123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678 |
- //! # Data directory module
- //! Data directory module for the Joystream platform manages IPFS content id, storage providers,
- //! owners of the content. It allows to add and accept or reject the content in the system.
- //!
- //! ## Comments
- //!
- //! Data object type registry module uses working group module to authorize actions.
- //!
- //! ## Supported extrinsics
- //!
- //! ### Public extrinsic
- //! - [add_content](./struct.Module.html#method.add_content) - Adds the content to the system.
- //!
- //! ### Private extrinsics
- //! - accept_content - Storage provider accepts a content.
- //! - reject_content - Storage provider rejects a content.
- //! - remove_known_content_id - Removes the content id from the list of known content ids. Requires root privileges.
- //! - set_known_content_id - Sets the content id from the list of known content ids. Requires root privileges.
- //!
- // Do not delete! Cannot be uncommented by default, because of Parity decl_module! issue.
- //#![warn(missing_docs)]
- use codec::{Decode, Encode};
- use frame_support::dispatch::DispatchResult;
- use frame_support::traits::Get;
- use frame_support::{decl_error, decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure};
- use sp_std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
- use sp_std::vec::Vec;
- use system::ensure_root;
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
- use common::origin::ActorOriginValidator;
- pub use common::storage::{ContentParameters, StorageObjectOwner};
- pub(crate) use common::BlockAndTime;
- use crate::data_object_type_registry;
- use crate::data_object_type_registry::IsActiveDataObjectType;
- use crate::*;
- /// The _Data directory_ main _Trait_.
- pub trait Trait:
- pallet_timestamp::Trait
- + system::Trait
- + data_object_type_registry::Trait
- + membership::Trait
- + working_group::Trait<StorageWorkingGroupInstance>
- + common::MembershipTypes
- + common::StorageOwnership
- {
- /// _Data directory_ event type.
- type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
- /// Provides random storage provider id.
- type StorageProviderHelper: StorageProviderHelper<Self>;
- /// Active data object type validator.
- type IsActiveDataObjectType: data_object_type_registry::IsActiveDataObjectType<Self>;
- /// Validates member id and origin combination.
- type MemberOriginValidator: ActorOriginValidator<Self::Origin, MemberId<Self>, Self::AccountId>;
- type MaxObjectsPerInjection: Get<u32>;
- /// Default content quota for all actors.
- type DefaultQuota: Get<Quota>;
- }
- decl_error! {
- /// _Data object storage registry_ module predefined errors.
- pub enum Error for Module<T: Trait>{
- /// Content with this ID not found.
- CidNotFound,
- /// Only the liaison for the content may modify its status.
- LiaisonRequired,
- /// Cannot create content for inactive or missing data object type.
- DataObjectTypeMustBeActive,
- /// "Data object already added under this content id".
- DataObjectAlreadyAdded,
- /// Require root origin in extrinsics.
- RequireRootOrigin,
- /// DataObject Injection Failed. Too Many DataObjects.
- DataObjectsInjectionExceededLimit,
- /// Contant uploading failed. Actor quota objects limit exceeded.
- QuotaObjectsLimitExceeded,
- /// Contant uploading failed. Actor quota size limit exceeded.
- QuotaSizeLimitExceeded,
- /// Quota size limit upper bound exceeded
- QuotaSizeLimitUpperBoundExceeded,
- /// Quota objects limit upper bound exceeded
- QuotaObjectsLimitUpperBoundExceeded,
- /// Contant uploading failed. Actor quota size limit exceeded.
- GlobalQuotaSizeLimitExceeded,
- /// Contant uploading failed. Actor quota objects limit exceeded.
- GlobalQuotaObjectsLimitExceeded,
- }
- }
- /// The decision of the storage provider when it acts as liaison.
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
- #[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Debug)]
- pub enum LiaisonJudgement {
- /// Content awaits for a judgment.
- Pending,
- /// Content accepted.
- Accepted,
- /// Content rejected.
- Rejected,
- }
- impl Default for LiaisonJudgement {
- fn default() -> Self {
- LiaisonJudgement::Pending
- }
- }
- /// Alias for DataObjectInternal
- pub type DataObject<T> = DataObjectInternal<
- MemberId<T>,
- ChannelId<T>,
- DAOId<T>,
- <T as system::Trait>::BlockNumber,
- <T as pallet_timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
- DataObjectTypeId<T>,
- StorageProviderId<T>,
- >;
- /// Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it.
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
- #[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Debug)]
- pub struct DataObjectInternal<
- MemberId,
- ChannelId,
- DAOId,
- BlockNumber,
- Moment,
- DataObjectTypeId,
- StorageProviderId,
- > {
- /// Content owner.
- pub owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId, ChannelId, DAOId>,
- /// Content added at.
- pub added_at: BlockAndTime<BlockNumber, Moment>,
- /// Content type id.
- pub type_id: DataObjectTypeId,
- /// Content size in bytes.
- pub size: u64,
- /// Storage provider id of the liaison.
- pub liaison: StorageProviderId,
- /// Storage provider as liaison judgment.
- pub liaison_judgement: LiaisonJudgement,
- /// IPFS content id.
- pub ipfs_content_id: Vec<u8>,
- }
- #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
- pub struct Voucher {
- pub size: u64,
- pub objects: u64,
- }
- /// Uploading quota for StorageObjectOwner
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
- #[derive(Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
- pub struct Quota {
- // Total objects size limit per StorageObjectOwner
- pub size_limit: u64,
- // Total objects number limit per StorageObjectOwner
- pub objects_limit: u64,
- pub size_used: u64,
- pub objects_used: u64,
- }
- impl Quota {
- /// Create new quota with provided size & objects limits
- pub const fn new(size_limit: u64, objects_limit: u64) -> Self {
- Self {
- size_limit,
- objects_limit,
- size_used: 0,
- objects_used: 0,
- }
- }
- /// Calculate free quota
- pub fn calculate_voucher(&self) -> Voucher {
- Voucher {
- size: self.size_limit - self.size_used,
- objects: self.objects_limit - self.objects_used,
- }
- }
- pub fn fill_quota(self, voucher: Voucher) -> Self {
- Self {
- size_used: self.size_used + voucher.size,
- objects_used: self.objects_used + voucher.objects,
- ..self
- }
- }
- pub fn release_quota(self, voucher: Voucher) -> Self {
- Self {
- size_used: self.size_used - voucher.size,
- objects_used: self.objects_used - voucher.objects,
- ..self
- }
- }
- pub fn set_new_size_limit(&mut self, new_size_limit: u64) {
- self.size_limit = new_size_limit;
- }
- pub fn set_new_objects_limit(&mut self, new_objects_limit: u64) {
- self.objects_limit = new_objects_limit;
- }
- }
- /// A map collection of unique DataObjects keyed by the ContentId
- pub type DataObjectsMap<T> = BTreeMap<ContentId<T>, DataObject<T>>;
- decl_storage! {
- trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as DataDirectory {
- /// List of ids known to the system.
- pub KnownContentIds get(fn known_content_ids) config(): Vec<ContentId<T>> = Vec::new();
- /// Maps data objects by their content id.
- pub DataObjectByContentId get(fn data_object_by_content_id) config():
- map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ContentId => Option<DataObject<T>>;
- /// Maps storage owner to it`s quota. Created when the first upload by the new actor occured.
- pub Quotas get(fn quotas) config():
- map hasher(blake2_128_concat) StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>> => Quota;
- /// Upper bound for the Quota size limit.
- pub QuotaSizeLimitUpperBound get(fn quota_size_limit_upper_bound) config(): u64;
- /// Upper bound for the Quota objects number limit.
- pub QuotaObjectsLimitUpperBound get(fn quota_objects_limit_upper_bound) config(): u64;
- /// Global quota.
- pub GlobalQuota get(fn global_quota) config(): Quota;
- }
- }
- decl_event! {
- /// _Data directory_ events
- pub enum Event<T> where
- StorageObjectOwner = StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- StorageProviderId = StorageProviderId<T>,
- Content = Vec<ContentParameters<ContentId<T>, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
- ContentId = ContentId<T>,
- QuotaLimit = u64
- {
- /// Emits on adding of the content.
- /// Params:
- /// - Content parameters representation.
- /// - StorageObjectOwner enum.
- ContentAdded(Content, StorageObjectOwner),
- /// Emits when the storage provider accepts a content.
- /// Params:
- /// - Id of the relationship.
- /// - Id of the storage provider.
- ContentAccepted(ContentId, StorageProviderId),
- /// Emits when the storage provider rejects a content.
- /// Params:
- /// - Id of the relationship.
- /// - Id of the storage provider.
- ContentRejected(ContentId, StorageProviderId),
- /// Emits when the storage object owner quota size limit update performed.
- /// Params:
- /// - StorageObjectOwner enum.
- /// - quota size limit.
- StorageObjectOwnerQuotaSizeLimitUpdated(StorageObjectOwner, QuotaLimit),
- /// Emits when the storage object owner quota objects limit update performed.
- /// Params:
- /// - StorageObjectOwner enum.
- /// - quota objects limit.
- StorageObjectOwnerQuotaObjectsLimitUpdated(StorageObjectOwner, QuotaLimit),
- }
- }
- decl_module! {
- /// _Data directory_ substrate module.
- pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
- /// Default deposit_event() handler
- fn deposit_event() = default;
- /// Predefined errors.
- type Error = Error<T>;
- /// Maximum objects allowed per inject_data_objects() transaction
- const MaxObjectsPerInjection: u32 = T::MaxObjectsPerInjection::get();
- /// Adds the content to the system. The created DataObject
- /// awaits liaison to accept or reject it.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub fn add_content(
- origin,
- owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- content: Vec<ContentParameters<ContentId<T>, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>
- ) {
- // Ensure given origin can perform operation under specific storage object owner
- Self::ensure_storage_object_owner_origin(origin, &owner)?;
- Self::ensure_content_is_valid(&content)?;
- let owner_quota = Self::get_quota(&owner);
- // Ensure owner quota constraints satisfied.
- // Calculate upload voucher
- let upload_voucher = Self::ensure_owner_quota_constraints_satisfied(owner_quota, &content)?;
- // Ensure global quota constraints satisfied.
- Self::ensure_global_quota_constraints_satisfied(upload_voucher)?;
- let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
- //
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- //
- // Let's create the entry then
- Self::upload_content(owner_quota, upload_voucher, liaison, content.clone(), owner.clone());
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAdded(content, owner));
- }
- /// Updates storage object owner quota objects limit. Requires leader privileges.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub fn update_storage_object_owner_quota_objects_limit(
- origin,
- abstract_owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- new_quota_objects_limit: u64
- ) {
- <StorageWorkingGroup<T>>::ensure_origin_is_active_leader(origin)?;
- ensure!(new_quota_objects_limit <= Self::quota_objects_limit_upper_bound(), Error::<T>::QuotaSizeLimitUpperBoundExceeded);
- //
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- //
- if <Quotas<T>>::contains_key(&abstract_owner) {
- <Quotas<T>>::mutate(&abstract_owner, |quota| {
- quota.set_new_objects_limit(new_quota_objects_limit);
- });
- } else {
- let mut quota = T::DefaultQuota::get();
- quota.set_new_objects_limit(new_quota_objects_limit);
- <Quotas<T>>::insert(&abstract_owner, quota);
- };
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StorageObjectOwnerQuotaObjectsLimitUpdated(abstract_owner, new_quota_objects_limit));
- }
- /// Updates storage object owner quota size limit. Requires leader privileges.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub fn update_storage_object_owner_quota_size_limit(
- origin,
- abstract_owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- new_quota_size_limit: u64
- ) {
- <StorageWorkingGroup<T>>::ensure_origin_is_active_leader(origin)?;
- ensure!(new_quota_size_limit <= Self::quota_size_limit_upper_bound(), Error::<T>::QuotaObjectsLimitUpperBoundExceeded);
- //
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- //
- if <Quotas<T>>::contains_key(&abstract_owner) {
- <Quotas<T>>::mutate(&abstract_owner, |quota| {
- quota.set_new_size_limit(new_quota_size_limit);
- });
- } else {
- let mut quota = T::DefaultQuota::get();
- quota.set_new_size_limit(new_quota_size_limit);
- <Quotas<T>>::insert(&abstract_owner, quota);
- };
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StorageObjectOwnerQuotaSizeLimitUpdated(abstract_owner, new_quota_size_limit));
- }
- /// Storage provider accepts a content. Requires signed storage provider account and its id.
- /// The LiaisonJudgement can be updated, but only by the liaison.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub(crate) fn accept_content(
- origin,
- storage_provider_id: StorageProviderId<T>,
- content_id: T::ContentId
- ) {
- <StorageWorkingGroup<T>>::ensure_worker_signed(origin, &storage_provider_id)?;
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- Self::update_content_judgement(&storage_provider_id, content_id, LiaisonJudgement::Accepted)?;
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::mutate(|ids| ids.push(content_id));
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAccepted(content_id, storage_provider_id));
- }
- /// Storage provider rejects a content. Requires signed storage provider account and its id.
- /// The LiaisonJudgement can be updated, but only by the liaison.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub(crate) fn reject_content(
- origin,
- storage_provider_id: StorageProviderId<T>,
- content_id: T::ContentId
- ) {
- <StorageWorkingGroup<T>>::ensure_worker_signed(origin, &storage_provider_id)?;
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- Self::update_content_judgement(&storage_provider_id, content_id, LiaisonJudgement::Rejected)?;
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentRejected(content_id, storage_provider_id));
- }
- // Sudo methods
- /// Removes the content id from the list of known content ids. Requires root privileges.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- fn remove_known_content_id(origin, content_id: T::ContentId) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- let upd_content_ids: Vec<T::ContentId> = Self::known_content_ids()
- .into_iter()
- .filter(|&id| id != content_id)
- .collect();
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::put(upd_content_ids);
- }
- /// Injects a set of data objects and their corresponding content id into the directory.
- /// The operation is "silent" - no events will be emitted as objects are added.
- /// The number of objects that can be added per call is limited to prevent the dispatch
- /// from causing the block production to fail if it takes too much time to process.
- /// Existing data objects will be overwritten.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub(crate) fn inject_data_objects(origin, objects: DataObjectsMap<T>) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- // Must provide something to inject
- ensure!(objects.len() <= T::MaxObjectsPerInjection::get() as usize, Error::<T>::DataObjectsInjectionExceededLimit);
- for (id, object) in objects.into_iter() {
- // append to known content ids
- // duplicates will be removed at the end
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::mutate(|ids| ids.push(id));
- <DataObjectByContentId<T>>::insert(id, object);
- }
- // remove duplicate ids
- <KnownContentIds<T>>::mutate(|ids| {
- ids.sort();
- ids.dedup();
- });
- }
- }
- }
- impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- // Ensure given origin can perform operation under specific storage object owner
- fn ensure_storage_object_owner_origin(
- origin: T::Origin,
- owner: &StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- ) -> DispatchResult {
- if let StorageObjectOwner::Member(member_id) = owner {
- T::MemberOriginValidator::ensure_actor_origin(origin, *member_id)?;
- } else {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- };
- Ok(())
- }
- // Get owner quota if exists, otherwise return default one.
- fn get_quota(owner: &StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>) -> Quota {
- if <Quotas<T>>::contains_key(owner) {
- Self::quotas(owner)
- } else {
- T::DefaultQuota::get()
- }
- }
- // Ensure owner quota constraints satisfied, returns total object length and total size voucher for this upload.
- fn ensure_owner_quota_constraints_satisfied(
- owner_quota: Quota,
- content: &[ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>],
- ) -> Result<Voucher, Error<T>> {
- let owner_quota_voucher = owner_quota.calculate_voucher();
- // Ensure total content length is less or equal then available per given owner quota
- let content_length = content.len() as u64;
- ensure!(
- owner_quota_voucher.objects >= content_length,
- Error::<T>::QuotaObjectsLimitExceeded
- );
- // Ensure total content size is less or equal then available per given owner quota
- let content_size = content
- .iter()
- .fold(0, |total_size, content| total_size + content.size);
- ensure!(
- owner_quota_voucher.size >= content_size,
- Error::<T>::QuotaSizeLimitExceeded
- );
- Ok(Voucher {
- size: content_size,
- objects: content_length,
- })
- }
- // Ensures global quota constraints satisfied.
- fn ensure_global_quota_constraints_satisfied(upload_voucher: Voucher) -> DispatchResult {
- let global_quota_voucher = Self::global_quota().calculate_voucher();
- ensure!(
- global_quota_voucher.objects >= upload_voucher.objects,
- Error::<T>::GlobalQuotaObjectsLimitExceeded
- );
- ensure!(
- global_quota_voucher.size >= upload_voucher.size,
- Error::<T>::GlobalQuotaSizeLimitExceeded
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- // Complete content upload, update quotas
- fn upload_content(
- owner_quota: Quota,
- upload_voucher: Voucher,
- liaison: StorageProviderId<T>,
- multi_content: Vec<ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
- owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- ) {
- for content in multi_content {
- let data: DataObject<T> = DataObjectInternal {
- type_id: content.type_id,
- size: content.size,
- added_at: common::current_block_time::<T>(),
- owner: owner.clone(),
- liaison,
- liaison_judgement: LiaisonJudgement::Pending,
- ipfs_content_id: content.ipfs_content_id,
- };
- <DataObjectByContentId<T>>::insert(content.content_id, data);
- }
- // Updade or create owner quota.
- <Quotas<T>>::insert(owner, owner_quota.fill_quota(upload_voucher));
- // Update global quota
- <GlobalQuota>::mutate(|global_quota| global_quota.fill_quota(upload_voucher));
- }
- fn ensure_content_is_valid(
- multi_content: &[ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>],
- ) -> DispatchResult {
- for content in multi_content {
- ensure!(
- T::IsActiveDataObjectType::is_active_data_object_type(&content.type_id),
- Error::<T>::DataObjectTypeMustBeActive
- );
- ensure!(
- !<DataObjectByContentId<T>>::contains_key(&content.content_id),
- Error::<T>::DataObjectAlreadyAdded
- );
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn update_content_judgement(
- storage_provider_id: &StorageProviderId<T>,
- content_id: T::ContentId,
- judgement: LiaisonJudgement,
- ) -> DispatchResult {
- let mut data =
- Self::data_object_by_content_id(&content_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::CidNotFound)?;
- // Make sure the liaison matches
- ensure!(
- data.liaison == *storage_provider_id,
- Error::<T>::LiaisonRequired
- );
- data.liaison_judgement = judgement;
- <DataObjectByContentId<T>>::insert(content_id, data);
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- /// Provides random storage provider id. We use it when assign the content to the storage provider.
- pub trait StorageProviderHelper<T: Trait> {
- /// Provides random storage provider id.
- fn get_random_storage_provider() -> Result<StorageProviderId<T>, &'static str>;
- }
- /// Content access helper.
- pub trait ContentIdExists<T: Trait> {
- /// Verifies the content existence.
- fn has_content(id: &T::ContentId) -> bool;
- /// Returns the data object for the provided content id.
- fn get_data_object(id: &T::ContentId) -> Result<DataObject<T>, &'static str>;
- }
- impl<T: Trait> ContentIdExists<T> for Module<T> {
- fn has_content(content_id: &T::ContentId) -> bool {
- Self::data_object_by_content_id(*content_id).is_some()
- }
- fn get_data_object(content_id: &T::ContentId) -> Result<DataObject<T>, &'static str> {
- match Self::data_object_by_content_id(*content_id) {
- Some(data) => Ok(data),
- None => Err(Error::<T>::LiaisonRequired.into()),
- }
- }
- }
- impl<T: Trait> common::storage::StorageSystem<T> for Module<T> {
- fn atomically_add_content(
- owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- content: Vec<ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
- ) -> DispatchResult {
- Self::ensure_content_is_valid(&content)?;
- let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
- let owner_quota = Self::get_quota(&owner);
- let upload_voucher = Self::ensure_owner_quota_constraints_satisfied(owner_quota, &content)?;
- Self::upload_content(owner_quota, upload_voucher, liaison, content, owner);
- Ok(())
- }
- fn can_add_content(
- owner: StorageObjectOwner<MemberId<T>, ChannelId<T>, DAOId<T>>,
- content: Vec<ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
- ) -> DispatchResult {
- T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
- let owner_quota = Self::get_quota(&owner);
- Self::ensure_owner_quota_constraints_satisfied(owner_quota, &content)?;
- Self::ensure_content_is_valid(&content)
- }
- }