123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387 |
- enum Network {
- }
- enum MembershipEntryMethod {
- }
- "Stored information about a registered user"
- type Membership @entity {
- "MemberId: runtime identifier for a user"
- id: ID!
- "The unique handle chosen by member"
- handle: String! @unique @fulltext(query: "membersByHandle")
- "A Url to member's Avatar image"
- avatarUri: String
- "Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves"
- about: String
- "Member's controller account id"
- controllerAccount: String!
- "Member's root account id"
- rootAccount: String!
- "Blocknumber when member was registered"
- registeredAtBlock: BigInt!
- "Timestamp when member was registered"
- registeredAtTime: DateTime!
- "How the member was registered"
- entry: MembershipEntryMethod!
- "The type of subscription the member has purchased if any."
- subscription: BigInt
- channels: [Channel!]! @derivedFrom(field: "ownerMember")
- }
- "Category of media channel"
- type ChannelCategory @entity {
- id: ID!
- "The name of the category"
- name: String @fulltext(query: "channelCategoriesByName")
- channels: [Channel!]! @derivedFrom(field: "category")
- happenedIn: BigInt!
- }
- "Asset availability representation"
- enum AssetAvailability {
- "Asset is available in storage"
- "Asset is being uploaded to storage"
- "Anvalid storage (meta)data used"
- }
- "The decision of the storage provider when it acts as liaison"
- enum LiaisonJudgement {
- "Content awaits for a judgment"
- "Content accepted"
- "Content rejected"
- }
- "Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it"
- type DataObject @entity {
- "Content owner"
- owner: DataObjectOwner!
- "Content added at"
- addedAt: BigInt!
- "Content type id"
- typeId: Int!
- "Content size in bytes"
- size: BigInt!
- "Storage provider id of the liaison"
- liaisonId: BigInt!
- "Storage provider as liaison judgment"
- liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement!
- "IPFS content id"
- ipfsContentId: String!
- "Joystream runtime content"
- joystreamContentId: String!
- }
- "Owner type for storage object"
- union DataObjectOwner = DataObjectOwnerMember
- | DataObjectOwnerChannel
- | DataObjectOwnerDao
- | DataObjectOwnerCouncil
- | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup
- "Asset owned by a member"
- type DataObjectOwnerMember @variant {
- "Member identifier"
- memberId: Membership!
- "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
- dummy: Int!
- }
- "Asset owned by a channel"
- type DataObjectOwnerChannel @variant {
- "Channel identifier"
- channel: Channel!
- "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
- dummy: Int!
- }
- "Asset owned by a DAO"
- type DataObjectOwnerDao @variant {
- "DAO identifier"
- daoId: BigInt!
- }
- "Asset owned by the Council"
- type DataObjectOwnerCouncil @variant {
- "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
- dummy: Int!
- }
- "Asset owned by a WorkingGroup"
- type DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup @variant {
- "Working group identifier"
- workingGroupId: BigInt!
- }
- #### High Level Derivative Entities ####
- type Language @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "Language identifier ISO 639-1"
- iso: String!
- happenedIn: BigInt!
- }
- type Channel @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "Member owning the channel (if any)"
- ownerMember: Membership
- "Curator group owning the channel (if any)"
- ownerCuratorGroup: CuratorGroup
- category: ChannelCategory
- "Reward account where revenue is sent if set."
- rewardAccount: String
- "The title of the Channel"
- title: String @fulltext(query: "search")
- "The description of a Channel"
- description: String
- ### Cover photo asset ###
- # Channel's cover (background) photo. Recommended ratio: 16:9.
- "Asset's data object"
- coverPhotoDataObject: DataObject
- "URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"
- coverPhotoUrls: [String!]
- "Availability meta information"
- coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
- ### Avatar photo asset ###
- # Channel's avatar photo.
- "Asset's data object"
- avatarDataObject: DataObject
- "URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"
- avatarUrls: [String!]
- "Availability meta information"
- avatarAvailability: AssetAvailability!
- ##########################
- "Flag signaling whether a channel is public."
- isPublic: Boolean
- "Flag signaling whether a channel is censored."
- isCensored: Boolean!
- "The primary langauge of the channel's content"
- language: Language
- videos: [Video!]! @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
- happenedIn: BigInt!
- }
- type CuratorGroup @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "Curators belonging to this group"
- curatorIds: [BigInt!]!
- "Is group active or not"
- isActive: Boolean!
- channels: [Channel!]! @derivedFrom(field: "ownerCuratorGroup")
- }
- type VideoCategory @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "The name of the category"
- name: String @fulltext(query: "videoCategoriesByName")
- videos: [Video!]! @derivedFrom(field: "category")
- happenedIn: BigInt!
- }
- type Video @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "Reference to member's channel"
- channel: Channel!
- "Reference to a video category"
- category: VideoCategory
- "The title of the video"
- title: String @fulltext(query: "search")
- "The description of the Video"
- description: String
- "Video duration in seconds"
- duration: Int
- ### Thumbnail asset ###
- # Video thumbnail (recommended ratio: 16:9)
- "Asset's data object"
- thumbnailDataObject: DataObject
- "URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"
- thumbnailUrls: [String!]
- "Availability meta information"
- thumbnailAvailability: AssetAvailability!
- ##########################
- "Video's main langauge"
- language: Language
- "Whether or not Video contains marketing"
- hasMarketing: Boolean
- "If the Video was published on other platform before beeing published on Joystream - the original publication date"
- publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
- "Whether the Video is supposed to be publically displayed"
- isPublic: Boolean
- "Flag signaling whether a video is censored."
- isCensored: Boolean!
- "Whether the Video contains explicit material."
- isExplicit: Boolean
- "License under the video is published"
- license: License
- ### Media asset ###
- # Reference to video asset
- "Asset's data object"
- mediaDataObject: DataObject
- "URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"
- mediaUrls: [String!]
- "Availability meta information"
- mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability!
- ##########################
- "Video file metadata"
- mediaMetadata: VideoMediaMetadata
- happenedIn: BigInt!
- "Is video featured or not"
- isFeatured: Boolean!
- featured: FeaturedVideo @derivedFrom(field: "video")
- }
- type VideoMediaMetadata @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "Encoding of the video media object"
- encoding: VideoMediaEncoding
- "Video media width in pixels"
- pixelWidth: Int
- "Video media height in pixels"
- pixelHeight: Int
- "Video media size in bytes"
- size: Int
- video: Video @derivedFrom(field: "mediaMetadata")
- happenedIn: BigInt!
- }
- type VideoMediaEncoding @entity {
- "Encoding of the video media object"
- codecName: String
- "Media container format"
- container: String
- "Content MIME type"
- mimeMediaType: String
- }
- type License @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "License code defined by Joystream"
- code: Int
- "Attribution (if required by the license)"
- attribution: String
- "Custom license content"
- custom_text: String
- }
- type FeaturedVideo @entity {
- "Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
- id: ID!
- "Reference to a video"
- video: Video!
- }