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Create query node for substrate based chains.


$ cli [COMMAND]


codegen   Generate graphql server and block indexer ready to run

Using CLI

Start use CLI by navigate query-node/substrate-query-node/cli directory then:

$ ./bin/run [COMMAND]


$ yarn link
$ cli [COMMAND]


CLI generates a grapqh server and a substrate block indexer.

  • Graphql server uses warthog underneath and generate model/resolver/service from the schema you will define in the current working directory (cwd). Before starting code generation make sure you have a file named schema.json inside the cwd and at least one type defination inside it. Later we will see an example how to add a new type defination to our schema.
  • Block indexer consumes produced blocks from a substrate based chain. Before running code generation make sure you have .env file inside the cwd, and mappings directory with index.ts. Which must have variables below with appropriate values:

    WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI=<provider>    # e.g ws://localhost:9944
    TYPE_REGISTER_PACKAGE_NAME=<packname>  # name of the package to import TYPE_REGISTER_FUNCTION
    TYPE_REGISTER_FUNCTION=<register_type> # name of the function that will called for type registration

Typical your cwd should look like this:

├── .env
├── mappings
│   ├── index.ts
└── schema.json

Getting Started

Run cli inside the directory where you put mappings, .env, schema.json.

Generate Graphql Server and Block Indexer

Cli create a folder named generated and put everthing inside it.

$ cli codegen

Start graphql server:

$ cd generated/graphql-server
$ yarn start:dev

Start block indexer:

$ cd generated/indexer
$ yarn start

Looking for an existing example check out: joystream-query-node