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A Portal into the Polkadot network. Provides a view and interaction layer from a browser.

This can be accessed as a hosted application via


The repo is split into a number of packages, each representing an application. These are -

  • apps This is the main entry point. It handles the selection sidebar and routing to the specific application being displayed.
  • app-accounts A basic account management app.
  • app-addresses A basic address management app.
  • app-explorer A simple block explorer. It only shows the most recent blocks, updating as they become available.
  • app-extrinsics Submission of extrinsics to a node.
  • app-rpc Sumission of raw data to RPC endpoints.
  • app-storage A simple node storage query application. Multiple queries can be queued and updates as new values become available.
  • app-toolbox Utilities to manage data.
  • app-vanitygen A toy that allows you to generate vanity addresses. Running yarn run vanitygen --match <string> runs the generator as a Node CLI app. (Orders of a magnitude faster due to the use of libsoldium bindings)

In addition the following libraries are also included in the repo. These are to be moved to the @polkadot/ui repository once it reaches a base level of stability and usability. (At this point with the framework being tested on the apps above, it makes development easier having it close)


For development purposes, the apps entry point can be launched with yarn run start and accessing the application of http://localhost:3000


Demos for the different libraries can be viewed with yarn run demo:<name> and then browsing to http://localhost:3000. Available demo -

  • yarn run demo:identicon
  • yarn run demo:ui
  • yarn run demo:rx