#30 make jsstats multi-lingual

há 3 anos atrás aberto por l1dev · 1 comentários

with our growing russian community it is worth to make it more accessible for them. spanish, french and other languages are relevant too.


with our growing russian community it is worth to make it more accessible for them. spanish, french and other languages are relevant too. # Options - [i18next](https://dev.to/adrai/how-to-properly-internationalize-a-react-application-using-i18next-3hdb) - [react-intl](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs/blob/main/website/docs/react-intl/api.md): [requries to use `FormattedMessage` component](https://lokalise.com/blog/react-i18n-intl/) ([API](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs/blob/main/website/docs/react-intl/api.md)) - [lingui](https://lingui.js.org/)
l1dev comentado há 3 anos atrás

I implemented basic functionality to switch between languages. Translation files are in src/lang.

If preferred the translation can also be done via YAML file which could be easier to edit:

I implemented basic functionality to switch between languages. Translation files are in [src/lang](https://git.joystreamstats.live/Operations/jsstats/src/i18n/src/lang). If preferred the translation can also be done via YAML file which could be easier to edit: - https://joystreamstats.live/static/ru.yaml
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