123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291 |
- #![cfg(test)]
- pub use super::{data_directory, data_object_storage_registry, data_object_type_registry};
- pub use crate::currency::GovernanceCurrency;
- use crate::membership;
- use crate::membership::members;
- use crate::roles::actors;
- use crate::traits;
- pub use system;
- pub use primitives::{Blake2Hasher, H256};
- pub use sr_primitives::{
- testing::{Digest, DigestItem, Header, UintAuthorityId},
- traits::{BlakeTwo256, Convert, IdentityLookup, OnFinalize},
- weights::Weight,
- BuildStorage, Perbill,
- };
- use srml_support::{impl_outer_event, impl_outer_origin, parameter_types};
- impl_outer_origin! {
- pub enum Origin for Test {}
- }
- impl_outer_event! {
- pub enum MetaEvent for Test {
- data_object_type_registry<T>,
- data_directory<T>,
- data_object_storage_registry<T>,
- actors<T>,
- balances<T>,
- members<T>,
- }
- }
- pub const TEST_FIRST_DATA_OBJECT_TYPE_ID: u64 = 1000;
- pub const TEST_FIRST_CONTENT_ID: u64 = 2000;
- pub const TEST_FIRST_RELATIONSHIP_ID: u64 = 3000;
- pub const TEST_FIRST_METADATA_ID: u64 = 4000;
- pub const TEST_MOCK_LIAISON: u64 = 0xd00du64;
- pub const TEST_MOCK_EXISTING_CID: u64 = 42;
- pub struct MockRoles {}
- impl traits::Roles<Test> for MockRoles {
- fn is_role_account(_account_id: &<Test as system::Trait>::AccountId) -> bool {
- false
- }
- fn account_has_role(
- account_id: &<Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
- _role: actors::Role,
- ) -> bool {
- *account_id == TEST_MOCK_LIAISON
- }
- fn random_account_for_role(
- _role: actors::Role,
- ) -> Result<<Test as system::Trait>::AccountId, &'static str> {
- // We "randomly" select an account Id.
- }
- }
- pub struct AnyDataObjectTypeIsActive {}
- impl<T: data_object_type_registry::Trait> traits::IsActiveDataObjectType<T>
- for AnyDataObjectTypeIsActive
- {
- fn is_active_data_object_type(_which: &T::DataObjectTypeId) -> bool {
- true
- }
- }
- pub struct MockContent {}
- impl traits::ContentIdExists<Test> for MockContent {
- fn has_content(which: &<Test as data_directory::Trait>::ContentId) -> bool {
- }
- fn get_data_object(
- which: &<Test as data_directory::Trait>::ContentId,
- ) -> Result<data_directory::DataObject<Test>, &'static str> {
- match *which {
- TEST_MOCK_EXISTING_CID => Ok(data_directory::DataObject {
- type_id: 1,
- size: 1234,
- added_at: data_directory::BlockAndTime {
- block: 10,
- time: 1024,
- },
- owner: 1,
- liaison_judgement: data_directory::LiaisonJudgement::Pending,
- ipfs_content_id: vec![],
- }),
- _ => Err("nope, missing"),
- }
- }
- }
- // Workaround for https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925 . Remove when sorted.
- #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
- pub struct Test;
- parameter_types! {
- pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250;
- pub const MaximumBlockWeight: u32 = 1024;
- pub const MaximumBlockLength: u32 = 2 * 1024;
- pub const AvailableBlockRatio: Perbill = Perbill::one();
- pub const MinimumPeriod: u64 = 5;
- }
- impl system::Trait for Test {
- type Origin = Origin;
- type Index = u64;
- type BlockNumber = u64;
- type Call = ();
- type Hash = H256;
- type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
- type AccountId = u64;
- type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
- type Header = Header;
- type Event = MetaEvent;
- type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
- type MaximumBlockWeight = MaximumBlockWeight;
- type MaximumBlockLength = MaximumBlockLength;
- type AvailableBlockRatio = AvailableBlockRatio;
- type Version = ();
- }
- impl timestamp::Trait for Test {
- type Moment = u64;
- type OnTimestampSet = ();
- type MinimumPeriod = MinimumPeriod;
- }
- parameter_types! {
- pub const ExistentialDeposit: u32 = 0;
- pub const TransferFee: u32 = 0;
- pub const CreationFee: u32 = 0;
- pub const TransactionBaseFee: u32 = 1;
- pub const TransactionByteFee: u32 = 0;
- pub const InitialMembersBalance: u32 = 2000;
- }
- impl balances::Trait for Test {
- /// The type for recording an account's balance.
- type Balance = u64;
- /// What to do if an account's free balance gets zeroed.
- type OnFreeBalanceZero = ();
- /// What to do if a new account is created.
- type OnNewAccount = ();
- /// The ubiquitous event type.
- type Event = MetaEvent;
- type DustRemoval = ();
- type TransferPayment = ();
- type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit;
- type TransferFee = TransferFee;
- type CreationFee = CreationFee;
- }
- impl GovernanceCurrency for Test {
- type Currency = balances::Module<Self>;
- }
- impl data_object_type_registry::Trait for Test {
- type Event = MetaEvent;
- type DataObjectTypeId = u64;
- }
- impl data_directory::Trait for Test {
- type Event = MetaEvent;
- type ContentId = u64;
- type Roles = MockRoles;
- type IsActiveDataObjectType = AnyDataObjectTypeIsActive;
- type SchemaId = u64;
- }
- impl data_object_storage_registry::Trait for Test {
- type Event = MetaEvent;
- type DataObjectStorageRelationshipId = u64;
- type Roles = MockRoles;
- type ContentIdExists = MockContent;
- }
- impl members::Trait for Test {
- type Event = MetaEvent;
- type MemberId = u32;
- type SubscriptionId = u32;
- type PaidTermId = u32;
- type ActorId = u32;
- type InitialMembersBalance = InitialMembersBalance;
- }
- impl actors::Trait for Test {
- type Event = MetaEvent;
- type OnActorRemoved = ();
- }
- impl actors::ActorRemoved<Test> for () {
- fn actor_removed(_: &u64) {}
- }
- pub struct ExtBuilder {
- first_data_object_type_id: u64,
- first_content_id: u64,
- first_relationship_id: u64,
- first_metadata_id: u64,
- }
- impl Default for ExtBuilder {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- first_data_object_type_id: 1,
- first_content_id: 2,
- first_relationship_id: 3,
- first_metadata_id: 4,
- }
- }
- }
- impl ExtBuilder {
- pub fn first_data_object_type_id(mut self, first_data_object_type_id: u64) -> Self {
- self.first_data_object_type_id = first_data_object_type_id;
- self
- }
- pub fn first_content_id(mut self, first_content_id: u64) -> Self {
- self.first_content_id = first_content_id;
- self
- }
- pub fn first_relationship_id(mut self, first_relationship_id: u64) -> Self {
- self.first_relationship_id = first_relationship_id;
- self
- }
- pub fn first_metadata_id(mut self, first_metadata_id: u64) -> Self {
- self.first_metadata_id = first_metadata_id;
- self
- }
- pub fn build(self) -> runtime_io::TestExternalities {
- let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::default()
- .build_storage::<Test>()
- .unwrap();
- data_object_type_registry::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
- first_data_object_type_id: self.first_data_object_type_id,
- }
- .assimilate_storage(&mut t)
- .unwrap();
- data_object_storage_registry::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
- first_relationship_id: self.first_relationship_id,
- }
- .assimilate_storage(&mut t)
- .unwrap();
- membership::members::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
- default_paid_membership_fee: 0,
- members: vec![(1, "alice".into(), "".into(), "".into())],
- }
- .assimilate_storage(&mut t)
- .unwrap();
- t.into()
- }
- }
- pub type System = system::Module<Test>;
- pub type TestDataObjectTypeRegistry = data_object_type_registry::Module<Test>;
- pub type TestDataObjectType = data_object_type_registry::DataObjectType;
- pub type TestDataDirectory = data_directory::Module<Test>;
- // pub type TestDataObject = data_directory::DataObject<Test>;
- pub type TestDataObjectStorageRegistry = data_object_storage_registry::Module<Test>;
- pub type TestActors = actors::Module<Test>;
- pub fn with_default_mock_builder<R, F: FnOnce() -> R>(f: F) -> R {
- ExtBuilder::default()
- .first_data_object_type_id(TEST_FIRST_DATA_OBJECT_TYPE_ID)
- .first_content_id(TEST_FIRST_CONTENT_ID)
- .first_relationship_id(TEST_FIRST_RELATIONSHIP_ID)
- .first_metadata_id(TEST_FIRST_METADATA_ID)
- .build()
- .execute_with(|| {
- let roles: Vec<actors::Role> = vec![actors::Role::StorageProvider];
- assert!(
- TestActors::set_available_roles(system::RawOrigin::Root.into(), roles).is_ok(),
- ""
- );
- f()
- })
- }