augment-api-tx.ts 120 KB

  1. // Auto-generated via `yarn polkadot-types-from-chain`, do not edit
  2. /* eslint-disable */
  3. import type { BTreeMap, BTreeSet, Bytes, Compact, Option, Vec, bool, u16, u32, u64 } from '@polkadot/types';
  4. import type { AnyNumber } from '@polkadot/types/types';
  5. import type { ActivateOpeningAt, AddOpeningParameters, ApplicationId, ApplicationIdSet, BagId, BalanceOfMint, CategoryId, ChannelCategoryCreationParameters, ChannelCategoryId, ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters, ChannelCreationParameters, ChannelId, ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest, ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId, ChannelUpdateParameters, Cid, ContentActor, CuratorGroupId, CuratorId, DataObjectId, DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId, DynamicBagDeletionPrize, DynamicBagId, DynamicBagType, ElectionParameters, FillOpeningParameters, MemberId, MemoText, OpeningId, OpeningPolicyCommitment, OpeningType, PaidTermId, PersonActor, PersonCreationParameters, PersonId, PersonUpdateParameters, PlaylistCreationParameters, PlaylistId, PlaylistUpdateParameters, PostId, ProposalId, RewardPolicy, SeriesId, SeriesParameters, StorageBucketId, TerminateRoleParameters, ThreadId, UploadParameters, VideoCategoryCreationParameters, VideoCategoryId, VideoCategoryUpdateParameters, VideoCreationParameters, VideoId, VideoUpdateParameters, VoteKind, WorkerId, WorkingGroup } from './all';
  6. import type { BabeEquivocationProof } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/babe';
  7. import type { Extrinsic, Signature } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/extrinsics';
  8. import type { GrandpaEquivocationProof, KeyOwnerProof } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/grandpa';
  9. import type { Heartbeat } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/imOnline';
  10. import type { AccountId, Balance, BalanceOf, BlockNumber, Call, ChangesTrieConfiguration, Hash, Header, KeyValue, LookupSource, Moment, Perbill, Percent, Weight } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/runtime';
  11. import type { Keys } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/session';
  12. import type { CompactAssignments, ElectionScore, ElectionSize, EraIndex, RewardDestination, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorPrefs } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/staking';
  13. import type { Key } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/system';
  14. import type { ApiTypes, SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types';
  15. declare module '@polkadot/api/types/submittable' {
  16. export interface AugmentedSubmittables<ApiType> {
  17. authorship: {
  18. /**
  19. * Provide a set of uncles.
  20. **/
  21. setUncles: AugmentedSubmittable<(newUncles: Vec<Header> | (Header | { parentHash?: any; number?: any; stateRoot?: any; extrinsicsRoot?: any; digest?: any } | string | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<Header>]>;
  22. };
  23. babe: {
  24. /**
  25. * Report authority equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify
  26. * the equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
  27. * against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence will
  28. * be reported.
  29. **/
  30. reportEquivocation: AugmentedSubmittable<(equivocationProof: BabeEquivocationProof | { offender?: any; slotNumber?: any; firstHeader?: any; secondHeader?: any } | string | Uint8Array, keyOwnerProof: KeyOwnerProof | { session?: any; trieNodes?: any; validatorCount?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BabeEquivocationProof, KeyOwnerProof]>;
  31. /**
  32. * Report authority equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify
  33. * the equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
  34. * against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence will
  35. * be reported.
  36. * This extrinsic must be called unsigned and it is expected that only
  37. * block authors will call it (validated in `ValidateUnsigned`), as such
  38. * if the block author is defined it will be defined as the equivocation
  39. * reporter.
  40. **/
  41. reportEquivocationUnsigned: AugmentedSubmittable<(equivocationProof: BabeEquivocationProof | { offender?: any; slotNumber?: any; firstHeader?: any; secondHeader?: any } | string | Uint8Array, keyOwnerProof: KeyOwnerProof | { session?: any; trieNodes?: any; validatorCount?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BabeEquivocationProof, KeyOwnerProof]>;
  42. };
  43. balances: {
  44. /**
  45. * Exactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may be
  46. * specified.
  47. * # <weight>
  48. * - Same as transfer, but additional read and write because the source account is
  49. * not assumed to be in the overlay.
  50. * # </weight>
  51. **/
  52. forceTransfer: AugmentedSubmittable<(source: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array, dest: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array, value: Compact<Balance> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource, LookupSource, Compact<Balance>]>;
  53. /**
  54. * Set the balances of a given account.
  55. *
  56. * This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it will
  57. * also decrease the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`).
  58. * If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,
  59. * it will reset the account nonce (`frame_system::AccountNonce`).
  60. *
  61. * The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.
  62. *
  63. * # <weight>
  64. * - Independent of the arguments.
  65. * - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.
  66. * ---------------------
  67. * - Base Weight:
  68. * - Creating: 27.56 µs
  69. * - Killing: 35.11 µs
  70. * - DB Weight: 1 Read, 1 Write to `who`
  71. * # </weight>
  72. **/
  73. setBalance: AugmentedSubmittable<(who: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array, newFree: Compact<Balance> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newReserved: Compact<Balance> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource, Compact<Balance>, Compact<Balance>]>;
  74. /**
  75. * Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.
  76. *
  77. * `transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.
  78. * It will decrease the total issuance of the system by the `TransferFee`.
  79. * If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result
  80. * of the transfer, the account will be reaped.
  81. *
  82. * The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.
  83. *
  84. * # <weight>
  85. * - Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for
  86. * input config types. See related functions below.
  87. * - It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex computation.
  88. *
  89. * Related functions:
  90. *
  91. * - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity.
  92. * - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause
  93. * `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called.
  94. * - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced`.
  95. * - `transfer_keep_alive` works the same way as `transfer`, but has an additional
  96. * check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.
  97. * ---------------------------------
  98. * - Base Weight: 73.64 µs, worst case scenario (account created, account removed)
  99. * - DB Weight: 1 Read and 1 Write to destination account
  100. * - Origin account is already in memory, so no DB operations for them.
  101. * # </weight>
  102. **/
  103. transfer: AugmentedSubmittable<(dest: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array, value: Compact<Balance> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource, Compact<Balance>]>;
  104. /**
  105. * Same as the [`transfer`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill the
  106. * origin account.
  107. *
  108. * 99% of the time you want [`transfer`] instead.
  109. *
  110. * [`transfer`]: struct.Module.html#method.transfer
  111. * # <weight>
  112. * - Cheaper than transfer because account cannot be killed.
  113. * - Base Weight: 51.4 µs
  114. * - DB Weight: 1 Read and 1 Write to dest (sender is in overlay already)
  115. * #</weight>
  116. **/
  117. transferKeepAlive: AugmentedSubmittable<(dest: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array, value: Compact<Balance> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource, Compact<Balance>]>;
  118. };
  119. content: {
  120. acceptChannelTransfer: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, requestId: ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId]>;
  121. /**
  122. * Add curator to curator group under given `curator_group_id`
  123. **/
  124. addCuratorToGroup: AugmentedSubmittable<(curatorGroupId: CuratorGroupId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, curatorId: CuratorId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [CuratorGroupId, CuratorId]>;
  125. addPersonToVideo: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, videoId: VideoId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, person: PersonId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoId, PersonId]>;
  126. cancelChannelTransferRequest: AugmentedSubmittable<(requestId: ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId]>;
  127. createChannel: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, params: ChannelCreationParameters | { assets?: any; meta?: any; reward_account?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelCreationParameters]>;
  128. createChannelCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, params: ChannelCategoryCreationParameters | { meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelCategoryCreationParameters]>;
  129. /**
  130. * Add new curator group to runtime storage
  131. **/
  132. createCuratorGroup: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  133. createPerson: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: PersonActor | { Member: any } | { Curator: any } | string | Uint8Array, params: PersonCreationParameters | { assets?: any; meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [PersonActor, PersonCreationParameters]>;
  134. createPlaylist: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: PlaylistCreationParameters | { meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, PlaylistCreationParameters]>;
  135. createSeries: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: SeriesParameters | { assets?: any; seasons?: any; meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, SeriesParameters]>;
  136. createVideo: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: VideoCreationParameters | { assets?: any; meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, VideoCreationParameters]>;
  137. createVideoCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, params: VideoCategoryCreationParameters | { meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoCategoryCreationParameters]>;
  138. deleteChannel: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId]>;
  139. deleteChannelCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, categoryId: ChannelCategoryId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelCategoryId]>;
  140. deletePerson: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: PersonActor | { Member: any } | { Curator: any } | string | Uint8Array, person: PersonId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [PersonActor, PersonId]>;
  141. deletePlaylist: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, playlist: PlaylistId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, PlaylistId]>;
  142. deleteSeries: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, series: SeriesId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, SeriesId]>;
  143. deleteVideo: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, videoId: VideoId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoId]>;
  144. deleteVideoCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, categoryId: VideoCategoryId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoCategoryId]>;
  145. /**
  146. * Remove assets of a channel from storage
  147. **/
  148. removeChannelAssets: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, assets: BTreeSet<DataObjectId>) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, BTreeSet<DataObjectId>]>;
  149. /**
  150. * Remove curator from a given curator group
  151. **/
  152. removeCuratorFromGroup: AugmentedSubmittable<(curatorGroupId: CuratorGroupId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, curatorId: CuratorId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [CuratorGroupId, CuratorId]>;
  153. removePersonFromVideo: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, videoId: VideoId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoId]>;
  154. requestChannelTransfer: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, request: ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest | { channel_id?: any; new_owner?: any; payment?: any; new_reward_account?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest]>;
  155. /**
  156. * Set `is_active` status for curator group under given `curator_group_id`
  157. **/
  158. setCuratorGroupStatus: AugmentedSubmittable<(curatorGroupId: CuratorGroupId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, isActive: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [CuratorGroupId, bool]>;
  159. setFeaturedVideos: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, list: Vec<VideoId> | (VideoId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, Vec<VideoId>]>;
  160. updateChannel: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: ChannelUpdateParameters | { assets?: any; new_meta?: any; reward_account?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, ChannelUpdateParameters]>;
  161. updateChannelCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, categoryId: ChannelCategoryId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters | { new_meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelCategoryId, ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters]>;
  162. updateChannelCensorshipStatus: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, isCensored: bool | boolean | Uint8Array, rationale: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, bool, Bytes]>;
  163. updatePerson: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: PersonActor | { Member: any } | { Curator: any } | string | Uint8Array, person: PersonId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: PersonUpdateParameters | { assets?: any; meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [PersonActor, PersonId, PersonUpdateParameters]>;
  164. updatePlaylist: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, playlist: PlaylistId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: PlaylistUpdateParameters | { new_meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, PlaylistId, PlaylistUpdateParameters]>;
  165. updateSeries: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, channelId: ChannelId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: SeriesParameters | { assets?: any; seasons?: any; meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, ChannelId, SeriesParameters]>;
  166. updateVideo: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, videoId: VideoId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: VideoUpdateParameters | { assets?: any; new_meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoId, VideoUpdateParameters]>;
  167. updateVideoCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, categoryId: VideoCategoryId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, params: VideoCategoryUpdateParameters | { new_meta?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoCategoryId, VideoCategoryUpdateParameters]>;
  168. updateVideoCensorshipStatus: AugmentedSubmittable<(actor: ContentActor | { Curator: any } | { Member: any } | { Lead: any } | string | Uint8Array, videoId: VideoId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, isCensored: bool | boolean | Uint8Array, rationale: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ContentActor, VideoId, bool, Bytes]>;
  169. };
  170. contentWorkingGroup: {
  171. /**
  172. * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
  173. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
  174. **/
  175. acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  176. /**
  177. * Add an opening for a worker role.
  178. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
  179. **/
  180. addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
  181. /**
  182. * Apply on a worker opening.
  183. **/
  184. applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
  185. /**
  186. * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
  187. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
  188. **/
  189. beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  190. /**
  191. * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
  192. * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
  193. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
  194. **/
  195. decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  196. /**
  197. * Fill opening for worker/lead.
  198. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
  199. **/
  200. fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
  201. /**
  202. * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
  203. * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
  204. **/
  205. increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  206. /**
  207. * Leave the role by the active worker.
  208. **/
  209. leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  210. /**
  211. * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
  212. **/
  213. setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  214. /**
  215. * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
  216. * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
  217. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
  218. **/
  219. slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  220. /**
  221. * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
  222. **/
  223. terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  224. /**
  225. * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
  226. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
  227. **/
  228. terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
  229. /**
  230. * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  231. **/
  232. updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  233. /**
  234. * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  235. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
  236. **/
  237. updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
  238. /**
  239. * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
  240. **/
  241. updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  242. /**
  243. * Update the associated role storage.
  244. **/
  245. updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  246. /**
  247. * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
  248. **/
  249. withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  250. };
  251. council: {
  252. /**
  253. * Adds a zero staked council member. A member added in this way does not get a recurring reward.
  254. **/
  255. addCouncilMember: AugmentedSubmittable<(account: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [AccountId]>;
  256. /**
  257. * Remove a single council member and their reward.
  258. **/
  259. removeCouncilMember: AugmentedSubmittable<(accountToRemove: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [AccountId]>;
  260. /**
  261. * Force set a zero staked council. Stakes in existing council seats are not returned.
  262. * Existing council rewards are removed and new council members do NOT get any rewards.
  263. * Avoid using this call if possible, will be deprecated. The term of the new council is
  264. * not extended.
  265. **/
  266. setCouncil: AugmentedSubmittable<(accounts: Vec<AccountId> | (AccountId | string | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<AccountId>]>;
  267. /**
  268. * Sets the capacity of the the council mint, if it doesn't exist, attempts to
  269. * create a new one.
  270. **/
  271. setCouncilMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(capacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  272. /**
  273. * Sets the council rewards which is only applied on new council being elected.
  274. **/
  275. setCouncilRewards: AugmentedSubmittable<(amountPerPayout: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, payoutInterval: Option<BlockNumber> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, firstPayoutAfterRewardCreated: BlockNumber | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf, Option<BlockNumber>, BlockNumber]>;
  276. /**
  277. * Set blocknumber when council term will end
  278. **/
  279. setTermEndsAt: AugmentedSubmittable<(endsAt: BlockNumber | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BlockNumber]>;
  280. /**
  281. * Attempts to mint and transfer amount to destination account
  282. **/
  283. spendFromCouncilMint: AugmentedSubmittable<(amount: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, destination: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf, AccountId]>;
  284. };
  285. councilElection: {
  286. apply: AugmentedSubmittable<(stake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  287. forceStartElection: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  288. forceStopElection: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  289. reveal: AugmentedSubmittable<(commitment: Hash | string | Uint8Array, vote: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, salt: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Hash, AccountId, Bytes]>;
  290. setAutoStart: AugmentedSubmittable<(flag: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [bool]>;
  291. /**
  292. * Sets new election parameters. Some combination of parameters that are not desirable, so
  293. * the parameters are checked for validity.
  294. * The call will fail if an election is in progress. If a council is not being elected for some
  295. * reaon after multiple rounds, force_stop_election() can be called to stop elections and followed by
  296. * set_election_parameters().
  297. **/
  298. setElectionParameters: AugmentedSubmittable<(params: ElectionParameters | { announcing_period?: any; voting_period?: any; revealing_period?: any; council_size?: any; candidacy_limit?: any; new_term_duration?: any; min_council_stake?: any; min_voting_stake?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ElectionParameters]>;
  299. setStageAnnouncing: AugmentedSubmittable<(endsAt: BlockNumber | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BlockNumber]>;
  300. setStageRevealing: AugmentedSubmittable<(endsAt: BlockNumber | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BlockNumber]>;
  301. setStageVoting: AugmentedSubmittable<(endsAt: BlockNumber | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BlockNumber]>;
  302. vote: AugmentedSubmittable<(commitment: Hash | string | Uint8Array, stake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Hash, BalanceOf]>;
  303. };
  304. distributionWorkingGroup: {
  305. /**
  306. * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
  307. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
  308. **/
  309. acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  310. /**
  311. * Add an opening for a worker role.
  312. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
  313. **/
  314. addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
  315. /**
  316. * Apply on a worker opening.
  317. **/
  318. applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
  319. /**
  320. * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
  321. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
  322. **/
  323. beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  324. /**
  325. * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
  326. * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
  327. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
  328. **/
  329. decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  330. /**
  331. * Fill opening for worker/lead.
  332. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
  333. **/
  334. fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
  335. /**
  336. * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
  337. * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
  338. **/
  339. increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  340. /**
  341. * Leave the role by the active worker.
  342. **/
  343. leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  344. /**
  345. * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
  346. **/
  347. setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  348. /**
  349. * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
  350. * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
  351. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
  352. **/
  353. slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  354. /**
  355. * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
  356. **/
  357. terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  358. /**
  359. * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
  360. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
  361. **/
  362. terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
  363. /**
  364. * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  365. **/
  366. updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  367. /**
  368. * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  369. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
  370. **/
  371. updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
  372. /**
  373. * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
  374. **/
  375. updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  376. /**
  377. * Update the associated role storage.
  378. **/
  379. updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  380. /**
  381. * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
  382. **/
  383. withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  384. };
  385. finalityTracker: {
  386. /**
  387. * Hint that the author of this block thinks the best finalized
  388. * block is the given number.
  389. **/
  390. finalHint: AugmentedSubmittable<(hint: Compact<BlockNumber> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<BlockNumber>]>;
  391. };
  392. forum: {
  393. /**
  394. * Edit post text
  395. **/
  396. addPost: AugmentedSubmittable<(threadId: ThreadId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, text: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ThreadId, Bytes]>;
  397. /**
  398. * Add a new category.
  399. **/
  400. createCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(parent: Option<CategoryId> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Option<CategoryId>, Bytes, Bytes]>;
  401. /**
  402. * Create new thread in category
  403. **/
  404. createThread: AugmentedSubmittable<(categoryId: CategoryId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, text: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [CategoryId, Bytes, Bytes]>;
  405. /**
  406. * Edit post text
  407. **/
  408. editPostText: AugmentedSubmittable<(postId: PostId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [PostId, Bytes]>;
  409. /**
  410. * Moderate post
  411. **/
  412. moderatePost: AugmentedSubmittable<(postId: PostId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationale: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [PostId, Bytes]>;
  413. /**
  414. * Moderate thread
  415. **/
  416. moderateThread: AugmentedSubmittable<(threadId: ThreadId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationale: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ThreadId, Bytes]>;
  417. /**
  418. * Set forum sudo.
  419. **/
  420. setForumSudo: AugmentedSubmittable<(newForumSudo: Option<AccountId> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Option<AccountId>]>;
  421. /**
  422. * Update category
  423. **/
  424. updateCategory: AugmentedSubmittable<(categoryId: CategoryId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newArchivalStatus: Option<bool> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, newDeletionStatus: Option<bool> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [CategoryId, Option<bool>, Option<bool>]>;
  425. };
  426. gatewayWorkingGroup: {
  427. /**
  428. * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
  429. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
  430. **/
  431. acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  432. /**
  433. * Add an opening for a worker role.
  434. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
  435. **/
  436. addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
  437. /**
  438. * Apply on a worker opening.
  439. **/
  440. applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
  441. /**
  442. * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
  443. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
  444. **/
  445. beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  446. /**
  447. * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
  448. * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
  449. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
  450. **/
  451. decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  452. /**
  453. * Fill opening for worker/lead.
  454. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
  455. **/
  456. fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
  457. /**
  458. * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
  459. * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
  460. **/
  461. increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  462. /**
  463. * Leave the role by the active worker.
  464. **/
  465. leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  466. /**
  467. * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
  468. **/
  469. setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  470. /**
  471. * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
  472. * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
  473. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
  474. **/
  475. slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  476. /**
  477. * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
  478. **/
  479. terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  480. /**
  481. * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
  482. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
  483. **/
  484. terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
  485. /**
  486. * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  487. **/
  488. updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  489. /**
  490. * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  491. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
  492. **/
  493. updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
  494. /**
  495. * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
  496. **/
  497. updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  498. /**
  499. * Update the associated role storage.
  500. **/
  501. updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  502. /**
  503. * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
  504. **/
  505. withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  506. };
  507. grandpa: {
  508. /**
  509. * Note that the current authority set of the GRANDPA finality gadget has
  510. * stalled. This will trigger a forced authority set change at the beginning
  511. * of the next session, to be enacted `delay` blocks after that. The delay
  512. * should be high enough to safely assume that the block signalling the
  513. * forced change will not be re-orged (e.g. 1000 blocks). The GRANDPA voters
  514. * will start the new authority set using the given finalized block as base.
  515. * Only callable by root.
  516. **/
  517. noteStalled: AugmentedSubmittable<(delay: BlockNumber | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, bestFinalizedBlockNumber: BlockNumber | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BlockNumber, BlockNumber]>;
  518. /**
  519. * Report voter equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify the
  520. * equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
  521. * against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence
  522. * will be reported.
  523. **/
  524. reportEquivocation: AugmentedSubmittable<(equivocationProof: GrandpaEquivocationProof | { setId?: any; equivocation?: any } | string | Uint8Array, keyOwnerProof: KeyOwnerProof | { session?: any; trieNodes?: any; validatorCount?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [GrandpaEquivocationProof, KeyOwnerProof]>;
  525. /**
  526. * Report voter equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify the
  527. * equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
  528. * against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence
  529. * will be reported.
  530. *
  531. * This extrinsic must be called unsigned and it is expected that only
  532. * block authors will call it (validated in `ValidateUnsigned`), as such
  533. * if the block author is defined it will be defined as the equivocation
  534. * reporter.
  535. **/
  536. reportEquivocationUnsigned: AugmentedSubmittable<(equivocationProof: GrandpaEquivocationProof | { setId?: any; equivocation?: any } | string | Uint8Array, keyOwnerProof: KeyOwnerProof | { session?: any; trieNodes?: any; validatorCount?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [GrandpaEquivocationProof, KeyOwnerProof]>;
  537. };
  538. imOnline: {
  539. /**
  540. * # <weight>
  541. * - Complexity: `O(K + E)` where K is length of `Keys` (heartbeat.validators_len)
  542. * and E is length of `heartbeat.network_state.external_address`
  543. * - `O(K)`: decoding of length `K`
  544. * - `O(E)`: decoding/encoding of length `E`
  545. * - DbReads: pallet_session `Validators`, pallet_session `CurrentIndex`, `Keys`,
  546. * `ReceivedHeartbeats`
  547. * - DbWrites: `ReceivedHeartbeats`
  548. * # </weight>
  549. **/
  550. heartbeat: AugmentedSubmittable<(heartbeat: Heartbeat | { blockNumber?: any; networkState?: any; sessionIndex?: any; authorityIndex?: any; validatorsLen?: any } | string | Uint8Array, signature: Signature | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Heartbeat, Signature]>;
  551. };
  552. members: {
  553. /**
  554. * Screened members are awarded a initial locked balance that can only be slashed or used
  555. * for fees, and is not transferable. The screening authority must ensure that the provided
  556. * new_member_account was verified to avoid applying locks arbitrarily to accounts not controlled
  557. * by the member.
  558. **/
  559. addScreenedMember: AugmentedSubmittable<(newMemberAccount: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, handle: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, avatarUri: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, about: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, initialBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [AccountId, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>, Option<BalanceOf>]>;
  560. /**
  561. * Non-members can buy membership
  562. **/
  563. buyMembership: AugmentedSubmittable<(paidTermsId: PaidTermId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, handle: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, avatarUri: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, about: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [PaidTermId, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>]>;
  564. /**
  565. * Change member's about text
  566. **/
  567. changeMemberAboutText: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, text: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes]>;
  568. /**
  569. * Change member's avatar
  570. **/
  571. changeMemberAvatar: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, uri: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes]>;
  572. /**
  573. * Change member's handle. Will ensure new handle is unique and old one will be available
  574. * for other members to use.
  575. **/
  576. changeMemberHandle: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, handle: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes]>;
  577. setControllerAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newControllerAccount: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, AccountId]>;
  578. setRootAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRootAccount: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, AccountId]>;
  579. setScreeningAuthority: AugmentedSubmittable<(authority: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [AccountId]>;
  580. /**
  581. * Update member's all or some of handle, avatar and about text.
  582. **/
  583. updateMembership: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, handle: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, avatarUri: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, about: Option<Bytes> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>]>;
  584. };
  585. memo: {
  586. updateMemo: AugmentedSubmittable<(memo: MemoText | string) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemoText]>;
  587. };
  588. operationsWorkingGroup: {
  589. /**
  590. * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
  591. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
  592. **/
  593. acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  594. /**
  595. * Add an opening for a worker role.
  596. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
  597. **/
  598. addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
  599. /**
  600. * Apply on a worker opening.
  601. **/
  602. applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
  603. /**
  604. * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
  605. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
  606. **/
  607. beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  608. /**
  609. * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
  610. * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
  611. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
  612. **/
  613. decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  614. /**
  615. * Fill opening for worker/lead.
  616. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
  617. **/
  618. fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
  619. /**
  620. * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
  621. * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
  622. **/
  623. increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  624. /**
  625. * Leave the role by the active worker.
  626. **/
  627. leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  628. /**
  629. * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
  630. **/
  631. setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  632. /**
  633. * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
  634. * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
  635. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
  636. **/
  637. slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  638. /**
  639. * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
  640. **/
  641. terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  642. /**
  643. * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
  644. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
  645. **/
  646. terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
  647. /**
  648. * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  649. **/
  650. updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  651. /**
  652. * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  653. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
  654. **/
  655. updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
  656. /**
  657. * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
  658. **/
  659. updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  660. /**
  661. * Update the associated role storage.
  662. **/
  663. updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  664. /**
  665. * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
  666. **/
  667. withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  668. };
  669. proposalsCodex: {
  670. /**
  671. * Create 'Add working group leader opening' proposal type.
  672. * This proposal uses `add_opening()` extrinsic from the Joystream `working group` module.
  673. **/
  674. createAddWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, addOpeningParameters: AddOpeningParameters | { activate_at?: any; commitment?: any; human_readable_text?: any; working_group?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, AddOpeningParameters]>;
  675. /**
  676. * Create 'Begin review working group leader applications' proposal type.
  677. * This proposal uses `begin_applicant_review()` extrinsic from the Joystream `working group` module.
  678. **/
  679. createBeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, OpeningId, WorkingGroup]>;
  680. /**
  681. * Create 'decrease working group leader stake' proposal type.
  682. * This proposal uses `decrease_stake()` extrinsic from the `working-group` module.
  683. **/
  684. createDecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, decreasingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
  685. /**
  686. * Create 'Fill working group leader opening' proposal type.
  687. * This proposal uses `fill_opening()` extrinsic from the Joystream `working group` module.
  688. **/
  689. createFillWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, fillOpeningParameters: FillOpeningParameters | { opening_id?: any; successful_application_id?: any; reward_policy?: any; working_group?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, FillOpeningParameters]>;
  690. /**
  691. * Create 'Runtime upgrade' proposal type. Runtime upgrade can be initiated only by
  692. * members from the hardcoded list `RuntimeUpgradeProposalAllowedProposers`
  693. **/
  694. createRuntimeUpgradeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, wasm: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
  695. /**
  696. * Create 'Set election parameters' proposal type. This proposal uses `set_election_parameters()`
  697. * extrinsic from the `governance::election module`.
  698. **/
  699. createSetElectionParametersProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, electionParameters: ElectionParameters | { announcing_period?: any; voting_period?: any; revealing_period?: any; council_size?: any; candidacy_limit?: any; new_term_duration?: any; min_council_stake?: any; min_voting_stake?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, ElectionParameters]>;
  700. /**
  701. * Create 'Evict storage provider' proposal type.
  702. * This proposal uses `set_validator_count()` extrinsic from the Substrate `staking` module.
  703. **/
  704. createSetValidatorCountProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, newValidatorCount: u32 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, u32]>;
  705. /**
  706. * Create 'set working group leader reward' proposal type.
  707. * This proposal uses `update_reward_amount()` extrinsic from the `working-group` module.
  708. **/
  709. createSetWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rewardAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
  710. /**
  711. * Create 'Set working group mint capacity' proposal type.
  712. * This proposal uses `set_mint_capacity()` extrinsic from the `working-group` module.
  713. **/
  714. createSetWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, mintBalance: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
  715. /**
  716. * Create 'slash working group leader stake' proposal type.
  717. * This proposal uses `slash_stake()` extrinsic from the `working-group` module.
  718. **/
  719. createSlashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, slashingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
  720. /**
  721. * Create 'Spending' proposal type.
  722. * This proposal uses `spend_from_council_mint()` extrinsic from the `governance::council` module.
  723. **/
  724. createSpendingProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, destination: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, BalanceOfMint, AccountId]>;
  725. /**
  726. * Create 'terminate working group leader rolw' proposal type.
  727. * This proposal uses `terminate_role()` extrinsic from the `working-group` module.
  728. **/
  729. createTerminateWorkingGroupLeaderRoleProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, terminateRoleParameters: TerminateRoleParameters | { worker_id?: any; rationale?: any; slash?: any; working_group?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, TerminateRoleParameters]>;
  730. /**
  731. * Create 'Text (signal)' proposal type.
  732. **/
  733. createTextProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, text: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
  734. /**
  735. * Runtime upgrade proposal extrinsic.
  736. * Should be used as callable object to pass to the `engine` module.
  737. **/
  738. executeRuntimeUpgradeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(wasm: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Bytes]>;
  739. /**
  740. * Text proposal extrinsic. Should be used as callable object to pass to the `engine` module.
  741. **/
  742. executeTextProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(text: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Bytes]>;
  743. };
  744. proposalsDiscussion: {
  745. /**
  746. * Adds a post with author origin check.
  747. **/
  748. addPost: AugmentedSubmittable<(postAuthorId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, threadId: ThreadId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, text: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, ThreadId, Bytes]>;
  749. /**
  750. * Updates a post with author origin check. Update attempts number is limited.
  751. **/
  752. updatePost: AugmentedSubmittable<(postAuthorId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, threadId: ThreadId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, postId: PostId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, text: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, ThreadId, PostId, Bytes]>;
  753. };
  754. proposalsEngine: {
  755. /**
  756. * Cancel a proposal by its original proposer.
  757. **/
  758. cancelProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(proposerId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, proposalId: ProposalId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, ProposalId]>;
  759. /**
  760. * Veto a proposal. Must be root.
  761. **/
  762. vetoProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(proposalId: ProposalId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ProposalId]>;
  763. /**
  764. * Vote extrinsic. Conditions: origin must allow votes.
  765. **/
  766. vote: AugmentedSubmittable<(voterId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, proposalId: ProposalId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, vote: VoteKind | 'Approve' | 'Reject' | 'Slash' | 'Abstain' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, ProposalId, VoteKind]>;
  767. };
  768. session: {
  769. /**
  770. * Removes any session key(s) of the function caller.
  771. * This doesn't take effect until the next session.
  772. *
  773. * The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.
  774. *
  775. * # <weight>
  776. * - Complexity: `O(1)` in number of key types.
  777. * Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.
  778. * - DbReads: `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`, `origin account`
  779. * - DbWrites: `NextKeys`, `origin account`
  780. * - DbWrites per key id: `KeyOwnder`
  781. * # </weight>
  782. **/
  783. purgeKeys: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  784. /**
  785. * Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `keys`.
  786. * Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.
  787. * This doesn't take effect until the next session.
  788. *
  789. * The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.
  790. *
  791. * # <weight>
  792. * - Complexity: `O(1)`
  793. * Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.
  794. * - DbReads: `origin account`, `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`
  795. * - DbWrites: `origin account`, `NextKeys`
  796. * - DbReads per key id: `KeyOwner`
  797. * - DbWrites per key id: `KeyOwner`
  798. * # </weight>
  799. **/
  800. setKeys: AugmentedSubmittable<(keys: Keys, proof: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Keys, Bytes]>;
  801. };
  802. staking: {
  803. /**
  804. * Take the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` will
  805. * be the account that controls it.
  806. *
  807. * `value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.
  808. *
  809. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.
  810. *
  811. * Emits `Bonded`.
  812. *
  813. * # <weight>
  814. * - Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.
  815. * - O(1).
  816. * - Three extra DB entries.
  817. *
  818. * NOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned
  819. * unless the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.
  820. * ------------------
  821. * Weight: O(1)
  822. * DB Weight:
  823. * - Read: Bonded, Ledger, [Origin Account], Current Era, History Depth, Locks
  824. * - Write: Bonded, Payee, [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger
  825. * # </weight>
  826. **/
  827. bond: AugmentedSubmittable<(controller: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array, value: Compact<BalanceOf> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, payee: RewardDestination | { Staked: any } | { Stash: any } | { Controller: any } | { Account: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource, Compact<BalanceOf>, RewardDestination]>;
  828. /**
  829. * Add some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up
  830. * for staking.
  831. *
  832. * Use this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.
  833. * Unlike [`bond`] or [`unbond`] this function does not impose any limitation on the amount
  834. * that can be added.
  835. *
  836. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller and
  837. * it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  838. *
  839. * Emits `Bonded`.
  840. *
  841. * # <weight>
  842. * - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
  843. * - O(1).
  844. * - One DB entry.
  845. * ------------
  846. * DB Weight:
  847. * - Read: Era Election Status, Bonded, Ledger, [Origin Account], Locks
  848. * - Write: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger
  849. * # </weight>
  850. **/
  851. bondExtra: AugmentedSubmittable<(maxAdditional: Compact<BalanceOf> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<BalanceOf>]>;
  852. /**
  853. * Cancel enactment of a deferred slash.
  854. *
  855. * Can be called by the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.
  856. *
  857. * Parameters: era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.
  858. *
  859. * # <weight>
  860. * Complexity: O(U + S)
  861. * with U unapplied slashes weighted with U=1000
  862. * and S is the number of slash indices to be canceled.
  863. * - Read: Unapplied Slashes
  864. * - Write: Unapplied Slashes
  865. * # </weight>
  866. **/
  867. cancelDeferredSlash: AugmentedSubmittable<(era: EraIndex | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, slashIndices: Vec<u32> | (u32 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [EraIndex, Vec<u32>]>;
  868. /**
  869. * Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.
  870. *
  871. * Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.
  872. *
  873. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
  874. * And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  875. *
  876. * # <weight>
  877. * - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
  878. * - Contains one read.
  879. * - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
  880. * --------
  881. * Weight: O(1)
  882. * DB Weight:
  883. * - Read: EraElectionStatus, Ledger
  884. * - Write: Validators, Nominators
  885. * # </weight>
  886. **/
  887. chill: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  888. /**
  889. * Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be
  890. * reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.
  891. *
  892. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  893. *
  894. * # <weight>
  895. * - No arguments.
  896. * - Weight: O(1)
  897. * - Write ForceEra
  898. * # </weight>
  899. **/
  900. forceNewEra: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  901. /**
  902. * Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.
  903. *
  904. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  905. *
  906. * # <weight>
  907. * - Weight: O(1)
  908. * - Write: ForceEra
  909. * # </weight>
  910. **/
  911. forceNewEraAlways: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  912. /**
  913. * Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.
  914. *
  915. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  916. *
  917. * # <weight>
  918. * - No arguments.
  919. * - Weight: O(1)
  920. * - Write: ForceEra
  921. * # </weight>
  922. **/
  923. forceNoEras: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  924. /**
  925. * Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately.
  926. *
  927. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  928. *
  929. * # <weight>
  930. * O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans to be removed
  931. * Reads: Bonded, Slashing Spans, Account, Locks
  932. * Writes: Bonded, Slashing Spans (if S > 0), Ledger, Payee, Validators, Nominators, Account, Locks
  933. * Writes Each: SpanSlash * S
  934. * # </weight>
  935. **/
  936. forceUnstake: AugmentedSubmittable<(stash: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, numSlashingSpans: u32 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [AccountId, u32]>;
  937. /**
  938. * Increments the ideal number of validators.
  939. *
  940. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  941. *
  942. * # <weight>
  943. * Same as [`set_validator_count`].
  944. * # </weight>
  945. **/
  946. increaseValidatorCount: AugmentedSubmittable<(additional: Compact<u32> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<u32>]>;
  947. /**
  948. * Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.
  949. *
  950. * Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. This can only be called when
  951. * [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  952. *
  953. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
  954. * And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  955. *
  956. * # <weight>
  957. * - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets` (N)
  958. * which is capped at CompactAssignments::LIMIT (MAX_NOMINATIONS).
  959. * - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.
  960. * ---------
  961. * Weight: O(N)
  962. * where N is the number of targets
  963. * DB Weight:
  964. * - Reads: Era Election Status, Ledger, Current Era
  965. * - Writes: Validators, Nominators
  966. * # </weight>
  967. **/
  968. nominate: AugmentedSubmittable<(targets: Vec<LookupSource> | (LookupSource | string | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<LookupSource>]>;
  969. /**
  970. * Pay out all the stakers behind a single validator for a single era.
  971. *
  972. * - `validator_stash` is the stash account of the validator. Their nominators, up to
  973. * `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`, will also receive their rewards.
  974. * - `era` may be any era between `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`.
  975. *
  976. * The origin of this call must be _Signed_. Any account can call this function, even if
  977. * it is not one of the stakers.
  978. *
  979. * This can only be called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  980. *
  981. * # <weight>
  982. * - Time complexity: at most O(MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator).
  983. * - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.
  984. * -----------
  985. * N is the Number of payouts for the validator (including the validator)
  986. * Weight:
  987. * - Reward Destination Staked: O(N)
  988. * - Reward Destination Controller (Creating): O(N)
  989. * DB Weight:
  990. * - Read: EraElectionStatus, CurrentEra, HistoryDepth, ErasValidatorReward,
  991. * ErasStakersClipped, ErasRewardPoints, ErasValidatorPrefs (8 items)
  992. * - Read Each: Bonded, Ledger, Payee, Locks, System Account (5 items)
  993. * - Write Each: System Account, Locks, Ledger (3 items)
  994. *
  995. * NOTE: weights are assuming that payouts are made to alive stash account (Staked).
  996. * Paying even a dead controller is cheaper weight-wise. We don't do any refunds here.
  997. * # </weight>
  998. **/
  999. payoutStakers: AugmentedSubmittable<(validatorStash: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, era: EraIndex | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [AccountId, EraIndex]>;
  1000. /**
  1001. * Remove all data structure concerning a staker/stash once its balance is zero.
  1002. * This is essentially equivalent to `withdraw_unbonded` except it can be called by anyone
  1003. * and the target `stash` must have no funds left.
  1004. *
  1005. * This can be called from any origin.
  1006. *
  1007. * - `stash`: The stash account to reap. Its balance must be zero.
  1008. *
  1009. * # <weight>
  1010. * Complexity: O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans on the account.
  1011. * DB Weight:
  1012. * - Reads: Stash Account, Bonded, Slashing Spans, Locks
  1013. * - Writes: Bonded, Slashing Spans (if S > 0), Ledger, Payee, Validators, Nominators, Stash Account, Locks
  1014. * - Writes Each: SpanSlash * S
  1015. * # </weight>
  1016. **/
  1017. reapStash: AugmentedSubmittable<(stash: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, numSlashingSpans: u32 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [AccountId, u32]>;
  1018. /**
  1019. * Rebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked.
  1020. *
  1021. * The dispatch origin must be signed by the controller, and it can be only called when
  1022. * [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  1023. *
  1024. * # <weight>
  1025. * - Time complexity: O(L), where L is unlocking chunks
  1026. * - Bounded by `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`.
  1027. * - Storage changes: Can't increase storage, only decrease it.
  1028. * ---------------
  1029. * - DB Weight:
  1030. * - Reads: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, Locks, [Origin Account]
  1031. * - Writes: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger
  1032. * # </weight>
  1033. **/
  1034. rebond: AugmentedSubmittable<(value: Compact<BalanceOf> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<BalanceOf>]>;
  1035. /**
  1036. * Scale up the ideal number of validators by a factor.
  1037. *
  1038. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  1039. *
  1040. * # <weight>
  1041. * Same as [`set_validator_count`].
  1042. * # </weight>
  1043. **/
  1044. scaleValidatorCount: AugmentedSubmittable<(factor: Percent | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Percent]>;
  1045. /**
  1046. * (Re-)set the controller of a stash.
  1047. *
  1048. * Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.
  1049. *
  1050. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.
  1051. *
  1052. * # <weight>
  1053. * - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
  1054. * - Contains a limited number of reads.
  1055. * - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
  1056. * ----------
  1057. * Weight: O(1)
  1058. * DB Weight:
  1059. * - Read: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controller
  1060. * - Write: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controller
  1061. * # </weight>
  1062. **/
  1063. setController: AugmentedSubmittable<(controller: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource]>;
  1064. /**
  1065. * Set `HistoryDepth` value. This function will delete any history information
  1066. * when `HistoryDepth` is reduced.
  1067. *
  1068. * Parameters:
  1069. * - `new_history_depth`: The new history depth you would like to set.
  1070. * - `era_items_deleted`: The number of items that will be deleted by this dispatch.
  1071. * This should report all the storage items that will be deleted by clearing old
  1072. * era history. Needed to report an accurate weight for the dispatch. Trusted by
  1073. * `Root` to report an accurate number.
  1074. *
  1075. * Origin must be root.
  1076. *
  1077. * # <weight>
  1078. * - E: Number of history depths removed, i.e. 10 -> 7 = 3
  1079. * - Weight: O(E)
  1080. * - DB Weight:
  1081. * - Reads: Current Era, History Depth
  1082. * - Writes: History Depth
  1083. * - Clear Prefix Each: Era Stakers, EraStakersClipped, ErasValidatorPrefs
  1084. * - Writes Each: ErasValidatorReward, ErasRewardPoints, ErasTotalStake, ErasStartSessionIndex
  1085. * # </weight>
  1086. **/
  1087. setHistoryDepth: AugmentedSubmittable<(newHistoryDepth: Compact<EraIndex> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, eraItemsDeleted: Compact<u32> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<EraIndex>, Compact<u32>]>;
  1088. /**
  1089. * Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any).
  1090. *
  1091. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  1092. *
  1093. * # <weight>
  1094. * - O(V)
  1095. * - Write: Invulnerables
  1096. * # </weight>
  1097. **/
  1098. setInvulnerables: AugmentedSubmittable<(invulnerables: Vec<AccountId> | (AccountId | string | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<AccountId>]>;
  1099. /**
  1100. * (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.
  1101. *
  1102. * Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.
  1103. *
  1104. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
  1105. *
  1106. * # <weight>
  1107. * - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
  1108. * - Contains a limited number of reads.
  1109. * - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
  1110. * ---------
  1111. * - Weight: O(1)
  1112. * - DB Weight:
  1113. * - Read: Ledger
  1114. * - Write: Payee
  1115. * # </weight>
  1116. **/
  1117. setPayee: AugmentedSubmittable<(payee: RewardDestination | { Staked: any } | { Stash: any } | { Controller: any } | { Account: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [RewardDestination]>;
  1118. /**
  1119. * Sets the ideal number of validators.
  1120. *
  1121. * The dispatch origin must be Root.
  1122. *
  1123. * # <weight>
  1124. * Weight: O(1)
  1125. * Write: Validator Count
  1126. * # </weight>
  1127. **/
  1128. setValidatorCount: AugmentedSubmittable<(updated: Compact<u32> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<u32>]>;
  1129. /**
  1130. * Submit an election result to the chain. If the solution:
  1131. *
  1132. * 1. is valid.
  1133. * 2. has a better score than a potentially existing solution on chain.
  1134. *
  1135. * then, it will be _put_ on chain.
  1136. *
  1137. * A solution consists of two pieces of data:
  1138. *
  1139. * 1. `winners`: a flat vector of all the winners of the round.
  1140. * 2. `assignments`: the compact version of an assignment vector that encodes the edge
  1141. * weights.
  1142. *
  1143. * Both of which may be computed using _phragmen_, or any other algorithm.
  1144. *
  1145. * Additionally, the submitter must provide:
  1146. *
  1147. * - The `score` that they claim their solution has.
  1148. *
  1149. * Both validators and nominators will be represented by indices in the solution. The
  1150. * indices should respect the corresponding types ([`ValidatorIndex`] and
  1151. * [`NominatorIndex`]). Moreover, they should be valid when used to index into
  1152. * [`SnapshotValidators`] and [`SnapshotNominators`]. Any invalid index will cause the
  1153. * solution to be rejected. These two storage items are set during the election window and
  1154. * may be used to determine the indices.
  1155. *
  1156. * A solution is valid if:
  1157. *
  1158. * 0. It is submitted when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Open`.
  1159. * 1. Its claimed score is equal to the score computed on-chain.
  1160. * 2. Presents the correct number of winners.
  1161. * 3. All indexes must be value according to the snapshot vectors. All edge values must
  1162. * also be correct and should not overflow the granularity of the ratio type (i.e. 256
  1163. * or billion).
  1164. * 4. For each edge, all targets are actually nominated by the voter.
  1165. * 5. Has correct self-votes.
  1166. *
  1167. * A solutions score is consisted of 3 parameters:
  1168. *
  1169. * 1. `min { }` for each support of a winner. This value should be maximized.
  1170. * 2. `sum { }` for each support of a winner. This value should be minimized.
  1171. * 3. `sum {^2 }` for each support of a winner. This value should be
  1172. * minimized (to ensure less variance)
  1173. *
  1174. * # <weight>
  1175. * The transaction is assumed to be the longest path, a better solution.
  1176. * - Initial solution is almost the same.
  1177. * - Worse solution is retraced in pre-dispatch-checks which sets its own weight.
  1178. * # </weight>
  1179. **/
  1180. submitElectionSolution: AugmentedSubmittable<(winners: Vec<ValidatorIndex> | (ValidatorIndex | AnyNumber | Uint8Array)[], compact: CompactAssignments | { votes1?: any; votes2?: any; votes3?: any; votes4?: any; votes5?: any; votes6?: any; votes7?: any; votes8?: any; votes9?: any; votes10?: any; votes11?: any; votes12?: any; votes13?: any; votes14?: any; votes15?: any; votes16?: any } | string | Uint8Array, score: ElectionScore, era: EraIndex | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, size: ElectionSize | { validators?: any; nominators?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<ValidatorIndex>, CompactAssignments, ElectionScore, EraIndex, ElectionSize]>;
  1181. /**
  1182. * Unsigned version of `submit_election_solution`.
  1183. *
  1184. * Note that this must pass the [`ValidateUnsigned`] check which only allows transactions
  1185. * from the local node to be included. In other words, only the block author can include a
  1186. * transaction in the block.
  1187. *
  1188. * # <weight>
  1189. * See `crate::weight` module.
  1190. * # </weight>
  1191. **/
  1192. submitElectionSolutionUnsigned: AugmentedSubmittable<(winners: Vec<ValidatorIndex> | (ValidatorIndex | AnyNumber | Uint8Array)[], compact: CompactAssignments | { votes1?: any; votes2?: any; votes3?: any; votes4?: any; votes5?: any; votes6?: any; votes7?: any; votes8?: any; votes9?: any; votes10?: any; votes11?: any; votes12?: any; votes13?: any; votes14?: any; votes15?: any; votes16?: any } | string | Uint8Array, score: ElectionScore, era: EraIndex | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, size: ElectionSize | { validators?: any; nominators?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<ValidatorIndex>, CompactAssignments, ElectionScore, EraIndex, ElectionSize]>;
  1193. /**
  1194. * Schedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bond
  1195. * period ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than
  1196. * T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.
  1197. *
  1198. * Once the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually move
  1199. * the funds out of management ready for transfer.
  1200. *
  1201. * No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`)
  1202. * can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] need
  1203. * to be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).
  1204. *
  1205. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
  1206. * And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  1207. *
  1208. * Emits `Unbonded`.
  1209. *
  1210. * See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].
  1211. *
  1212. * # <weight>
  1213. * - Independent of the arguments. Limited but potentially exploitable complexity.
  1214. * - Contains a limited number of reads.
  1215. * - Each call (requires the remainder of the bonded balance to be above `minimum_balance`)
  1216. * will cause a new entry to be inserted into a vector (`Ledger.unlocking`) kept in storage.
  1217. * The only way to clean the aforementioned storage item is also user-controlled via
  1218. * `withdraw_unbonded`.
  1219. * - One DB entry.
  1220. * ----------
  1221. * Weight: O(1)
  1222. * DB Weight:
  1223. * - Read: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, CurrentEra, Locks, BalanceOf Stash,
  1224. * - Write: Locks, Ledger, BalanceOf Stash,
  1225. * </weight>
  1226. **/
  1227. unbond: AugmentedSubmittable<(value: Compact<BalanceOf> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<BalanceOf>]>;
  1228. /**
  1229. * Declare the desire to validate for the origin controller.
  1230. *
  1231. * Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.
  1232. *
  1233. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
  1234. * And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  1235. *
  1236. * # <weight>
  1237. * - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
  1238. * - Contains a limited number of reads.
  1239. * - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
  1240. * -----------
  1241. * Weight: O(1)
  1242. * DB Weight:
  1243. * - Read: Era Election Status, Ledger
  1244. * - Write: Nominators, Validators
  1245. * # </weight>
  1246. **/
  1247. validate: AugmentedSubmittable<(prefs: ValidatorPrefs | { commission?: any; blocked?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ValidatorPrefs]>;
  1248. /**
  1249. * Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.
  1250. *
  1251. * This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to do
  1252. * whatever it wants.
  1253. *
  1254. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
  1255. * And, it can be only called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
  1256. *
  1257. * Emits `Withdrawn`.
  1258. *
  1259. * See also [`Call::unbond`].
  1260. *
  1261. * # <weight>
  1262. * - Could be dependent on the `origin` argument and how much `unlocking` chunks exist.
  1263. * It implies `consolidate_unlocked` which loops over `Ledger.unlocking`, which is
  1264. * indirectly user-controlled. See [`unbond`] for more detail.
  1265. * - Contains a limited number of reads, yet the size of which could be large based on `ledger`.
  1266. * - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
  1267. * ---------------
  1268. * Complexity O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans to remove
  1269. * Update:
  1270. * - Reads: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, Current Era, Locks, [Origin Account]
  1271. * - Writes: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger
  1272. * Kill:
  1273. * - Reads: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, Current Era, Bonded, Slashing Spans, [Origin
  1274. * Account], Locks, BalanceOf stash
  1275. * - Writes: Bonded, Slashing Spans (if S > 0), Ledger, Payee, Validators, Nominators,
  1276. * [Origin Account], Locks, BalanceOf stash.
  1277. * - Writes Each: SpanSlash * S
  1278. * NOTE: Weight annotation is the kill scenario, we refund otherwise.
  1279. * # </weight>
  1280. **/
  1281. withdrawUnbonded: AugmentedSubmittable<(numSlashingSpans: u32 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [u32]>;
  1282. };
  1283. storage: {
  1284. /**
  1285. * Accept pending invite.
  1286. **/
  1287. acceptDistributionBucketInvitation: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId]>;
  1288. /**
  1289. * A storage provider signals that the data object was successfully uploaded to its storage.
  1290. **/
  1291. acceptPendingDataObjects: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, bagId: BagId | { Static: any } | { Dynamic: any } | string | Uint8Array, dataObjects: BTreeSet<DataObjectId>) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, StorageBucketId, BagId, BTreeSet<DataObjectId>]>;
  1292. /**
  1293. * Accept the storage bucket invitation. An invitation must match the worker_id parameter.
  1294. **/
  1295. acceptStorageBucketInvitation: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, StorageBucketId]>;
  1296. /**
  1297. * Cancel pending invite. Must be pending.
  1298. **/
  1299. cancelDistributionBucketOperatorInvite: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, operatorWorkerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId, WorkerId]>;
  1300. /**
  1301. * Cancel pending storage bucket invite. An invitation must be pending.
  1302. **/
  1303. cancelStorageBucketOperatorInvite: AugmentedSubmittable<(storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [StorageBucketId]>;
  1304. /**
  1305. * Create a distribution bucket.
  1306. **/
  1307. createDistributionBucket: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, acceptingNewBags: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, bool]>;
  1308. /**
  1309. * Create a distribution bucket family.
  1310. **/
  1311. createDistributionBucketFamily: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  1312. /**
  1313. * Create storage bucket.
  1314. **/
  1315. createStorageBucket: AugmentedSubmittable<(inviteWorker: Option<WorkerId> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, acceptingNewBags: bool | boolean | Uint8Array, sizeLimit: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, objectsLimit: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Option<WorkerId>, bool, u64, u64]>;
  1316. /**
  1317. * Delete distribution bucket. Must be empty.
  1318. **/
  1319. deleteDistributionBucket: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId]>;
  1320. /**
  1321. * Deletes a distribution bucket family.
  1322. **/
  1323. deleteDistributionBucketFamily: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId]>;
  1324. /**
  1325. * Delete storage bucket. Must be empty. Storage operator must be missing.
  1326. **/
  1327. deleteStorageBucket: AugmentedSubmittable<(storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [StorageBucketId]>;
  1328. /**
  1329. * Invite an operator. Must be missing.
  1330. **/
  1331. inviteDistributionBucketOperator: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, operatorWorkerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId, WorkerId]>;
  1332. /**
  1333. * Invite storage bucket operator. Must be missing.
  1334. **/
  1335. inviteStorageBucketOperator: AugmentedSubmittable<(storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, operatorId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [StorageBucketId, WorkerId]>;
  1336. /**
  1337. * Removes distribution bucket operator.
  1338. **/
  1339. removeDistributionBucketOperator: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, operatorWorkerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId, WorkerId]>;
  1340. /**
  1341. * Removes storage bucket operator.
  1342. **/
  1343. removeStorageBucketOperator: AugmentedSubmittable<(storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [StorageBucketId]>;
  1344. /**
  1345. * Set distribution bucket family metadata.
  1346. **/
  1347. setDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, metadata: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, Bytes]>;
  1348. /**
  1349. * Set distribution operator metadata for the distribution bucket.
  1350. **/
  1351. setDistributionOperatorMetadata: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, metadata: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId, Bytes]>;
  1352. /**
  1353. * Sets storage bucket voucher limits.
  1354. **/
  1355. setStorageBucketVoucherLimits: AugmentedSubmittable<(storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newObjectsSizeLimit: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newObjectsNumberLimit: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [StorageBucketId, u64, u64]>;
  1356. /**
  1357. * Sets storage operator metadata (eg.: storage node URL).
  1358. **/
  1359. setStorageOperatorMetadata: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, metadata: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, StorageBucketId, Bytes]>;
  1360. /**
  1361. * Create a dynamic bag. Development mode.
  1362. **/
  1363. sudoCreateDynamicBag: AugmentedSubmittable<(bagId: DynamicBagId | { Member: any } | { Channel: any } | string | Uint8Array, deletionPrize: Option<DynamicBagDeletionPrize> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DynamicBagId, Option<DynamicBagDeletionPrize>]>;
  1364. /**
  1365. * Upload new data objects. Development mode.
  1366. **/
  1367. sudoUploadDataObjects: AugmentedSubmittable<(params: UploadParameters | { bagId?: any; objectCreationList?: any; deletionPrizeSourceAccountId?: any; expectedDataSizeFee?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [UploadParameters]>;
  1368. /**
  1369. * Add and remove hashes to the current blacklist.
  1370. **/
  1371. updateBlacklist: AugmentedSubmittable<(removeHashes: BTreeSet<Cid>, addHashes: BTreeSet<Cid>) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BTreeSet<Cid>, BTreeSet<Cid>]>;
  1372. /**
  1373. * Updates size-based pricing of new objects uploaded.
  1374. **/
  1375. updateDataSizeFee: AugmentedSubmittable<(newDataSizeFee: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  1376. /**
  1377. * Updates 'distributing' flag for the distributing flag.
  1378. **/
  1379. updateDistributionBucketMode: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributing: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId, bool]>;
  1380. /**
  1381. * Updates a distribution bucket 'accepts new bags' flag.
  1382. **/
  1383. updateDistributionBucketStatus: AugmentedSubmittable<(familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, distributionBucketId: DistributionBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, acceptingNewBags: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DistributionBucketFamilyId, DistributionBucketId, bool]>;
  1384. /**
  1385. * Updates distribution buckets for a bag.
  1386. **/
  1387. updateDistributionBucketsForBag: AugmentedSubmittable<(bagId: BagId | { Static: any } | { Dynamic: any } | string | Uint8Array, familyId: DistributionBucketFamilyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, addBuckets: BTreeSet<DistributionBucketId>, removeBuckets: BTreeSet<DistributionBucketId>) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BagId, DistributionBucketFamilyId, BTreeSet<DistributionBucketId>, BTreeSet<DistributionBucketId>]>;
  1388. /**
  1389. * Updates "Distribution buckets per bag" number limit.
  1390. **/
  1391. updateDistributionBucketsPerBagLimit: AugmentedSubmittable<(newLimit: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [u64]>;
  1392. /**
  1393. * Update number of distributed buckets used in given dynamic bag creation policy.
  1394. **/
  1395. updateFamiliesInDynamicBagCreationPolicy: AugmentedSubmittable<(dynamicBagType: DynamicBagType | 'Member' | 'Channel' | number | Uint8Array, families: BTreeMap<DistributionBucketFamilyId, u32>) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DynamicBagType, BTreeMap<DistributionBucketFamilyId, u32>]>;
  1396. /**
  1397. * Update number of storage buckets used in given dynamic bag creation policy.
  1398. **/
  1399. updateNumberOfStorageBucketsInDynamicBagCreationPolicy: AugmentedSubmittable<(dynamicBagType: DynamicBagType | 'Member' | 'Channel' | number | Uint8Array, numberOfStorageBuckets: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [DynamicBagType, u64]>;
  1400. /**
  1401. * Update whether new bags are being accepted for storage.
  1402. **/
  1403. updateStorageBucketStatus: AugmentedSubmittable<(storageBucketId: StorageBucketId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, acceptingNewBags: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [StorageBucketId, bool]>;
  1404. /**
  1405. * Updates storage buckets for a bag..
  1406. **/
  1407. updateStorageBucketsForBag: AugmentedSubmittable<(bagId: BagId | { Static: any } | { Dynamic: any } | string | Uint8Array, addBuckets: BTreeSet<StorageBucketId>, removeBuckets: BTreeSet<StorageBucketId>) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BagId, BTreeSet<StorageBucketId>, BTreeSet<StorageBucketId>]>;
  1408. /**
  1409. * Updates "Storage buckets per bag" number limit.
  1410. **/
  1411. updateStorageBucketsPerBagLimit: AugmentedSubmittable<(newLimit: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [u64]>;
  1412. /**
  1413. * Updates "Storage buckets voucher max limits".
  1414. **/
  1415. updateStorageBucketsVoucherMaxLimits: AugmentedSubmittable<(newObjectsSize: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newObjectsNumber: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [u64, u64]>;
  1416. /**
  1417. * Updates global uploading flag.
  1418. **/
  1419. updateUploadingBlockedStatus: AugmentedSubmittable<(newStatus: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [bool]>;
  1420. };
  1421. storageWorkingGroup: {
  1422. /**
  1423. * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
  1424. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
  1425. **/
  1426. acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  1427. /**
  1428. * Add an opening for a worker role.
  1429. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
  1430. **/
  1431. addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
  1432. /**
  1433. * Apply on a worker opening.
  1434. **/
  1435. applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
  1436. /**
  1437. * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
  1438. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
  1439. **/
  1440. beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
  1441. /**
  1442. * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
  1443. * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
  1444. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
  1445. **/
  1446. decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  1447. /**
  1448. * Fill opening for worker/lead.
  1449. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
  1450. **/
  1451. fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
  1452. /**
  1453. * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
  1454. * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
  1455. **/
  1456. increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  1457. /**
  1458. * Leave the role by the active worker.
  1459. **/
  1460. leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  1461. /**
  1462. * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
  1463. **/
  1464. setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
  1465. /**
  1466. * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
  1467. * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
  1468. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
  1469. **/
  1470. slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
  1471. /**
  1472. * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
  1473. **/
  1474. terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  1475. /**
  1476. * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
  1477. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
  1478. **/
  1479. terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
  1480. /**
  1481. * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  1482. **/
  1483. updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  1484. /**
  1485. * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
  1486. * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
  1487. **/
  1488. updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
  1489. /**
  1490. * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
  1491. **/
  1492. updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
  1493. /**
  1494. * Update the associated role storage.
  1495. **/
  1496. updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
  1497. /**
  1498. * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
  1499. **/
  1500. withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
  1501. };
  1502. sudo: {
  1503. /**
  1504. * Authenticates the current sudo key and sets the given AccountId (`new`) as the new sudo key.
  1505. *
  1506. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
  1507. *
  1508. * # <weight>
  1509. * - O(1).
  1510. * - Limited storage reads.
  1511. * - One DB change.
  1512. * # </weight>
  1513. **/
  1514. setKey: AugmentedSubmittable<(updated: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource]>;
  1515. /**
  1516. * Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.
  1517. *
  1518. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
  1519. *
  1520. * # <weight>
  1521. * - O(1).
  1522. * - Limited storage reads.
  1523. * - One DB write (event).
  1524. * - Weight of derivative `call` execution + 10,000.
  1525. * # </weight>
  1526. **/
  1527. sudo: AugmentedSubmittable<(call: Call | { callIndex?: any; args?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Call]>;
  1528. /**
  1529. * Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Signed` origin from
  1530. * a given account.
  1531. *
  1532. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
  1533. *
  1534. * # <weight>
  1535. * - O(1).
  1536. * - Limited storage reads.
  1537. * - One DB write (event).
  1538. * - Weight of derivative `call` execution + 10,000.
  1539. * # </weight>
  1540. **/
  1541. sudoAs: AugmentedSubmittable<(who: LookupSource | string | Uint8Array, call: Call | { callIndex?: any; args?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [LookupSource, Call]>;
  1542. /**
  1543. * Authenticates the sudo key and dispatches a function call with `Root` origin.
  1544. * This function does not check the weight of the call, and instead allows the
  1545. * Sudo user to specify the weight of the call.
  1546. *
  1547. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
  1548. *
  1549. * # <weight>
  1550. * - O(1).
  1551. * - The weight of this call is defined by the caller.
  1552. * # </weight>
  1553. **/
  1554. sudoUncheckedWeight: AugmentedSubmittable<(call: Call | { callIndex?: any; args?: any } | string | Uint8Array, weight: Weight | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Call, Weight]>;
  1555. };
  1556. system: {
  1557. /**
  1558. * A dispatch that will fill the block weight up to the given ratio.
  1559. **/
  1560. fillBlock: AugmentedSubmittable<(ratio: Perbill | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Perbill]>;
  1561. /**
  1562. * Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix.
  1563. *
  1564. * **NOTE:** We rely on the Root origin to provide us the number of subkeys under
  1565. * the prefix we are removing to accurately calculate the weight of this function.
  1566. *
  1567. * # <weight>
  1568. * - `O(P)` where `P` amount of keys with prefix `prefix`
  1569. * - `P` storage deletions.
  1570. * - Base Weight: 0.834 * P µs
  1571. * - Writes: Number of subkeys + 1
  1572. * # </weight>
  1573. **/
  1574. killPrefix: AugmentedSubmittable<(prefix: Key | string | Uint8Array, subkeys: u32 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Key, u32]>;
  1575. /**
  1576. * Kill some items from storage.
  1577. *
  1578. * # <weight>
  1579. * - `O(IK)` where `I` length of `keys` and `K` length of one key
  1580. * - `I` storage deletions.
  1581. * - Base Weight: .378 * i µs
  1582. * - Writes: Number of items
  1583. * # </weight>
  1584. **/
  1585. killStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(keys: Vec<Key> | (Key | string | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<Key>]>;
  1586. /**
  1587. * Make some on-chain remark.
  1588. *
  1589. * # <weight>
  1590. * - `O(1)`
  1591. * - Base Weight: 0.665 µs, independent of remark length.
  1592. * - No DB operations.
  1593. * # </weight>
  1594. **/
  1595. remark: AugmentedSubmittable<(remark: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Bytes]>;
  1596. /**
  1597. * Set the new changes trie configuration.
  1598. *
  1599. * # <weight>
  1600. * - `O(1)`
  1601. * - 1 storage write or delete (codec `O(1)`).
  1602. * - 1 call to `deposit_log`: Uses `append` API, so O(1)
  1603. * - Base Weight: 7.218 µs
  1604. * - DB Weight:
  1605. * - Writes: Changes Trie, System Digest
  1606. * # </weight>
  1607. **/
  1608. setChangesTrieConfig: AugmentedSubmittable<(changesTrieConfig: Option<ChangesTrieConfiguration> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Option<ChangesTrieConfiguration>]>;
  1609. /**
  1610. * Set the new runtime code.
  1611. *
  1612. * # <weight>
  1613. * - `O(C + S)` where `C` length of `code` and `S` complexity of `can_set_code`
  1614. * - 1 storage write (codec `O(C)`).
  1615. * - 1 call to `can_set_code`: `O(S)` (calls `sp_io::misc::runtime_version` which is expensive).
  1616. * - 1 event.
  1617. * The weight of this function is dependent on the runtime, but generally this is very expensive.
  1618. * We will treat this as a full block.
  1619. * # </weight>
  1620. **/
  1621. setCode: AugmentedSubmittable<(code: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Bytes]>;
  1622. /**
  1623. * Set the new runtime code without doing any checks of the given `code`.
  1624. *
  1625. * # <weight>
  1626. * - `O(C)` where `C` length of `code`
  1627. * - 1 storage write (codec `O(C)`).
  1628. * - 1 event.
  1629. * The weight of this function is dependent on the runtime. We will treat this as a full block.
  1630. * # </weight>
  1631. **/
  1632. setCodeWithoutChecks: AugmentedSubmittable<(code: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Bytes]>;
  1633. /**
  1634. * Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap.
  1635. *
  1636. * # <weight>
  1637. * - `O(1)`
  1638. * - 1 storage write.
  1639. * - Base Weight: 1.405 µs
  1640. * - 1 write to HEAP_PAGES
  1641. * # </weight>
  1642. **/
  1643. setHeapPages: AugmentedSubmittable<(pages: u64 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [u64]>;
  1644. /**
  1645. * Set some items of storage.
  1646. *
  1647. * # <weight>
  1648. * - `O(I)` where `I` length of `items`
  1649. * - `I` storage writes (`O(1)`).
  1650. * - Base Weight: 0.568 * i µs
  1651. * - Writes: Number of items
  1652. * # </weight>
  1653. **/
  1654. setStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(items: Vec<KeyValue> | (KeyValue)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<KeyValue>]>;
  1655. /**
  1656. * Kill the sending account, assuming there are no references outstanding and the composite
  1657. * data is equal to its default value.
  1658. *
  1659. * # <weight>
  1660. * - `O(1)`
  1661. * - 1 storage read and deletion.
  1662. * --------------------
  1663. * Base Weight: 8.626 µs
  1664. * No DB Read or Write operations because caller is already in overlay
  1665. * # </weight>
  1666. **/
  1667. suicide: AugmentedSubmittable<() => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, []>;
  1668. };
  1669. timestamp: {
  1670. /**
  1671. * Set the current time.
  1672. *
  1673. * This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization
  1674. * phase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.
  1675. *
  1676. * The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by
  1677. * `MinimumPeriod`.
  1678. *
  1679. * The dispatch origin for this call must be `Inherent`.
  1680. *
  1681. * # <weight>
  1682. * - `O(T)` where `T` complexity of `on_timestamp_set`
  1683. * - 1 storage read and 1 storage mutation (codec `O(1)`). (because of `DidUpdate::take` in `on_finalize`)
  1684. * - 1 event handler `on_timestamp_set` `O(T)`.
  1685. * # </weight>
  1686. **/
  1687. set: AugmentedSubmittable<(now: Compact<Moment> | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Compact<Moment>]>;
  1688. };
  1689. utility: {
  1690. /**
  1691. * Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.
  1692. *
  1693. * Filter from origin are passed along. The call will be dispatched with an origin which
  1694. * use the same filter as the origin of this call.
  1695. *
  1696. * NOTE: If you need to ensure that any account-based filtering is not honored (i.e.
  1697. * because you expect `proxy` to have been used prior in the call stack and you do not want
  1698. * the call restrictions to apply to any sub-accounts), then use `as_multi_threshold_1`
  1699. * in the Multisig pallet instead.
  1700. *
  1701. * NOTE: Prior to version *12, this was called `as_limited_sub`.
  1702. *
  1703. * The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
  1704. **/
  1705. asDerivative: AugmentedSubmittable<(index: u16 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, call: Call | { callIndex?: any; args?: any } | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [u16, Call]>;
  1706. /**
  1707. * Send a batch of dispatch calls.
  1708. *
  1709. * May be called from any origin.
  1710. *
  1711. * - `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin.
  1712. *
  1713. * If origin is root then call are dispatch without checking origin filter. (This includes
  1714. * bypassing `frame_system::Trait::BaseCallFilter`).
  1715. *
  1716. * # <weight>
  1717. * - Base weight: 14.39 + .987 * c µs
  1718. * - Plus the sum of the weights of the `calls`.
  1719. * - Plus one additional event. (repeat read/write)
  1720. * # </weight>
  1721. *
  1722. * This will return `Ok` in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, an
  1723. * event is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then the
  1724. * `BatchInterrupted` event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls made
  1725. * and the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the `BatchCompleted`
  1726. * event is deposited.
  1727. **/
  1728. batch: AugmentedSubmittable<(calls: Vec<Call> | (Call | { callIndex?: any; args?: any } | string | Uint8Array)[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [Vec<Call>]>;
  1729. };
  1730. }
  1731. export interface SubmittableExtrinsics<ApiType extends ApiTypes> extends AugmentedSubmittables<ApiType> {
  1732. (extrinsic: Call | Extrinsic | Uint8Array | string): SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>;
  1733. }
  1734. }