
+  dataObjectsCount: BigInt!
+  "Total size of assigned data objects"
+  dataObjectsSize: BigInt!
+type StorageBagOwnerCouncil {
+  phantom: Int
+type StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroup {
+  workingGroupId: String
+type StorageBagOwnerMember {
+  memberId: String!
+type StorageBagOwnerChannel {
+  channelId: String!
+# Note: Not supported by runtime yet
+type StorageBagOwnerDAO {
+  daoId: Int
+union StorageBagOwner =
+    StorageBagOwnerCouncil
+  | StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroup
+  | StorageBagOwnerMember
+  | StorageBagOwnerChannel
+  | StorageBagOwnerDAO
+type StorageBag @entity {
+  "Storage bag id"
+  id: ID!
+  "Data objects in the bag"
+  objects: [StorageDataObject!] @derivedFrom(field: "storageBag")
+  "Storage buckets assigned to the bag"
+  storageBuckets: [StorageBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "bag")
+  "Distribution buckets assigned to the bag"
+  distributionBuckets: [DistributionBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "bag")
+  "Owner of the storage bag"
+  owner: StorageBagOwner!
+type StorageBucketBag @entity @index(fields: ["storageBucket", "bag"], unique: true) {
+  "{storageBucketId}-{storageBagId}"
+  id: ID!
+  storageBucket: StorageBucket!
+  bag: StorageBag!
+type DistributionBucketBag @entity @index(fields: ["distributionBucket", "bag"], unique: true) {
+  "{distributionBucketId}-{storageBagId}"
+  id: ID!
+  distributionBucket: DistributionBucket!
+  bag: StorageBag!
+type DataObjectTypeChannelAvatar {
+  "Related channel entity"
+  channel: Channel!
+type DataObjectTypeChannelCoverPhoto {
+  "Related channel entity"
+  channel: Channel!
+type DataObjectTypeVideoMedia {
+  "Related video entity"
+  video: Video!
+type DataObjectTypeVideoThumbnail {
+  "Related video entity"
+  video: Video!
+type DataObjectTypeVideoSubtitle {
+  "Related subtitle entity"
+  subtitle: VideoSubtitle!
+  # Useful for filtering subtitles against video, since
+  # relationship filtering through variant is not supported
+  "Related video entity"
+  video: Video!
+union DataObjectType =
+    DataObjectTypeChannelAvatar
+  | DataObjectTypeChannelCoverPhoto
+  | DataObjectTypeVideoMedia
+  | DataObjectTypeVideoThumbnail
+  | DataObjectTypeVideoSubtitle
+type StorageDataObject @entity {
+  "Data object runtime id"
+  id: ID!
+  "Timestamp of the block the data object was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "Whether the data object was uploaded and accepted by the storage provider"
+  isAccepted: Boolean!
+  "Data object size in bytes"
+  size: BigInt!
+  "Storage bag the data object is part of"
+  storageBag: StorageBag!
+  "IPFS content hash"
+  ipfsHash: String!
+  "The type of the asset that the data object represents (if known)"
+  type: DataObjectType
+  "State Bloat Bond for removing the data object"
+  stateBloatBond: BigInt!
+  "If the object is no longer used as an asset - the time at which it was unset (if known)"
+  unsetAt: DateTime
+  "Resolved asset urls"
+  # This field should be populated with [dataObjectId] and will be then resolved by Orion's GraphQL
+  # server during query resolution
+  resolvedUrls: [String!]!
+type DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata @entity {
+  id: ID!
+  "Distribution bucket family"
+  family: DistributionBucketFamily! @unique
+  "Name of the geographical region covered by the family (ie.: us-east-1)"
+  region: String @index
+  "Optional, more specific description of the region covered by the family"
+  description: String
+  "Geographical areas covered by the family"
+  areas: [GeographicalArea!]
+  "List of targets (hosts/ips) best suited latency measurements for the family"
+  latencyTestTargets: [String]
+type DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata @entity {
+  id: ID!
+  "Distribution bucket operator"
+  distirbutionBucketOperator: DistributionBucketOperator! @unique
+  "Root distributor node api endpoint"
+  nodeEndpoint: String
+  "Optional node location metadata"
+  nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadata
+  "Additional information about the node/operator"
+  extra: String
+enum DistributionBucketOperatorStatus {
+type DistributionBucketOperator @entity {
+  "{bucketId}-{workerId}"
+  id: ID!
+  "Related distirbution bucket"
+  distributionBucket: DistributionBucket!
+  "ID of the distribution group worker"
+  workerId: Int!
+  "Current operator status"
+  status: DistributionBucketOperatorStatus!
+  "Operator metadata"
+  metadata: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "distirbutionBucketOperator")
+type DistributionBucket @entity {
+  "Runtime bucket id in {familyId}:{bucketIndex} format"
+  id: ID!
+  "Distribution family the bucket is part of"
+  family: DistributionBucketFamily!
+  "Bucket index within the family"
+  bucketIndex: Int!
+  "Distribution bucket operators (either active or invited)"
+  operators: [DistributionBucketOperator!] @derivedFrom(field: "distributionBucket")
+  "Whether the bucket is accepting any new bags"
+  acceptingNewBags: Boolean!
+  "Whether the bucket is currently distributing content"
+  distributing: Boolean!
+  "Storage bags assigned to the bucket"
+  bags: [DistributionBucketBag!] @derivedFrom(field: "distributionBucket")
+type DistributionBucketFamily @entity {
+  "Runtime bucket family id"
+  id: ID!
+  "Current bucket family metadata"
+  metadata: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "family")
+  "Distribution buckets belonging to the family"
+  buckets: [DistributionBucket!] @derivedFrom(field: "family")

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+type CommentReaction @entity {
+  "{memberId}-{commentId}-{reactionId}"
+  id: ID!
+  "The Reaction id"
+  reactionId: Int!
+  "The member that reacted"
+  member: Membership!
+  "The comment that has been reacted to"
+  comment: Comment!
+  # Added to efficiently delete all reactions of all
+  # (deleted) comments once video has been deleted.
+  "The video the comment (that has been reacted) exists"
+  video: Video!
+enum CommentStatus {
+type CommentReactionsCountByReactionId {
+  "The reaction id"
+  reactionId: Int!
+  "No of times the comment has been reacted with given reaction Id"
+  count: Int!
+type Comment @entity {
+  "METAPROTOCOL-{network}-{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
+  id: ID!
+  "Timestamp of the block the comment was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "Author of the video comment"
+  author: Membership!
+  "Comment text"
+  text: String!
+  "Video the comment was added to"
+  video: Video!
+  "Status of the comment; either it is visible, deleted, or moderated (deleted by moderator)"
+  status: CommentStatus! @index
+  "List of all reactions to the comment"
+  reactions: [CommentReaction!] @derivedFrom(field: "comment")
+  "Reactions count by reaction Id"
+  reactionsCountByReactionId: [CommentReactionsCountByReactionId!]
+  "A (parent) comment that this comment replies to (if any)"
+  parentComment: Comment
+  "How many comments has replied to this comment"
+  repliesCount: Int!
+  "Total number of reactions to this comment"
+  reactionsCount: Int!
+  "Sum of replies and reactions"
+  reactionsAndRepliesCount: Int!
+  "Whether comment has been edited or not"
+  isEdited: Boolean!
+  "Whether a comment has been excluded/hidden (by the gateway operator)"
+  isExcluded: Boolean!

+ 255 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+type VideoCategory @entity {
+  "Runtime identifier"
+  id: ID!
+  "The name of the category"
+  name: String @index
+  "The description of the category"
+  description: String
+  "Parent category if defined"
+  parentCategory: VideoCategory
+  videos: [Video!]! @derivedFrom(field: "category")
+  featuredVideos: [VideoFeaturedInCategory!] @derivedFrom(field: "category")
+  "Indicates whether the category is supported by the Gateway"
+  isSupported: Boolean!
+  createdInBlock: Int!
+type Video @entity {
+  "Runtime identifier"
+  id: ID!
+  "Timestamp of the block the video was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "Reference to videos's channel"
+  channel: Channel!
+  "Reference to a video category"
+  category: VideoCategory
+  "The title of the video"
+  title: String
+  "The description of the Video"
+  description: String
+  "Video duration in seconds"
+  duration: Int
+  "Video thumbnail asset (recommended ratio: 16:9)"
+  thumbnailPhoto: StorageDataObject
+  "Video's main langauge"
+  language: String @index
+  "Whether or not Video contains marketing"
+  hasMarketing: Boolean
+  "If the Video was published on other platform before beeing published on Joystream - the original publication date"
+  publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
+  "Whether the Video is supposed to be publically displayed"
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  "Flag signaling whether a video is censored."
+  isCensored: Boolean!
+  "Whether a video has been excluded/hidden (by the gateway operator)"
+  isExcluded: Boolean!
+  "Video NFT details"
+  nft: OwnedNft @derivedFrom(field: "video")
+  "Whether the Video contains explicit material."
+  isExplicit: Boolean
+  "License under the video is published"
+  license: License
+  "Video media asset"
+  media: StorageDataObject
+  "Value of video state bloat bond fee paid by channel owner"
+  videoStateBloatBond: BigInt!
+  "Video file metadata"
+  mediaMetadata: VideoMediaMetadata @derivedFrom(field: "video")
+  "Block the video was created in"
+  createdInBlock: Int!
+  "List of video subtitles"
+  subtitles: [VideoSubtitle!] @derivedFrom(field: "video")
+  "Is comment section enabled (true if enabled)"
+  isCommentSectionEnabled: Boolean!
+  "channel owner pinned comment"
+  pinnedComment: Comment
+  "List of all video comments"
+  comments: [Comment!] @derivedFrom(field: "video")
+  "Comments count"
+  commentsCount: Int!
+  "Is reactions feature enabled on video (true if enabled i.e. video can be reacted)"
+  isReactionFeatureEnabled: Boolean!
+  "List of all video reactions"
+  reactions: [VideoReaction!] @derivedFrom(field: "video")
+  "Reactions count by reaction Id"
+  reactionsCountByReactionId: [VideoReactionsCountByReactionType!]
+  "Reactions count"
+  reactionsCount: Int!
+  "Number of video views (to speed up orderBy queries by avoiding COUNT aggregation)"
+  viewsNum: Int!
+  "Application used for video creation"
+  entryApp: App
+  "Video ID coming from YPP"
+  ytVideoId: String
+type VideoFeaturedInCategory @entity @index(fields: ["category", "video"], unique: true) {
+  "{categoryId-videoId}"
+  id: ID!
+  "Video being featured"
+  video: Video!
+  "Category the video is featured in"
+  category: VideoCategory!
+  "Url to video fragment to be displayed in the UI"
+  videoCutUrl: String
+type VideoHero @entity {
+  "Unique ID"
+  id: ID!
+  "Video being featured in the Hero section"
+  video: Video!
+  "Title of the Hero section"
+  heroTitle: String!
+  "Url to video fragment to be displayed in the Hero section"
+  heroVideoCutUrl: String!
+  "Url to the poster to be displayed in the Hero section"
+  heroPosterUrl: String!
+  "Time at which this VideoHero was created/activated"
+  activatedAt: DateTime
+type VideoMediaMetadata @entity {
+  "Unique identifier"
+  id: ID!
+  "Encoding of the video media object"
+  encoding: VideoMediaEncoding
+  "Video media width in pixels"
+  pixelWidth: Int
+  "Video media height in pixels"
+  pixelHeight: Int
+  "Video media size in bytes"
+  size: BigInt
+  video: Video! @unique
+  createdInBlock: Int!
+type VideoMediaEncoding @entity {
+  "Encoding of the video media object"
+  codecName: String
+  "Media container format"
+  container: String
+  "Content MIME type"
+  mimeMediaType: String
+type License @entity {
+  "Unique identifier"
+  id: ID!
+  "License code defined by Joystream"
+  code: Int
+  "Attribution (if required by the license)"
+  attribution: String
+  "Custom license content"
+  customText: String
+type VideoSubtitle @entity {
+  "{type}-{language}"
+  id: ID!
+  "Subtitle's video"
+  video: Video!
+  # Atlas will use 'subtitles' | 'closed-captions' for now and possible other types in the future.
+  "Subtitle's type"
+  type: String!
+  "Subtitle's language"
+  language: String @index
+  "MIME type description of format used for this subtitle"
+  mimeType: String!
+  "Storage object representing the subtitle file"
+  asset: StorageDataObject
+type VideoReactionsCountByReactionType {
+  "The reaction option"
+  reaction: VideoReactionOptions!
+  "No of times the video has been reacted with given reaction"
+  count: Int!
+enum VideoReactionOptions {
+  "Reacting again with the same option will cancel the previous reaction"
+type VideoReaction @entity {
+  "{memberId}-{videoId}"
+  id: ID!
+  "Timestamp of the block the reaction was created at"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  "The Reaction"
+  reaction: VideoReactionOptions!
+  "The member that reacted"
+  member: Membership!
+  "The video that has been reacted to"
+  video: Video!

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+set -e
+docker build . --target processor -t squid-processor
+# make sure the port matches .env. 
+# For Linux, add --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway
+docker run --rm -e DB_HOST=host.docker.internal --env-file=.env squid-processor

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
+if [[ -d schema ]]
+    echo "Generating schema file from schema directory..."
+    find schema -type f -exec cat {} \; > schema.graphql
+    echo "Done"
+    echo "Schema directory is empty, skipping schema file generation..."

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
+docker exec -t mongo mongoexport -d orion -c videoEvents -o videoEvents.json --jsonArray
+docker exec -t mongo mongoexport -d orion -c featuredContent -o featuredContent.json
+docker exec -t mongo mongoexport -d orion -c reportedVideos -o reportedVideos.json --jsonArray
+docker exec -t mongo mongoexport -d orion -c reportedChannels -o reportedChannels.json --jsonArray
+mkdir data 2>/dev/null || true
+docker cp mongo:videoEvents.json data/videoEvents.json
+docker cp mongo:featuredContent.json data/featuredContent.json
+docker cp mongo:reportedVideos.json data/reportedVideos.json
+docker cp mongo:reportedChannels.json data/reportedChannels.json
+echo "OK"

+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+// import featuredContentJson from './data/featuredContent.json'
+import reportedChannelsJson from './data/reportedChannels.json'
+import reportedVideosJson from './data/reportedVideos.json'
+import videoEventsJson from './data/videoEvents.json'
+import { Report, VideoViewEvent } from '../../src/model'
+import { stringify } from 'csv-stringify/sync'
+import fs from 'fs'
+import path from 'path'
+import { randomAsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+const OUTPUT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../db/persisted')
+// type FeaturedContent = {
+//   featuredVideosPerCategory: {
+//     [categoryId: string]: {
+//       videoId: string
+//       videoCutUrl: string
+//     }[]
+//   }
+//   videoHero: {
+//     videoId: string
+//     heroTitle: string
+//     heroVideoCutUrl: string
+//     heroPosterUrl: string
+//   }
+// }
+type ReportedContent = { reporterIp: string; timestamp: { $date: string }; rationale: string }
+type ReportedChannel = ReportedContent & {
+  channelId: string
+type ReportedVideo = ReportedContent & {
+  videoId: string
+type VideoEvent = {
+  videoId: string
+  channelId: string
+  timestamp: { $date: string }
+  actorId: string
+  type: string
+const reportedChannels: ReportedChannel[] = reportedChannelsJson
+const reportedVideos: ReportedVideo[] = reportedVideosJson
+const videoEvents: VideoEvent[] = videoEventsJson
+console.log('Preparing Orion v1 data for import...')
+const reports = [...reportedChannels, ...reportedVideos].map(
+  (rc) =>
+    new Report({
+      id: randomAsHex(16).replace('0x', ''),
+      channelId: 'channelId' in rc ? rc.channelId : undefined,
+      videoId: 'videoId' in rc ? rc.videoId : undefined,
+      ip: rc.reporterIp,
+      rationale: rc.rationale,
+      timestamp: new Date(rc.timestamp.$date),
+    })
+let views = videoEvents
+  .filter((e) => e.type === 'ADD_VIEW')
+  .map(
+    (v) =>
+      new VideoViewEvent({
+        ip: v.actorId,
+        timestamp: new Date(v.timestamp.$date),
+        videoId: v.videoId,
+      })
+  )
+  .sort((a, b) => a.timestamp.getTime() - b.timestamp.getTime())
+if (process.env.EXCLUDE_DUPLICATE_VIEWS === 'true' && process.env.VIDEO_VIEW_PER_IP_TIME_LIMIT) {
+  const timeLimitMs = parseInt(process.env.VIDEO_VIEW_PER_IP_TIME_LIMIT) * 1000
+  const viewsReduced = views.reduce((reduced, v) => {
+    return !reduced.find(
+      (vr) =>
+        vr.timestamp.getTime() > v.timestamp.getTime() - timeLimitMs &&
+        vr.ip === v.ip &&
+        vr.videoId === v.videoId
+    )
+      ? reduced.concat(v)
+      : reduced
+  }, [] as VideoViewEvent[])
+  views = viewsReduced
+views.forEach((v, i) => {
+  v.id = `${v.videoId}-${views.slice(0, i).filter((v2) => v2.videoId === v.videoId).length + 1}`
+const viewColumns: (keyof VideoViewEvent)[] = ['id', 'videoId', 'ip', 'timestamp']
+const reportColumns: (keyof Report)[] = [
+  'id',
+  'ip',
+  'channelId',
+  'videoId',
+  'timestamp',
+  'rationale',
+  `${OUTPUT_PATH}/video_view_event`,
+  stringify(views, { columns: viewColumns, cast: { date: (d) => d.toISOString() } })
+  `${views.length} video views saved to "${OUTPUT_PATH}/video_view_event". ` +
+    `Will be imported during Orion v2 migration step.`
+  `${OUTPUT_PATH}/report`,
+  stringify(reports, { columns: reportColumns, cast: { date: (d) => d.toISOString() } })
+  `${reports.length} reports saved to "${OUTPUT_PATH}/report". ` +
+    `Will be imported during Orion v2 migration step.`

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "module": "commonjs",
+    "target": "es2020",
+    "rootDirs": [".", "../src"],
+    "strict": true,
+    "esModuleInterop": true,
+    "experimentalDecorators": true,
+    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
+    "skipLibCheck": true,
+    "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
+    "resolveJsonModule": true,
+    "noEmit": true
+  },
+  "include": ["**/*.ts", "**/*.json", "../src/**/*.ts"]

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+manifestVersion: subsquid.io/v0.1
+name: orion
+version: 2
+description: |-
+  Joystream Orion v2 backend
+  addons:
+    postgres:
+  secrets:
+  migrate:
+    env:
+      KILL_SWITCH_ON: false
+      SKIP_IMPORT: true
+    cmd: ['npx', 'squid-typeorm-migration', 'apply']
+  processor:
+    env:
+      ARCHIVE_GATEWAY_URL: https://joystream.archive.subsquid.io/graphql
+      SQD_DEBUG: sqd:processor:mapping
+      KILL_SWITCH_ON: false
+    cmd: ['npm', 'run', 'processor-start']
+  api:
+    env:
+      PROCESSOR_HOST: processor
+      SQD_DEBUG: api:*
+      KILL_SWITCH_ON: false
+    cmd: ['npm', 'run', 'query-node-start']

+ 0 - 143

@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-import { GenericAggregate } from './shared'
-import { ChannelEvent, ChannelEventModel, ChannelEventType } from '../models/ChannelEvent'
-import { ChannelFollowsInfo } from '../entities/ChannelFollowsInfo'
-import { mapPeriods } from '../helpers'
-import { differenceInCalendarDays } from 'date-fns'
-type TimePeriodEventsData = {
-  sevenDays: Partial<ChannelEvent>[]
-  thirtyDays: Partial<ChannelEvent>[]
-type TimePeriodFollows = {
-  sevenDays: ChannelFollowsInfo[]
-  thirtyDays: ChannelFollowsInfo[]
-export class FollowsAggregate implements GenericAggregate<ChannelEvent> {
-  private channelFollowsMap: Record<string, number> = {}
-  private allChannelFollows: ChannelFollowsInfo[] = []
-  private timePeriodEvents: TimePeriodEventsData = {
-    sevenDays: [],
-    thirtyDays: [],
-  }
-  private timePeriodChannelFollows: TimePeriodFollows = {
-    sevenDays: [],
-    thirtyDays: [],
-  }
-  private addOrUpdateFollows(array: ChannelFollowsInfo[], id: string, shouldAdd = true): void {
-    const followsObject = array.find((element) => element.id === id)
-    if (followsObject) {
-      if (!followsObject.follows && !shouldAdd) return
-      if (shouldAdd) {
-        followsObject.follows++
-      } else {
-        followsObject.follows--
-      }
-    } else {
-      array.push({ id, follows: shouldAdd ? 1 : 0 })
-    }
-    array.sort((a, b) => (a.follows > b.follows ? -1 : 1))
-  }
-  private addOrRemoveFollowEvent(
-    array: Partial<ChannelEvent>[],
-    eventType: ChannelEventType,
-    { channelId, timestamp }: ChannelEvent
-  ): void {
-    if (eventType === ChannelEventType.FollowChannel) {
-      array.push({ channelId, timestamp })
-    }
-    if (eventType === ChannelEventType.UnfollowChannel) {
-      const index = array.findIndex((item) => item.channelId === channelId)
-      if (index >= 0) {
-        array.splice(index, 1)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  public filterEventsByPeriod(timePeriodDays: 7 | 30) {
-    const mappedPeriod = mapPeriods(timePeriodDays)
-    const followEvents = this.timePeriodEvents[mappedPeriod]
-    // find index of first event that should be kept
-    const firstEventToIncludeIdx = followEvents.findIndex(
-      (follow) => follow.timestamp && differenceInCalendarDays(new Date(), follow.timestamp) <= timePeriodDays
-    )
-    for (let i = 0; i < firstEventToIncludeIdx; i++) {
-      const { channelId } = followEvents[i]
-      if (channelId) {
-        this.addOrUpdateFollows(this.timePeriodChannelFollows[mappedPeriod], channelId, false)
-      }
-    }
-    // remove older events
-    this.timePeriodEvents[mappedPeriod] = followEvents.slice(firstEventToIncludeIdx)
-  }
-  public channelFollows(channelId: string): number | null {
-    return this.channelFollowsMap[channelId] ?? null
-  }
-  public getChannelFollowsMap() {
-    return Object.freeze(this.channelFollowsMap)
-  }
-  public getAllChannelFollows() {
-    return this.allChannelFollows
-  }
-  public getTimePeriodChannelFollows() {
-    return this.timePeriodChannelFollows
-  }
-  public static async Build(): Promise<FollowsAggregate> {
-    const events = await ChannelEventModel.find({}).lean()
-    const aggregate = new FollowsAggregate()
-    events.forEach((event) => {
-      aggregate.applyEvent(event)
-    })
-    aggregate.filterEventsByPeriod(7)
-    aggregate.filterEventsByPeriod(30)
-    return aggregate
-  }
-  public applyEvent(event: ChannelEvent) {
-    const { type, ...eventWithoutType } = event
-    const { channelId } = eventWithoutType
-    const currentChannelFollows = this.channelFollowsMap[channelId] || 0
-    switch (type) {
-      case ChannelEventType.FollowChannel:
-        this.channelFollowsMap[channelId] = currentChannelFollows + 1
-        this.addOrUpdateFollows(this.allChannelFollows, channelId)
-        this.addOrUpdateFollows(this.timePeriodChannelFollows.sevenDays, channelId)
-        this.addOrUpdateFollows(this.timePeriodChannelFollows.thirtyDays, channelId)
-        this.addOrRemoveFollowEvent(this.timePeriodEvents.sevenDays, ChannelEventType.FollowChannel, event)
-        this.addOrRemoveFollowEvent(this.timePeriodEvents.thirtyDays, ChannelEventType.FollowChannel, event)
-        break
-      case ChannelEventType.UnfollowChannel:
-        this.channelFollowsMap[channelId] = Math.max(currentChannelFollows - 1, 0)
-        this.addOrUpdateFollows(this.allChannelFollows, channelId, false)
-        this.addOrUpdateFollows(this.timePeriodChannelFollows.sevenDays, channelId, false)
-        this.addOrUpdateFollows(this.timePeriodChannelFollows.thirtyDays, channelId, false)
-        this.addOrRemoveFollowEvent(this.timePeriodEvents.sevenDays, ChannelEventType.UnfollowChannel, event)
-        this.addOrRemoveFollowEvent(this.timePeriodEvents.thirtyDays, ChannelEventType.UnfollowChannel, event)
-        break
-      default:
-        console.error(`Parsing unknown channel event: ${type}`)
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-import { FollowsAggregate } from './follows'
-import { ViewsAggregate } from './views'
-export { FollowsAggregate, ViewsAggregate }

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export interface GenericAggregate<EventType> {
-  applyEvent: (event: EventType) => void

+ 0 - 181

@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-import { VideoEvent, VideoEventModel, VideoEventType } from '../models/VideoEvent'
-import { EntityViewsInfo } from '../entities/EntityViewsInfo'
-import { mapPeriods } from '../helpers'
-import { differenceInCalendarDays } from 'date-fns'
-type TimePeriodEventsData = {
-  sevenDays: Partial<VideoEvent>[]
-  thirtyDays: Partial<VideoEvent>[]
-type TimePeriodViews = {
-  sevenDays: EntityViewsInfo[]
-  thirtyDays: EntityViewsInfo[]
-export class ViewsAggregate {
-  private videoViewsMap: Record<string, number> = {}
-  private channelViewsMap: Record<string, number> = {}
-  private categoryViewsMap: Record<string, number> = {}
-  private timePeriodEvents: TimePeriodEventsData = {
-    sevenDays: [],
-    thirtyDays: [],
-  }
-  private timePeriodVideoViews: TimePeriodViews = {
-    sevenDays: [],
-    thirtyDays: [],
-  }
-  private timePeriodChannelViews: TimePeriodViews = {
-    sevenDays: [],
-    thirtyDays: [],
-  }
-  private timePeriodCategoryViews: TimePeriodViews = {
-    sevenDays: [],
-    thirtyDays: [],
-  }
-  private allVideoViews: EntityViewsInfo[] = []
-  private allChannelViews: EntityViewsInfo[] = []
-  private allCategoryViews: EntityViewsInfo[] = []
-  private addOrUpdateViews(array: EntityViewsInfo[], id: string, shouldAdd = true): void {
-    const viewsObject = array.find((element) => element.id === id)
-    if (viewsObject) {
-      if (!viewsObject.views && !shouldAdd) return
-      if (shouldAdd) {
-        viewsObject.views++
-      } else {
-        viewsObject.views--
-      }
-    } else {
-      array.push({ id, views: shouldAdd ? 1 : 0 })
-    }
-    array.sort((a, b) => (a.views > b.views ? -1 : 1))
-  }
-  public filterEventsByPeriod(timePeriodDays: 7 | 30) {
-    const mappedPeriod = mapPeriods(timePeriodDays)
-    const viewEvents = this.timePeriodEvents[mappedPeriod]
-    // find index of first event that should be kept
-    const firstEventToIncludeIdx = viewEvents.findIndex(
-      (view) => view.timestamp && differenceInCalendarDays(new Date(), view.timestamp) <= timePeriodDays
-    )
-    // update views with all of the events that should be removed
-    for (let i = 0; i < firstEventToIncludeIdx; i++) {
-      const { videoId, channelId, categoryId } = viewEvents[i]
-      if (videoId) {
-        this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodVideoViews[mappedPeriod], videoId, false)
-      }
-      if (channelId) {
-        this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodChannelViews[mappedPeriod], channelId, false)
-      }
-      if (categoryId) {
-        this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodCategoryViews[mappedPeriod], categoryId, false)
-      }
-    }
-    // remove older events
-    this.timePeriodEvents[mappedPeriod] = viewEvents.slice(firstEventToIncludeIdx)
-  }
-  public videoViews(videoId: string): number | null {
-    return this.videoViewsMap[videoId] ?? null
-  }
-  public channelViews(channelId: string): number | null {
-    return this.channelViewsMap[channelId] ?? null
-  }
-  public getVideoViewsMap() {
-    return Object.freeze(this.videoViewsMap)
-  }
-  public getChannelViewsMap() {
-    return Object.freeze(this.channelViewsMap)
-  }
-  public getAllVideoViews() {
-    return this.allVideoViews
-  }
-  public getAllChannelViews() {
-    return this.allChannelViews
-  }
-  public getAllCategoryViews() {
-    return this.allCategoryViews
-  }
-  public getTimePeriodVideoViews() {
-    return this.timePeriodVideoViews
-  }
-  public getTimePeriodChannelViews() {
-    return this.timePeriodChannelViews
-  }
-  public getTimePeriodCategoryViews() {
-    return this.timePeriodCategoryViews
-  }
-  public static async Build() {
-    const events = await VideoEventModel.find({}).lean()
-    const aggregate = new ViewsAggregate()
-    events.forEach((event) => {
-      aggregate.applyEvent(event)
-    })
-    aggregate.filterEventsByPeriod(7)
-    aggregate.filterEventsByPeriod(30)
-    return aggregate
-  }
-  public applyEvent(event: VideoEvent) {
-    const { type, ...eventWithoutType } = event
-    const { videoId, channelId, categoryId } = eventWithoutType
-    const currentVideoViews = videoId ? this.videoViewsMap[videoId] || 0 : 0
-    const currentChannelViews = channelId ? this.channelViewsMap[channelId] || 0 : 0
-    const currentCategoryViews = categoryId ? this.categoryViewsMap[categoryId] || 0 : 0
-    switch (type) {
-      case VideoEventType.AddView:
-        if (videoId) {
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodVideoViews.sevenDays, videoId)
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodVideoViews.thirtyDays, videoId)
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.allVideoViews, videoId)
-          this.videoViewsMap[videoId] = currentVideoViews + 1
-        }
-        if (channelId) {
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodChannelViews.sevenDays, channelId)
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodChannelViews.thirtyDays, channelId)
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.allChannelViews, channelId)
-          this.channelViewsMap[channelId] = currentChannelViews + 1
-        }
-        if (categoryId) {
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodCategoryViews.sevenDays, categoryId)
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.timePeriodCategoryViews.thirtyDays, categoryId)
-          this.addOrUpdateViews(this.allCategoryViews, categoryId)
-          this.categoryViewsMap[categoryId] = currentCategoryViews + 1
-        }
-        this.timePeriodEvents.sevenDays.push(eventWithoutType)
-        this.timePeriodEvents.thirtyDays.push(eventWithoutType)
-        break
-      default:
-        console.error(`Parsing unknown video event: ${type}`)
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 90

@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-import dotenv from 'dotenv'
-import { ed25519PairFromString } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
-import { Keypair } from '@polkadot/util-crypto/types'
-const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
-export const ADMIN_ROLE = 'ADMIN'
-type LoadEnvVarOpts = {
-  defaultValue?: string
-  devDefaultValue?: string
-const loadEnvVar = (name: string, { defaultValue, devDefaultValue }: LoadEnvVarOpts = {}): string => {
-  const value = process.env[name]
-  if (value) {
-    return value
-  }
-  if (isDev && devDefaultValue) {
-    return devDefaultValue
-  }
-  if (defaultValue) {
-    return defaultValue
-  }
-  throw new Error(`Required env variable "${name}" is missing from the environment`)
-export class Config {
-  private _port: number
-  private _mongoDBUri: string
-  private _featuredContentSecret: string
-  private _adminSecret: string
-  private _appKeypair: Keypair
-  private _queryNodeUrl: string
-  private _isDebugging: boolean
-  get port(): number {
-    return this._port
-  }
-  get mongoDBUri(): string {
-    return this._mongoDBUri
-  }
-  get featuredContentSecret(): string {
-    return this._featuredContentSecret
-  }
-  get adminSecret(): string {
-    return this._adminSecret
-  }
-  get appKeypair(): Keypair {
-    return this._appKeypair
-  }
-  get queryNodeUrl(): string {
-    return this._queryNodeUrl
-  }
-  get isDebugging(): boolean {
-    return this._isDebugging
-  }
-  loadConfig() {
-    dotenv.config()
-    const rawPort = loadEnvVar('ORION_PORT', { defaultValue: '6116' })
-    this._port = parseInt(rawPort)
-    const mongoHostname = loadEnvVar('ORION_MONGO_HOSTNAME', { devDefaultValue: '' })
-    const rawMongoPort = loadEnvVar('ORION_MONGO_PORT', { defaultValue: '27017' })
-    const mongoDatabase = loadEnvVar('ORION_MONGO_DATABASE', { defaultValue: 'orion' })
-    this._mongoDBUri = `mongodb://${mongoHostname}:${rawMongoPort}/${mongoDatabase}`
-    this._featuredContentSecret = loadEnvVar('ORION_FEATURED_CONTENT_SECRET')
-    this._adminSecret = loadEnvVar('ORION_ADMIN_SECRET')
-    // Secret string that will be used to generate ED25519 key pair
-    const appPrivateKey = loadEnvVar('APP_PRIVATE_KEY')
-    this._appKeypair = ed25519PairFromString(appPrivateKey)
-    this._queryNodeUrl = loadEnvVar('ORION_QUERY_NODE_URL')
-    this._isDebugging = loadEnvVar('ORION_DEBUGGING', { defaultValue: 'false' }) === 'true'
-  }
-const config = new Config()
-export default config

+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import { Field, ID, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'
-import { FeaturedVideo } from '../models/FeaturedContent'
-export class CategoryFeaturedVideos {
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  categoryId!: string
-  @Field(() => [FeaturedVideo])
-  categoryFeaturedVideos!: FeaturedVideo[]

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { Field, ID, Int, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'
-export class ChannelFollowsInfo {
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  id: string
-  @Field(() => Int)
-  follows: number

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Field, ID, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'
-export class EntityReportInfo {
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  id: string
-  @Field()
-  rationale: string
-  @Field()
-  createdAt: Date
-  @Field()
-  reporterIp: string
-export class VideoReportInfo extends EntityReportInfo {
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  videoId: string
-export class ChannelReportInfo extends EntityReportInfo {
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  channelId: string

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { Field, ID, Int, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'
-export class EntityViewsInfo {
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  id: string
-  @Field(() => Int)
-  views: number

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { AuthChecker } from 'type-graphql'
-import { OrionContext } from '../types'
-import config, { ADMIN_ROLE } from '../config'
-export const customAuthChecker: AuthChecker<OrionContext> = ({ context }, roles) => {
-  if (roles.includes(ADMIN_ROLE)) {
-    return context.authorization === config.adminSecret
-  }
-  return context.authorization === config.featuredContentSecret

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-type HasId = {
-  id: string
-export const createLookup = <T extends HasId>(data: T[]): Record<string, T> => {
-  return data.reduce((acc, item) => {
-    if (item) {
-      acc[item.id] = item
-    }
-    return acc
-  }, {} as Record<string, T>)

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export * from './period'
-export * from './data'
-export * from './auth'

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export const mapPeriods = (period: number) => (period === 7 ? 'sevenDays' : 'thirtyDays')

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+interface LoggerImpl {
+  info: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void
+  debug: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void
+  warn: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void
+  error: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void
+class DefaultLogger implements LoggerImpl {
+  info(message: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
+    console.log(message, ...args)
+  }
+  debug(message: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
+    console.log(message, ...args)
+  }
+  warn(message: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
+    console.warn(message, ...args)
+  }
+  error(message: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
+    console.error(message, ...args)
+  }
+export class Logger {
+  private static implementation = new DefaultLogger()
+  public static set(impl: LoggerImpl) {
+    Logger.implementation = impl
+  }
+  public static get(): LoggerImpl {
+    return Logger.implementation
+  }

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import config from './config'
-import Express from 'express'
-import { buildAggregates, connectMongoose, createServer } from './server'
-import { cryptoWaitReady } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
-const main = async () => {
-  config.loadConfig()
-  const mongoose = await wrapTask(`Connecting to MongoDB at "${config.mongoDBUri}"`, () =>
-    connectMongoose(config.mongoDBUri)
-  )
-  const aggregates = await wrapTask('Rebuilding aggregates', buildAggregates)
-  const server = await createServer(mongoose, aggregates, config.queryNodeUrl)
-  await server.start()
-  const app = Express()
-  server.applyMiddleware({ app })
-  app.enable('trust proxy')
-  app.listen({ port: config.port }, () =>
-    console.log(`
-        🚀 Orion online
-        Mongo => ${config.mongoDBUri}
-        Query node => ${config.queryNodeUrl}
-        Playground => http://localhost:${config.port}${server.graphqlPath}
-      `)
-  )
-const wrapTask = async <T>(message: string, task: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> => {
-  process.stdout.write(`${message}...`)
-  try {
-    const result = await task()
-    process.stdout.write(' Done.\n')
-    return result
-  } catch (error) {
-    process.stdout.write(' Failed!\n')
-    console.error(error)
-    process.exit()
-  }
-wrapTask('Initializing WASM bridge for @polkadot/util-crypto', cryptoWaitReady).then(() => {
-  main()

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import { CreateApp, ICreateApp, IUpdateApp, UpdateApp } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import { integrateMeta } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import { App, MetaprotocolTransactionResult, MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK } from '../../model'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import { metaprotocolTransactionFailure } from '../utils'
+export async function processCreateAppMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  blockNumber: number,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<ICreateApp>,
+  memberId: string
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { name, appMetadata } = decodedMessage
+  const appId = `${blockNumber}-${indexInBlock}`
+  const appExists = await overlay.getRepository(App).getOneBy({ name })
+  if (appExists) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(CreateApp, `App with this name already exists: ${name}`, {
+      decodedMessage,
+    })
+  }
+  overlay.getRepository(App).new({
+    name,
+    id: appId,
+    ownerMemberId: memberId,
+    websiteUrl: appMetadata?.websiteUrl || undefined,
+    useUri: appMetadata?.useUri || undefined,
+    smallIcon: appMetadata?.smallIcon || undefined,
+    mediumIcon: appMetadata?.mediumIcon || undefined,
+    bigIcon: appMetadata?.bigIcon || undefined,
+    oneLiner: appMetadata?.oneLiner || undefined,
+    description: appMetadata?.description || undefined,
+    termsOfService: appMetadata?.termsOfService || undefined,
+    platforms: appMetadata?.platforms || undefined,
+    category: appMetadata?.category || undefined,
+    authKey: appMetadata?.authKey || undefined,
+  })
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()
+export async function processUpdateAppMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<IUpdateApp>,
+  memberId: string
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { appId, appMetadata } = decodedMessage
+  const app = await overlay.getRepository(App).getById(appId)
+  if (!app) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(UpdateApp, `App doesn't exists: ${appId}`, {
+      decodedMessage,
+    })
+  }
+  if (app.ownerMemberId !== memberId) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      UpdateApp,
+      `Cannot update app; app does not belong to the member: ${memberId}`,
+      { decodedMessage, memberId }
+    )
+  }
+  if (appMetadata) {
+    integrateMeta(app, appMetadata, [
+      'websiteUrl',
+      'useUri',
+      'smallIcon',
+      'mediumIcon',
+      'bigIcon',
+      'oneLiner',
+      'description',
+      'termsOfService',
+      'platforms',
+      'category',
+      'authKey',
+    ])
+  }
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()

+ 209 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+import {
+  Channel,
+  ChannelFollow,
+  Event,
+  Membership,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionStatusEventData,
+} from '../../model'
+import { deserializeMetadata, genericEventFields, toAddress, u8aToBytes } from '../utils'
+import {
+  AppAction,
+  ChannelMetadata,
+  ChannelModeratorRemarked,
+  ChannelOwnerRemarked,
+  IChannelMetadata,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { processChannelMetadata, processModeratorRemark, processOwnerRemark } from './metadata'
+import { EventHandlerContext } from '../../utils/events'
+import { processAppActionMetadata, deleteChannel, encodeAssets } from './utils'
+import { Flat } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import { DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import { generateAppActionCommitment } from '@joystream/js/utils'
+export async function processChannelCreatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [
+      channelId,
+      { owner, dataObjects, channelStateBloatBond },
+      channelCreationParameters,
+      rewardAccount,
+    ],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.ChannelCreated'>) {
+  const followsNum = await overlay
+    .getEm()
+    .getRepository(ChannelFollow)
+    .countBy({ channelId: channelId.toString() })
+  // create entity
+  const channel = overlay.getRepository(Channel).new({
+    id: channelId.toString(),
+    isCensored: false,
+    isExcluded: false,
+    createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    createdInBlock: block.height,
+    ownerMemberId: owner.__kind === 'Member' ? owner.value.toString() : undefined,
+    rewardAccount: toAddress(rewardAccount),
+    channelStateBloatBond: channelStateBloatBond.amount,
+    followsNum,
+    videoViewsNum: 0,
+    totalVideosCreated: 0,
+  })
+  const ownerMember = channel.ownerMemberId
+    ? await overlay.getRepository(Membership).getByIdOrFail(channel.ownerMemberId)
+    : undefined
+  // deserialize & process metadata
+  if (channelCreationParameters.meta !== undefined) {
+    const appAction = deserializeMetadata(AppAction, channelCreationParameters.meta, {
+      skipWarning: true,
+    })
+    if (appAction) {
+      const channelMetadata = appAction.rawAction
+        ? deserializeMetadata(ChannelMetadata, appAction.rawAction) ?? {}
+        : {}
+      const creatorType = channel.ownerMemberId
+        ? AppAction.CreatorType.MEMBER
+        : AppAction.CreatorType.CURATOR_GROUP
+      const creatorId = channel.ownerMemberId ?? '' // curator groups not supported yet
+      const expectedCommitment = generateAppActionCommitment(
+        ownerMember?.totalChannelsCreated ?? -1,
+        creatorId,
+        AppAction.ActionType.CREATE_CHANNEL,
+        creatorType,
+        encodeAssets(channelCreationParameters.assets),
+        appAction.rawAction ?? undefined,
+        appAction.metadata ?? undefined
+      )
+      await processAppActionMetadata<Flat<Channel>>(
+        overlay,
+        channel,
+        appAction,
+        expectedCommitment,
+        (entity) => processChannelMetadata(overlay, block, entity, channelMetadata, dataObjects)
+      )
+    } else {
+      const metadata = deserializeMetadata(ChannelMetadata, channelCreationParameters.meta) ?? {}
+      await processChannelMetadata(overlay, block, channel, metadata, dataObjects)
+    }
+  }
+  if (ownerMember) {
+    ownerMember.totalChannelsCreated += 1
+  }
+export async function processChannelUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, channelId, channelUpdateParameters, newDataObjects],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.ChannelUpdated'>) {
+  const channel = await overlay.getRepository(Channel).getByIdOrFail(channelId.toString())
+  //  update metadata if it was changed
+  if (channelUpdateParameters.newMeta) {
+    const appAction = deserializeMetadata(AppAction, channelUpdateParameters.newMeta, {
+      skipWarning: true,
+    })
+    let channelMetadataUpdate: DecodedMetadataObject<IChannelMetadata> | null | undefined
+    if (appAction) {
+      const channelMetadataBytes = u8aToBytes(appAction.rawAction)
+      channelMetadataUpdate = deserializeMetadata(ChannelMetadata, channelMetadataBytes.toU8a(true))
+    } else {
+      channelMetadataUpdate = deserializeMetadata(ChannelMetadata, channelUpdateParameters.newMeta)
+    }
+    await processChannelMetadata(
+      overlay,
+      block,
+      channel,
+      channelMetadataUpdate ?? {},
+      newDataObjects
+    )
+  }
+export async function processChannelDeletedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, channelId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.ChannelDeleted'>): Promise<void> {
+  await deleteChannel(overlay, channelId)
+export async function processChannelDeletedByModeratorEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, channelId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.ChannelDeletedByModerator'>): Promise<void> {
+  await deleteChannel(overlay, channelId)
+export async function processChannelVisibilitySetByModeratorEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, channelId, isHidden],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.ChannelVisibilitySetByModerator'>): Promise<void> {
+  const channel = await overlay.getRepository(Channel).getByIdOrFail(channelId.toString())
+  channel.isCensored = isHidden
+export async function processChannelOwnerRemarkedEvent({
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [channelId, messageBytes],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.ChannelOwnerRemarked'>): Promise<void> {
+  const channel = await overlay.getRepository(Channel).getByIdOrFail(channelId.toString())
+  const decodedMessage = deserializeMetadata(ChannelOwnerRemarked, messageBytes)
+  const result = decodedMessage
+    ? await processOwnerRemark(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash, channel, decodedMessage)
+    : new MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed({
+        errorMessage: 'Could not decode the metadata',
+      })
+  overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new MetaprotocolTransactionStatusEventData({
+      result,
+    }),
+  })
+export async function processChannelAgentRemarkedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, channelId, messageBytes],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.ChannelAgentRemarked'>): Promise<void> {
+  const channel = await overlay.getRepository(Channel).getByIdOrFail(channelId.toString())
+  const decodedMessage = deserializeMetadata(ChannelModeratorRemarked, messageBytes)
+  const result = decodedMessage
+    ? await processModeratorRemark(overlay, channel, decodedMessage)
+    : new MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed({
+        errorMessage: 'Could not decode the metadata',
+      })
+  overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new MetaprotocolTransactionStatusEventData({
+      result,
+    }),
+  })

+ 579 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+import {
+  CreateComment,
+  CreateVideoCategory,
+  DeleteComment,
+  EditComment,
+  ICreateComment,
+  ICreateVideoCategory,
+  IDeleteComment,
+  IEditComment,
+  IReactComment,
+  IReactVideo,
+  ReactComment,
+  ReactVideo,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { AnyMetadataClass, DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import { isSet } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import { assertNotNull, SubstrateBlock } from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+import {
+  BannedMember,
+  Comment,
+  CommentCreatedEventData,
+  CommentReaction,
+  CommentReactionsCountByReactionId,
+  CommentStatus,
+  CommentTextUpdatedEventData,
+  Event,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResult,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentCreated,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentDeleted,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentEdited,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK,
+  Video,
+  VideoCategory,
+  VideoReaction,
+  VideoReactionOptions,
+  VideoReactionsCountByReactionType,
+} from '../../model'
+import { config, ConfigVariable } from '../../utils/config'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay, Flat } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import {
+  addNotification,
+  backwardCompatibleMetaID,
+  genericEventFields,
+  metaprotocolTransactionFailure,
+  commentCountersManager,
+} from '../utils'
+import { getChannelOwnerMemberByChannelId } from './utils'
+function parseVideoReaction(reaction: ReactVideo.Reaction): VideoReactionOptions {
+  const protobufReactionToGraphqlReaction = {
+    [ReactVideo.Reaction.LIKE]: VideoReactionOptions.LIKE,
+    [ReactVideo.Reaction.UNLIKE]: VideoReactionOptions.UNLIKE,
+  }
+  return protobufReactionToGraphqlReaction[reaction]
+function getOrCreateVideoReactionsCountByType(
+  video: Flat<Video>,
+  reactionType: VideoReactionOptions
+): VideoReactionsCountByReactionType {
+  video.reactionsCountByReactionId = video.reactionsCountByReactionId || []
+  let counter = video.reactionsCountByReactionId.find((c) => c.reaction === reactionType)
+  if (!counter) {
+    counter = new VideoReactionsCountByReactionType({ reaction: reactionType, count: 0 })
+    video.reactionsCountByReactionId.push(counter)
+  }
+  return counter
+function getOrCreateCommentReactionsCountByReactionId(
+  comment: Flat<Comment>,
+  reactionId: number
+): CommentReactionsCountByReactionId {
+  comment.reactionsCountByReactionId = comment.reactionsCountByReactionId || []
+  let counter = comment.reactionsCountByReactionId.find((c) => c.reactionId === reactionId)
+  if (!counter) {
+    counter = new CommentReactionsCountByReactionId({
+      reactionId,
+      count: 0,
+    })
+    comment.reactionsCountByReactionId.push(counter)
+  }
+  return counter
+function videoReactionEntityId(idSegments: { memberId: string; videoId: string }) {
+  const { memberId, videoId } = idSegments
+  return `${memberId}-${videoId}`
+function commentReactionEntityId(idSegments: {
+  memberId: string
+  commentId: string
+  reactionId: number
+}) {
+  const { memberId, commentId, reactionId } = idSegments
+  return `${memberId}-${commentId}-${reactionId}`
+// Common errors
+function notFoundError<T>(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<T>,
+  entityName: string,
+  entityId: string
+) {
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(metaClass, `${entityName} by id ${entityId} not found`, {
+    decodedMessage,
+  })
+function bannedFromChannelError<T>(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<T>,
+  memberId: string,
+  channelId: string
+) {
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+    metaClass,
+    `Member ${memberId} is banned from channel ${channelId}: `,
+    { decodedMessage }
+  )
+function reactionsDisabledError<T>(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<T>,
+  videoId: string
+) {
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+    metaClass,
+    `Reaction feature is disabled on video ${videoId}`,
+    { decodedMessage }
+  )
+function commentsDisabledError<T>(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<T>,
+  videoId: string
+) {
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(metaClass, `Comments are disabled on video ${videoId}`, {
+    decodedMessage,
+  })
+function notCommentAuthorError<T>(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<T>,
+  memberId: string,
+  commentId: string
+) {
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+    metaClass,
+    `Only comment author can update or remove the comment. Member ${memberId} is not the author of comment ${commentId}`,
+    { decodedMessage }
+  )
+function unexpectedCommentStatusError<T>(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<T>,
+  status: CommentStatus
+) {
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(metaClass, `Unexpected comment status: ${status}`, {
+    decodedMessage,
+  })
+function processVideoReaction(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  memberId: string,
+  video: Flat<Video>,
+  reactionType: VideoReactionOptions,
+  existingReaction?: Flat<VideoReaction>
+) {
+  const videoReactionRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoReaction)
+  const newReactionTypeCounter = getOrCreateVideoReactionsCountByType(video, reactionType)
+  const videoReaction =
+    existingReaction ||
+    videoReactionRepository.new({
+      id: videoReactionEntityId({ memberId, videoId: video.id }),
+      videoId: video.id,
+      reaction: reactionType,
+      memberId,
+      createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    })
+  if (existingReaction) {
+    const previousReactionTypeCounter = getOrCreateVideoReactionsCountByType(
+      video,
+      existingReaction.reaction
+    )
+    // remove the reaction if member has already reacted with the same option
+    if (reactionType === existingReaction.reaction) {
+      // decrement reactions count
+      --video.reactionsCount
+      --previousReactionTypeCounter.count
+      // remove reaction
+      videoReactionRepository.remove(existingReaction)
+      return
+    }
+    // otherwise...
+    // increment reaction count of the new reaction type
+    ++newReactionTypeCounter.count
+    // decrement reaction count of previous reaction type
+    --previousReactionTypeCounter.count
+    // update the existing reaction's type
+    videoReaction.reaction = reactionType
+  } else {
+    ++video.reactionsCount
+    ++newReactionTypeCounter.count
+  }
+export async function processReactVideoMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  memberId: string,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IReactVideo>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { videoId, reaction } = message
+  const reactionType = parseVideoReaction(reaction)
+  // load video
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getById(videoId)
+  // ensure video exists
+  if (!video) {
+    return notFoundError(ReactVideo, message, 'Video', videoId)
+  }
+  // ensure member is not banned from channel
+  const channelId = assertNotNull(video.channelId)
+  const bannedMembers = await overlay
+    .getRepository(BannedMember)
+    .getManyByRelation('channelId', channelId)
+  if (bannedMembers.some((m) => m.memberId === memberId)) {
+    return bannedFromChannelError(ReactVideo, message, memberId, channelId)
+  }
+  // ensure reactions are enabled
+  if (!video.isReactionFeatureEnabled) {
+    return reactionsDisabledError(ReactVideo, message, videoId)
+  }
+  // load existing reaction by member to the video (if any)
+  const existingReaction = await overlay
+    .getRepository(VideoReaction)
+    .getById(videoReactionEntityId({ memberId, videoId }))
+  await processVideoReaction(overlay, block, memberId, video, reactionType, existingReaction)
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()
+export async function processReactCommentMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  memberId: string,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IReactComment>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { commentId, reactionId } = message
+  // load comment
+  const comment = await overlay.getRepository(Comment).getById(commentId)
+  // ensure comment exists
+  if (!comment) {
+    return notFoundError(ReactComment, message, 'Comment', commentId)
+  }
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(assertNotNull(comment.videoId))
+  const channelId = assertNotNull(video.channelId)
+  const bannedMembers = await overlay
+    .getRepository(BannedMember)
+    .getManyByRelation('channelId', channelId)
+  // ensure member is not banned from channel
+  if (bannedMembers.some((m) => m.memberId === memberId)) {
+    return bannedFromChannelError(ReactComment, message, memberId, channelId)
+  }
+  // load same reaction by member to the comment (if any)
+  const existingReaction = await overlay
+    .getRepository(CommentReaction)
+    .getById(commentReactionEntityId({ memberId, commentId, reactionId }))
+  // load comment reaction count by reaction id
+  const reactionsCountByReactionId = getOrCreateCommentReactionsCountByReactionId(
+    comment,
+    reactionId
+  )
+  // remove the reaction if same reaction already exists by the member on the comment
+  const commentReactionRepository = overlay.getRepository(CommentReaction)
+  if (existingReaction) {
+    // decrement counters
+    --reactionsCountByReactionId.count
+    --comment.reactionsCount
+    // remove reaction
+    commentReactionRepository.remove(existingReaction)
+  } else {
+    // new reaction
+    commentReactionRepository.new({
+      id: commentReactionEntityId({ memberId, commentId, reactionId }),
+      commentId: comment.id,
+      reactionId,
+      videoId: video.id,
+      memberId,
+    })
+    // increment counters
+    ++reactionsCountByReactionId.count
+    ++comment.reactionsCount
+  }
+  // schedule comment counters update
+  commentCountersManager.scheduleRecalcForComment(comment.id)
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()
+export async function processCreateCommentMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  txHash: string | undefined,
+  memberId: string,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<ICreateComment>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { videoId, parentCommentId, body } = message
+  // load video
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getById(videoId)
+  // ensure video exists
+  if (!video) {
+    return notFoundError(CreateComment, message, 'Video', videoId)
+  }
+  const channelId = assertNotNull(video.channelId)
+  const bannedMembers = await overlay
+    .getRepository(BannedMember)
+    .getManyByRelation('channelId', channelId)
+  // ensure member is not banned from channel
+  if (bannedMembers.some((m) => m.memberId === memberId)) {
+    return bannedFromChannelError(CreateComment, message, memberId, channelId)
+  }
+  // ensure comment section is enabled
+  if (!video.isCommentSectionEnabled) {
+    return commentsDisabledError(CreateComment, message, videoId)
+  }
+  const parentComment = isSet(parentCommentId)
+    ? await overlay.getRepository(Comment).getById(parentCommentId)
+    : undefined
+  // ensure parent comment exists if the id was specified
+  if (isSet(parentCommentId) && !parentComment) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      CreateComment,
+      `Parent comment by id ${parentCommentId} not found `,
+      { decodedMessage: message }
+    )
+  }
+  // ensure parent comment's video id matches with the new comment's video id
+  if (parentComment && parentComment.videoId !== videoId) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      CreateComment,
+      `Parent comment ${parentComment.id} does not exist on video ${videoId}`,
+      { decodedMessage: message }
+    )
+  }
+  // add new comment
+  const comment = overlay.getRepository(Comment).new({
+    // TODO: Re-think backward compatibility
+    id: backwardCompatibleMetaID(block, indexInBlock), // overlay.getRepository(Comment).getNewEntityId(),
+    createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    text: body,
+    videoId: video.id,
+    status: CommentStatus.VISIBLE,
+    authorId: memberId,
+    parentCommentId: parentComment?.id,
+    repliesCount: 0,
+    reactionsCount: 0,
+    reactionsAndRepliesCount: 0,
+    isEdited: false,
+    isExcluded: false,
+  })
+  // schedule comment counters update
+  commentCountersManager.scheduleRecalcForComment(comment.parentCommentId)
+  commentCountersManager.scheduleRecalcForVideo(comment.videoId)
+  // add CommentCreated event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, txHash),
+    data: new CommentCreatedEventData({
+      comment: comment.id,
+      text: body,
+    }),
+  })
+  if (parentComment) {
+    // Notify parent comment author (unless he's the author of the created comment)
+    if (parentComment.authorId !== comment.authorId) {
+      addNotification(overlay, [parentComment.authorId], event.id)
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Notify channel owner (unless he's the author of the created comment)
+    const channelOwnerMemberId = await getChannelOwnerMemberByChannelId(overlay, channelId)
+    if (channelOwnerMemberId !== comment.authorId) {
+      addNotification(overlay, [channelOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+    }
+  }
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentCreated({ commentCreated: comment.id })
+export async function processEditCommentMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  txHash: string | undefined,
+  memberId: string,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IEditComment>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { commentId, newBody } = message
+  // load comment
+  const comment = await overlay.getRepository(Comment).getById(commentId)
+  // ensure comment exists
+  if (!comment) {
+    return notFoundError(EditComment, message, 'Comment', commentId)
+  }
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(assertNotNull(comment.videoId))
+  const channelId = assertNotNull(video.channelId)
+  const bannedMembers = await overlay
+    .getRepository(BannedMember)
+    .getManyByRelation('channelId', channelId)
+  // ensure member is not banned from channel
+  if (bannedMembers.some((m) => m.memberId === memberId)) {
+    return bannedFromChannelError(EditComment, message, memberId, channelId)
+  }
+  // ensure video's comment section is enabled
+  if (!video.isCommentSectionEnabled) {
+    return commentsDisabledError(EditComment, message, video.id)
+  }
+  // ensure comment is being edited by the author
+  if (comment.authorId !== memberId) {
+    return notCommentAuthorError(EditComment, message, memberId, commentId)
+  }
+  // ensure comment is not deleted or moderated
+  if (comment.status !== CommentStatus.VISIBLE) {
+    return unexpectedCommentStatusError(EditComment, message, comment.status)
+  }
+  // add an event
+  overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, txHash),
+    data: new CommentTextUpdatedEventData({
+      comment: commentId,
+      newText: newBody,
+    }),
+  })
+  // update the comment
+  comment.text = newBody
+  comment.isEdited = true
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentEdited({
+    commentEdited: comment.id,
+  })
+export async function processDeleteCommentMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  memberId: string,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IDeleteComment>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { commentId } = message
+  // load comment
+  const commentRepository = overlay.getRepository(Comment)
+  const comment = await commentRepository.getById(commentId)
+  // ensure comment exists
+  if (!comment) {
+    return notFoundError(DeleteComment, message, 'Comment', commentId)
+  }
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(assertNotNull(comment.videoId))
+  const channelId = assertNotNull(video.channelId)
+  const bannedMembers = await overlay
+    .getRepository(BannedMember)
+    .getManyByRelation('channelId', channelId)
+  // ensure member is not banned from channel
+  if (bannedMembers.some((m) => m.memberId === memberId)) {
+    return bannedFromChannelError(DeleteComment, message, memberId, channelId)
+  }
+  // ensure video's comment section is enabled
+  if (!video.isCommentSectionEnabled) {
+    return commentsDisabledError(DeleteComment, message, video.id)
+  }
+  // ensure comment is being removed by the author
+  if (comment.authorId !== memberId) {
+    notCommentAuthorError(DeleteComment, message, memberId, comment.id)
+  }
+  // ensure comment is not already removed/moderated
+  if (comment.status !== CommentStatus.VISIBLE) {
+    unexpectedCommentStatusError(DeleteComment, message, comment.status)
+  }
+  // schedule comment counters update
+  commentCountersManager.scheduleRecalcForComment(comment.parentCommentId)
+  commentCountersManager.scheduleRecalcForVideo(comment.videoId)
+  // update the comment
+  comment.text = ''
+  comment.status = CommentStatus.DELETED
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentDeleted({
+    commentDeleted: comment.id,
+  })
+export async function processCreateVideoCategoryMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<ICreateVideoCategory>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { parentCategoryId, name, description } = message
+  const parentCategory = isSet(parentCategoryId)
+    ? await overlay.getRepository(VideoCategory).getById(parentCategoryId)
+    : undefined
+  // ensure parent category exists if specified
+  if (parentCategoryId && !parentCategory) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      CreateVideoCategory,
+      `Parent category by id ${parentCategoryId} not found`,
+      { decodedMessage: message }
+    )
+  }
+  // create new video category
+  overlay.getRepository(VideoCategory).new({
+    // TODO: Re-think backward-compatibility
+    id: `${block.height}-${indexInBlock}`, // overlay.getRepository(VideoCategory).getNewEntityId(),
+    name: name || null,
+    description: description || null,
+    parentCategoryId,
+    createdInBlock: block.height,
+    isSupported: await config.get(ConfigVariable.SupportNewCategories, overlay.getEm()),
+  })
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()

+ 588 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+import {
+  ChannelMetadata,
+  ChannelModeratorRemarked,
+  ChannelOwnerRemarked,
+  IChannelMetadata,
+  IChannelModeratorRemarked,
+  IChannelOwnerRemarked,
+  ILicense,
+  IMediaType,
+  IModerateComment,
+  IPinOrUnpinComment,
+  IPublishedBeforeJoystream,
+  ISubtitleMetadata,
+  IVideoMetadata,
+  IVideoReactionsPreference,
+  ModerateComment,
+  PinOrUnpinComment,
+  PublishedBeforeJoystream,
+  SubtitleMetadata,
+  VideoMetadata,
+  VideoReactionsPreference,
+  IBanOrUnbanMemberFromChannel,
+  BanOrUnbanMemberFromChannel,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { AnyMetadataClass, DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import {
+  integrateMeta,
+  isEmptyObject,
+  isSet,
+  isValidLanguageCode,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import { assertNotNull, SubstrateBlock } from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+import {
+  BannedMember,
+  Channel,
+  Comment,
+  CommentStatus,
+  License,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResult,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentModerated,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK,
+  StorageDataObject,
+  Video,
+  VideoCategory,
+  VideoMediaEncoding,
+  VideoMediaMetadata,
+  VideoSubtitle,
+  MemberBannedFromChannelEventData,
+  Membership,
+  Event,
+} from '../../model'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay, Flat } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import {
+  commentCountersManager,
+  genericEventFields,
+  invalidMetadata,
+  metaprotocolTransactionFailure,
+} from '../utils'
+import { AsDecoded, ASSETS_MAP, EntityAssetProps, EntityAssetsMap, MetaNumberProps } from './utils'
+export async function processChannelMetadata(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  meta: DecodedMetadataObject<IChannelMetadata>,
+  newAssetIds: bigint[]
+) {
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  const assets = await Promise.all(
+    newAssetIds.map((id) => dataObjectRepository.getByIdOrFail(id.toString()))
+  )
+  integrateMeta(channel, meta, ['title', 'description', 'isPublic'])
+  await processAssets(overlay, block, assets, channel, ChannelMetadata, meta, ASSETS_MAP.channel)
+  // prepare language if needed
+  if (isSet(meta.language)) {
+    processLanguage(ChannelMetadata, channel, meta.language)
+  }
+export async function processVideoMetadata(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  video: Flat<Video>,
+  meta: DecodedMetadataObject<IVideoMetadata>,
+  newAssetIds: bigint[]
+): Promise<void> {
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  const assets = await Promise.all(
+    newAssetIds.map((id) => dataObjectRepository.getByIdOrFail(id.toString()))
+  )
+  integrateMeta(video, meta, [
+    'title',
+    'description',
+    'duration',
+    'hasMarketing',
+    'isExplicit',
+    'isPublic',
+  ])
+  await processAssets(overlay, block, assets, video, VideoMetadata, meta, ASSETS_MAP.video)
+  // prepare video category if needed
+  if (isSet(meta.category)) {
+    const category = await overlay.getRepository(VideoCategory).getById(meta.category)
+    if (!category) {
+      invalidMetadata(VideoMetadata, `Category by id ${meta.category} not found!`, {
+        decodedMessage: meta,
+      })
+    }
+    video.categoryId = category?.id || null
+  }
+  // prepare media meta information if needed
+  if (
+    isSet(meta.video) ||
+    isSet(meta.mediaType) ||
+    isSet(meta.mediaPixelWidth) ||
+    isSet(meta.mediaPixelHeight)
+  ) {
+    // prepare video file size if poosible
+    const videoSize = extractVideoSize(assets)
+    await processVideoMediaMetadata(overlay, block, indexInBlock, video.id, meta, videoSize)
+  }
+  // prepare license if needed
+  if (isSet(meta.license)) {
+    await processVideoLicense(overlay, block, indexInBlock, video, meta.license)
+  }
+  // prepare language if needed
+  if (isSet(meta.language)) {
+    processLanguage(VideoMetadata, video, meta.language)
+  }
+  // prepare subtitles if needed
+  const subtitles = meta.clearSubtitles ? [] : meta.subtitles
+  if (isSet(subtitles)) {
+    await processVideoSubtitles(overlay, block, video, assets, subtitles)
+  }
+  if (isSet(meta.publishedBeforeJoystream)) {
+    processPublishedBeforeJoystream(video, meta.publishedBeforeJoystream)
+  }
+  if (isSet(meta.enableComments)) {
+    video.isCommentSectionEnabled = meta.enableComments
+  }
+function extractVideoSize(assets: Flat<StorageDataObject>[]): bigint | undefined {
+  const mediaAsset = assets.find((a) => a.type?.isTypeOf === 'DataObjectTypeVideoMedia')
+  return mediaAsset ? mediaAsset.size : undefined
+async function processVideoMediaEncoding(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  mediaMetadata: Flat<VideoMediaMetadata>,
+  metadata: DecodedMetadataObject<IMediaType>
+): Promise<void> {
+  const metadataRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoMediaEncoding)
+  // TODO: Make it one-to-many w/ video media?
+  // Or perhaps just jsonb?
+  const encoding =
+    (await metadataRepository.getById(mediaMetadata.id)) ||
+    metadataRepository.new({
+      id: mediaMetadata.id,
+    })
+  // integrate media encoding-related data
+  integrateMeta(encoding, metadata, ['codecName', 'container', 'mimeMediaType'])
+  mediaMetadata.encodingId = encoding.id
+async function processVideoMediaMetadata(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  videoId: string,
+  metadata: DecodedMetadataObject<IVideoMetadata>,
+  videoSize: bigint | undefined
+): Promise<void> {
+  const metadataRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoMediaMetadata)
+  const videoMediaMetadata =
+    (await metadataRepository.getOneByRelation('videoId', videoId)) ||
+    metadataRepository.new({
+      // TODO: Re-think backward-compatibility
+      id: `${block.height}-${indexInBlock}`, // videoId,
+      createdInBlock: block.height,
+      videoId,
+    })
+  // integrate media-related data
+  const mediaMetadataUpdate = {
+    size: isSet(videoSize) ? videoSize : undefined,
+    pixelWidth: metadata.mediaPixelWidth,
+    pixelHeight: metadata.mediaPixelHeight,
+  }
+  integrateMeta(videoMediaMetadata, mediaMetadataUpdate, ['pixelWidth', 'pixelHeight', 'size'])
+  if (metadata.mediaType) {
+    await processVideoMediaEncoding(overlay, videoMediaMetadata, metadata.mediaType)
+  }
+async function processVideoLicense(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  video: Flat<Video>,
+  licenseMetadata: DecodedMetadataObject<ILicense>
+): Promise<void> {
+  const licenseRepository = overlay.getRepository(License)
+  if (!isEmptyObject(licenseMetadata)) {
+    // license is meant to be created/updated
+    // TODO: Make it one-to-many w/ video?
+    const videoLicense =
+      (await licenseRepository.getById(video.licenseId || '')) ||
+      licenseRepository.new({
+        // TODO: Re-think backward-compatibility
+        id: `${block.height}-${indexInBlock}`, // videoId,
+      })
+    integrateMeta(videoLicense, licenseMetadata, ['attribution', 'code', 'customText'])
+    video.licenseId = videoLicense.id
+  } else {
+    // license is meant to be unset/removed
+    if (video.licenseId) {
+      licenseRepository.remove(video.licenseId)
+    }
+    video.licenseId = null
+  }
+async function processVideoSubtitles(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  video: Flat<Video>,
+  assets: Flat<StorageDataObject>[],
+  subtitlesMeta: DecodedMetadataObject<ISubtitleMetadata>[]
+): Promise<void> {
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  const subtitlesRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoSubtitle)
+  const currentSubtitles = await subtitlesRepository.getManyByRelation('videoId', video.id)
+  dataObjectRepository.remove(...currentSubtitles.flatMap((s) => (s.assetId ? [s.assetId] : [])))
+  subtitlesRepository.remove(...currentSubtitles)
+  for (const subtitleMeta of subtitlesMeta) {
+    const subtitleId = `${video.id}-${subtitleMeta.type}-${subtitleMeta.language}`
+    const subtitle = subtitlesRepository.new({
+      id: subtitleId,
+      type: subtitleMeta.type,
+      videoId: video.id,
+      mimeType: subtitleMeta.mimeType,
+    })
+    processLanguage(SubtitleMetadata, subtitle, subtitleMeta.language)
+    await processAssets(
+      overlay,
+      block,
+      assets,
+      subtitle,
+      SubtitleMetadata,
+      subtitleMeta,
+      ASSETS_MAP.subtitle
+    )
+  }
+function processPublishedBeforeJoystream(
+  video: Flat<Video>,
+  metadata: DecodedMetadataObject<IPublishedBeforeJoystream>
+): void {
+  if (!metadata.isPublished) {
+    // Property is beeing unset
+    video.publishedBeforeJoystream = null
+    return
+  }
+  // try to parse timestamp from publish date
+  const timestamp = isSet(metadata.date) ? Date.parse(metadata.date) : NaN
+  // ensure date is valid
+  if (isNaN(timestamp)) {
+    invalidMetadata(PublishedBeforeJoystream, `Invalid date provided`, {
+      decodedMessage: metadata,
+    })
+    return
+  }
+  // set new date
+  video.publishedBeforeJoystream = new Date(timestamp)
+async function processAssets<E, M extends AnyMetadataClass<unknown>>(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  assets: Flat<StorageDataObject>[],
+  entity: { [K in EntityAssetProps<E>]?: string | null | undefined },
+  metadataClass: M,
+  meta: { [K in MetaNumberProps<AsDecoded<M>>]?: number | null | undefined },
+  entityAssetsMap: EntityAssetsMap<E, AsDecoded<M>>
+): Promise<void> {
+  for (const { metaProperty, entityProperty, createDataObjectType } of entityAssetsMap) {
+    const newAssetIndex: number | undefined = meta[metaProperty] ?? undefined
+    const currentAssetId = entity[entityProperty]
+    const currentAsset = currentAssetId
+      ? await overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject).getById(currentAssetId)
+      : null
+    if (isSet(newAssetIndex)) {
+      const newAsset = findAssetByIndex(metadataClass, assets, newAssetIndex)
+      if (newAsset) {
+        if (currentAsset) {
+          currentAsset.unsetAt = new Date(block.timestamp)
+        }
+        entity[entityProperty] = newAsset.id
+        newAsset.type = createDataObjectType(entity as E)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function findAssetByIndex(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<unknown>,
+  assets: Flat<StorageDataObject>[],
+  index: number
+): Flat<StorageDataObject> | null {
+  if (assets[index]) {
+    return assets[index]
+  }
+  invalidMetadata<unknown>(metaClass, `Non-existing asset index`, {
+    numberOfAssets: assets.length,
+    requestedAssetIndex: index,
+  })
+  return null
+function processLanguage(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<unknown>,
+  entity: Flat<Video> | Flat<Channel> | Flat<VideoSubtitle>,
+  iso: string
+) {
+  // ensure language string is valid
+  if (!isValidLanguageCode(iso)) {
+    invalidMetadata<unknown>(metaClass, `Invalid language ISO-639-1 provided`, { iso })
+    return
+  }
+  entity.language = iso
+export async function processOwnerRemark(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  txHash: string | undefined,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<IChannelOwnerRemarked>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  if (decodedMessage.pinOrUnpinComment) {
+    return processPinOrUnpinCommentMessage(overlay, channel, decodedMessage.pinOrUnpinComment)
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.banOrUnbanMemberFromChannel) {
+    return processBanOrUnbanMemberFromChannelMessage(
+      overlay,
+      block,
+      indexInBlock,
+      txHash,
+      channel,
+      decodedMessage.banOrUnbanMemberFromChannel
+    )
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.videoReactionsPreference) {
+    return processVideoReactionsPreferenceMessage(
+      overlay,
+      channel,
+      decodedMessage.videoReactionsPreference
+    )
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.moderateComment) {
+    return processModerateCommentMessage(overlay, channel, decodedMessage.moderateComment)
+  }
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+    ChannelOwnerRemarked,
+    'Unsupported channel owner remark action',
+    {
+      decodedMessage,
+    }
+  )
+async function getCommentForMetaprotocolAction<T>(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<T>,
+  commentId: string,
+  requiredStatus: CommentStatus
+): Promise<{ comment: Flat<Comment>; video: Flat<Video> } | MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed> {
+  const comment = await overlay.getRepository(Comment).getById(commentId)
+  if (!comment) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(metaClass, `Comment by id ${commentId} not found`, {
+      decodedMessage: message,
+    })
+  }
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(assertNotNull(comment.videoId))
+  // ensure channel owns the video
+  if (video.channelId !== channel.id) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      metaClass,
+      `Cannot modify comment on video ${video.id} which does not belong to channel ${channel.id}`,
+      {
+        decodedMessage: message,
+      }
+    )
+  }
+  // ensure comment has the expected status
+  if (comment.status !== requiredStatus) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(metaClass, `Invalid comment status: ${comment.status}`, {
+      decodedMessage: message,
+    })
+  }
+  return { comment, video }
+export async function processPinOrUnpinCommentMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IPinOrUnpinComment>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { option } = message
+  const commentOrFailure = await getCommentForMetaprotocolAction(
+    overlay,
+    PinOrUnpinComment,
+    channel,
+    message,
+    message.commentId,
+    CommentStatus.VISIBLE
+  )
+  if (commentOrFailure instanceof MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed) {
+    return commentOrFailure
+  }
+  const { comment, video } = commentOrFailure
+  video.pinnedCommentId = option === PinOrUnpinComment.Option.PIN ? comment.id : null
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()
+export async function processBanOrUnbanMemberFromChannelMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  txHash: string | undefined,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IBanOrUnbanMemberFromChannel>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { memberId, option } = message
+  const member = await overlay.getRepository(Membership).getById(memberId)
+  if (!member) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      BanOrUnbanMemberFromChannel,
+      `Member does not exist: ${memberId}`,
+      { decodedMessage: message }
+    )
+  }
+  // ban member from channel
+  if (option === BanOrUnbanMemberFromChannel.Option.BAN) {
+    overlay.getRepository(BannedMember).new({
+      channelId: channel.id,
+      memberId: member.id,
+      id: `${channel.id}-${member.id}`,
+    })
+  }
+  // unban member from channel
+  if (option === BanOrUnbanMemberFromChannel.Option.UNBAN) {
+    overlay.getRepository(BannedMember).remove(`${channel.id}-${member.id}`)
+  }
+  // event processing
+  overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, txHash),
+    data: new MemberBannedFromChannelEventData({
+      channel: channel.id,
+      member: member.id,
+      action: option === BanOrUnbanMemberFromChannel.Option.BAN,
+    }),
+  })
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()
+export async function processVideoReactionsPreferenceMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IVideoReactionsPreference>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const { videoId, option } = message
+  // load video
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getById(videoId)
+  if (!video) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      VideoReactionsPreference,
+      `Video by id ${videoId} not found`,
+      { decodedMessage: message }
+    )
+  }
+  // ensure channel owns the video
+  if (video.channelId !== channel.id) {
+    return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+      VideoReactionsPreference,
+      `Cannot change preferences on video ${video.id} which does not belong to channel ${channel.id}`,
+      {
+        decodedMessage: message,
+      }
+    )
+  }
+  video.isCommentSectionEnabled = option === VideoReactionsPreference.Option.ENABLE
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultOK()
+export async function processModerateCommentMessage(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  message: DecodedMetadataObject<IModerateComment>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  const commentOrFailure = await getCommentForMetaprotocolAction(
+    overlay,
+    ModerateComment,
+    channel,
+    message,
+    message.commentId,
+    CommentStatus.VISIBLE
+  )
+  if (commentOrFailure instanceof MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed) {
+    return commentOrFailure
+  }
+  const { comment } = commentOrFailure
+  // schedule comment counters updates
+  commentCountersManager.scheduleRecalcForComment(comment.parentCommentId)
+  commentCountersManager.scheduleRecalcForVideo(comment.videoId)
+  comment.text = ''
+  comment.status = CommentStatus.MODERATED
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentModerated({ commentModerated: comment.id })
+export async function processModeratorRemark(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  channel: Flat<Channel>,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<IChannelModeratorRemarked>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  if (decodedMessage.moderateComment) {
+    return processModerateCommentMessage(overlay, channel, decodedMessage.moderateComment)
+  }
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(
+    ChannelModeratorRemarked,
+    'Unsupported channel moderator remark action',
+    { decodedMessage }
+  )

+ 613 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+import { EventHandlerContext } from '../../utils/events'
+import { criticalError } from '../../utils/misc'
+import {
+  createAuction,
+  createBid,
+  findTopBid,
+  finishAuction,
+  getCurrentAuctionFromVideo,
+  getNftOwnerMemberId,
+  parseContentActor,
+  processNft,
+} from './utils'
+import {
+  Auction,
+  AuctionBidCanceledEventData,
+  AuctionBidMadeEventData,
+  AuctionCanceledEventData,
+  Bid,
+  BidMadeCompletingAuctionEventData,
+  BuyNowCanceledEventData,
+  BuyNowPriceUpdatedEventData,
+  EnglishAuctionSettledEventData,
+  EnglishAuctionStartedEventData,
+  Event,
+  NftBoughtEventData,
+  NftOwnerChannel,
+  NftOwnerMember,
+  NftSellOrderMadeEventData,
+  OpenAuctionBidAcceptedEventData,
+  OpenAuctionStartedEventData,
+  OwnedNft,
+  TransactionalStatusAuction,
+  TransactionalStatusBuyNow,
+  TransactionalStatusIdle,
+  TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember,
+  Video,
+} from '../../model'
+import { addNftActivity, addNftHistoryEntry, addNotification, genericEventFields } from '../utils'
+import { assertNotNull } from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+export async function processOpenAuctionStartedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [contentActor, videoId, auctionParams],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.OpenAuctionStarted'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load the nft
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // create auction
+  const auction = await createAuction(overlay, block, nft, auctionParams)
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusAuction({
+    auction: auction.id,
+  })
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new OpenAuctionStartedEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(contentActor),
+      auction: auction.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+export async function processEnglishAuctionStartedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [contentActor, videoId, auctionParams],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.EnglishAuctionStarted'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load nft
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // create new auction
+  const auction = await createAuction(overlay, block, nft, auctionParams)
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusAuction({
+    auction: auction.id,
+  })
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new EnglishAuctionStartedEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(contentActor),
+      auction: auction.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+export async function processNftIssuedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [actor, videoId, nftIssuanceParameters],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.NftIssued'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load video
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // prepare the new nft
+  await processNft(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash, video, actor, nftIssuanceParameters)
+export async function processAuctionBidMadeEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [memberId, videoId, bidAmount],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.AuctionBidMade'>): Promise<void> {
+  // create a new bid
+  const { bid, auction, previousTopBid } = await createBid(
+    overlay,
+    block,
+    indexInBlock,
+    memberId.toString(),
+    videoId.toString(),
+    bidAmount
+  )
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // extend auction duration when needed
+  if (
+    auction.auctionType.isTypeOf === 'AuctionTypeEnglish' &&
+    auction.auctionType.plannedEndAtBlock - auction.auctionType.extensionPeriod <= block.height
+  ) {
+    auction.auctionType.plannedEndAtBlock += auction.auctionType.extensionPeriod
+  }
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new AuctionBidMadeEventData({
+      bid: bid.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  // Notify outbidded member and the nft owner
+  addNotification(overlay, [previousTopBid?.bidderId, nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [bid.bidderId, previousTopBid?.bidderId], event.id)
+export async function processAuctionBidCanceledEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [memberId, videoId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.AuctionBidCanceled'>): Promise<void> {
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // FIXME: Allow specifying multiple relations in a single "query" (in this case both `bidderId` and `nftId`)
+  const memberBids = await overlay
+    .getRepository(Bid)
+    .getManyByRelation('bidderId', memberId.toString())
+  const memberBid = assertNotNull(
+    memberBids.find((b) => b.nftId === videoId.toString() && b.isCanceled === false),
+    `Cannot cancel auction bid: Bid by member ${memberId.toString()} for nft ${videoId} not found`
+  )
+  const auction = await overlay
+    .getRepository(Auction)
+    .getByIdOrFail(assertNotNull(memberBid.auctionId))
+  const auctionBids = await overlay.getRepository(Bid).getManyByRelation('auctionId', auction.id)
+  memberBid.isCanceled = true
+  if (auction.topBidId && memberBid.id === auction.topBidId) {
+    // find new top bid
+    auction.topBidId = findTopBid(auctionBids)?.id || null
+  }
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new AuctionBidCanceledEventData({
+      bid: memberBid.id,
+      member: memberId.toString(),
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [memberId.toString()], event.id)
+export async function processAuctionCanceledEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [contentActor, videoId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.AuctionCanceled'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load nft and auction
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  const auction = await getCurrentAuctionFromVideo(overlay, videoId.toString())
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+  // mark auction as canceled
+  auction.isCanceled = true
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new AuctionCanceledEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(contentActor),
+      auction: auction.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+export async function processEnglishAuctionSettledEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [winnerId, , videoId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.EnglishAuctionSettled'>): Promise<void> {
+  // finish auction
+  const { winningBid, auction, previousNftOwner, nft, auctionBids } = await finishAuction(
+    overlay,
+    videoId.toString(),
+    block
+  )
+  if (winnerId.toString() !== winningBid.bidderId) {
+    criticalError(`Unexpected english auction winner of auction ${auction.id}.`, {
+      eventWinnerId: winnerId.toString(),
+      queryNodeTopBidder: winnerId,
+    })
+  }
+  // set last sale
+  nft.lastSalePrice = winningBid.amount
+  nft.lastSaleDate = new Date(block.timestamp)
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new EnglishAuctionSettledEventData({
+      previousNftOwner,
+      winningBid: winningBid.id,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Notfy all bidders and the (previous) nft owner
+  const previousNftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, previousNftOwner)
+  addNotification(
+    overlay,
+    [previousNftOwnerMemberId, ...auctionBids.map((b) => b.bidderId)],
+    event.id
+  )
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [previousNftOwnerMemberId, winnerId.toString()], event.id)
+// called when auction bid's value is higher than buy-now value
+export async function processBidMadeCompletingAuctionEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [memberId, videoId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.BidMadeCompletingAuction'>): Promise<void> {
+  // create record for winning bid
+  const { bid, auctionBids } = await createBid(
+    overlay,
+    block,
+    indexInBlock,
+    memberId.toString(),
+    videoId.toString()
+  )
+  // finish auction and transfer ownership
+  const { nft, winningBid, previousNftOwner } = await finishAuction(
+    overlay,
+    videoId.toString(),
+    block
+  )
+  // set last sale
+  nft.lastSalePrice = winningBid.amount
+  nft.lastSaleDate = new Date(block.timestamp)
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new BidMadeCompletingAuctionEventData({
+      previousNftOwner,
+      winningBid: bid.id,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Notify all bidders and the (previous) nft owner
+  const previousNftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, previousNftOwner)
+  addNotification(
+    overlay,
+    [previousNftOwnerMemberId, ...auctionBids.map((b) => b.bidderId)],
+    event.id
+  )
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [previousNftOwnerMemberId, memberId.toString()], event.id)
+export async function processOpenAuctionBidAcceptedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [contentActor, videoId, winnerId, bidAmount],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.OpenAuctionBidAccepted'>): Promise<void> {
+  // finish auction
+  const { previousNftOwner, winningBid, nft, auctionBids } = await finishAuction(
+    overlay,
+    videoId.toString(),
+    block,
+    {
+      bidAmount,
+      winnerId,
+    }
+  )
+  // set last sale
+  nft.lastSalePrice = winningBid.amount
+  nft.lastSaleDate = new Date(block.timestamp)
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new OpenAuctionBidAcceptedEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(contentActor),
+      previousNftOwner,
+      winningBid: winningBid.id,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Notify all bidders (the owner should be the one who triggered the event)
+  const previousNftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, previousNftOwner)
+  addNotification(
+    overlay,
+    auctionBids.map((b) => b.bidderId),
+    event.id
+  )
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [previousNftOwnerMemberId, winnerId.toString()], event.id)
+export async function processOfferStartedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [videoId, , memberId, price],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.OfferStarted'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load NFT
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // update NFT transactional status
+  const transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember({
+    member: memberId.toString(),
+    price,
+  })
+  nft.transactionalStatus = transactionalStatus
+  // FIXME: No event?
+export async function processOfferAcceptedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  event: { asV1000: videoId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.OfferAccepted'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load NFT
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // read member from offer
+  const memberId = (nft.transactionalStatus as TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember).member
+  // read price from offer
+  const price = (nft.transactionalStatus as TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember).price
+  if (price) {
+    // set last sale
+    nft.lastSalePrice = price
+    nft.lastSaleDate = new Date(block.timestamp)
+  }
+  // update NFT's transactional status
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+  nft.owner = new NftOwnerMember({ member: memberId })
+  // FIXME: No event?
+export async function processOfferCanceledEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [videoId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.OfferCanceled'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load NFT
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // update NFT's transactional status
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+  // FIXME: No event?
+export async function processNftSellOrderMadeEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [videoId, contentActor, price],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.NftSellOrderMade'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load NFT
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // update NFT transactional status
+  const transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusBuyNow({
+    price,
+  })
+  nft.transactionalStatus = transactionalStatus
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new NftSellOrderMadeEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(contentActor),
+      nft: nft.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+      price,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+export async function processNftBoughtEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [videoId, memberId],
+  },
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.NftBought'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load NFT
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // NFT bought price
+  const price = (nft.transactionalStatus as TransactionalStatusBuyNow).price
+  // set last sale
+  nft.lastSalePrice = price
+  nft.lastSaleDate = new Date(block.timestamp)
+  // update NFT's transactional status
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+  // update NFT's owner
+  const previousNftOwner = nft.owner
+  nft.owner = new NftOwnerMember({ member: memberId.toString() })
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new NftBoughtEventData({
+      buyer: memberId.toString(),
+      nft: nft.id,
+      previousNftOwner,
+      price,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Notify (previous) nft owner
+  const previousNftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, previousNftOwner)
+  addNotification(overlay, [previousNftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [previousNftOwnerMemberId, memberId.toString()], event.id)
+export async function processBuyNowCanceledEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [videoId, contentActor],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.BuyNowCanceled'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load NFT
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  // Update stauts
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+  // add new event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new BuyNowCanceledEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(contentActor),
+      nft: nft.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+export async function processBuyNowPriceUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [videoId, contentActor, newPrice],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.BuyNowPriceUpdated'>): Promise<void> {
+  // load NFT
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  if (nft.transactionalStatus?.isTypeOf !== 'TransactionalStatusBuyNow') {
+    criticalError(`Unexpected transactional status of NFT ${videoId.toString()}.`, {
+      expected: 'TransactionalStatusBuyNow',
+      got: nft.transactionalStatus?.isTypeOf,
+    })
+  }
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusBuyNow({ price: newPrice })
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new BuyNowPriceUpdatedEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(contentActor),
+      newPrice,
+      nft: nft.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+export async function processNftSlingedBackToTheOriginalArtistEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [videoId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.NftSlingedBackToTheOriginalArtist'>): Promise<void> {
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  nft.owner = new NftOwnerChannel({ channel: assertNotNull(video.channelId) })
+  // FIXME: No event?

+ 653 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+import {
+  AppAction,
+  IAppAction,
+  IChannelMetadata,
+  ISubtitleMetadata,
+  IVideoMetadata,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import {
+  DataObjectTypeChannelAvatar,
+  DataObjectTypeChannelCoverPhoto,
+  DataObjectTypeVideoMedia,
+  DataObjectTypeVideoSubtitle,
+  DataObjectTypeVideoThumbnail,
+  Auction,
+  AuctionTypeEnglish,
+  AuctionTypeOpen,
+  AuctionWhitelistedMember,
+  Channel,
+  NftOwnerChannel,
+  NftOwnerMember,
+  OwnedNft,
+  TransactionalStatusAuction,
+  TransactionalStatusBuyNow,
+  TransactionalStatusIdle,
+  TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember,
+  Video,
+  VideoSubtitle,
+  ContentActor as ContentActorEntity,
+  ContentActorMember,
+  ContentActorCurator,
+  ContentActorLead,
+  Event,
+  NftIssuedEventData,
+  DataObjectType,
+  Bid,
+  NftOwner,
+  Comment,
+  CommentReaction,
+  License as LicenseEntity,
+  VideoMediaMetadata,
+  VideoReaction,
+  VideoMediaEncoding,
+  App,
+  BannedMember,
+  Notification,
+} from '../../model'
+import { criticalError } from '../../utils/misc'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay, Flat } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import {
+  ContentActor,
+  EnglishAuctionParamsRecord,
+  InitTransactionalStatusRecord,
+  NftIssuanceParametersRecord,
+  OpenAuctionParamsRecord,
+  StorageAssetsRecord,
+} from '../../types/v1000'
+import { addNftActivity, addNftHistoryEntry, genericEventFields, invalidMetadata } from '../utils'
+import { assertNotNull, SubstrateBlock } from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+import { ed25519Verify } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+import { integrateMeta } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import { createType } from '@joystream/types'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+export type AsDecoded<MetaClass> = MetaClass extends { create: (props?: infer I) => any }
+  ? DecodedMetadataObject<I>
+  : never
+export type PropertyOfWithType<E, T> = {
+  [K in keyof E]: [E[K]] extends [T | null | undefined] ? ([T] extends [E[K]] ? K : never) : never
+}[keyof E] &
+  string &
+  keyof E
+export type EntityAssetProps<E> = PropertyOfWithType<E, string | null>
+export type MetaNumberProps<M> = PropertyOfWithType<M, number>
+export type EntityAssetsMap<
+  E,
+  M,
+  OTC extends { new (): DataObjectType } = { new (): DataObjectType }
+> = {
+  DataObjectTypeConstructor: OTC
+  entityProperty: EntityAssetProps<E>
+  metaProperty: MetaNumberProps<M>
+  createDataObjectType: (e: Flat<E>) => InstanceType<OTC>
+export type AssetsMap = {
+  channel: EntityAssetsMap<
+    Channel,
+    IChannelMetadata,
+    { new (): DataObjectType & { channel: string } }
+  >
+  video: EntityAssetsMap<Video, IVideoMetadata, { new (): DataObjectType & { video: string } }>
+  subtitle: EntityAssetsMap<
+    VideoSubtitle,
+    ISubtitleMetadata,
+    { new (): DataObjectType & { subtitle: string } }
+  >
+export const ASSETS_MAP: AssetsMap = {
+  channel: [
+    {
+      DataObjectTypeConstructor: DataObjectTypeChannelAvatar,
+      entityProperty: 'avatarPhotoId',
+      metaProperty: 'avatarPhoto',
+      createDataObjectType: (e) => new DataObjectTypeChannelAvatar({ channel: e.id }),
+    },
+    {
+      DataObjectTypeConstructor: DataObjectTypeChannelCoverPhoto,
+      entityProperty: 'coverPhotoId',
+      metaProperty: 'coverPhoto',
+      createDataObjectType: (e) => new DataObjectTypeChannelCoverPhoto({ channel: e.id }),
+    },
+  ],
+  video: [
+    {
+      DataObjectTypeConstructor: DataObjectTypeVideoMedia,
+      entityProperty: 'mediaId',
+      metaProperty: 'video',
+      createDataObjectType: (e) => new DataObjectTypeVideoMedia({ video: e.id }),
+    },
+    {
+      DataObjectTypeConstructor: DataObjectTypeVideoThumbnail,
+      entityProperty: 'thumbnailPhotoId',
+      metaProperty: 'thumbnailPhoto',
+      createDataObjectType: (e) => new DataObjectTypeVideoThumbnail({ video: e.id }),
+    },
+  ],
+  subtitle: [
+    {
+      DataObjectTypeConstructor: DataObjectTypeVideoSubtitle,
+      entityProperty: 'assetId',
+      metaProperty: 'newAsset',
+      createDataObjectType: (e) =>
+        new DataObjectTypeVideoSubtitle({ video: assertNotNull(e.videoId), subtitle: e.id }),
+    },
+  ],
+export async function deleteChannel(overlay: EntityManagerOverlay, channelId: bigint) {
+  const bannedMembers = await overlay
+    .getRepository(BannedMember)
+    .getManyByRelation('channelId', channelId.toString())
+  overlay.getRepository(BannedMember).remove(...bannedMembers)
+  overlay.getRepository(Channel).remove(channelId.toString())
+export async function deleteVideo(overlay: EntityManagerOverlay, videoId: bigint) {
+  const videoRepository = overlay.getRepository(Video)
+  const commentRepository = overlay.getRepository(Comment)
+  const commentReactionRepository = overlay.getRepository(CommentReaction)
+  const licenseRepository = overlay.getRepository(LicenseEntity)
+  const videoReactionRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoReaction)
+  const mediaMetadataRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoMediaMetadata)
+  const mediaEncodingRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoMediaEncoding)
+  const subtitlesRepository = overlay.getRepository(VideoSubtitle)
+  const notificationRepository = overlay.getRepository(Notification)
+  const em = overlay.getEm()
+  const video = await videoRepository.getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  const comments = await commentRepository.getManyByRelation('videoId', video.id)
+  const commentReactions = await commentReactionRepository.getManyByRelation('videoId', video.id)
+  const videoReactions = await videoReactionRepository.getManyByRelation('videoId', video.id)
+  const mediaMetadata = await mediaMetadataRepository.getOneByRelation('videoId', video.id)
+  const mediaEncoding = await mediaEncodingRepository.getById(mediaMetadata?.encodingId || '')
+  const subtitles = await subtitlesRepository.getManyByRelation('videoId', video.id)
+  // Events to remove
+  const eventsToRemove: Event[] = []
+  const notificationsToRemove: Flat<Notification>[] = []
+  if (comments.length) {
+    // FIXME: We need to persist the state to get all CommentCreated/CommentTextUpdated events,
+    // as the relationship is nested inside jsonb field, so we can't use any existing RepositoryOverlay methods.
+    await overlay.updateDatabase()
+    const relatedEvents = await em
+      .getRepository(Event)
+      .createQueryBuilder('e')
+      .where(`e.data->>'comment' IN (${comments.map((c, i) => `:cid_${i}`).join(', ')})`)
+      .setParameters(Object.fromEntries(comments.map((c, i) => [`cid_${i}`, c.id])))
+      .getMany()
+    eventsToRemove.push(...relatedEvents)
+    const relatedNotifications = (
+      await Promise.all(
+        eventsToRemove.map((e) => notificationRepository.getManyByRelation('eventId', e.id))
+      )
+    ).flat()
+    notificationsToRemove.push(...relatedNotifications)
+  }
+  commentReactionRepository.remove(...commentReactions)
+  commentRepository.remove(...comments)
+  if (video.licenseId) {
+    licenseRepository.remove(video.licenseId)
+  }
+  videoReactionRepository.remove(...videoReactions)
+  if (mediaMetadata?.id) {
+    mediaMetadataRepository.remove(mediaMetadata.id)
+  }
+  if (mediaEncoding?.id) {
+    mediaEncodingRepository.remove(mediaEncoding.id)
+  }
+  subtitlesRepository.remove(...subtitles)
+  videoRepository.remove(video)
+  notificationRepository.remove(...notificationsToRemove)
+  overlay.getRepository(Event).remove(...eventsToRemove)
+export async function processNft(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  extrinsicHash: string | undefined,
+  video: Flat<Video>,
+  issuer: ContentActor,
+  nftIssuanceParameters: NftIssuanceParametersRecord
+): Promise<void> {
+  const owner =
+    nftIssuanceParameters.nonChannelOwner !== undefined
+      ? new NftOwnerMember({ member: nftIssuanceParameters.nonChannelOwner.toString() })
+      : new NftOwnerChannel({ channel: assertNotNull(video.channelId) })
+  const creatorRoyalty =
+    nftIssuanceParameters.royalty !== undefined
+      ? // Royalty type is Perbill (1/10^9), so we divide by 10^7 to get Percent
+        nftIssuanceParameters.royalty / Math.pow(10, 7)
+      : undefined
+  const nftRepository = overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft)
+  const nft = nftRepository.new({
+    id: video.id,
+    videoId: video.id,
+    creatorRoyalty,
+    owner,
+    createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    isFeatured: false,
+  })
+  // update NFT transactional status
+  processNftInitialTransactionalStatus(
+    overlay,
+    block,
+    nft,
+    nftIssuanceParameters.initTransactionalStatus
+  )
+  // Push a new NftIssued event
+  const event = overlay.getRepository(Event).new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new NftIssuedEventData({
+      actor: parseContentActor(issuer),
+      nft: nft.id,
+      nftOwner: nft.owner,
+    }),
+  })
+  // Add nft history and activities entry
+  const nftOwnerMemberId = await getNftOwnerMemberId(overlay, nft.owner)
+  addNftHistoryEntry(overlay, nft.id, event.id)
+  addNftActivity(overlay, [nftOwnerMemberId], event.id)
+export function processNftInitialTransactionalStatus(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  nft: Flat<OwnedNft>,
+  transactionalStatus: InitTransactionalStatusRecord
+): void {
+  switch (transactionalStatus.__kind) {
+    case 'Idle': {
+      nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+      return
+    }
+    case 'InitiatedOfferToMember': {
+      const [memberId, price] = transactionalStatus.value
+      nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember({
+        member: memberId.toString(),
+        price,
+      })
+      return
+    }
+    case 'OpenAuction':
+    case 'EnglishAuction': {
+      const auctionParams = transactionalStatus.value
+      const auction = createAuction(overlay, block, nft, auctionParams)
+      // create new auction
+      nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusAuction({
+        auction: auction.id,
+      })
+      return
+    }
+    case 'BuyNow': {
+      nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusBuyNow({ price: transactionalStatus.value })
+      return
+    }
+    default: {
+      criticalError(`Unknown TransactionalStatus type`, { transactionalStatus })
+    }
+  }
+export function createAuction(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  nft: Flat<OwnedNft>,
+  auctionParams: OpenAuctionParamsRecord | EnglishAuctionParamsRecord
+): Flat<Auction> {
+  const startsAtBlock = auctionParams.startsAt ?? block.height
+  const auctionRepository = overlay.getRepository(Auction)
+  // prepare auction record
+  const auction = auctionRepository.new({
+    id: auctionRepository.getNewEntityId(),
+    nftId: nft.id,
+    startingPrice: auctionParams.startingPrice,
+    buyNowPrice: auctionParams.buyNowPrice,
+    auctionType: createAuctionType(block, auctionParams),
+    startsAtBlock,
+    isCanceled: false,
+    isCompleted: false,
+  })
+  auctionParams.whitelist.forEach((m) =>
+    overlay.getRepository(AuctionWhitelistedMember).new({
+      id: `${m.toString()}-${auction.id}`,
+      memberId: m.toString(),
+      auctionId: auction.id,
+    })
+  )
+  return auction
+function createAuctionType(
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  auctionParams: OpenAuctionParamsRecord | EnglishAuctionParamsRecord
+) {
+  const startsAtBlock = auctionParams.startsAt ?? block.height
+  // auction type `english`
+  if ('duration' in auctionParams) {
+    return new AuctionTypeEnglish({
+      duration: auctionParams.duration,
+      extensionPeriod: auctionParams.extensionPeriod,
+      minimalBidStep: auctionParams.minBidStep,
+      plannedEndAtBlock: startsAtBlock + auctionParams.duration,
+    })
+  }
+  // auction type `open`
+  return new AuctionTypeOpen({
+    bidLockDuration: auctionParams.bidLockDuration,
+  })
+export function parseContentActor(contentActor: ContentActor): ContentActorEntity {
+  if (contentActor.__kind === 'Member') {
+    return new ContentActorMember({
+      member: contentActor.value.toString(),
+    })
+  }
+  if (contentActor.__kind === 'Curator') {
+    const [, curatorId] = contentActor.value
+    return new ContentActorCurator({
+      curator: curatorId.toString(),
+    })
+  }
+  if (contentActor.__kind === 'Lead') {
+    return new ContentActorLead()
+  }
+  criticalError('Unknown ContentActor type', { contentActor })
+export async function getCurrentAuctionFromVideo(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  videoId: string
+): Promise<Flat<Auction>> {
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId)
+  if (nft.transactionalStatus?.isTypeOf !== 'TransactionalStatusAuction') {
+    criticalError(`Nft of video ${videoId} was expected to be in TransactionalStatusAuction.`, {
+      actualStatus: nft.transactionalStatus?.isTypeOf,
+    })
+  }
+  return overlay.getRepository(Auction).getByIdOrFail(nft.transactionalStatus.auction)
+export function findTopBid(bids: Flat<Bid>[]): Flat<Bid> | null {
+  return bids.reduce((topBid, bid) => {
+    if (bid.isCanceled) {
+      return topBid
+    }
+    if (!topBid) {
+      return bid
+    }
+    if (topBid.amount > bid.amount) {
+      return topBid
+    }
+    if (topBid.amount < bid.amount) {
+      return bid
+    }
+    // bids are equal, use the oldest one
+    return topBid.createdInBlock < bid.createdInBlock ||
+      (topBid.createdInBlock === bid.createdInBlock && topBid.indexInBlock < bid.indexInBlock)
+      ? topBid
+      : bid
+  }, null as Flat<Bid> | null)
+export async function createBid(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  memberId: string,
+  videoId: string,
+  bidAmount?: bigint
+): Promise<{
+  bid: Flat<Bid>
+  auctionBids: Flat<Bid>[]
+  auction: Flat<Auction>
+  previousTopBid?: Flat<Bid>
+}> {
+  const auction = await getCurrentAuctionFromVideo(overlay, videoId)
+  const bidRepository = overlay.getRepository(Bid)
+  const auctionBids = await bidRepository.getManyByRelation('auctionId', auction.id)
+  // cancel any previous bids done by same member
+  auctionBids
+    .filter((b) => b.bidderId === memberId && !b.isCanceled)
+    .forEach((b) => {
+      b.isCanceled = true
+    })
+  const amount = bidAmount ?? (auction.buyNowPrice as bigint)
+  const previousTopBidId = auction.topBidId
+  // prepare bid record
+  const newBid = bidRepository.new({
+    id: bidRepository.getNewEntityId(),
+    createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    auctionId: auction.id,
+    nftId: videoId,
+    bidderId: memberId,
+    amount,
+    createdInBlock: block.height,
+    isCanceled: false,
+    indexInBlock,
+  })
+  auctionBids.push(newBid)
+  // check if the auction's top bid needs to be updated, this can happen in those cases:
+  // 1. auction doesn't have the top bid at the moment, new bid should be new top bid
+  // 2. new bid is higher than the current top bid
+  // 3. new bid canceled previous top bid (user changed their bid to a lower one), so we need to find a new one
+  const previousTopBid = auctionBids.find((b) => b.id === previousTopBidId)
+  if (!previousTopBid || newBid.amount > previousTopBid.amount) {
+    // handle cases 1 and 2
+    auction.topBidId = newBid.id
+  } else {
+    // handle case 3
+    auction.topBidId = findTopBid(auctionBids)?.id || null
+  }
+  // Only set previous top bid if auction.topBid has been updated
+  // and the action type is AuctionTypeEnglish
+  if (
+    auction.topBidId !== previousTopBidId &&
+    auction.auctionType.isTypeOf === 'AuctionTypeEnglish'
+  ) {
+    newBid.previousTopBidId = previousTopBidId
+    return { bid: newBid, auction, previousTopBid, auctionBids }
+  }
+  return { bid: newBid, auction, auctionBids }
+export async function getChannelOwnerMemberByVideoId(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  videoId: string
+): Promise<string | undefined> {
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(videoId)
+  if (video.channelId) {
+    return getChannelOwnerMemberByChannelId(overlay, video.channelId)
+  }
+export async function getChannelOwnerMemberByChannelId(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  channelId: string
+): Promise<string | undefined> {
+  const channel = await overlay.getRepository(Channel).getByIdOrFail(channelId)
+  return channel.ownerMemberId ?? undefined
+export async function getNftOwnerMemberId(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  nftOwner: NftOwner
+): Promise<string | undefined> {
+  return nftOwner.isTypeOf === 'NftOwnerMember'
+    ? nftOwner.member
+    : getChannelOwnerMemberByChannelId(overlay, nftOwner.channel)
+export async function finishAuction(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  videoId: string,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  openAuctionWinner?: { winnerId: bigint; bidAmount: bigint }
+): Promise<{
+  winningBid: Flat<Bid>
+  auction: Flat<Auction>
+  auctionBids: Flat<Bid>[]
+  nft: Flat<OwnedNft>
+  previousNftOwner: NftOwner
+}> {
+  function findOpenAuctionWinningBid(
+    bids: Flat<Bid>[],
+    bidAmount: bigint,
+    winnerId: string,
+    videoId: string
+  ): Flat<Bid> {
+    const winningBid = bids.find(
+      (bid) => !bid.isCanceled && bid.bidderId === winnerId && bid.amount === bidAmount
+    )
+    if (!winningBid) {
+      criticalError(`Open auction won by non-existing bid!`, {
+        videoId,
+        bidAmount,
+        winnerId,
+      })
+    }
+    return winningBid
+  }
+  // load video and auction
+  const auction = await getCurrentAuctionFromVideo(overlay, videoId)
+  const nft = await overlay.getRepository(OwnedNft).getByIdOrFail(videoId)
+  const bidRepository = overlay.getRepository(Bid)
+  const auctionBids = await bidRepository.getManyByRelation('auctionId', auction.id)
+  const winningBid = openAuctionWinner
+    ? findOpenAuctionWinningBid(
+        auctionBids,
+        openAuctionWinner.bidAmount,
+        openAuctionWinner.winnerId.toString(),
+        videoId
+      )
+    : assertNotNull(auctionBids.find((b) => b.id === auction.topBidId))
+  // update NFT's transactional status
+  nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+  // update NFT owner
+  const previousNftOwner = nft.owner
+  nft.owner = new NftOwnerMember({ member: assertNotNull(winningBid.bidderId) })
+  // update auction
+  auction.isCompleted = true
+  auction.winningMemberId = winningBid.bidderId
+  auction.endedAtBlock = block.height
+  return { winningBid, nft, auction, previousNftOwner, auctionBids }
+async function validateAndGetApp(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  expectedSignedCommitment: string,
+  appAction: DecodedMetadataObject<IAppAction>
+): Promise<Flat<App> | undefined> {
+  // If one is missing we cannot verify the signature
+  if (!appAction.appId || !appAction.signature) {
+    invalidMetadata(AppAction, 'Missing action fields to verify app', { decodedMessage: appAction })
+    return undefined
+  }
+  const app = await overlay.getRepository(App).getById(appAction.appId)
+  if (!app) {
+    invalidMetadata(AppAction, 'No app of given id found', { decodedMessage: appAction })
+    return undefined
+  }
+  if (!app.authKey) {
+    invalidMetadata(AppAction, 'The provided app has no auth key assigned', {
+      decodedMessage: appAction,
+      app,
+    })
+    return undefined
+  }
+  try {
+    const isSignatureValid = ed25519Verify(
+      expectedSignedCommitment,
+      appAction.signature,
+      app.authKey
+    )
+    if (!isSignatureValid) {
+      invalidMetadata(AppAction, 'Invalid app action signature', { decodedMessage: appAction })
+    }
+    return isSignatureValid ? app : undefined
+  } catch (e) {
+    invalidMetadata(AppAction, `Could not verify signature: ${(e as Error)?.message}`, {
+      decodedMessage: appAction,
+    })
+    return undefined
+  }
+export async function processAppActionMetadata<
+  T extends { entryAppId?: string | null | undefined }
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  entity: T,
+  meta: DecodedMetadataObject<IAppAction>,
+  expectedSignedCommitment: string,
+  entityMetadataProcessor: (entity: T) => Promise<void>
+): Promise<void> {
+  const app = await validateAndGetApp(overlay, expectedSignedCommitment, meta)
+  if (!app) {
+    return entityMetadataProcessor(entity)
+  }
+  integrateMeta(entity, { entryAppId: app.id }, ['entryAppId'])
+  return entityMetadataProcessor(entity)
+export function encodeAssets(assets: StorageAssetsRecord | undefined): Uint8Array {
+  return createType(
+    'Option<PalletContentStorageAssetsRecord>',
+    assets
+      ? {
+          expectedDataSizeFee: new BN(assets.expectedDataSizeFee.toString()),
+          objectCreationList: assets.objectCreationList.map((o) => ({
+            size_: new BN(o.size.toString()),
+            ipfsContentId: Array.from(o.ipfsContentId),
+          })),
+        }
+      : null
+  ).toU8a()

+ 172 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+import {
+  AppAction,
+  AppActionMetadata,
+  ContentMetadata,
+  IVideoMetadata,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import { integrateMeta } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import { Channel, Video, VideoViewEvent } from '../../model'
+import { EventHandlerContext } from '../../utils/events'
+import { deserializeMetadata, u8aToBytes } from '../utils'
+import { processVideoMetadata } from './metadata'
+import { deleteVideo, encodeAssets, processAppActionMetadata, processNft } from './utils'
+import { generateAppActionCommitment } from '@joystream/js/utils'
+export async function processVideoCreatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [contentActor, channelId, contentId, contentCreationParameters, newDataObjectIds],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.VideoCreated'>): Promise<void> {
+  const { meta, expectedVideoStateBloatBond, autoIssueNft } = contentCreationParameters
+  const videoId = contentId.toString()
+  const viewsNum = await overlay.getEm().getRepository(VideoViewEvent).countBy({ videoId })
+  const video = overlay.getRepository(Video).new({
+    id: videoId,
+    createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    channelId: channelId.toString(),
+    isCensored: false,
+    isExcluded: false,
+    createdInBlock: block.height,
+    isCommentSectionEnabled: true,
+    isReactionFeatureEnabled: true,
+    videoStateBloatBond: expectedVideoStateBloatBond,
+    commentsCount: 0,
+    reactionsCount: 0,
+    viewsNum,
+  })
+  // fetch related channel and owner
+  const channel = await overlay.getRepository(Channel).getByIdOrFail(channelId.toString())
+  // update channels videoViewsNum
+  channel.videoViewsNum += viewsNum
+  // deserialize & process metadata
+  const appAction = meta && deserializeMetadata(AppAction, meta, { skipWarning: true })
+  if (appAction) {
+    const videoMetadata = appAction.rawAction
+      ? deserializeMetadata(ContentMetadata, appAction.rawAction)?.videoMetadata ?? {}
+      : {}
+    const expectedCommitment = generateAppActionCommitment(
+      channel.totalVideosCreated,
+      channel.id,
+      AppAction.ActionType.CREATE_VIDEO,
+      AppAction.CreatorType.CHANNEL,
+      encodeAssets(contentCreationParameters.assets),
+      appAction.rawAction ?? undefined,
+      appAction.metadata ?? undefined
+    )
+    await processAppActionMetadata(overlay, video, appAction, expectedCommitment, (entity) => {
+      if (entity.entryAppId && appAction.metadata) {
+        const appActionMetadata = deserializeMetadata(AppActionMetadata, appAction.metadata)
+        appActionMetadata?.videoId &&
+          integrateMeta(entity, { ytVideoId: appActionMetadata.videoId }, ['ytVideoId'])
+      }
+      return processVideoMetadata(
+        overlay,
+        block,
+        indexInBlock,
+        entity,
+        videoMetadata,
+        newDataObjectIds
+      )
+    })
+  } else {
+    const contentMetadata = meta && deserializeMetadata(ContentMetadata, meta)
+    if (contentMetadata?.videoMetadata) {
+      await processVideoMetadata(
+        overlay,
+        block,
+        indexInBlock,
+        video,
+        contentMetadata.videoMetadata,
+        newDataObjectIds
+      )
+    }
+  }
+  channel.totalVideosCreated += 1
+  if (autoIssueNft) {
+    await processNft(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash, video, contentActor, autoIssueNft)
+  }
+export async function processVideoUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [contentActor, contentId, contentUpdateParameters, newDataObjectIds],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.VideoUpdated'>): Promise<void> {
+  const { newMeta, autoIssueNft } = contentUpdateParameters
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(contentId.toString())
+  const appAction = newMeta && deserializeMetadata(AppAction, newMeta, { skipWarning: true })
+  let videoMetadataUpdate: DecodedMetadataObject<IVideoMetadata> | null | undefined
+  if (appAction) {
+    const contentMetadataBytes = u8aToBytes(appAction.rawAction)
+    videoMetadataUpdate = deserializeMetadata(
+      ContentMetadata,
+      contentMetadataBytes.toU8a(true)
+    )?.videoMetadata
+  } else {
+    const contentMetadata = newMeta && deserializeMetadata(ContentMetadata, newMeta)
+    videoMetadataUpdate = contentMetadata?.videoMetadata
+  }
+  if (videoMetadataUpdate) {
+    await processVideoMetadata(
+      overlay,
+      block,
+      indexInBlock,
+      video,
+      videoMetadataUpdate,
+      newDataObjectIds
+    )
+  }
+  if (autoIssueNft) {
+    await processNft(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash, video, contentActor, autoIssueNft)
+  }
+export async function processVideoDeletedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, contentId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.VideoDeleted'>): Promise<void> {
+  await deleteVideo(overlay, contentId)
+export async function processVideoDeletedByModeratorEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, contentId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.VideoDeletedByModerator'>): Promise<void> {
+  await deleteVideo(overlay, contentId)
+export async function processVideoVisibilitySetByModeratorEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, videoId, isCensored],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Content.VideoVisibilitySetByModerator'>): Promise<void> {
+  const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(videoId.toString())
+  video.isCensored = isCensored

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import {
+  Event,
+  Membership,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionStatusEventData,
+} from '../../model'
+import { EventHandlerContext } from '../../utils/events'
+import { MemberRemarked, MembershipMetadata } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { bytesToString, deserializeMetadata, genericEventFields, toAddress } from '../utils'
+import { processMembershipMetadata, processMemberRemark } from './metadata'
+export async function processNewMember({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [memberId, params],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<
+  | 'Members.MemberCreated'
+  | 'Members.MemberInvited'
+  | 'Members.MembershipBought'
+  | 'Members.MembershipGifted'
+>) {
+  const { controllerAccount, handle, metadata: metadataBytes } = params
+  const metadata = deserializeMetadata(MembershipMetadata, metadataBytes)
+  const member = overlay.getRepository(Membership).new({
+    createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    id: memberId.toString(),
+    controllerAccount: toAddress(controllerAccount),
+    handle: handle && bytesToString(handle),
+    totalChannelsCreated: 0,
+  })
+  if (metadata) {
+    await processMembershipMetadata(overlay, member.id, metadata)
+  }
+export async function processMemberAccountsUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [memberId, , newControllerAccount],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Members.MemberAccountsUpdated'>) {
+  if (newControllerAccount) {
+    const member = await overlay.getRepository(Membership).getByIdOrFail(memberId.toString())
+    member.controllerAccount = toAddress(newControllerAccount)
+  }
+export async function processMemberProfileUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [memberId, newHandle, newMetadata],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Members.MemberProfileUpdated'>) {
+  const member = await overlay.getRepository(Membership).getByIdOrFail(memberId.toString())
+  if (newHandle) {
+    member.handle = newHandle.toString()
+  }
+  if (newMetadata) {
+    const metadataUpdate = deserializeMetadata(MembershipMetadata, newMetadata)
+    if (metadataUpdate) {
+      await processMembershipMetadata(overlay, member.id, metadataUpdate)
+    }
+  }
+export async function processMemberRemarkedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  indexInBlock,
+  extrinsicHash,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [memberId, message],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Members.MemberRemarked'>) {
+  const metadata = deserializeMetadata(MemberRemarked, message)
+  const result = metadata
+    ? await processMemberRemark(
+        overlay,
+        block,
+        indexInBlock,
+        extrinsicHash,
+        memberId.toString(),
+        metadata
+      )
+    : new MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed({
+        errorMessage: 'Could not decode the metadata',
+      })
+  const eventRepository = overlay.getRepository(Event)
+  eventRepository.new({
+    ...genericEventFields(overlay, block, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash),
+    data: new MetaprotocolTransactionStatusEventData({
+      result,
+    }),
+  })

+ 114 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import { IMemberRemarked, IMembershipMetadata, MemberRemarked } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { AvatarUri, MemberMetadata, MetaprotocolTransactionResult } from '../../model'
+import { DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import { isSet } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import { metaprotocolTransactionFailure } from '../utils'
+import {
+  processCreateCommentMessage,
+  processCreateVideoCategoryMessage,
+  processDeleteCommentMessage,
+  processEditCommentMessage,
+  processReactCommentMessage,
+  processReactVideoMessage,
+} from '../content/commentsAndReactions'
+import { SubstrateBlock } from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+import { processCreateAppMessage, processUpdateAppMessage } from '../content/app'
+export async function processMembershipMetadata(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  memberId: string,
+  metadataUpdate: DecodedMetadataObject<IMembershipMetadata>
+) {
+  const metadataRepository = overlay.getRepository(MemberMetadata)
+  const memberMetadata =
+    (await metadataRepository.getById(memberId)) ||
+    metadataRepository.new({ id: memberId, memberId })
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.avatarUri)) {
+    memberMetadata.avatar = metadataUpdate.avatarUri
+      ? new AvatarUri({ avatarUri: metadataUpdate.avatarUri })
+      : null
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.name)) {
+    // On empty string, set to `null`
+    memberMetadata.name = metadataUpdate.name || null
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.about)) {
+    // On empty string, set to `null`
+    memberMetadata.about = metadataUpdate.about || null
+  }
+export async function processMemberRemark(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  txHash: string | undefined,
+  memberId: string,
+  decodedMessage: DecodedMetadataObject<IMemberRemarked>
+): Promise<MetaprotocolTransactionResult> {
+  if (decodedMessage.createApp) {
+    return processCreateAppMessage(
+      overlay,
+      block.height,
+      indexInBlock,
+      decodedMessage.createApp,
+      memberId
+    )
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.updateApp) {
+    return processUpdateAppMessage(overlay, decodedMessage.updateApp, memberId)
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.reactVideo) {
+    return processReactVideoMessage(overlay, block, memberId, decodedMessage.reactVideo)
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.reactComment) {
+    return processReactCommentMessage(overlay, memberId, decodedMessage.reactComment)
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.createComment) {
+    return processCreateCommentMessage(
+      overlay,
+      block,
+      indexInBlock,
+      txHash,
+      memberId,
+      decodedMessage.createComment
+    )
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.editComment) {
+    return processEditCommentMessage(
+      overlay,
+      block,
+      indexInBlock,
+      txHash,
+      memberId,
+      decodedMessage.editComment
+    )
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.deleteComment) {
+    return processDeleteCommentMessage(overlay, memberId, decodedMessage.deleteComment)
+  }
+  if (decodedMessage.createVideoCategory) {
+    return processCreateVideoCategoryMessage(
+      overlay,
+      block,
+      indexInBlock,
+      decodedMessage.createVideoCategory
+    )
+  }
+  // unknown message type
+  return metaprotocolTransactionFailure(MemberRemarked, 'Unsupported remark action', {
+    decodedMessage,
+  })

+ 513 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+import {
+  DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata,
+  DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata,
+  StorageBucketOperatorMetadata,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import {
+  DistributionBucket,
+  DistributionBucketFamily,
+  DistributionBucketOperator,
+  DistributionBucketOperatorStatus,
+  StorageBag,
+  StorageBucket,
+  StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive,
+  StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited,
+  StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing,
+  StorageBucketOperatorMetadata as StorageBucketOperatorMetadataEntity,
+  DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata as DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataEntity,
+  StorageBucketBag,
+  DistributionBucketBag,
+  StorageDataObject,
+} from '../../model'
+import { EventHandlerContext } from '../../utils/events'
+import { deserializeMetadata, toAddress } from '../utils'
+import {
+  createDataObjects,
+  deleteDataObjects,
+  deleteDataObjectsByIds,
+  distributionBucketBagData,
+  distributionBucketId,
+  distributionOperatorId,
+  getDynamicBagId,
+  getDynamicBagOwner,
+  getOrCreateBag,
+  removeDistributionBucketOperator,
+  storageBucketBagData,
+} from './utils'
+import {
+  processDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata,
+  processDistributionOperatorMetadata,
+  processStorageOperatorMetadata,
+} from './metadata'
+export async function processStorageBucketCreatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [
+      bucketId,
+      invitedWorkerId,
+      acceptingNewBags,
+      dataObjectsSizeLimit,
+      dataObjectCountLimit,
+    ],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketCreated'>) {
+  const storageBucket = overlay.getRepository(StorageBucket).new({
+    id: bucketId.toString(),
+    acceptingNewBags,
+    dataObjectCountLimit,
+    dataObjectsSizeLimit,
+    dataObjectsCount: 0n,
+    dataObjectsSize: 0n,
+  })
+  if (invitedWorkerId !== undefined) {
+    storageBucket.operatorStatus = new StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited({
+      workerId: Number(invitedWorkerId),
+    })
+  } else {
+    storageBucket.operatorStatus = new StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing()
+  }
+export async function processStorageOperatorMetadataSetEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, , metadataBytes],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageOperatorMetadataSet'>): Promise<void> {
+  const metadataUpdate = deserializeMetadata(StorageBucketOperatorMetadata, metadataBytes)
+  if (metadataUpdate) {
+    await processStorageOperatorMetadata(overlay, bucketId.toString(), metadataUpdate)
+  }
+export async function processStorageBucketStatusUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, acceptingNewBags],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketStatusUpdated'>): Promise<void> {
+  const storageBucket = await overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageBucket)
+    .getByIdOrFail(bucketId.toString())
+  storageBucket.acceptingNewBags = acceptingNewBags
+export async function processStorageBucketInvitationAcceptedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, workerId, transactorAccountId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketInvitationAccepted'>): Promise<void> {
+  const storageBucket = await overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageBucket)
+    .getByIdOrFail(bucketId.toString())
+  storageBucket.operatorStatus = new StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive({
+    workerId: Number(workerId),
+    transactorAccountId: toAddress(transactorAccountId),
+  })
+export async function processStorageBucketInvitationCancelledEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: { asV1000: bucketId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketInvitationCancelled'>): Promise<void> {
+  // Metadata should not exist, because the operator wasn't active
+  const storageBucket = await overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageBucket)
+    .getByIdOrFail(bucketId.toString())
+  storageBucket.operatorStatus = new StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing()
+export async function processStorageBucketOperatorInvitedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, workerId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketOperatorInvited'>): Promise<void> {
+  const storageBucket = await overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageBucket)
+    .getByIdOrFail(bucketId.toString())
+  storageBucket.operatorStatus = new StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited({
+    workerId: Number(workerId),
+  })
+export async function processStorageBucketOperatorRemovedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: { asV1000: bucketId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketOperatorRemoved'>): Promise<void> {
+  const storageBucket = await overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageBucket)
+    .getByIdOrFail(bucketId.toString())
+  storageBucket.operatorStatus = new StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing()
+  overlay.getRepository(StorageBucketOperatorMetadataEntity).remove(storageBucket.id)
+export async function processStorageBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bagId, addedBuckets, removedBuckets],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketsUpdatedForBag'>): Promise<void> {
+  await getOrCreateBag(overlay, bagId)
+  overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageBucketBag)
+    .remove(...removedBuckets.map((bucketId) => storageBucketBagData(bucketId, bagId)))
+  addedBuckets.forEach((bucketId) =>
+    overlay.getRepository(StorageBucketBag).new(storageBucketBagData(bucketId, bagId))
+  )
+export async function processVoucherChangedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, voucher],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.VoucherChanged'>): Promise<void> {
+  const bucket = await overlay.getRepository(StorageBucket).getByIdOrFail(bucketId.toString())
+  bucket.dataObjectCountLimit = voucher.objectsLimit
+  bucket.dataObjectsSizeLimit = voucher.sizeLimit
+  bucket.dataObjectsCount = voucher.objectsUsed
+  bucket.dataObjectsSize = voucher.sizeUsed
+export async function processStorageBucketVoucherLimitsSetEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, sizeLimit, countLimit],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketVoucherLimitsSet'>): Promise<void> {
+  const bucket = await overlay.getRepository(StorageBucket).getByIdOrFail(bucketId.toString())
+  bucket.dataObjectsSizeLimit = sizeLimit
+  bucket.dataObjectCountLimit = countLimit
+export async function processStorageBucketDeletedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: { asV1000: bucketId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.StorageBucketDeleted'>): Promise<void> {
+  // There should be already no bags assigned - enforced by the runtime
+  overlay.getRepository(StorageBucketOperatorMetadataEntity).remove(bucketId.toString())
+  overlay.getRepository(StorageBucket).remove(bucketId.toString())
+export async function processDynamicBagCreatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [
+      {
+        bagId,
+        storageBuckets,
+        distributionBuckets,
+        objectCreationList,
+        expectedDataObjectStateBloatBond,
+      },
+      objectIds,
+    ],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DynamicBagCreated'>) {
+  const bag = overlay.getRepository(StorageBag).new({
+    id: getDynamicBagId(bagId),
+    owner: getDynamicBagOwner(bagId),
+  })
+  storageBuckets.map((id) =>
+    overlay.getRepository(StorageBucketBag).new(storageBucketBagData(id, bag.id))
+  )
+  distributionBuckets.map((id) =>
+    overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketBag).new(distributionBucketBagData(id, bag.id))
+  )
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  createDataObjects(
+    dataObjectRepository,
+    block,
+    bag.id,
+    objectCreationList,
+    expectedDataObjectStateBloatBond,
+    objectIds
+  )
+export async function processDynamicBagDeletedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: { asV1000: bagId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DynamicBagDeleted'>): Promise<void> {
+  const dynBagId = getDynamicBagId(bagId)
+  const bagStorageBucketRelations = await overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageBucketBag)
+    .getManyByRelation('bagId', dynBagId)
+  const bagDistributionBucketRelations = await overlay
+    .getRepository(DistributionBucketBag)
+    .getManyByRelation('bagId', dynBagId)
+  const objects = await overlay
+    .getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+    .getManyByRelation('storageBagId', dynBagId)
+  overlay.getRepository(StorageBucketBag).remove(...bagStorageBucketRelations)
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketBag).remove(...bagDistributionBucketRelations)
+  await deleteDataObjects(overlay, objects)
+  overlay.getRepository(StorageBag).remove(dynBagId)
+export async function processDataObjectsUploadedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [objectIds, { bagId, objectCreationList }, stateBloatBond],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DataObjectsUploaded'>) {
+  const bag = await getOrCreateBag(overlay, bagId)
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  createDataObjects(
+    dataObjectRepository,
+    block,
+    bag.id,
+    objectCreationList,
+    stateBloatBond,
+    objectIds
+  )
+export async function processDataObjectsUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  block,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [
+      { bagId, objectCreationList, expectedDataObjectStateBloatBond: stateBloatBond },
+      uploadedObjectIds,
+      objectsToRemoveIds,
+    ],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DataObjectsUpdated'>): Promise<void> {
+  const bag = await getOrCreateBag(overlay, bagId)
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  createDataObjects(
+    dataObjectRepository,
+    block,
+    bag.id,
+    objectCreationList,
+    stateBloatBond,
+    uploadedObjectIds
+  )
+  await deleteDataObjectsByIds(overlay, objectsToRemoveIds)
+export async function processPendingDataObjectsAcceptedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, , , dataObjectIds],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.PendingDataObjectsAccepted'>): Promise<void> {
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  const objects = await Promise.all(
+    dataObjectIds.map((id) => dataObjectRepository.getByIdOrFail(id.toString()))
+  )
+  objects.forEach((o) => (o.isAccepted = true))
+export async function processDataObjectsMovedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, destBagId, dataObjectIds],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DataObjectsMoved'>): Promise<void> {
+  const destBag = await getOrCreateBag(overlay, destBagId)
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  const dataObjects = await Promise.all(
+    dataObjectIds.map((id) => dataObjectRepository.getByIdOrFail(id.toString()))
+  )
+  dataObjects.forEach((o) => {
+    o.storageBagId = destBag.id
+  })
+export async function processDataObjectsDeletedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [, , dataObjectIds],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DataObjectsDeleted'>): Promise<void> {
+  await deleteDataObjectsByIds(overlay, dataObjectIds)
+export async function processDistributionBucketFamilyCreatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: { asV1000: familyId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyCreated'>): Promise<void> {
+  const familyRepository = overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketFamily)
+  familyRepository.new({ id: familyId.toString() })
+export async function processDistributionBucketFamilyMetadataSetEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [familyId, metadataBytes],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataSet'>): Promise<void> {
+  const metadataUpdate = deserializeMetadata(DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata, metadataBytes)
+  if (metadataUpdate) {
+    await processDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata(overlay, familyId.toString(), metadataUpdate)
+  }
+export async function processDistributionBucketFamilyDeletedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: { asV1000: familyId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyDeleted'>): Promise<void> {
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataEntity).remove(familyId.toString())
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketFamily).remove(familyId.toString())
+export async function processDistributionBucketCreatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [familyId, acceptingNewBags, bucketId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketCreated'>): Promise<void> {
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucket).new({
+    id: distributionBucketId(bucketId),
+    bucketIndex: Number(bucketId.distributionBucketIndex),
+    acceptingNewBags,
+    distributing: true, // Runtime default
+    familyId: familyId.toString(),
+  })
+export async function processDistributionBucketStatusUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, acceptingNewBags],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketStatusUpdated'>): Promise<void> {
+  const bucket = await overlay
+    .getRepository(DistributionBucket)
+    .getByIdOrFail(distributionBucketId(bucketId))
+  bucket.acceptingNewBags = acceptingNewBags
+export async function processDistributionBucketDeletedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: { asV1000: bucketId },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketDeleted'>): Promise<void> {
+  // Operators and bags need to be empty (enforced by runtime)
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucket).remove(distributionBucketId(bucketId))
+export async function processDistributionBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bagId, familyId, addedBucketsIndices, removedBucketsIndices],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketsUpdatedForBag'>): Promise<void> {
+  await getOrCreateBag(overlay, bagId)
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketBag).remove(
+    ...removedBucketsIndices.map((index) =>
+      distributionBucketBagData(
+        {
+          distributionBucketFamilyId: familyId,
+          distributionBucketIndex: index,
+        },
+        bagId
+      )
+    )
+  )
+  addedBucketsIndices.forEach((index) =>
+    overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketBag).new(
+      distributionBucketBagData(
+        {
+          distributionBucketFamilyId: familyId,
+          distributionBucketIndex: index,
+        },
+        bagId
+      )
+    )
+  )
+export async function processDistributionBucketModeUpdatedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, distributing],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketModeUpdated'>): Promise<void> {
+  const bucket = await overlay
+    .getRepository(DistributionBucket)
+    .getByIdOrFail(distributionBucketId(bucketId))
+  bucket.distributing = distributing
+export function processDistributionBucketOperatorInvitedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, workerId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketOperatorInvited'>): void {
+  const operatorRepository = overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketOperator)
+  operatorRepository.new({
+    id: distributionOperatorId(bucketId, workerId),
+    distributionBucketId: distributionBucketId(bucketId),
+    status: DistributionBucketOperatorStatus.INVITED,
+    workerId: Number(workerId),
+  })
+export async function processDistributionBucketInvitationCancelledEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, workerId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketInvitationCancelled'>): Promise<void> {
+  // Metadata should not exist, because the operator wasn't active
+  overlay
+    .getRepository(DistributionBucketOperator)
+    .remove(distributionOperatorId(bucketId, workerId))
+export async function processDistributionBucketInvitationAcceptedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [workerId, bucketId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketInvitationAccepted'>): Promise<void> {
+  const operator = await overlay
+    .getRepository(DistributionBucketOperator)
+    .getByIdOrFail(distributionOperatorId(bucketId, workerId))
+  operator.status = DistributionBucketOperatorStatus.ACTIVE
+export async function processDistributionBucketMetadataSetEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [workerId, bucketId, metadataBytes],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketMetadataSet'>): Promise<void> {
+  const metadataUpdate = deserializeMetadata(DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata, metadataBytes)
+  if (metadataUpdate) {
+    await processDistributionOperatorMetadata(
+      overlay,
+      distributionOperatorId(bucketId, workerId),
+      metadataUpdate
+    )
+  }
+export async function processDistributionBucketOperatorRemovedEvent({
+  overlay,
+  event: {
+    asV1000: [bucketId, workerId],
+  },
+}: EventHandlerContext<'Storage.DistributionBucketOperatorRemoved'>): Promise<void> {
+  await removeDistributionBucketOperator(overlay, distributionOperatorId(bucketId, workerId))

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+import {
+  GeographicalArea as GeographicalAreaProto,
+  IDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata,
+  IDistributionBucketOperatorMetadata,
+  IGeographicalArea,
+  INodeLocationMetadata,
+  IStorageBucketOperatorMetadata,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import {
+  isEmptyObject,
+  isSet,
+  isValidCountryCode,
+  isValidSubdivisionCode,
+} from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import {
+  StorageBucketOperatorMetadata,
+  NodeLocationMetadata,
+  GeoCoordinates,
+  DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata,
+  GeographicalAreaContinent,
+  Continent,
+  GeographicalAreaCountry,
+  GeographicalAreaSubdivistion,
+  DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata,
+  GeographicalArea,
+} from '../../model'
+import { invalidMetadata } from '../utils'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay, Flat } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import { Logger } from '../../logger'
+import _ from 'lodash'
+export const protobufContinentToGraphlContinent: {
+  [key in GeographicalAreaProto.Continent]: Continent
+} = {
+  [GeographicalAreaProto.Continent.AF]: Continent.AF,
+  [GeographicalAreaProto.Continent.AN]: Continent.AN,
+  [GeographicalAreaProto.Continent.AS]: Continent.AS,
+  [GeographicalAreaProto.Continent.EU]: Continent.EU,
+  [GeographicalAreaProto.Continent.NA]: Continent.NA,
+  [GeographicalAreaProto.Continent.OC]: Continent.OC,
+  [GeographicalAreaProto.Continent.SA]: Continent.SA,
+export async function processStorageOperatorMetadata(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  bucketId: string,
+  metadataUpdate: DecodedMetadataObject<IStorageBucketOperatorMetadata>
+) {
+  const metadataRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageBucketOperatorMetadata)
+  const operatorMetadata =
+    (await metadataRepository.getById(bucketId)) ||
+    metadataRepository.new({
+      id: bucketId,
+      storageBucketId: bucketId,
+    })
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.endpoint)) {
+    operatorMetadata.nodeEndpoint = metadataUpdate.endpoint || null
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.location)) {
+    processNodeLocationMetadata(operatorMetadata, metadataUpdate.location)
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.extra)) {
+    operatorMetadata.extra = metadataUpdate.extra || null
+  }
+function processNodeLocationMetadata(
+  parent: Flat<StorageBucketOperatorMetadata> | Flat<DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata>,
+  metadataUpdate: DecodedMetadataObject<INodeLocationMetadata>
+) {
+  if (isEmptyObject(metadataUpdate)) {
+    parent.nodeLocation = null
+    return
+  }
+  const nodeLocationMetadata = parent.nodeLocation || new NodeLocationMetadata()
+  parent.nodeLocation = nodeLocationMetadata
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.city)) {
+    nodeLocationMetadata.city = metadataUpdate.city
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.coordinates)) {
+    if (isEmptyObject(metadataUpdate.coordinates)) {
+      nodeLocationMetadata.coordinates = null
+    } else {
+      if (!nodeLocationMetadata.coordinates) {
+        nodeLocationMetadata.coordinates = new GeoCoordinates()
+      }
+      if (isSet(metadataUpdate.coordinates.latitude)) {
+        nodeLocationMetadata.coordinates.latitude = metadataUpdate.coordinates.latitude
+      }
+      if (isSet(metadataUpdate.coordinates.longitude)) {
+        nodeLocationMetadata.coordinates.longitude = metadataUpdate.coordinates.longitude
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.countryCode)) {
+    if (isValidCountryCode(metadataUpdate.countryCode)) {
+      nodeLocationMetadata.countryCode = metadataUpdate.countryCode
+    } else {
+      Logger.get().warn(`Invalid country code: ${metadataUpdate.countryCode}`)
+      nodeLocationMetadata.countryCode = null
+    }
+  }
+export async function processDistributionOperatorMetadata(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  operatorId: string,
+  metadataUpdate: DecodedMetadataObject<IDistributionBucketOperatorMetadata>
+): Promise<void> {
+  const metadataRepository = overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata)
+  const operatorMetadata =
+    (await metadataRepository.getById(operatorId)) ||
+    metadataRepository.new({
+      id: operatorId,
+      distirbutionBucketOperatorId: operatorId,
+    })
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.endpoint)) {
+    operatorMetadata.nodeEndpoint = metadataUpdate.endpoint || null
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.location)) {
+    processNodeLocationMetadata(operatorMetadata, metadataUpdate.location)
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.extra)) {
+    operatorMetadata.extra = metadataUpdate.extra || null
+  }
+export async function processDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  familyId: string,
+  metadataUpdate: DecodedMetadataObject<IDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata>
+): Promise<void> {
+  const metadataRepository = overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata)
+  const familyMetadata =
+    (await metadataRepository.getById(familyId)) ||
+    metadataRepository.new({ id: familyId, familyId })
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.region)) {
+    familyMetadata.region = metadataUpdate.region || null
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.description)) {
+    familyMetadata.description = metadataUpdate.description || null
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.latencyTestTargets)) {
+    familyMetadata.latencyTestTargets = metadataUpdate.latencyTestTargets.filter((t) => t)
+  }
+  if (isSet(metadataUpdate.areas)) {
+    // Set new areas
+    familyMetadata.areas = _.chain(metadataUpdate.areas)
+      .filter((a) => !isEmptyObject(a))
+      .uniqWith(_.isEqual)
+      .flatMap((a: DecodedMetadataObject<IGeographicalArea>): Array<GeographicalArea> => {
+        if (a.continent) {
+          const continentCode = protobufContinentToGraphlContinent[a.continent]
+          if (!continentCode) {
+            invalidMetadata(
+              GeographicalAreaProto,
+              `Unrecognized continent enum variant: ${a.continent}`,
+              { decodedMessage: a }
+            )
+            return []
+          }
+          return [
+            new GeographicalAreaContinent({
+              continentCode,
+            }),
+          ]
+        }
+        if (a.countryCode) {
+          if (!isValidCountryCode(a.countryCode)) {
+            invalidMetadata(GeographicalAreaProto, `Invalid country code: ${a.countryCode}`, {
+              decodedMessage: a,
+            })
+            return []
+          }
+          return [
+            new GeographicalAreaCountry({
+              countryCode: a.countryCode,
+            }),
+          ]
+        }
+        if (a.subdivisionCode) {
+          if (!isValidSubdivisionCode(a.subdivisionCode)) {
+            invalidMetadata(
+              GeographicalAreaProto,
+              `Invalid subdivision code: ${a.subdivisionCode}`,
+              {
+                decodedMessage: a,
+              }
+            )
+            return []
+          }
+          return [new GeographicalAreaSubdivistion({ subdivisionCode: a.subdivisionCode })]
+        }
+        return []
+      })
+      .value()
+  }

+ 212 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+import { SubstrateBlock } from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+import {
+  StorageBag,
+  StorageBagOwner,
+  StorageBagOwnerChannel,
+  StorageBagOwnerMember,
+  StorageDataObject,
+  DistributionBucketOperator,
+  StorageBagOwnerCouncil,
+  StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroup,
+  Channel,
+  Video,
+  VideoSubtitle,
+  DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata,
+} from '../../model'
+import {
+  BagIdType,
+  DataObjectCreationParameters,
+  DistributionBucketIdRecord,
+  DynamicBagIdType,
+  StaticBagId,
+} from '../../types/v1000'
+import { bytesToString } from '../utils'
+import { criticalError } from '../../utils/misc'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay, Flat, RepositoryOverlay } from '../../utils/overlay'
+import { ASSETS_MAP } from '../content/utils'
+export function getDynamicBagId(bagId: DynamicBagIdType): string {
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'Channel') {
+    return `dynamic:channel:${bagId.value.toString()}`
+  }
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'Member') {
+    return `dynamic:member:${bagId.value.toString()}`
+  }
+  criticalError(`Unexpected dynamic bag type`, { bagId })
+export function getStaticBagId(bagId: StaticBagId): string {
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'Council') {
+    return `static:council`
+  }
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'WorkingGroup') {
+    return `static:wg:${bagId.value.__kind.toLowerCase()}`
+  }
+  criticalError(`Unexpected static bag type`, { bagId })
+export function getBagId(bagId: BagIdType): string {
+  return bagId.__kind === 'Static' ? getStaticBagId(bagId.value) : getDynamicBagId(bagId.value)
+export function getDynamicBagOwner(bagId: DynamicBagIdType): StorageBagOwner {
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'Channel') {
+    return new StorageBagOwnerChannel({ channelId: bagId.value.toString() })
+  }
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'Member') {
+    return new StorageBagOwnerMember({ memberId: bagId.value.toString() })
+  }
+  criticalError(`Unexpected dynamic bag type`, { bagId })
+export function getStaticBagOwner(bagId: StaticBagId): StorageBagOwner {
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'Council') {
+    return new StorageBagOwnerCouncil()
+  } else if (bagId.__kind === 'WorkingGroup') {
+    return new StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroup({ workingGroupId: bagId.value.__kind.toLowerCase() })
+  }
+  criticalError(`Unexpected static bag type`, { bagId })
+export function distributionBucketId({
+  distributionBucketFamilyId: familyId,
+  distributionBucketIndex: bucketIndex,
+}: DistributionBucketIdRecord): string {
+  return `${familyId.toString()}:${bucketIndex.toString()}`
+export function distributionOperatorId(
+  bucketId: DistributionBucketIdRecord,
+  workerId: bigint
+): string {
+  return `${distributionBucketId(bucketId)}-${workerId.toString()}`
+export function storageBucketBagData(
+  bucketId: bigint | string,
+  bagId: BagIdType | string
+): { id: string; storageBucketId: string; bagId: string } {
+  bagId = typeof bagId === 'string' ? bagId : getBagId(bagId)
+  return {
+    id: `${bucketId.toString()}-${bagId}`,
+    storageBucketId: bucketId.toString(),
+    bagId,
+  }
+export function distributionBucketBagData(
+  bucketId: DistributionBucketIdRecord | string,
+  bagId: BagIdType | string
+): { id: string; distributionBucketId: string; bagId: string } {
+  bucketId = typeof bucketId === 'string' ? bucketId : distributionBucketId(bucketId)
+  bagId = typeof bagId === 'string' ? bagId : getBagId(bagId)
+  return {
+    id: `${bucketId}-${bagId}`,
+    distributionBucketId: bucketId,
+    bagId,
+  }
+export function createDataObjects(
+  dataObjectRepository: RepositoryOverlay<StorageDataObject>,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  storageBagId: string,
+  objectCreationList: DataObjectCreationParameters[],
+  stateBloatBond: bigint,
+  objectIds: bigint[]
+): Flat<StorageDataObject>[] {
+  const dataObjects = objectCreationList.map((objectParams, i) => {
+    const objectId = objectIds[i]
+    const object = dataObjectRepository.new({
+      id: objectId.toString(),
+      createdAt: new Date(block.timestamp),
+      isAccepted: false,
+      ipfsHash: bytesToString(objectParams.ipfsContentId),
+      size: objectParams.size,
+      stateBloatBond,
+      storageBagId,
+      // Note: It may be a little confusing to populate this with objectId,
+      // but this is required for the Orion's GraphQL server to be able to resolve
+      // this field to an actual asset url via the AssetsResolver
+      resolvedUrls: [objectId.toString()],
+    })
+    return object
+  })
+  return dataObjects
+export async function unsetAssetRelations(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  dataObject: Flat<StorageDataObject>
+): Promise<void> {
+  for (const { DataObjectTypeConstructor, entityProperty } of Object.values(ASSETS_MAP.channel)) {
+    if (dataObject.type instanceof DataObjectTypeConstructor) {
+      const channel = await overlay.getRepository(Channel).getByIdOrFail(dataObject.type.channel)
+      channel[entityProperty] = null
+    }
+  }
+  for (const { DataObjectTypeConstructor, entityProperty } of Object.values(ASSETS_MAP.video)) {
+    if (dataObject.type instanceof DataObjectTypeConstructor) {
+      const video = await overlay.getRepository(Video).getByIdOrFail(dataObject.type.video)
+      video[entityProperty] = null
+    }
+  }
+  for (const { DataObjectTypeConstructor, entityProperty } of Object.values(ASSETS_MAP.subtitle)) {
+    if (dataObject.type instanceof DataObjectTypeConstructor) {
+      const subtitle = await overlay
+        .getRepository(VideoSubtitle)
+        .getByIdOrFail(dataObject.type.subtitle)
+      subtitle[entityProperty] = null
+    }
+  }
+export async function removeDistributionBucketOperator(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  operatorId: string
+) {
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketOperator).remove(operatorId)
+  overlay.getRepository(DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata).remove(operatorId)
+export async function getOrCreateBag(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  bagId: BagIdType
+): Promise<Flat<StorageBag>> {
+  const bagRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageBag)
+  const bag = await bagRepository.getById(getBagId(bagId))
+  if (bag) {
+    return bag
+  }
+  if (bagId.__kind === 'Dynamic') {
+    criticalError(`Missing dynamic bag`, { id: bagId.value })
+  }
+  const newBag = bagRepository.new({
+    id: getBagId(bagId),
+    owner: getStaticBagOwner(bagId.value),
+  })
+  return newBag
+export async function deleteDataObjects(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  objects: Flat<StorageDataObject>[]
+) {
+  overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject).remove(...objects)
+  await Promise.all(objects.map((o) => unsetAssetRelations(overlay, o)))
+export async function deleteDataObjectsByIds(overlay: EntityManagerOverlay, ids: bigint[]) {
+  const dataObjectRepository = overlay.getRepository(StorageDataObject)
+  const objects = await Promise.all(
+    ids.map((id) => dataObjectRepository.getByIdOrFail(id.toString()))
+  )
+  await deleteDataObjects(overlay, objects)

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import { metaToObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/utils'
+import { AnyMetadataClass, DecodedMetadataObject } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf/types'
+import { Logger } from '../logger'
+import { SubstrateBlock } from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+import {
+  Event,
+  MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed,
+  NftActivity,
+  NftHistoryEntry,
+  Notification,
+} from '../model'
+import { encodeAddress } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay } from '../utils/overlay'
+import { Bytes } from '@polkadot/types/primitive'
+import { createType } from '@joystream/types'
+import { u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util'
+import { CommentCountersManager } from '../utils/CommentsCountersManager'
+export const commentCountersManager = new CommentCountersManager()
+export const JOYSTREAM_SS58_PREFIX = 126
+export function bytesToString(b: Uint8Array): string {
+  return Buffer.from(b).toString()
+export function deserializeMetadata<T>(
+  metadataType: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  metadataBytes: Uint8Array,
+  opts = {
+    skipWarning: false,
+  }
+): DecodedMetadataObject<T> | null {
+  Logger.get().debug(
+    `Trying to deserialize ${Buffer.from(metadataBytes).toString('hex')} as ${metadataType.name}...`
+  )
+  try {
+    const message = metadataType.decode(metadataBytes)
+    return metaToObject(metadataType, message)
+  } catch (e) {
+    if (!opts.skipWarning) {
+      invalidMetadata(metadataType, 'Could not decode the input ', {
+        encodedMessage: Buffer.from(metadataBytes).toString('hex'),
+      })
+    }
+    return null
+  }
+export type InvalidMetadataExtra<T> = {
+  encodedMessage?: string
+  decodedMessage?: DecodedMetadataObject<T>
+  [K: string]: unknown
+export function invalidMetadata<T>(
+  type: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  message: string,
+  data?: InvalidMetadataExtra<T>
+): void {
+  Logger.get().warn(`Invalid metadata (${type.name}): ${message}`, { ...data, type })
+export function genericEventFields(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  txHash?: string
+): Partial<Event> {
+  return {
+    id: overlay.getRepository(Event).getNewEntityId(),
+    inBlock: block.height,
+    indexInBlock,
+    timestamp: new Date(block.timestamp),
+    inExtrinsic: txHash,
+  }
+export function addNotification(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  memberIds: (string | undefined | null)[],
+  eventId: string
+) {
+  const repository = overlay.getRepository(Notification)
+  for (const memberId of memberIds.filter((m) => m)) {
+    repository.new({ id: repository.getNewEntityId(), memberId, eventId })
+  }
+export function addNftHistoryEntry(overlay: EntityManagerOverlay, nftId: string, eventId: string) {
+  const repository = overlay.getRepository(NftHistoryEntry)
+  repository.new({
+    id: repository.getNewEntityId(),
+    nftId,
+    eventId,
+  })
+export function addNftActivity(
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay,
+  memberIds: (string | null | undefined)[],
+  eventId: string
+) {
+  const repository = overlay.getRepository(NftActivity)
+  for (const memberId of memberIds.filter((m) => m)) {
+    repository.new({
+      id: repository.getNewEntityId(),
+      memberId,
+      eventId,
+    })
+  }
+export function toAddress(addressBytes: Uint8Array) {
+  return encodeAddress(addressBytes, JOYSTREAM_SS58_PREFIX)
+export function metaprotocolTransactionFailure<T>(
+  metaClass: AnyMetadataClass<T>,
+  message: string,
+  data?: InvalidMetadataExtra<T>
+): MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed {
+  invalidMetadata(metaClass, message, data)
+  return new MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed({
+    errorMessage: message,
+  })
+export function backwardCompatibleMetaID(block: SubstrateBlock, indexInBlock: number) {
+  return `METAPROTOCOL-OLYMPIA-${block.height}-${indexInBlock}`
+export function u8aToBytes(array?: Uint8Array | null): Bytes {
+  return createType('Bytes', array ? u8aToHex(array) : '')

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { Entity, Column, PrimaryColumn } from 'typeorm'
+export class GatewayConfig {
+  constructor(props?: Partial<GatewayConfig>) {
+    Object.assign(this, props)
+  }
+  /**
+   * ID/name of the configuration flag
+   */
+  @PrimaryColumn()
+  id!: string
+  /**
+   * Value of the configuration flag
+   */
+  @Column('text', { nullable: false })
+  value!: string
+  /**
+   * Last time the value was updated
+   */
+  @Column('timestamp with time zone', { nullable: false })
+  updatedAt!: Date

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Entity, Column, PrimaryColumn } from 'typeorm'
+export class NextEntityId {
+  constructor(props?: Partial<NextEntityId>) {
+    Object.assign(this, props)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Name of the entity model
+   */
+  @PrimaryColumn()
+  entityName!: string
+  /**
+   * Next id of the entity
+   */
+  @Column('int8', { nullable: false })
+  nextId!: number

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export * from './generated'
+export { NextEntityId } from './NextEntityId'
+export { GatewayConfig } from './GatewayConfig'

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import { DocumentType, getModelForClass, prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose'
-import { ArgsType, ObjectType, Field } from 'type-graphql'
-export class Admin {
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  @Field()
-  isKilled: boolean
-export class GeneratedSignature {
-  @Field({ description: 'App signature converted to hexadecimal string.' })
-  signature: string
-export const AdminModel = getModelForClass(Admin, { schemaOptions: { collection: 'admin' } })
-export const getAdminDoc = async (): Promise<DocumentType<Admin>> => {
-  const document = await AdminModel.findOne()
-  if (!document) {
-    return await AdminModel.create({ isKilled: false })
-  }
-  return document

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { getModelForClass, prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose'
-export enum ChannelEventType {
-  FollowChannel = 'FOLLOW_CHANNEL',
-  UnfollowChannel = 'UNFOLLOW_CHANNEL',
-export class ChannelEvent {
-  @prop({ required: true, index: true })
-  channelId: string
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  timestamp: Date
-  @prop({ required: false, index: true })
-  actorId?: string
-  @prop({ required: true, index: true, enum: ChannelEventType })
-  type: ChannelEventType
-export const ChannelEventModel = getModelForClass(ChannelEvent, {
-  schemaOptions: { collection: 'channelEvents' },
-export const saveChannelEvent = (event: ChannelEvent) => {
-  return ChannelEventModel.create(event)

+ 0 - 64

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import { DocumentType, getModelForClass, prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose'
-import { ArgsType, Field, ID, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'
-import { WhatIsIt } from '@typegoose/typegoose/lib/internal/constants'
-export class VideoHero {
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  videoId!: string
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  @Field()
-  heroTitle!: string
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  @Field()
-  heroVideoCutUrl!: string
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  @Field()
-  heroPosterUrl!: string
-export class FeaturedVideo {
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  @Field(() => ID)
-  videoId!: string
-  @prop()
-  @Field({ nullable: true })
-  videoCutUrl?: string
-export class FeaturedContent {
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  videoHero!: VideoHero
-  @prop({ required: true, type: () => [FeaturedVideo], _id: false }, WhatIsIt.MAP)
-  featuredVideosPerCategory!: Map<string, FeaturedVideo[]>
-export const FeaturedContentModel = getModelForClass(FeaturedContent, {
-  schemaOptions: { collection: 'featuredContent' },
-export const DEFAULT_FEATURED_CONTENT_DOC: FeaturedContent = {
-  videoHero: {
-    videoId: '0',
-    heroTitle: 'Change Me',
-    heroVideoCutUrl: 'https://google.com',
-    heroPosterUrl: 'https://google.com',
-  },
-  featuredVideosPerCategory: new Map<string, FeaturedVideo[]>(),
-export const getFeaturedContentDoc = async (): Promise<DocumentType<FeaturedContent>> => {
-  const document = await FeaturedContentModel.findOne()
-  if (!document) {
-    return await FeaturedContentModel.create(DEFAULT_FEATURED_CONTENT_DOC)
-  }
-  return document

+ 0 - 36

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import { getModelForClass, prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose'
-export class ReportedEntity {
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  reporterIp: string
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  timestamp: Date
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  rationale: string
-export class ReportedVideo extends ReportedEntity {
-  @prop({ required: true, index: true })
-  videoId: string
-export const ReportedVideoModel = getModelForClass(ReportedVideo, { schemaOptions: { collection: 'reportedVideos' } })
-export const saveReportedVideo = (reportedVideo: ReportedVideo) => {
-  return ReportedVideoModel.create(reportedVideo)
-export class ReportedChannel extends ReportedEntity {
-  @prop({ required: true, index: true })
-  channelId: string
-export const ReportedChannelModel = getModelForClass(ReportedChannel, {
-  schemaOptions: { collection: 'reportedChannels' },
-export const saveReportedChannel = (reportedChannel: ReportedChannel) => {
-  return ReportedChannelModel.create(reportedChannel)

+ 0 - 31

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import { getModelForClass, prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose'
-export enum VideoEventType {
-  AddView = 'ADD_VIEW',
-export class VideoEvent {
-  @prop({ required: true, index: true })
-  videoId: string
-  @prop({ required: true, index: true })
-  channelId: string
-  @prop({ required: false, index: true })
-  categoryId?: string
-  @prop({ required: true })
-  timestamp: Date
-  @prop({ required: false, index: true })
-  actorId?: string
-  @prop({ required: true, index: true, enum: VideoEventType })
-  type: VideoEventType
-export const VideoEventModel = getModelForClass(VideoEvent, { schemaOptions: { collection: 'videoEvents' } })
-export const saveVideoEvent = (event: VideoEvent) => {
-  return VideoEventModel.create(event)

+ 302 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+import {
+  BatchContext,
+  BatchProcessorItem,
+  SubstrateBatchProcessor,
+  SubstrateBlock,
+} from '@subsquid/substrate-processor'
+import { Store, TypeormDatabase } from '@subsquid/typeorm-store'
+import { Logger } from './logger'
+import {
+  processStorageBucketCreatedEvent,
+  processStorageBucketInvitationAcceptedEvent,
+  processStorageBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent,
+  processStorageOperatorMetadataSetEvent,
+  processStorageBucketVoucherLimitsSetEvent,
+  processPendingDataObjectsAcceptedEvent,
+  processStorageBucketInvitationCancelledEvent,
+  processStorageBucketOperatorInvitedEvent,
+  processStorageBucketOperatorRemovedEvent,
+  processStorageBucketStatusUpdatedEvent,
+  processStorageBucketDeletedEvent,
+  processVoucherChangedEvent,
+  processDynamicBagCreatedEvent,
+  processDynamicBagDeletedEvent,
+  processDataObjectsUploadedEvent,
+  processDataObjectsUpdatedEvent,
+  processDataObjectsMovedEvent,
+  processDataObjectsDeletedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketCreatedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketStatusUpdatedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketDeletedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketModeUpdatedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketOperatorInvitedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketInvitationCancelledEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketInvitationAcceptedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketMetadataSetEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketOperatorRemovedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketFamilyCreatedEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketFamilyMetadataSetEvent,
+  processDistributionBucketFamilyDeletedEvent,
+} from './mappings/storage'
+import {
+  processChannelCreatedEvent,
+  processChannelUpdatedEvent,
+  processChannelDeletedEvent,
+  processChannelDeletedByModeratorEvent,
+  processChannelVisibilitySetByModeratorEvent,
+  processChannelOwnerRemarkedEvent,
+  processChannelAgentRemarkedEvent,
+} from './mappings/content/channel'
+import {
+  processVideoCreatedEvent,
+  processVideoUpdatedEvent,
+  processVideoDeletedEvent,
+  processVideoDeletedByModeratorEvent,
+  processVideoVisibilitySetByModeratorEvent,
+} from './mappings/content/video'
+import {
+  processOpenAuctionStartedEvent,
+  processEnglishAuctionStartedEvent,
+  processNftIssuedEvent,
+  processAuctionBidMadeEvent,
+  processAuctionBidCanceledEvent,
+  processAuctionCanceledEvent,
+  processEnglishAuctionSettledEvent,
+  processBidMadeCompletingAuctionEvent,
+  processOpenAuctionBidAcceptedEvent,
+  processOfferStartedEvent,
+  processOfferAcceptedEvent,
+  processOfferCanceledEvent,
+  processNftSellOrderMadeEvent,
+  processNftBoughtEvent,
+  processBuyNowCanceledEvent,
+  processBuyNowPriceUpdatedEvent,
+  processNftSlingedBackToTheOriginalArtistEvent,
+} from './mappings/content/nft'
+import {
+  processMemberAccountsUpdatedEvent,
+  processMemberProfileUpdatedEvent,
+  processNewMember,
+  processMemberRemarkedEvent,
+} from './mappings/membership'
+import { Event } from './types/support'
+import { assertAssignable } from './utils/misc'
+import { EntityManagerOverlay } from './utils/overlay'
+import { EventNames, EventHandler, eventConstructors, EventInstance } from './utils/events'
+import { commentCountersManager } from './mappings/utils'
+import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm'
+const defaultEventOptions = {
+  data: {
+    event: {
+      args: true,
+      indexInBlock: true,
+      extrinsic: {
+        hash: true,
+      },
+    },
+  },
+} as const
+const archiveUrl = process.env.ARCHIVE_GATEWAY_URL || 'http://localhost:8888/graphql'
+const maxCachedEntities = parseInt(process.env.MAX_CACHED_ENTITIES || '1000')
+const processor = new SubstrateBatchProcessor()
+  .setDataSource({ archive: archiveUrl })
+  .addEvent('Content.VideoCreated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.VideoUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.VideoDeleted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.VideoDeletedByModerator', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.VideoVisibilitySetByModerator', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.ChannelCreated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.ChannelUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.ChannelDeleted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.ChannelDeletedByModerator', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.ChannelVisibilitySetByModerator', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.ChannelOwnerRemarked', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.ChannelAgentRemarked', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.OpenAuctionStarted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.EnglishAuctionStarted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.NftIssued', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.AuctionBidMade', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.AuctionBidCanceled', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.AuctionCanceled', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.EnglishAuctionSettled', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.BidMadeCompletingAuction', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.OpenAuctionBidAccepted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.OfferStarted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.OfferAccepted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.OfferCanceled', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.NftSellOrderMade', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.NftBought', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.BuyNowCanceled', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.BuyNowPriceUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Content.NftSlingedBackToTheOriginalArtist', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketCreated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketInvitationAccepted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketsUpdatedForBag', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageOperatorMetadataSet', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketVoucherLimitsSet', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.PendingDataObjectsAccepted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketInvitationCancelled', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketOperatorInvited', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketOperatorRemoved', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketStatusUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.StorageBucketDeleted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.VoucherChanged', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DynamicBagCreated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DynamicBagDeleted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DataObjectsUploaded', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DataObjectsUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DataObjectsMoved', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DataObjectsDeleted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketCreated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketStatusUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketDeleted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketsUpdatedForBag', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketModeUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketOperatorInvited', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketInvitationCancelled', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketInvitationAccepted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketMetadataSet', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketOperatorRemoved', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyCreated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataSet', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyDeleted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Members.MemberCreated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Members.MembershipBought', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Members.MembershipGifted', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Members.MemberInvited', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Members.MemberAccountsUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Members.MemberProfileUpdated', defaultEventOptions)
+  .addEvent('Members.MemberRemarked', defaultEventOptions)
+type Item = BatchProcessorItem<typeof processor>
+type Ctx = BatchContext<Store, Item>
+assertAssignable<{ [K in Exclude<Item['name'], '*'>]: unknown }>(eventConstructors)
+const eventHandlers: { [E in EventNames]: EventHandler<E> } = {
+  'Content.VideoCreated': processVideoCreatedEvent,
+  'Content.VideoUpdated': processVideoUpdatedEvent,
+  'Content.VideoDeleted': processVideoDeletedEvent,
+  'Content.VideoDeletedByModerator': processVideoDeletedByModeratorEvent,
+  'Content.VideoVisibilitySetByModerator': processVideoVisibilitySetByModeratorEvent,
+  'Content.ChannelCreated': processChannelCreatedEvent,
+  'Content.ChannelUpdated': processChannelUpdatedEvent,
+  'Content.ChannelDeleted': processChannelDeletedEvent,
+  'Content.ChannelDeletedByModerator': processChannelDeletedByModeratorEvent,
+  'Content.ChannelVisibilitySetByModerator': processChannelVisibilitySetByModeratorEvent,
+  'Content.ChannelOwnerRemarked': processChannelOwnerRemarkedEvent,
+  'Content.ChannelAgentRemarked': processChannelAgentRemarkedEvent,
+  'Content.OpenAuctionStarted': processOpenAuctionStartedEvent,
+  'Content.EnglishAuctionStarted': processEnglishAuctionStartedEvent,
+  'Content.NftIssued': processNftIssuedEvent,
+  'Content.AuctionBidMade': processAuctionBidMadeEvent,
+  'Content.AuctionBidCanceled': processAuctionBidCanceledEvent,
+  'Content.AuctionCanceled': processAuctionCanceledEvent,
+  'Content.EnglishAuctionSettled': processEnglishAuctionSettledEvent,
+  'Content.BidMadeCompletingAuction': processBidMadeCompletingAuctionEvent,
+  'Content.OpenAuctionBidAccepted': processOpenAuctionBidAcceptedEvent,
+  'Content.OfferStarted': processOfferStartedEvent,
+  'Content.OfferAccepted': processOfferAcceptedEvent,
+  'Content.OfferCanceled': processOfferCanceledEvent,
+  'Content.NftSellOrderMade': processNftSellOrderMadeEvent,
+  'Content.NftBought': processNftBoughtEvent,
+  'Content.BuyNowCanceled': processBuyNowCanceledEvent,
+  'Content.BuyNowPriceUpdated': processBuyNowPriceUpdatedEvent,
+  'Content.NftSlingedBackToTheOriginalArtist': processNftSlingedBackToTheOriginalArtistEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketCreated': processStorageBucketCreatedEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketInvitationAccepted': processStorageBucketInvitationAcceptedEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketsUpdatedForBag': processStorageBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageOperatorMetadataSet': processStorageOperatorMetadataSetEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketVoucherLimitsSet': processStorageBucketVoucherLimitsSetEvent,
+  'Storage.PendingDataObjectsAccepted': processPendingDataObjectsAcceptedEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketInvitationCancelled': processStorageBucketInvitationCancelledEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketOperatorInvited': processStorageBucketOperatorInvitedEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketOperatorRemoved': processStorageBucketOperatorRemovedEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketStatusUpdated': processStorageBucketStatusUpdatedEvent,
+  'Storage.StorageBucketDeleted': processStorageBucketDeletedEvent,
+  'Storage.VoucherChanged': processVoucherChangedEvent,
+  'Storage.DynamicBagCreated': processDynamicBagCreatedEvent,
+  'Storage.DynamicBagDeleted': processDynamicBagDeletedEvent,
+  'Storage.DataObjectsUploaded': processDataObjectsUploadedEvent,
+  'Storage.DataObjectsUpdated': processDataObjectsUpdatedEvent,
+  'Storage.DataObjectsMoved': processDataObjectsMovedEvent,
+  'Storage.DataObjectsDeleted': processDataObjectsDeletedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketCreated': processDistributionBucketCreatedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketStatusUpdated': processDistributionBucketStatusUpdatedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketDeleted': processDistributionBucketDeletedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketsUpdatedForBag': processDistributionBucketsUpdatedForBagEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketModeUpdated': processDistributionBucketModeUpdatedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketOperatorInvited': processDistributionBucketOperatorInvitedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketInvitationCancelled':
+    processDistributionBucketInvitationCancelledEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketInvitationAccepted': processDistributionBucketInvitationAcceptedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketMetadataSet': processDistributionBucketMetadataSetEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketOperatorRemoved': processDistributionBucketOperatorRemovedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyCreated': processDistributionBucketFamilyCreatedEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataSet': processDistributionBucketFamilyMetadataSetEvent,
+  'Storage.DistributionBucketFamilyDeleted': processDistributionBucketFamilyDeletedEvent,
+  'Members.MemberCreated': processNewMember,
+  'Members.MembershipBought': processNewMember,
+  'Members.MembershipGifted': processNewMember,
+  'Members.MemberInvited': processNewMember,
+  'Members.MemberAccountsUpdated': processMemberAccountsUpdatedEvent,
+  'Members.MemberProfileUpdated': processMemberProfileUpdatedEvent,
+  'Members.MemberRemarked': processMemberRemarkedEvent,
+async function processEvent<EventName extends EventNames>(
+  ctx: Ctx,
+  name: EventName,
+  block: SubstrateBlock,
+  indexInBlock: number,
+  extrinsicHash: string | undefined,
+  rawEvent: Event,
+  overlay: EntityManagerOverlay
+) {
+  const eventHandler: EventHandler<EventName> = eventHandlers[name]
+  const EventConstructor = eventConstructors[name]
+  const event = new EventConstructor(ctx, rawEvent) as EventInstance<EventName>
+  await eventHandler({ block, overlay, event, indexInBlock, extrinsicHash })
+async function afterDbUpdate(em: EntityManager) {
+  await commentCountersManager.updateVideoCommentsCounters(em)
+  await commentCountersManager.updateParentRepliesCounters(em)
+processor.run(new TypeormDatabase({ isolationLevel: 'READ COMMITTED' }), async (ctx) => {
+  Logger.set(ctx.log)
+  const overlay = await EntityManagerOverlay.create(ctx.store, afterDbUpdate)
+  for (const block of ctx.blocks) {
+    for (const item of block.items) {
+      if (item.name !== '*') {
+        ctx.log.info(`Processing ${item.name} event in block ${block.header.height}...`)
+        await processEvent(
+          ctx,
+          item.name,
+          block.header,
+          item.event.indexInBlock,
+          item.event.extrinsic?.hash,
+          item.event,
+          overlay
+        )
+        // Update database if the number of cached entities exceeded MAX_CACHED_ENTITIES
+        if (overlay.totalCacheSize() > maxCachedEntities) {
+          ctx.log.info(
+            `Max memory cache size of ${maxCachedEntities} exceeded, updating database...`
+          )
+          await overlay.updateDatabase()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ctx.log.info(`Saving database updates...`)
+  await overlay.updateDatabase()

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