translation.json 30 KB

  1. {
  2. "//hard///password": "//硬///密码",
  3. "//hard/soft": "//硬/软",
  4. "//hard/soft///password": "//硬/软///密码",
  5. "1. Select your {{chain}} account": "1. 选择你的 {{chain}} 账户",
  6. "2. Sign ETH transaction": "2. 签名 ETH 交易",
  7. "A controller account should not map to another stash. This selected controller is a stash, controlled by {{bondedId}}": "控制账户不能映射成其他的存储账户. 当前选择的控制账户是存储账户,受控于 {{bondedId}}",
  8. "A deployed contract that has either been deployed or attached. The address and ABI are used to construct the parameters.": "已经部署的合约要么是附加的要么是部署的. 地址和ABI用于构造参数.",
  9. "ABI": "ABI",
  10. "Account actions": "账户操作",
  11. "Accounts injected from any of these extensions will appear in this application and be available for use. The above list is updated as more extensions with external signing capability become available.": "从这些扩展程序中的任何一个注入的帐户都将出现在此应用程序中并可供使用。 随着更多具有外部签名功能的扩展可用,上面列表将会自动更新.",
  12. "Active nominations ({{count}})": "活跃提名 ({{count}})",
  13. "Add account": "添加账号",
  14. "Add account via Qr": "通过二维码添加账户",
  15. "Add an account via seed": "使用种子创建账号",
  16. "Add an address": "添加一个地址",
  17. "Add an existing code hash": "添加一个已经存在的代码哈希",
  18. "Add an existing contract": "添加一个已存在的合约",
  19. "Add contact": "添加联系人",
  20. "Add via Qr": "二维码添加",
  21. "Add via backup file": "通过备份文件添加",
  22. "Additional types as a JSON file (or edit below)": "附加类型为一个JSON文件(或者在下面编辑)",
  23. "Address Prefix": "地址前缀",
  24. "Advanced creation options": "高级创建选项",
  25. "Amount to add to the currently bonded funds. This is adjusted using the available funds on the account.": "当前抵押金额的总量. 使用帐户中的可用资金进行调整.",
  26. "An encrypted backup file will be created once you have pressed the \"Download\" button. This can be used to re-import your account on any other machine.": "一个加密的备份文件将会被创建 一旦你按下 \"下载\" 按钮. 这将会在你用另外一台设备重新导入账户时使用",
  27. "Approved": "赞成",
  28. "Aura": "Aura",
  29. "Authorize transaction": "交易授权",
  30. "Aye, I approve": "是, 我赞成",
  31. "Babe": "Babe",
  32. "Backup account": "备份账户",
  33. "Block details": "区块详情",
  34. "Bond": "抵押",
  35. "Bond & Nominate": "抵押 & 提名",
  36. "Bond & Validate": "抵押 & 验证",
  37. "Bond more": "抵押更多",
  38. "Bond more funds": "抵押更多资金",
  39. "Bonding Preferences": "抵押偏好设置",
  40. "Call": "调用",
  41. "Call a contract": "调用一个合约",
  42. "Call a method on this contract": "在合约上调用一个方法",
  43. "Call results": "调用结果",
  44. "Cancel": "取消",
  45. "Chain info": "链信息",
  46. "Chain specifications": "生成含网络参数的二维码",
  47. "Change": "更改",
  48. "Change account password": "更改账户密码",
  49. "Change controller account": "更改控制账户",
  50. "Change reward destination": "更改收益地址",
  51. "Change this account's password": "更改账户密码",
  52. "Clear all": "清空所有",
  53. "Color": "颜色",
  54. "Confirm ABI removal": "确认 ABI 清除",
  55. "Confirm account removal": "确定账户被移除",
  56. "Confirm address removal": "确定地址被移除",
  57. "Confirm claim": "确定认领",
  58. "Confirm code removal": "确定代码被移除",
  59. "Confirm contract removal": "确定合约被移除",
  60. "Continue": "继续",
  61. "Copy the above string and sign an Ethereum transaction with the account you used during the pre-sale in the wallet of your choice, using the string as the payload, and then paste the transaction signature object below": "在钱包中选择预售阶段你使用的以太坊账户,复制上面的字符串,并且使用你的以太坊账户把字符串作为内容签名交易, 并且粘贴交易签名对象到下面",
  62. "Council overview": "议会概览",
  63. "Create": "创建",
  64. "Create a backup file for this account": "给这个账号创建一个备份文件",
  65. "Create an account now.": "马上创建账户.",
  66. "Create and backup account": "创建并且备份账户",
  67. "Decimals": "小数",
  68. "Decimals decides the smallest unit of the token, which is 1/10^decimals": "小数代表每一单位token最小可以精确到多少位小数",
  69. "Deploy": "部署",
  70. "Deploy a code hash": "部署一个代码哈希",
  71. "Deploy this code hash as a smart contract": "将此代码哈希部署为智能合约",
  72. "Determines what cryptography will be used to create this account. Note that to validate on Polkadot, the session account must use \"ed25519\".": "确定将使用哪种加密方法创建此帐户. 注意,要在Polkadot上进行验证, 会话账户必须使用 \"ed25519\".",
  73. "Developer": "开发者",
  74. "Development": "开发",
  75. "Dismiss all notifications": "禁用所有通知",
  76. "Do not include a tip for the block author": "不包含区块打包者费用",
  77. "Download": "下载",
  78. "Evaluated {{count}} keys in {{elapsed}}s ({{avg}} keys/s)": "在 {{elapsed}}秒, 生成 {{count}} 个 key (平均{{avg}} keys/秒)",
  79. "Extensions": "浏览器插件",
  80. "Forget": "忘记",
  81. "Forget this account": "删除这个账号",
  82. "Forget this address": "忘记这个地址",
  83. "Forget this code hash": "忘记这个代码哈希",
  84. "Forget this contract": "忘记该合约",
  85. "Forks": "(Forks)分叉",
  86. "General": "通用",
  87. "Genesis Hash": "创世区块哈希",
  88. "Genesis Hash refers to initial state of the chain, it cannot be changed once the chain is launched": "创世区块哈希代表网络的初始状态,在网络启动后不可改变",
  89. "Grandpa": "Grandpa",
  90. "I'm Online": "我在线",
  91. "Important notice": "重要提示",
  92. "Inactive nominations ({{count}})": "非活跃提名 ({{count}})",
  93. "Include an optional tip for faster processing": "为了尽快处理可以额外添加费用",
  94. "Initializing connection": "正在初始化连接",
  95. "It is recommended that you create/store your accounts securely and externally from the app. On {{yourBrowser}} the following browser extensions are available for use -": "强烈建议你安全的创建/存储你的账户并且放在应用外部. 在 {{yourBrowser}} 下面的的浏览器扩展可用 -",
  96. "Keys from rotateKeys": "Keys 来自 rotateKeys",
  97. "Learn more...": "了解更多...",
  98. "Make Transfer": "添加交易",
  99. "Manage your connection to Ledger S": "管理你的连接到 Ledger S",
  100. "Messages": "消息",
  101. "Mnemonic": "助记词",
  102. "Motions ({{count}})": "Motions ({{count}})",
  103. "My accounts": "我的账户",
  104. "My contacts": "我的账户",
  105. "Name given to this account. You can change it at any point in the future.": "给该账户命名. 将来你可以随时更改.",
  106. "Name given to this account. You can edit it. To use the account to validate or nominate, it is a good practice to append the function of the account in the name, e.g \"name_you_want - stash\".": "给该账户命名,你可以随时编辑,使用帐户进行验证或提名, 最好的做法是在该账户名后面附加上账户的功能, 例如 \"账户名 - 暂存\".",
  107. "Name of the network. It is only for display purposes.": "网络名称,仅作为显示用",
  108. "Nay, I do not approve": "否, 我反对",
  109. "Network Name": "网络名称",
  110. "No approved proposals": "没有赞成的提案",
  111. "No candidates found": "没有候选人",
  112. "No code hashes available": "没有代码哈希可用",
  113. "No contracts available": "没有合约可用",
  114. "No council motions": "没有议会议案",
  115. "No events available": "没有事件可用",
  116. "No funds staked yet. Bond funds to validate or nominate a validator": "尚无抵押资金,抵押资金来验证或者提名一个验证者",
  117. "No items": "没有选项",
  118. "No members found": "没有成员",
  119. "No pending extrinsics are in the queue": "队列中没有等待的交易",
  120. "No pending payouts for your stashes": "没有待支付的存储账户",
  121. "No pending proposals": "没有进行中的提案",
  122. "No runners up found": "No runners up found",
  123. "No upgradable extensions found": "没有需要升级的浏览器插件",
  124. "Node info": "节点信息",
  125. "Nominate": "提名",
  126. "Nominate Validators": "提名验证者",
  127. "Nominate selected": "提名选中的",
  128. "Nominate validators": "提名验证者",
  129. "Nominator": "提名者",
  130. "Override the default identity icon display with a specific theme": "用一个指定主题重来载默认的身份图标显示",
  131. "Override the default ss58 prefix for address generation": "生成地址时重载 ss58 前缀",
  132. "Parachains": "平行链",
  133. "Paste here the address of the contact you want to add to your address book.": "把你想要添加到地址簿的联系人地址粘贴到这里.",
  134. "Payout all": "支付所有",
  135. "Payouts": "支付",
  136. "Please make sure to save this file in a secure location as it is required, together with your password, to restore your account.": "请确保将此文件和你的秘密保存在安全的位置,因为它是必需的, 恢复账户使用.",
  137. "Positive number": "正数",
  138. "Positive number between 1 and {{memberCount}}": "整数在1和{{memberCount}}之间",
  139. "Prefix indicates the ss58 address format in this network, it is a number between 0 ~ 255 that describes the precise format of the bytes of the address": "地址前缀用0~255的数来来表示SS58地址的编码格式",
  140. "Proposals": "提案",
  141. "Propose a council motion": "提出一个一会议案",
  142. "Query Ledger": "查询账本",
  143. "Random": "随机生成颜色",
  144. "Raw seed": "原始种子",
  145. "Redeem": "赎回",
  146. "Remove": "移除",
  147. "Reset": "重置",
  148. "Restore": "恢复",
  149. "Restore JSON": "使用JSON恢复",
  150. "Retrieving data": "正在读取数据",
  151. "Retrieving info for all applicable eras, this will take some time": "检索所有可用 era 的信息,需要花点时间",
  152. "Retrieving info for last {{numEras}} eras, this will take some time": "获取最近 {{numEras}} 个 era 的信息, 需要花点时间",
  153. "Save": "保存",
  154. "Save & Reload": "保存并重载",
  155. "Save this backup file in a secure location. Additionally, the password associated with this account is needed together with this backup file in order to restore your account.": "把这个安全文件保存到一个安全的位置. 另外, 与此帐户关联的密码以及此备份文件需要一起才能还原您的帐户.",
  156. "Search for": "搜索",
  157. "Select Network": "选择网络",
  158. "Select a contact or paste the address you want to send funds to.": "选择一个联系人或者粘贴一个你想要发送资金的地址.",
  159. "Select best": "选择最优",
  160. "Select example": "选择实例",
  161. "Select targets manually (no auto-selection based on current profitability)": "手动选择(不是根据当前收益自动选择)",
  162. "Select the JSON key file that was downloaded when you created the account. This JSON file contains your private key encrypted with your password.": "选择创建帐户时下载的JSON密钥文件。 此JSON文件包含使用密码加密的私钥.",
  163. "Select the remote endpoint, either from the dropdown on manual entered via the custom toggle": "选择远程终端,或者通过自定义切换输入的手动下拉菜单中的任意一个",
  164. "Send funds": "发送资金",
  165. "Send funds from this account": "从这个账号里面发送资金",
  166. "Send funds to this address": "发送资金到这个地址",
  167. "Sending transaction": "正在发送交易",
  168. "Set Session Key": "设置会话key",
  169. "Set controller": "设置控制账户",
  170. "Set nominees": "设置被提名人",
  171. "Set reward destination": "设置收益地址",
  172. "Setup Nominator {{step}}/{{NUM_STEPS}}": "设置提名者 {{step}}/{{NUM_STEPS}}",
  173. "Setup Validator {{step}}/{{NUM_STEPS}}": "设置验证者 {{step}}/{{NUM_STEPS}}",
  174. "Should the search be case sensitive, e.g if you select \"no\" your search for \"Some\" may return addresses containing \"somE\" or \"sOme\"...": "搜索是否大小写敏感, 例如: 如果你选择 \"否\" 你搜索 \"Dsy\" 返回的地址可能包括 \"dsY\" 或者 \"DSy\"...",
  175. "Sign (no submission)": "签名(不提交)",
  176. "Sign and Submit": "签名并提交",
  177. "Specify the user account to use for this contract call. And fees will be deducted from this account.": "指定用于此合约调用的用户帐户。费用将从该帐户中扣除.",
  178. "Specify the user account to use for this deployment. And fees will be deducted from this account.": "指定用于部署的用户帐户。 费用将从该帐户中扣除.",
  179. "Staking overview": "质押概览",
  180. "Start generation": "开始生成",
  181. "Stash": "存储账户",
  182. "Stop": "停止",
  183. "Stop generation": "停止生成",
  184. "Submit": "提交",
  185. "Submit candidacy": "提交候选人",
  186. "Submit key": "提交key",
  187. "Submit signed extrinsic": "提交签名交易",
  188. "Submit your council candidacy": "提交你的一会候选人",
  189. "Targets": "目标",
  190. "The account password as specified when creating the account. This is used to encrypt the backup file and subsequently decrypt it when restoring the account.": "创建账户的时候密码需要被指定 用来加密备份文件并且恢复账户的时候用来解密.",
  191. "The account you want to claim to.": "你想要认领的账户.",
  192. "The account you will send funds from.": "从哪个账户发送资金.",
  193. "The address for the deployed contract instance.": "部署合同实例的地址.",
  194. "The allotted endowment for this contract, i.e. the amount transferred to the contract upon instantiation.": "分配给这个合约的捐赠, 即 the amount transferred to the contract upon instantiation.",
  195. "The allotted value for this contract, i.e. the amount transferred to the contract as part of this call.": "此合约的分配值,即转移给合约的总量作为调用的一部分.",
  196. "The code hash for the on-chain deployed code.": "链上部署代码的哈希.",
  197. "The code is not recognized as being in valid WASM format": "该代码未被识别为有效的WASM格式",
  198. "The codeHash is not a valid hex hash": "codeHash不是有效的十六进制哈希",
  199. "The color used to distinguish this network with others, use color code with 3 or 6 digits, like \"#FFF\" or \"#111111\"": "颜色用来和其他网络相区别,用3位或者6位的16进制码表示,比如#FFF或#111111",
  200. "The compiled WASM for the contract that you wish to deploy. Each unique code blob will be attached with a code hash that can be used to create new instances.": "您希望部署的合约已编译为WASM. 每个唯一的代码blob都将附加一个代码哈希,可用于创建新实例",
  201. "The controller does no have sufficient funds available to cover transaction fees. Ensure that a funded controller is used.": "控制账户没有足够的资金支付交易费用. 确保使用的控制账户有足够的资金.",
  202. "The deployment constructor information for this contract, as provided by the ABI.": "由ABI提供的此合约的部署构造函数信息.",
  203. "The existing account password as specified when this account was created or when it was last changed.": "当账户被创建或者最后一个被修改的时候需要给已存在的账号指定密码.",
  204. "The maximum amount of gas that can be used by this call. If the code requires more, the call will fail.": "用于调用使用gas的最大量. 如果超过这个量将会调用失败.",
  205. "The maximum amount of gas that can be used by this deployment, if the code requires more, the deployment will fail.": "此部署可以使用gas的最大量,如果代码需要更多gas,部署将失败.",
  206. "The message to send to this contract. Parameters are adjusted based on the ABI provided.": "发送给合约的消息. 根据提供的ABI调整参数.",
  207. "The minimum number of council votes required to approve this motion": "The minimum number of council votes required to approve this motion",
  208. "The new account password. Once set, all future account unlocks will be performed with this new password.": "新账户的密码. 一旦设置, 后面所有账号解锁都将使用新的密码.",
  209. "The password to unlock the selected account.": "密码用来解锁当前选择的账户.",
  210. "The private key for your account is derived from this seed. This seed must be kept secret as anyone in its possession has access to the funds of this account. If you validate, use the seed of the session account as the \"--key\" parameter of your node.": "你的账户的私钥是从这个种子派生出来的. 该种子必须保密,因为其拥有的任何人都可以使用此帐户的资金. 如果你验证过了, 你的节点使用会话账户的种子作为 \"--key\" 参数.",
  211. "The selected account to perform the derivation on.": "选择的账号正在执行派生.",
  212. "The value is not in a valid address format": "该值的地址格式无效",
  213. "This is not a valid JSON object.": "不是一个有效的JSON对象.",
  214. "This operation does not impact the associated on-chain code or any of its contracts.": "This operation does not impact the associated on-chain code or any of its contracts.",
  215. "This password is used to encrypt your private key. It must be strong and unique! You will need it to sign transactions with this account. You can recover this account using this password together with the backup file (generated in the next step).": "这个秘密用来加密你的私钥. 必须健壮唯一! 你将会和你的账号一起用来签名交易. 你可以用你的密码和你的备份账号一起来恢复你账户 (下一步生成的).",
  216. "This will apply to any future use of this account as stored on this browser. Ensure that you securely store this new password and that it is strong and unique to the account.": "此帐户在浏览器中存储以供将来使用。 确保您安全地存储了新密码,该密码是该帐户的唯一密码.",
  217. "Tip (optional)": "小费(可选)",
  218. "Treasury overview": "财政概览",
  219. "Type here what you would like your address to contain. This tool will generate the keys and show the associated addresses that best match your search. You can use \"?\" as a wildcard for a character.": "在此处输入您希望包含的地址。 该工具将生成密钥并显示与您的搜索最匹配的关联地址. 你可以使用 \"?\" 最为通配符.",
  220. "Type the amount you want to transfer. Note that you can select the unit on the right e.g sending 1 milli is equivalent to sending 0.001.": "输入你要发送的总量. 注意 你可以从右边选择单位 例如 发送 1 milli 相当于发送 0.001.",
  221. "Type the name of your contact. This name will be used across all the apps. It can be edited later on.": "输入联系人的名字. 这个名字在整个app内可用. 稍后课编辑.",
  222. "Type the password chosen at the account creation. It was used to encrypt your account's private key in the backup file.": "输入在创建帐户时选择的密码。 它用于加密备份文件中帐户的私钥。",
  223. "Unable to find deployed contract code at the specified address": "在指定的地址找不到部署的合约代码",
  224. "Unable to find on-chain WASM code for the supplied codeHash": "找不到所提供codeHash的链上WASM代码",
  225. "Unbond": "解除抵押",
  226. "Unbond funds": "解除抵押资金",
  227. "Unit": "单位",
  228. "Unit decides the name of 1 unit token, e.g. \"DOT\" for Polkadot": "每一个token的单位,比如Polkadot的单位是DOT",
  229. "Unlock": "解锁",
  230. "Update metadata": "升级Metadata",
  231. "Upload": "上传",
  232. "Upload WASM": "上传 WASM",
  233. "Use an automatic selection of the currently most profitable validators": "自动选择当前收益最高的验证者",
  234. "Validate": "验证",
  235. "Validator": "验证者",
  236. "Validator stats": "验证者统计",
  237. "Vanity generator": "地址美化",
  238. "Vote": "投票",
  239. "Vote for current candidates": "给当前候选人投票",
  240. "Waiting": "等待中",
  241. "Waiting for API to be connected and ready.": "等待API连接成功。",
  242. "Waiting for authorization from the extension. Please open the installed extension and approve or reject access.": "扩展等待认证. 打开已经安装的扩展同意或者拒绝他.",
  243. "Waiting nominations ({{count}})": "等待被提名 ({{count}})",
  244. "We will provide you with a generated backup file after your account is created. As long as you have access to your account you can always download this file later by clicking on \"Backup\" button from the Accounts section.": "创建帐户后,我们将为您提供一个生成的备份文件。 只要您有权访问帐户,以后就可以通过单击\"帐户\"中的\"备份\"按钮来下载此文件.",
  245. "With the Firefox browser connecting to insecure WebSockets ({{wsUrl}}) will fail due to the browser not allowing localhost access from a secure site.": "用Firefox连接不安全的 WebSockets ({{wsUrl}}) 由于浏览器不允许从一个安全的站点访问本地服务, 可能访问失败.",
  246. "You are connecting from a secure location to an insecure WebSocket ({{wsUrl}}). Due to browser mixed-content security policies this connection type is not allowed. Change the RPC service to a secure 'wss' endpoint.": "你正在从一个安全的连接访问不安全的 WebSocket ({{wsUrl}}). 由于浏览器最大安全策略这个连接将不被允许访问. 更改RPC服务到一个安全的 'wss' 终端.",
  247. "You are not connected to a node. Ensure that your node is running and that the Websocket endpoint is reachable.": "没有连接任何节点. 确保你的节点正在运行并且保证websocket终端可访问.",
  248. "You are using an ABI with an outdated format. Please generate a new one.": "你正在使用的ABI格式已过期. 请生成一个新的.",
  249. "You can set a custom derivation path for this account using the following syntax \"/<soft-key>//<hard-key>///<password>\". The \"/<soft-key>\" and \"//<hard-key>\" may be repeated and mixed`. The \"///password\" is optional and should only occur once.": "你可以对该账户自定义派生路径根据下面的语法 \"/<soft-key>//<hard-key>///<密码>\". \"/<soft-key>\" 和 \"//<hard-key>\" 可以重复和混合`. \"///密码\" 是可选的只能出现一次.",
  250. "You don't have any accounts. Some features are currently hidden and will only become available once you have accounts.": "你还没有账户. 很多功能对你隐藏了,赶紧添加一个账号试试.",
  251. "Your Ethereum account": "你的以太坊账户",
  252. "Your custom types have been added": "你的自定义类型被添加了",
  253. "account forgotten": "账号忘记了",
  254. "account restored": "账户已恢复",
  255. "additional bonded funds": "附加抵押更多资金",
  256. "address": "地址",
  257. "address copied": "地址已经复制",
  258. "address created": "地址被创建了",
  259. "address edited": "地址被编辑了",
  260. "address forgotten": "地址忘记了",
  261. "address prefix": "地址前缀",
  262. "amount": "总量",
  263. "amount to use for estimation": "估算金额",
  264. "approved": "赞成",
  265. "auto-selected targets for nomination": "自动选择提名的对象",
  266. "backing": "backing",
  267. "backup file": "备份文件",
  268. "balance": "余额",
  269. "beneficiary": "受益者",
  270. "best": "最好",
  271. "best #": "最好 #",
  272. "best hash": "最好哈希",
  273. "block hash or number to query": "区块哈希或查询号",
  274. "blocks": "区块",
  275. "bond": "抵押",
  276. "bonded": "抵押",
  277. "call from account": "从账户调用",
  278. "candidate accounts": "候选人账户",
  279. "candidates": "候选人",
  280. "case sensitive": "大小写敏感",
  281. "claim to account": "认领到账户",
  282. "click to copy": "点击复制",
  283. "click to select or drag and drop a JSON ABI file": "点击选择或者拖拽一个JSON格式的ABI文件",
  284. "clipboard": "剪贴板",
  285. "code for this contract": "该合约的代码",
  286. "code hash": "代码哈希",
  287. "comm.": "佣金",
  288. "commission": "佣金",
  289. "compiled contract WASM": "编译过的合约 WASM",
  290. "connected peers": "连接的节点",
  291. "contract address": "合约地址",
  292. "contract to use": "要使用的合约",
  293. "controller": "控制账户",
  294. "controller account": "控制账户",
  295. "copied": "已经复制",
  296. "created account": "账号已创建",
  297. "crypto type to use": "使用的加密类型",
  298. "custom endpoint": "自定义终端",
  299. "default icon theme": "默认图标主题",
  300. "default interface language": "默认接口语言",
  301. "deploy": "部署",
  302. "deployment account": "部署账户",
  303. "deposit": "存入",
  304. "derivation path": "派生路径",
  305. "derive root account": "获取跟账户",
  306. "development seed": "开发种子",
  307. "does not appear to have a valid claim. Please double check that you have signed the transaction correctly on the correct ETH account.": "一个合法的认领没有出现. 请再次确认你签名的交易是否在正确的以太坊账户上.",
  308. "elected stake": "选定的质押",
  309. "endowment": "捐赠",
  310. "epoch": "时期",
  311. "era": "时代",
  312. "era points": "era 得分",
  313. "events": "事件",
  314. "execute": "执行",
  315. "extrinsic hash": "交易哈希",
  316. "extrinsics": "交易",
  317. "filter by name or tags": "通过名字或者标签过滤",
  318. "filter by name, address or index": "使用名字,地址或者索引筛选",
  319. "filter by name, address, or account index": "使用名字、地址、账户索引过滤",
  320. "finalized": "最终确定",
  321. "forks": "(forks)分叉",
  322. "generated public key": "生成的公钥",
  323. "has a valid claim for": "有一个有效的声明",
  324. "index": "索引",
  325. "intentions": "意向",
  326. "interface operation mode": "接口操作模式",
  327. "invalid ABI file selected": "非法 ABI 文件被选择",
  328. "key type to set": "设置key类型",
  329. "keypair crypto type": "密钥对加密类型",
  330. "last #": "最后 #",
  331. "last block": "最后的区块",
  332. "last reward": "最终奖励",
  333. "lifetime": "生命周期",
  334. "limit to elected": "限于选定",
  335. "lng.detect": "默认浏览器语言 (自动检测)",
  336. "locked": "锁定",
  337. "logs": "日志",
  338. "manage hardware connections": "管理硬件连接",
  339. "maximum gas allowed": "允许的最大gas",
  340. "members": "成员",
  341. "message to send": "要发送的消息",
  342. "mnemonic seed": "助记词",
  343. "name": "名称",
  344. "nav.accounts": "账户",
  345. "": "认领",
  346. "nav.contracts": "合约",
  347. "nav.council": "议会",
  348. "nav.dashboard": "仪表盘",
  349. "nav.democracy": "民主权利",
  350. "nav.explorer": "浏览",
  351. "nav.extrinsics": "交易",
  352. "nav.generic-asset": "通用资产",
  353. "nav.js": "javascript",
  354. "nav.parachains": "平行链",
  355. "nav.settings": "设置",
  356. "nav.staking": "质押",
  357. "": "链状态",
  358. "nav.sudo": "撤销",
  359. "": "技术委员会",
  360. "nav.toolbox": "工具箱",
  361. "nav.transfer": "转账",
  362. "nav.treasury": "财政",
  363. "new account": "新建账户",
  364. "new address": "新建地址",
  365. "next": "下一步",
  366. "no": "否",
  367. "no accounts yet, create or import an existing": "还没有账户, 创建或者导入一个已经存在的账户",
  368. "no peers connected": "没有节点连接",
  369. "no tags": "没有标签",
  370. "nominated accounts": "提名账户",
  371. "nominators": "提名者",
  372. "on-chain bonding duration": "链上抵押时长",
  373. "only query most recent {{partialEras}} of {{historyDepth}} eras": "只查询最近 {{historyDepth}} 中的 {{partialEras}} 个 ear",
  374. "only this network": "仅在这个网络",
  375. "only with an identity": "只显示经过认证的验证者",
  376. "or": "或",
  377. "other stake": "提名抵押金额",
  378. "our best": "我们最好的",
  379. "own stake": "自抵押金额",
  380. "password": "密码",
  381. "payment destination": "支付账户",
  382. "payout/stash": "支付/储值",
  383. "peer best": "最好节点",
  384. "pending extrinsics": "等待的交易",
  385. "points": "得分",
  386. "prev": "上一步",
  387. "profit/era": "盈利/era",
  388. "proposal": "提案",
  389. "proposals": "提案",
  390. "queued tx": "队列中的交易",
  391. "recent blocks": "最新区块",
  392. "recent events": "最新事件",
  393. "redeemable": "可赎回",
  394. "refresh in": "刷新",
  395. "remote node/endpoint to connect to": "远程节点/终端连接到",
  396. "reserved": "保留",
  397. "reward commission percentage": "奖励佣金百分比",
  398. "rewards": "奖励",
  399. "rewards & slashes": "奖励 & 削减",
  400. "role": "角色",
  401. "runners up": "runners up",
  402. "seats": "座位",
  403. "secret derivation path": "加密派生路径",
  404. "seed (hex or string)": "发送 (16进制 或 字符串)",
  405. "selected validators": "选择的验证者",
  406. "send": "发送",
  407. "send as RPC call": "作为RPC调用发送",
  408. "send as transaction": "作为交易发送",
  409. "send from account": "发送地址",
  410. "send to address": "发送到的地址",
  411. "sending from my account": "从我的账户发送",
  412. "session": "session",
  413. "session keys": "会话key",
  414. "staked": "质押的",
  415. "stash account": "储值账户",
  416. "stashes": "存储账户",
  417. "syncing": "同步中",
  418. "target": "目标",
  419. "term progress": "term progress",
  420. "the associated controller": "相关的控制账户",
  421. "the stash account to nominate with": "用来提名的存储账户",
  422. "threshold": "阀值",
  423. "tip": "提示",
  424. "total": "总共",
  425. "total issuance": "总发行量",
  426. "total peers": "节点总数",
  427. "total stake": "质押总额",
  428. "total staked": "质押总量",
  429. "transactions": "交易",
  430. "transfer received": "转账接收成功",
  431. "transferrable": "可转移",
  432. "type": "类型",
  433. "unbonding": "解除抵押",
  434. "unlock account with password": "使用密码解锁",
  435. "unstake threshold": "取消抵押阈值",
  436. "update on #{{index}}": "更新 #{{index}}",
  437. "upgradable extensions": "升级浏览器插件",
  438. "use on any network": "在任何网络使用",
  439. "using my account": "正在使用我的账户",
  440. "validator to query": "要查询的验证者",
  441. "validators": "验证者",
  442. "validators/nominators": "验证者/提名者",
  443. "value": "值",
  444. "value bonded": "抵押金额",
  445. "voting round": "投票轮次",
  446. "waiting": "等候中",
  447. "yes": "是",
  448. "your current password": "你当前的密码",
  449. "your new password": "你的新密码"
  450. }