Forum.proto 837 B

  1. syntax = "proto2";
  2. // The enum must be wrapped inside "message", otherwide it breaks protobufjs
  3. message ForumPostReaction {
  4. enum Reaction {
  5. CANCEL = 0; // This means cancelling any previous reaction
  6. LIKE = 1;
  7. }
  8. }
  9. message ForumPostMetadata {
  10. optional string text = 1; // Post text content (md-formatted)
  11. optional uint32 repliesTo = 2; // Id of the post that given post replies to (if any)
  12. }
  13. message ForumThreadMetadata {
  14. optional string title = 1; // Thread title
  15. /**
  16. * Tags accociated with the thread.
  17. * Any update overrides all current tags.
  18. * Only the first {MAX_TAGS_PER_FORUM_THREAD} (const exposed via @joystream/metadata-protobuf/consts) tags are taken into account.
  19. * In order to unset current tags, [''] (array with empty string) must be provided as value.
  20. */
  21. repeated string tags = 2;
  22. }