123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273 |
- import {
- ParsedProposal,
- ProposalType,
- ProposalTypes,
- ProposalVote,
- ProposalVotes,
- ParsedPost,
- ParsedDiscussion,
- DiscussionContraints,
- ProposalStatusFilter,
- ProposalsBatch,
- ParsedProposalDetails
- } from '../types/proposals';
- import { ParsedMember } from '../types/members';
- import BaseTransport from './base';
- import { ThreadId, PostId } from '@joystream/types/common';
- import { Proposal, ProposalId, VoteKind, DiscussionThread, DiscussionPost, ProposalDetails, Finalized, ProposalDecisionStatus } from '@joystream/types/proposals';
- import { MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members';
- import { u32, Bytes, Null } from '@polkadot/types/';
- import { BalanceOf } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
- import { bytesToString } from '../functions/misc';
- import _ from 'lodash';
- import { metadata as proposalsConsts, apiMethods as proposalsApiMethods } from '../consts/proposals';
- import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api';
- import MembersTransport from './members';
- import ChainTransport from './chain';
- import CouncilTransport from './council';
- import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
- import { APIQueryCache } from './APIQueryCache';
- type ProposalDetailsCacheEntry = {
- type: ProposalType;
- details: ParsedProposalDetails;
- }
- type ProposalDetailsCache = {
- [id: number]: ProposalDetailsCacheEntry | undefined;
- }
- export default class ProposalsTransport extends BaseTransport {
- private membersT: MembersTransport;
- private chainT: ChainTransport;
- private councilT: CouncilTransport;
- private proposalDetailsCache: ProposalDetailsCache = {};
- constructor (
- api: ApiPromise,
- cacheApi: APIQueryCache,
- membersTransport: MembersTransport,
- chainTransport: ChainTransport,
- councilTransport: CouncilTransport
- ) {
- super(api, cacheApi);
- this.membersT = membersTransport;
- this.chainT = chainTransport;
- this.councilT = councilTransport;
- }
- proposalCount () {
- return this.proposalsEngine.proposalCount() as Promise<u32>;
- }
- rawProposalById (id: ProposalId) {
- return this.proposalsEngine.proposals(id) as Promise<Proposal>;
- }
- rawProposalDetails (id: ProposalId) {
- return this.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId(id) as Promise<ProposalDetails>;
- }
- cancellationFee (): number {
- return (this.api.consts.proposalsEngine.cancellationFee as BalanceOf).toNumber();
- }
- async typeAndDetails (id: ProposalId) {
- const cachedProposalDetails = this.proposalDetailsCache[id.toNumber()];
- // Avoid fetching runtime upgrade proposal details if we already have them cached
- if (cachedProposalDetails) {
- return cachedProposalDetails;
- } else {
- const rawDetails = await this.rawProposalDetails(id);
- const type = rawDetails.type;
- let details: ParsedProposalDetails = rawDetails;
- if (type === 'RuntimeUpgrade') {
- // In case of RuntimeUpgrade proposal we override details to just contain the hash and filesize
- // (instead of full WASM bytecode)
- const wasm = rawDetails.value as Bytes;
- details = [blake2AsHex(wasm, 256), wasm.length];
- }
- // Save entry in cache
- this.proposalDetailsCache[id.toNumber()] = { type, details };
- return { type, details };
- }
- }
- async proposalById (id: ProposalId, rawProposal?: Proposal): Promise<ParsedProposal> {
- const { type, details } = await this.typeAndDetails(id);
- if (!rawProposal) {
- rawProposal = await this.rawProposalById(id);
- }
- const proposer = (await this.membersT.expectedMembership(rawProposal.proposerId)).toJSON() as ParsedMember;
- const proposal = rawProposal.toJSON() as {
- title: string;
- description: string;
- parameters: any;
- votingResults: any;
- proposerId: number;
- status: any;
- };
- const createdAtBlock = rawProposal.createdAt;
- const createdAt = await this.chainT.blockTimestamp(createdAtBlock.toNumber());
- const cancellationFee = this.cancellationFee();
- return {
- id,
- ...proposal,
- details,
- type,
- proposer,
- createdAtBlock: createdAtBlock.toJSON(),
- createdAt,
- cancellationFee
- };
- }
- async proposalsIds () {
- const total: number = (await this.proposalCount()).toNumber();
- return Array.from({ length: total }, (_, i) => this.api.createType('ProposalId', i + 1));
- }
- async activeProposalsIds () {
- const result = await this.entriesByIds<ProposalId, Null>(
- this.api.query.proposalsEngine.activeProposalIds
- )
- return result.map(([proposalId]) => proposalId);
- }
- async proposalsBatch (status: ProposalStatusFilter, batchNumber = 1, batchSize = 5): Promise<ProposalsBatch> {
- const ids = (status === 'Active' ? await this.activeProposalsIds() : await this.proposalsIds())
- .sort((id1, id2) => id2.cmp(id1)); // Sort by newest
- let rawProposalsWithIds = (await Promise.all(ids.map(id => this.rawProposalById(id))))
- .map((proposal, index) => ({ id: ids[index], proposal }));
- if (status !== 'All' && status !== 'Active') {
- rawProposalsWithIds = rawProposalsWithIds.filter(({ proposal }) => {
- if (!proposal.status.isOfType('Finalized')) {
- return false;
- }
- return proposal.status.asType('Finalized').proposalStatus.type === status;
- });
- }
- const totalBatches = Math.ceil(rawProposalsWithIds.length / batchSize);
- rawProposalsWithIds = rawProposalsWithIds.slice((batchNumber - 1) * batchSize, batchNumber * batchSize);
- const proposals = await Promise.all(rawProposalsWithIds.map(({ proposal, id }) => this.proposalById(id, proposal)));
- return {
- batchNumber,
- batchSize: rawProposalsWithIds.length,
- totalBatches,
- proposals
- };
- }
- async voteByProposalAndMember (proposalId: ProposalId, voterId: MemberId): Promise<VoteKind | null> {
- const vote = (await this.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter(proposalId, voterId)) as VoteKind;
- const hasVoted = (await this.api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter.size(proposalId, voterId)).toNumber();
- return hasVoted ? vote : null;
- }
- async votes (proposalId: ProposalId): Promise<ProposalVotes> {
- const voteEntries = await this.entriesByIds<MemberId, VoteKind>(
- this.api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter,
- proposalId
- );
- const votesWithMembers: ProposalVote[] = [];
- for (const [memberId, vote] of voteEntries) {
- const parsedMember = (await this.membersT.expectedMembership(memberId)).toJSON() as ParsedMember;
- votesWithMembers.push({
- vote,
- member: {
- memberId,
- ...parsedMember
- }
- });
- }
- const proposal = await this.rawProposalById(proposalId);
- return {
- councilMembersLength: await this.councilT.councilMembersLength(proposal.createdAt.toNumber()),
- votes: votesWithMembers
- };
- }
- async parametersFromProposalType (type: ProposalType) {
- const methods = proposalsApiMethods[type];
- let votingPeriod = 0;
- let gracePeriod = 0;
- if (methods) {
- votingPeriod = ((await this.proposalsCodex[methods.votingPeriod]()) as u32).toNumber();
- gracePeriod = ((await this.proposalsCodex[methods.gracePeriod]()) as u32).toNumber();
- }
- // Currently it's same for all types, but this will change soon (?)
- const cancellationFee = this.cancellationFee();
- return {
- type,
- votingPeriod,
- gracePeriod,
- cancellationFee,
- ...proposalsConsts[type]
- };
- }
- async proposalsTypesParameters () {
- return Promise.all(ProposalTypes.map(type => this.parametersFromProposalType(type)));
- }
- async subscribeProposal (id: number|ProposalId, callback: () => void) {
- return this.api.query.proposalsEngine.proposals(id, callback);
- }
- async discussion (id: number|ProposalId): Promise<ParsedDiscussion | null> {
- const threadId = (await this.proposalsCodex.threadIdByProposalId(id)) as ThreadId;
- if (!threadId.toNumber()) {
- return null;
- }
- const thread = (await this.proposalsDiscussion.threadById(threadId)) as DiscussionThread;
- const postEntries = await this.entriesByIds<PostId, DiscussionPost>(
- this.api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postThreadIdByPostId,
- threadId
- );
- const parsedPosts: ParsedPost[] = [];
- for (const [postId, post] of postEntries) {
- parsedPosts.push({
- postId: postId,
- threadId: post.thread_id,
- text: bytesToString(post.text),
- createdAt: await this.chainT.blockTimestamp(post.created_at.toNumber()),
- createdAtBlock: post.created_at.toNumber(),
- updatedAt: await this.chainT.blockTimestamp(post.updated_at.toNumber()),
- updatedAtBlock: post.updated_at.toNumber(),
- authorId: post.author_id,
- author: (await this.membersT.expectedMembership(post.author_id)),
- editsCount: post.edition_number.toNumber()
- });
- }
- // Sort by creation block asc
- parsedPosts.sort((a, b) => a.createdAtBlock - b.createdAtBlock);
- return {
- title: bytesToString(thread.title),
- threadId: threadId,
- posts: parsedPosts
- };
- }
- discussionContraints (): DiscussionContraints {
- return {
- maxPostEdits: (this.api.consts.proposalsDiscussion.maxPostEditionNumber as u32).toNumber(),
- maxPostLength: (this.api.consts.proposalsDiscussion.postLengthLimit as u32).toNumber()
- };
- }
- }