chain-spec-configuration.yml 730 B

  1. ---
  2. # Configure chain spec and start joystream-node service on the servers
  3. - name: Create and copy the chain-spec file
  4. hosts: all
  5. gather_facts: no
  6. tasks:
  7. - name: Generate chain-spec file and data keys either on localhost or admin server
  8. include_role:
  9. name: common
  10. tasks_from: chain-spec-node-keys
  11. vars:
  12. local_or_admin: "{{ groups['build'][0] if run_on_admin_server|bool else 'localhost' }}"
  13. admin_code_dir: "{{ remote_code_path if run_on_admin_server|bool else local_dir }}"
  14. - name: Copy secret, auth and start joystream-node service for validators
  15. hosts: validators
  16. roles:
  17. - validators
  18. - name: Configure RPC service and start it
  19. hosts: rpc
  20. roles:
  21. - rpc