import { EventEmitterModuleOptions } from '@nestjs/event-emitter/dist/interfaces'; import { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios'; import { BackOffPolicy, RetryOptions } from 'typescript-retry-decorator'; import { ChannelNames, Licenses, ForumCategoryToDiscordChannelMap, } from './src/types'; export const database = 'joy_dao'; // wg bot export const channelNames: ChannelNames = { // Discussion general: '💬|general', announcement: '📢|announcements', techSupport: '💻|tech-support', atlasFeedback: '🛫|atlas-testing', offTopic: '🍻|off-topic', // DAO // groups operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: '👷|builders', validators: '✅|validator', storageWorkingGroup: '💿|storage-provider', distributionWorkingGroup: '🔌|distributors', contentWorkingGroup: '▶|content-curator', contentCreator: '💻|content-creator', operationsWorkingGroupGamma: '📈|marketing', operationsWorkingGroupBeta: '👨|human-resources', forumWorkingGroup: '📋|forum', council: '🏛|council', proposals: '📋|proposals', bounties: '💻|active-bounties', app: '💾|apps', // Work atlasGeneral: 'atlas-general', pioneerGeneral: 'pioneer-general', // BOTS videos: '🤖|video-bot', forumBot: '🤖|forum-bot', }; export const identityValidatedRole = 'on-chain identity verified'; export const councilMemberRole = 'Council Member'; export const foundingMemberRole = 'founding member'; //mapping of group Id coming from Query node to server role name export const wgToRoleMap: ChannelNames = { contentWorkingGroup: 'Content Worker', storageWorkingGroup: 'Storage Worker', forumWorkingGroup: 'Forum Worker', distributionWorkingGroup: 'Distribution Worker', operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: 'Builder Worker', operationsWorkingGroupGamma: 'Marketing Worker', operationsWorkingGroupBeta: 'HR Worker', contentWorkingGroupLead: 'Content Lead', storageWorkingGroupLead: 'Storage Lead', forumWorkingGroupLead: 'Forum Lead', distributionWorkingGroupLead: 'Distribution Lead', operationsWorkingGroupAlphaLead: 'Builder Lead', operationsWorkingGroupGammaLead: 'Marketing Lead', operationsWorkingGroupBetaLead: 'HR Lead', councilMemberRole, foundingMemberRole, }; export const wgEvents = [ 'ApplicationTerminated', 'ApplicationWithdrawn', 'AppliedOnOpening', 'LeaderSet', 'LeaderUnset', 'BudgetSet', 'UpdatedWorkingGroupBudget', //unlike all others, this event comes in a dedicated section 'joystreamUtility' 'OpeningAdded', 'OpeningCanceled', 'RewardPaid', 'OpeningFilled', 'StakeDecreased', 'StakeIncreased', 'StakeSlashed', 'TerminatedLeader', 'TerminatedWorker', 'WorkerExited', 'WorkerRewardAmountUpdated', ]; export const licenses: Licenses = { '1000': 'Custom', '1001': 'PDM', '1002': 'CC0', '1003': 'CC_BY', '1004': 'CC_BY_SA', '1005': 'CC_BY_ND', '1006': 'CC_BY_NC', '1007': 'CC_BY_NC_SA', '1008': 'CC_BY_NC_ND', }; export const forumCategoriesToChannels: ForumCategoryToDiscordChannelMap[] = [ { category: { id: 1, name: 'Joystream General', }, channels: [channelNames.forumBot], }, { category: { id: 2, name: 'Governance', }, channels: [channelNames.council], }, { category: { id: 3, name: 'Joystream DApps', }, channels: [], }, { category: { id: 4, name: 'Technical Discussion', }, channels: [channelNames.techSupport], }, { category: { id: 7, name: 'Council Reports', }, channels: [channelNames.council], }, { category: { id: 8, name: 'Pre-proposals', }, channels: [channelNames.proposals], }, { category: { id: 10, name: 'Important Announcements', }, channels: [channelNames.announcement], }, { category: { id: 13, name: 'Gleev', }, channels: [], }, { category: { id: 14, name: '', }, channels: [], }, { category: { id: 15, name: 'Atlas', }, channels: [channelNames.atlasGeneral], }, { category: { id: 16, name: 'Pioneer', }, channels: [channelNames.pioneerGeneral], }, { category: { id: 33, name: 'Working Groups (Technical)', }, channels: [channelNames.council], }, { category: { id: 34, name: 'Working Groups (Non-Technical)', }, channels: [channelNames.council], }, { category: { id: 35, name: 'Media Releases', }, channels: [channelNames.operationsWorkingGroupGamma], }, { category: { id: 36, name: 'Community Guide', }, channels: [channelNames.techSupport], }, { category: { id: 37, name: 'Off Topic', }, channels: [channelNames.offTopic], }, { category: { id: 38, name: 'Storage', }, channels: [channelNames.storageWorkingGroup], }, { category: { id: 39, name: 'Distribution', }, channels: [channelNames.distributionWorkingGroup], }, { category: { id: 40, name: 'Builders', }, channels: [channelNames.operationsWorkingGroupAlpha], }, { category: { id: 41, name: 'Apps WG', }, channels: [], }, { category: { id: 42, name: 'HR', }, channels: [channelNames.operationsWorkingGroupBeta], }, { category: { id: 44, name: 'Marketing', }, channels: [channelNames.operationsWorkingGroupGamma], }, { category: { id: 45, name: 'Forum', }, channels: [channelNames.forumWorkingGroup], }, { category: { id: 46, name: 'Content', }, channels: [channelNames.contentWorkingGroup], }, { category: { id: 47, name: 'Council Dialogue', }, channels: [channelNames.council], }, { category: { id: 48, name: 'Council Candidate Manifesto', }, channels: [channelNames.council], }, { category: { id: 49, name: 'Archives', }, channels: [channelNames.forumWorkingGroup], }, { category: { id: 50, name: 'Validators', }, channels: [channelNames.validators], }, ]; export const globalRetryConfig: RetryOptions = { maxAttempts: 3, backOffPolicy: BackOffPolicy.ExponentialBackOffPolicy, backOff: 1000, exponentialOption: { maxInterval: 4000, multiplier: 3 }, }; export const globalEventingConfig: EventEmitterModuleOptions = { global: true, wildcard: true, maxListeners: 32, }; export const axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = { timeout: 10000, // 10 sec in milliseconds }; export const joystreamBlue = '#4038FF'; // official joystream blue, see