#34 Show actual salaries on jsstats/mint

otvorené 3 rokov pred užívateľom l1dev · 0 komentárov
l1dev okomentoval 3 rokov pred


Proposal: https://joystreamstats.live/proposals/412

The current form only helps to estimate costs for workers and does not include workers.

Add a function to App.tsx that fetches current (and historic) salaries (reward relationships) and shows the current rate and total earned per worker with their status.

*$250* Proposal: https://joystreamstats.live/proposals/412 The [current form](https://joystreamstats.live/mint) only helps to estimate costs for workers and does not include workers. Add a function to `App.tsx` that fetches current (and historic) salaries (reward relationships) and shows the current rate and total earned per worker with their status.
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