Channel.proto 637 B

  1. syntax = "proto2";
  2. message ChannelMetadata {
  3. // Channel Title
  4. optional string title = 1;
  5. // Channel Description
  6. optional string description = 2;
  7. // Wether to display channel to the public
  8. optional bool is_public = 3;
  9. // ISO_639-1 Language [Code](
  10. optional string language = 4;
  11. // index into external [assets array](#.Assets)
  12. optional uint32 cover_photo = 5;
  13. // index into external [assets array](#.Assets)
  14. optional uint32 avatar_photo = 6;
  15. }
  16. message ChannelCategoryMetadata {
  17. // Category Name
  18. optional string name = 1;
  19. }