123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492 |
- #![cfg(test)]
- use crate::*;
- use crate::InputValidationLengthConstraint;
- use primitives::H256;
- use runtime_primitives::{
- testing::Header,
- traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup},
- Perbill,
- };
- use srml_support::{assert_err, assert_ok, impl_outer_origin, parameter_types};
- use std::cell::RefCell;
- pub const MEMBER_ONE_WITH_CREDENTIAL_ZERO: u64 = 100;
- pub const MEMBER_TWO_WITH_CREDENTIAL_ZERO: u64 = 101;
- pub const MEMBER_ONE_WITH_CREDENTIAL_ONE: u64 = 102;
- pub const MEMBER_TWO_WITH_CREDENTIAL_ONE: u64 = 103;
- pub const UNKNOWN_CLASS_ID: <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId = 111;
- pub const UNKNOWN_ENTITY_ID: <Runtime as Trait>::EntityId = 222;
- pub const UNKNOWN_PROP_ID: PropertyId = 333;
- pub const UNKNOWN_SCHEMA_ID: SchemaId = 444;
- pub const SCHEMA_ID_0: SchemaId = 0;
- pub const SCHEMA_ID_1: SchemaId = 1;
- pub const ZERO_NONCE: <Runtime as Trait>::Nonce = 0;
- pub const FIRST_NONCE: <Runtime as Trait>::Nonce = 1;
- pub const SECOND_NONCE: <Runtime as Trait>::Nonce = 2;
- pub const VALID_PROPERTY_VEC_INDEX: VecMaxLength = 0;
- pub const INVALID_PROPERTY_VEC_INDEX: VecMaxLength = 5;
- pub const PROP_ID_BOOL: PropertyId = 0;
- pub const PROP_ID_REFERENCE_VEC: PropertyId = 1;
- pub const PROP_ID_U32: PropertyId = 1;
- pub const PROP_ID_REFERENCE: PropertyId = 2;
- pub const PROP_ID_U32_VEC: PropertyId = 3;
- pub const PROP_ID_U32_VEC_MAX_LEN: PropertyId = 20;
- pub const PRINCIPAL_GROUP_MEMBERS: [[u64; 2]; 2] = [
- [
- ],
- [
- ],
- ];
- pub const CLASS_PERMISSIONS_CREATOR1: u64 = 200;
- pub const CLASS_PERMISSIONS_CREATOR2: u64 = 300;
- impl_outer_origin! {
- pub enum Origin for Runtime {}
- }
- // Workaround for https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925 . Remove when sorted.
- #[derive(Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
- pub struct Runtime;
- parameter_types! {
- pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250;
- pub const MaximumBlockWeight: u32 = 1024;
- pub const MaximumBlockLength: u32 = 2 * 1024;
- pub const AvailableBlockRatio: Perbill = Perbill::one();
- pub const MinimumPeriod: u64 = 5;
- }
- impl system::Trait for Runtime {
- type Origin = Origin;
- type Index = u64;
- type BlockNumber = u64;
- type Call = ();
- type Hash = H256;
- type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
- type AccountId = u64;
- type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
- type Header = Header;
- type Event = ();
- type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
- type MaximumBlockWeight = MaximumBlockWeight;
- type MaximumBlockLength = MaximumBlockLength;
- type AvailableBlockRatio = AvailableBlockRatio;
- type Version = ();
- }
- impl timestamp::Trait for Runtime {
- type Moment = u64;
- type OnTimestampSet = ();
- type MinimumPeriod = MinimumPeriod;
- }
- thread_local! {
- static PROPERTY_NAME_CONSTRAINT: RefCell<InputValidationLengthConstraint> = RefCell::new(InputValidationLengthConstraint::default());
- static PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION_CONSTRAINT: RefCell<InputValidationLengthConstraint> = RefCell::new(InputValidationLengthConstraint::default());
- static CLASS_NAME_CONSTRAINT: RefCell<InputValidationLengthConstraint> = RefCell::new(InputValidationLengthConstraint::default());
- static CLASS_DESCRIPTION_CONSTRAINT: RefCell<InputValidationLengthConstraint> = RefCell::new(InputValidationLengthConstraint::default());
- }
- pub struct PropertyNameConstraint;
- impl Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint> for PropertyNameConstraint {
- fn get() -> InputValidationLengthConstraint {
- PROPERTY_NAME_CONSTRAINT.with(|v| *v.borrow())
- }
- }
- pub struct PropertyDescriptionConstraint;
- impl Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint> for PropertyDescriptionConstraint {
- fn get() -> InputValidationLengthConstraint {
- }
- }
- pub struct ClassNameConstraint;
- impl Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint> for ClassNameConstraint {
- fn get() -> InputValidationLengthConstraint {
- CLASS_NAME_CONSTRAINT.with(|v| *v.borrow())
- }
- }
- pub struct ClassDescriptionConstraint;
- impl Get<InputValidationLengthConstraint> for ClassDescriptionConstraint {
- fn get() -> InputValidationLengthConstraint {
- CLASS_DESCRIPTION_CONSTRAINT.with(|v| *v.borrow())
- }
- }
- impl Trait for Runtime {
- type Credential = u64;
- type Nonce = u64;
- type ClassId = u64;
- type EntityId = u64;
- type CredentialChecker = MockCredentialChecker;
- type CreateClassPermissionsChecker = MockCreateClassPermissionsChecker;
- type PropertyNameConstraint = PropertyNameConstraint;
- type PropertyDescriptionConstraint = PropertyDescriptionConstraint;
- type ClassNameConstraint = ClassNameConstraint;
- type ClassDescriptionConstraint = ClassDescriptionConstraint;
- }
- impl ActorAuthenticator for Runtime {
- type ActorId = u64;
- type GroupId = u64;
- fn authenticate_authority(account_id: Self::AccountId) -> bool {
- true
- }
- fn authenticate_actor_in_group(
- account_id: Self::AccountId,
- actor_id: Self::ActorId,
- group_id: Self::GroupId,
- ) -> bool {
- true
- }
- }
- pub struct MockCredentialChecker {}
- impl CredentialChecker<Runtime> for MockCredentialChecker {
- fn account_has_credential(
- account_id: &<Runtime as system::Trait>::AccountId,
- credential_id: <Runtime as Trait>::Credential,
- ) -> bool {
- if (credential_id as usize) < PRINCIPAL_GROUP_MEMBERS.len() {
- PRINCIPAL_GROUP_MEMBERS[credential_id as usize]
- .iter()
- .any(|id| *id == *account_id)
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- }
- pub struct MockCreateClassPermissionsChecker {}
- impl CreateClassPermissionsChecker<Runtime> for MockCreateClassPermissionsChecker {
- fn account_can_create_class_permissions(
- account_id: &<Runtime as system::Trait>::AccountId,
- ) -> bool {
- .iter()
- .any(|id| *id == *account_id)
- }
- }
- pub struct ExtBuilder {
- property_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- property_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- class_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- class_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- }
- impl Default for ExtBuilder {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- property_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 49),
- property_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(0, 500),
- class_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 49),
- class_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(0, 500),
- }
- }
- }
- impl ExtBuilder {
- pub fn post_title_max_length(
- mut self,
- property_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- ) -> Self {
- self.property_name_constraint = property_name_constraint;
- self
- }
- pub fn post_body_max_length(
- mut self,
- property_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- ) -> Self {
- self.property_description_constraint = property_description_constraint;
- self
- }
- pub fn reply_max_length(
- mut self,
- class_name_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- ) -> Self {
- self.class_name_constraint = class_name_constraint;
- self
- }
- pub fn posts_max_number(
- mut self,
- class_description_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint,
- ) -> Self {
- self.class_description_constraint = class_description_constraint;
- self
- }
- pub fn set_associated_consts(&self) {
- PROPERTY_NAME_CONSTRAINT.with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.property_name_constraint);
- .with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.property_description_constraint);
- CLASS_NAME_CONSTRAINT.with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.class_name_constraint);
- CLASS_DESCRIPTION_CONSTRAINT.with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.class_description_constraint);
- }
- pub fn build(self, config: GenesisConfig<Runtime>) -> runtime_io::TestExternalities {
- self.set_associated_consts();
- let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::default()
- .build_storage::<Runtime>()
- .unwrap();
- config.assimilate_storage(&mut t).unwrap();
- t.into()
- }
- }
- // This function basically just builds a genesis storage key/value store according to
- // our desired mockup.
- fn default_content_directory_genesis_config() -> GenesisConfig<Runtime> {
- GenesisConfig {
- class_by_id: vec![],
- entity_by_id: vec![],
- next_class_id: 1,
- next_entity_id: 1,
- }
- }
- pub fn with_test_externalities<R, F: FnOnce() -> R>(f: F) -> R {
- let default_genesis_config = default_content_directory_genesis_config();
- ExtBuilder::default()
- .build(default_genesis_config)
- .execute_with(f)
- }
- impl <T: Trait> Property<T> {
- pub fn required(mut self) -> Self {
- self.required = true;
- self
- }
- }
- pub fn assert_class_props(class_id: <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId, expected_props: Vec<Property<Runtime>>) {
- let class = TestModule::class_by_id(class_id);
- assert_eq!(class.properties, expected_props);
- }
- pub fn assert_class_schemas(class_id: <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId, expected_schema_prop_ids: Vec<Vec<PropertyId>>) {
- let class = TestModule::class_by_id(class_id);
- let schemas: Vec<_> = expected_schema_prop_ids
- .iter()
- .map(|prop_ids| Schema::new(prop_ids.to_owned()))
- .collect();
- assert_eq!(class.schemas, schemas);
- }
- pub fn assert_entity_not_found(result: dispatch::Result) {
- assert_err!(result, ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND);
- }
- pub fn simple_test_schema() -> Vec<Property<Runtime>> {
- vec![Property {
- prop_type: PropertyType::Int64,
- required: false,
- name: b"field1".to_vec(),
- description: b"Description field1".to_vec(),
- }]
- }
- pub fn simple_test_entity_property_values<T: Trait>() -> BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>> {
- let mut property_values = BTreeMap::new();
- property_values.insert(0, PropertyValue::Int64(1337));
- property_values
- }
- pub fn create_simple_class(permissions: ClassPermissionsType<Runtime>) -> <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId {
- let class_id = TestModule::next_class_id();
- assert_ok!(TestModule::create_class(
- b"class_name_1".to_vec(),
- b"class_description_1".to_vec(),
- permissions
- ));
- class_id
- }
- pub fn create_simple_class_with_default_permissions() -> <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId {
- create_simple_class(Default::default())
- }
- pub fn class_minimal() -> ClassPermissionsType<Runtime> {
- ClassPermissions {
- // remove special permissions for entity maintainers
- entity_permissions: EntityPermissions {
- maintainer_has_all_permissions: false,
- ..Default::default()
- },
- ..Default::default()
- }
- }
- pub fn class_minimal_with_admins(
- admins: Vec<<Runtime as Trait>::Credential>,
- ) -> ClassPermissionsType<Runtime> {
- ClassPermissions {
- admins: admins.into(),
- ..class_minimal()
- }
- }
- pub fn next_entity_id() -> <Runtime as Trait>::EntityId {
- TestModule::next_entity_id()
- }
- pub fn create_entity_of_class(class_id: <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId) -> <Runtime as Trait>::EntityId {
- let entity_id = TestModule::next_entity_id();
- assert_eq!(TestModule::perform_entity_creation(class_id,), entity_id);
- entity_id
- }
- pub fn create_entity_with_schema_support() -> <Runtime as Trait>::EntityId {
- let (_, schema_id, entity_id) = create_class_with_schema_and_entity();
- let mut property_values = BTreeMap::new();
- property_values.insert(PROP_ID_BOOL, PropertyValue::Bool(true));
- property_values.insert(
- PropertyValue::Uint32Vec(vec![123, 234, 44], <Runtime as Trait>::Nonce::default()),
- );
- assert_ok!(TestModule::add_entity_schema_support(
- entity_id,
- schema_id,
- property_values
- ));
- entity_id
- }
- pub fn create_class_with_schema() -> (<Runtime as Trait>::ClassId, SchemaId) {
- let class_id = create_simple_class_with_default_permissions();
- let schema_id = TestModule::append_class_schema(
- class_id,
- vec![],
- vec![
- good_prop_bool().required(),
- good_prop_u32(),
- new_reference_class_prop(class_id),
- good_prop_u32_vec(),
- ],
- )
- .expect("This should not happen");
- (class_id, schema_id)
- }
- pub fn create_class_with_schema_and_entity() -> (<Runtime as Trait>::ClassId, SchemaId, <Runtime as Trait>::EntityId) {
- let (class_id, schema_id) = create_class_with_schema();
- let entity_id = create_entity_of_class(class_id);
- (class_id, schema_id, entity_id)
- }
- pub fn good_prop_bool() -> Property<Runtime> {
- Property {
- prop_type: PropertyType::Bool,
- required: false,
- name: b"Name of a bool property".to_vec(),
- description: b"Description of a bool property".to_vec(),
- }
- }
- pub fn good_prop_u32() -> Property<Runtime> {
- Property {
- prop_type: PropertyType::Uint32,
- required: false,
- name: b"Name of a u32 property".to_vec(),
- description: b"Description of a u32 property".to_vec(),
- }
- }
- pub fn good_prop_u32_vec() -> Property<Runtime> {
- Property {
- prop_type: PropertyType::Uint32Vec(PROP_ID_U32_VEC_MAX_LEN),
- required: false,
- name: b"Name of a u32 vec property".to_vec(),
- description: b"Description of a u32 vec property".to_vec(),
- }
- }
- pub fn good_prop_text() -> Property<Runtime> {
- Property {
- prop_type: PropertyType::Text(20),
- required: false,
- name: b"Name of a text property".to_vec(),
- description: b"Description of a text property".to_vec(),
- }
- }
- pub fn new_reference_class_prop(class_id: <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId) -> Property<Runtime> {
- Property {
- prop_type: PropertyType::Reference(class_id),
- required: false,
- name: b"Name of a internal property".to_vec(),
- description: b"Description of a internal property".to_vec(),
- }
- }
- pub fn new_reference_class_prop_vec(class_id: <Runtime as Trait>::ClassId) -> Property<Runtime> {
- Property {
- prop_type: PropertyType::ReferenceVec(PROP_ID_U32_VEC_MAX_LEN, class_id),
- required: false,
- name: b"Name of a internal property".to_vec(),
- description: b"Description of a internal property".to_vec(),
- }
- }
- pub fn good_class_name() -> Vec<u8> {
- b"Name of a class".to_vec()
- }
- pub fn good_class_description() -> Vec<u8> {
- b"Description of a class".to_vec()
- }
- pub fn good_props() -> Vec<Property<Runtime>> {
- vec![good_prop_bool(), good_prop_u32()]
- }
- pub fn good_prop_ids() -> Vec<PropertyId> {
- vec![0, 1]
- }
- pub fn bool_prop_value<T: Trait>() -> BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>> {
- let mut property_values = BTreeMap::new();
- property_values.insert(0, PropertyValue::Bool(true));
- property_values
- }
- pub fn prop_value<T: Trait>(
- index: PropertyId,
- value: PropertyValue<T>,
- ) -> BTreeMap<PropertyId, PropertyValue<T>> {
- let mut property_values = BTreeMap::new();
- property_values.insert(index, value);
- property_values
- }
- // pub type System = system::Module;
- /// Export module on a test runtime
- pub type TestModule = Module<Runtime>;