WorkingGroups.proto 2.2 KB

  1. syntax = "proto2";
  2. message OpeningMetadata {
  3. optional string short_description = 1; // Short description of the opening
  4. optional string description = 2; // Full description of the opening
  5. optional uint32 hiring_limit = 3; // Expected number of hired applicants
  6. optional uint32 expected_ending_timestamp = 4; // Expected time when the opening will close (Unix timestamp)
  7. optional string application_details = 5; // Md-formatted text explaining the application process
  8. message ApplicationFormQuestion {
  9. optional string question = 1; // The question itself (ie. "What is your name?"")
  10. enum InputType {
  11. TEXTAREA = 0;
  12. TEXT = 1;
  13. }
  14. optional InputType type = 2; // Suggested type of the UI answer input
  15. }
  16. repeated ApplicationFormQuestion application_form_questions = 6; // List of questions that should be answered during application
  17. }
  18. message UpcomingOpeningMetadata {
  19. optional uint32 expected_start = 1; // Expected opening start (timestamp)
  20. optional uint64 reward_per_block = 2; // Expected reward per block
  21. optional uint64 min_application_stake = 3; // Expected min. application stake
  22. optional OpeningMetadata metadata = 4; // Opening metadata
  23. }
  24. message ApplicationMetadata {
  25. repeated string answers = 1; // List of answers to opening application form questions
  26. }
  27. // set_status_text extrinsic messages:
  28. message WorkingGroupMetadata {
  29. optional string description = 1; // Group description text (md-formatted)
  30. optional string about = 2; // Group about text (md-formatted)
  31. optional string status = 3; // Current group status (expected to be 1-3 words)
  32. optional string status_message = 4; // Short status message associated with the status
  33. }
  34. message SetGroupMetadata {
  35. optional WorkingGroupMetadata new_metadata = 1; // New working group metadata to set (can be a partial update)
  36. }
  37. message AddUpcomingOpening {
  38. optional UpcomingOpeningMetadata metadata = 1; // Upcoming opening metadata
  39. }
  40. message RemoveUpcomingOpening {
  41. optional string id = 1; // Upcoming opening query-node id
  42. }
  43. message WorkingGroupMetadataAction {
  44. oneof action {
  45. SetGroupMetadata set_group_metadata = 1;
  46. AddUpcomingOpening add_upcoming_opening = 2;
  47. RemoveUpcomingOpening remove_upcoming_opening = 3;
  48. }
  49. }