import React from "react"; import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; import "./index.css"; import { Routes, Loading } from "./components"; import * as get from "./lib/getters"; import { domain, wsLocation } from "./config"; import proposalPosts from "./proposalPosts"; import axios from "axios"; import { ProposalDetail } from "./types"; import { Api, Block, Handles, IState, Member, Category, Channel, Post, Seat, Thread, } from "./types"; import { types } from "@joystream/types"; import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api"; import { Header } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces"; import { VoteKind } from "@joystream/types/proposals"; interface IProps {} const version = 0.3; const initialState = { blocks: [], now: 0, block: 0, loading: true, nominators: [], validators: [], channels: [], posts: [], councils: [], categories: [], threads: [], proposals: [], proposalCount: 0, domain, handles: {}, members: [], proposalPosts, reports: {}, termEndsAt: 0, stage: {}, stakes: {}, stashes: [], stars: {}, lastReward: 0, }; class App extends React.Component { async initializeSocket() { console.debug(`Connecting to ${wsLocation}`); const provider = new WsProvider(wsLocation); const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider, types }); await api.isReady; console.log(`Connected to ${wsLocation}`); let blocks: Block[] = []; let lastBlock: Block = { id: 0, timestamp: 0, duration: 6 }; let era = 0; let termEndsAt = Number((await api.query.council.termEndsAt()).toJSON());"termEndsAt", termEndsAt); let round: number = Number( (await api.query.councilElection.round()).toJSON() );"round", round); let stage: any = await api.query.councilElection.stage();"stage", stage); let councilElection = { termEndsAt, stage: stage.toJSON(), round }; this.setState({ councilElection }); let stageEndsAt: number = termEndsAt; let lastCategory = await get.currentCategoryId(api); this.fetchCategories(api, lastCategory); let lastChannel = await get.currentChannelId(api); this.fetchChannels(api, lastChannel); let lastPost = await get.currentPostId(api); this.fetchPosts(api, lastPost); let lastThread = await get.currentThreadId(api); this.fetchThreads(api, lastThread); let lastMember = await api.query.members.nextMemberId(); this.fetchMembers(api, Number(lastMember)); api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads( async (header: Header): Promise => { // current block const id = header.number.toNumber(); if (blocks.find((b) => === id)) return; const timestamp = (await; const duration = timestamp - lastBlock.timestamp; const block: Block = { id, timestamp, duration }; blocks = blocks.concat(block); this.setState({ blocks, loading: false });"block", id);"now", timestamp); const proposalCount = await get.proposalCount(api); if (proposalCount > this.state.proposalCount) { this.fetchProposal(api, proposalCount); this.setState({ proposalCount }); } const currentChannel = await get.currentChannelId(api); if (currentChannel > lastChannel) lastChannel = await this.fetchChannels(api, currentChannel); const currentCategory = await get.currentCategoryId(api); if (currentCategory > lastCategory) lastCategory = await this.fetchCategories(api, currentCategory); const currentPost = await get.currentPostId(api); if (currentPost > lastPost) lastPost = await this.fetchPosts(api, currentPost); const currentThread = await get.currentThreadId(api); if (currentThread > lastThread) lastThread = await this.fetchThreads(api, currentThread); const postCount = await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount(); this.setState({ proposalComments: Number(postCount) }); lastBlock = block; // validators const currentEra = Number(await api.query.staking.currentEra()); if (currentEra > era) { era = currentEra; this.fetchStakes(api, era, this.state.validators);"era", era); this.fetchLastReward(api, era - 1); } else if (this.state.lastReward === 0) this.fetchLastReward(api, currentEra); this.fetchEraRewardPoints(api, Number(era)); // check election stage if (id < termEndsAt || id < stageEndsAt) return; const json = stage.toJSON(); const key = Object.keys(json)[0]; stageEndsAt = json[key]; //console.log(id, stageEndsAt, json, key); termEndsAt = Number((await api.query.council.termEndsAt()).toJSON()); round = Number((await api.query.councilElection.round()).toJSON()); stage = await api.query.councilElection.stage(); councilElection = { termEndsAt, stage: stage.toJSON(), round }; this.setState({ councilElection }); } ); this.fetchCouncils(api, round); this.fetchProposals(api); this.fetchValidators(api); this.fetchNominators(api); } async fetchLastReward(api: Api, era: number) { const lastReward = Number(await api.query.staking.erasValidatorReward(era)); console.debug(`last reward`, era, lastReward); if (lastReward > 0)"lastReward", lastReward); else this.fetchLastReward(api, era - 1); } async fetchTokenomics() { console.debug(`Updating tokenomics`); const { data } = await axios.get(""); if (!data) return;"tokenomics", data); } async fetchChannels(api: Api, lastId: number) { for (let id = lastId; id > 0; id--) { if (this.state.channels.find((c) => === id)) continue; console.debug(`Fetching channel ${id}`); const data = await api.query.contentWorkingGroup.channelById(id); const handle = String(data.handle); const title = String(data.title); const description = String(data.description); const avatar = String(data.avatar); const banner = String(data.banner); const content = String(data.content); const ownerId = Number(data.owner); const accountId = String(data.role_account); const publicationStatus = data.publication_status === "Public" ? true : false; const curation = String(data.curation_status); const createdAt = data.created; const principal = Number(data.principal_id); //this.fetchMemberByAccount(api, accountId); const channel: Channel = { id, handle, title, description, avatar, banner, content, ownerId, accountId, publicationStatus, curation, createdAt, principal, }; //console.debug(data, channel); const channels = this.state.channels.concat(channel);"channels", channels); } return lastId; } async fetchCategories(api: Api, lastId: number) { for (let id = lastId; id > 0; id--) { if (this.state.categories.find((c) => === id)) continue; console.debug(`fetching category ${id}`); const data = await; const threadId = Number(data.thread_id); const title = String(data.title); const description = String(data.description); const createdAt = Number(data.created_at.block); const deleted = data.deleted; const archived = data.archived; const subcategories = Number(data.num_direct_subcategories); const moderatedThreads = Number(data.num_direct_moderated_threads); const unmoderatedThreads = Number(data.num_direct_unmoderated_threads); const position = Number(data.position_in_parent_category); const moderatorId = String(data.moderator_id); const category: Category = { id, threadId, title, description, createdAt, deleted, archived, subcategories, moderatedThreads, unmoderatedThreads, position, moderatorId, }; const categories = this.state.categories.concat(category);"categories", categories); } return lastId; } async fetchPosts(api: Api, lastId: number) { for (let id = lastId; id > 0; id--) { if (this.state.posts.find((p) => === id)) continue; console.debug(`fetching post ${id}`); const data = await; const threadId = Number(data.thread_id); const text = data.current_text; //const moderation = data.moderation; //const history = data.text_change_history; //const createdAt = moment(data.created_at); const createdAt = data.created_at; const authorId = String(data.author_id); const post: Post = { id, threadId, text, authorId, createdAt }; const posts = this.state.posts.concat(post);"posts", posts); } return lastId; } async fetchThreads(api: Api, lastId: number) { for (let id = lastId; id > 0; id--) { if (this.state.threads.find((t) => === id)) continue; console.debug(`fetching thread ${id}`); const data = await; const title = String(data.title); const categoryId = Number(data.category_id); const nrInCategory = Number(data.nr_in_category); const moderation = data.moderation; const createdAt = String(data.created_at.block); const authorId = String(data.author_id); const thread: Thread = { id, title, categoryId, nrInCategory, moderation, createdAt, authorId, }; const threads = this.state.threads.concat(thread);"threads", threads); } return lastId; } async fetchCouncils(api: Api, currentRound: number) { let { councils } = this.state; const cycle = 201600; for (let round = 0; round < currentRound; round++) { const block = 57601 + round * cycle; if (councils[round] || block > this.state.block) continue; console.debug(`Fetching council at block ${block}`); const blockHash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(block); if (!blockHash) continue; councils[round] = await;"councils", councils); } } // proposals async fetchProposals(api: Api) { const proposalCount = await get.proposalCount(api); for (let i = proposalCount; i > 0; i--) this.fetchProposal(api, i); } async fetchProposal(api: Api, id: number) { let { proposals } = this.state; const exists = proposals.find((p) => p && === id); if (exists && exists.stage === "Finalized") if (exists.votesByAccount && exists.votesByAccount.length) return; else return this.fetchVotesPerProposal(api, exists); console.debug(`Fetching proposal ${id}`); const proposal = await get.proposalDetail(api, id); proposals[id] = proposal;"proposals", proposals); this.fetchVotesPerProposal(api, proposal); } async fetchVotesPerProposal(api: Api, proposal: ProposalDetail) { const { votesByAccount } = proposal; if (votesByAccount && votesByAccount.length) return; console.debug(`Fetching proposal votes (${})`); const { councils, proposals } = this.state; let members: Member[] = []; => seats.forEach(async (seat: Seat) => { if (members.find((member) => member.account === seat.member)) return; const member = this.state.members.find( (m) => m.account === seat.member ); member && members.push(member); }) ); const { id } = proposal; proposal.votesByAccount = await Promise.all( (member) => { const vote = await this.fetchVoteByProposalByVoter(api, id,; return { vote, handle: member.handle }; }) ); proposals[id] = proposal;"proposals", proposals); } async fetchVoteByProposalByVoter( api: Api, proposalId: number, voterId: number ): Promise { console.debug(`Fetching vote by ${voterId} for proposal ${proposalId}`); const vote: VoteKind = await api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter( proposalId, voterId ); const hasVoted: number = ( await api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter.size( proposalId, voterId ) ).toNumber(); return hasVoted ? String(vote) : ""; } // nominators, validators async fetchNominators(api: Api) { const nominatorEntries = await api.query.staking.nominators.entries(); const nominators = any) => String(n[0].toHuman()));"nominators", nominators); } async fetchValidators(api: Api) { // session.disabledValidators: Vec // TODO check online: imOnline.keys // imOnline.authoredBlocks: 2 // TODO session.currentIndex: 17,081 const stashes = await api.derive.staking.stashes(); "stashes", any) => String(s)) ); const validatorEntries = await api.query.session.validators(); const validators = await any) => String(v));"validators", validators); } async fetchStakes(api: Api, era: number, validators: string[]) { // TODO staking.bondedEras: Vec<(EraIndex,SessionIndex)> console.debug(`fetching stakes`); const { stashes } = this.state; if (!stashes) return; stashes.forEach(async (validator: string) => { try { const prefs = await api.query.staking.erasValidatorPrefs( era, validator ); const commission = Number(prefs.commission) / 10000000; const data = await api.query.staking.erasStakers(era, validator); let { total, own, others } = data.toJSON(); let { stakes = {} } = this.state; stakes[validator] = { total, own, others, commission };"stakes", stakes); } catch (e) { console.warn( `Failed to fetch stakes for ${validator} in era ${era}`, e ); } }); } async fetchEraRewardPoints(api: Api, era: number) { const data = await api.query.staking.erasRewardPoints(era); this.setState({ rewardPoints: data.toJSON() }); } // data objects fetchDataObjects() { // TODO dataDirectory.knownContentIds: Vec } // accounts async fetchMembers(api: Api, lastId: number) { for (let id = lastId; id > 0; id--) { this.fetchMember(api, id); } } async fetchMemberByAccount(api: Api, account: string): Promise { const exists = this.state.members.find( (m: Member) => String(m.account) === String(account) ); if (exists) return exists; const id = await get.memberIdByAccount(api, account); if (!id) return { id: -1, handle: `unknown`, account, about: ``, registeredAt: 0 }; return await this.fetchMember(api, Number(id)); } async fetchMember(api: Api, id: number): Promise { const exists = this.state.members.find((m: Member) => === id); if (exists) return exists; console.debug(`Fetching member ${id}`); const membership = await get.membership(api, id); const handle = String(membership.handle); const account = String(membership.root_account); const about = String(membership.about); const registeredAt = Number(membership.registered_at_block); const member: Member = { id, handle, account, registeredAt, about }; const members = this.state.members.concat(member);`members`, members); this.updateHandles(members); return member; } updateHandles(members: Member[]) { if (!members.length) return; let handles: Handles = {}; members.forEach((m) => (handles[String(m.account)] = m.handle));`handles`, handles); } // Reports async fetchReports() { const domain = ``; const apiBase = ``; const urls: { [key: string]: string } = { alexandria: `${apiBase}/alexandria-testnet`, archive: `${apiBase}/archived-reports`, template: `${domain}/templates/`, }; ["alexandria", "archive"].map((folder) => this.fetchGithubDir(urls[folder]) ); // template this.fetchGithubFile(urls.template); } async saveReport(name: string, content: Promise) { const { reports } = this.state; reports[name] = await content;"reports", reports); } async fetchGithubFile(url: string): Promise { const { data } = await axios.get(url); return data; } async fetchGithubDir(url: string) { const { data } = await axios.get(url); data.forEach( async (o: { name: string; type: string; url: string; download_url: string; }) => { const match =^(.+)\.md$/); const name = match ? match[1] :; if (o.type === "file") this.saveReport(name, this.fetchGithubFile(o.download_url)); else this.fetchGithubDir(o.url); } ); } loadMembers() { const members = this.load("members"); if (!members) return; this.updateHandles(members); this.setState({ members }); } loadCouncils() { const councils = this.load("councils"); if (!councils || !councils.length || typeof councils[0][0] === "number") return; this.setState({ councils }); } loadProposals() { const proposals = this.load("proposals"); if (proposals) this.setState({ proposals }); } loadChannels() { const channels = this.load("channels"); if (channels) this.setState({ channels }); } loadCategories() { const categories = this.load("categories"); if (categories) this.setState({ categories }); } loadPosts() { const posts = this.load("posts"); if (posts) this.setState({ posts }); } loadThreads() { const threads = this.load("threads"); if (threads) this.setState({ threads }); } loadValidators() { const validators = this.load("validators"); if (validators) this.setState({ validators }); const stashes = this.load("stashes") || []; if (stashes) this.setState({ stashes }); } loadNominators() { const nominators = this.load("nominators"); if (nominators) this.setState({ nominators }); } loadHandles() { const handles = this.load("handles"); if (handles) this.setState({ handles }); } loadReports() { const reports = this.load("reports"); if (!reports) return this.fetchReports(); this.setState({ reports }); } loadTokenomics() { const tokenomics = this.load("tokenomics"); if (tokenomics) this.setState({ tokenomics }); } loadMint() { const mint = this.load("mint"); if (mint) this.setState({ mint }); } loadStakes() { const stakes = this.load("stakes"); if (stakes) this.setState({ stakes }); } clearData() {"version", version);"proposals", []); } async loadData() { const lastVersion = this.load("version"); if (lastVersion !== version) return this.clearData(); console.log(`Loading data`); const termEndsAt = this.load("termEndsAt"); await this.loadMembers(); await this.loadCouncils(); await this.loadCategories(); await this.loadChannels(); await this.loadProposals(); await this.loadPosts(); await this.loadThreads(); await this.loadValidators(); await this.loadNominators(); await this.loadHandles(); await this.loadTokenomics(); await this.loadReports(); await this.loadStakes(); const block = this.load("block"); const now = this.load("now"); const era = this.load("era") || `..`; const round = this.load("round"); const stage = this.load("stage"); const stars = this.load("stars") || {}; const lastReward = this.load("lastReward") || 0; const loading = false; this.setState({ block, era, now, round, stage, stars, termEndsAt, loading, lastReward, }); console.debug(`Finished loading.`); } load(key: string) { try { const data = localStorage.getItem(key); if (data) return JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Failed to load ${key}`, e); } } save(key: string, data: any) { try { localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(data)); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Failed to save ${key}`, e); } finally { //console.debug(`saving ${key}`, data); this.setState({ [key]: data }); } } render() { if (this.state.loading) return ; return ; } componentDidMount() { this.loadData(); this.initializeSocket(); this.fetchTokenomics(); setInterval(this.fetchTokenomics, 900000); } componentWillUnmount() { console.debug("unmounting..."); } constructor(props: IProps) { super(props); this.state = initialState; this.fetchTokenomics = this.fetchTokenomics.bind(this); this.fetchProposal = this.fetchProposal.bind(this); this.load = this.load.bind(this); =; } } export default App;