123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129 |
- import {
- Arg,
- Args,
- Mutation,
- Query,
- Root,
- Resolver,
- FieldResolver,
- ObjectType,
- Field,
- Int,
- ArgsType,
- } from 'type-graphql';
- import { Inject } from 'typedi';
- import { Min } from 'class-validator';
- import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
- import {
- VideoCreateInput,
- VideoCreateManyArgs,
- VideoUpdateArgs,
- VideoWhereArgs,
- VideoWhereInput,
- VideoWhereUniqueInput,
- VideoOrderByEnum,
- } from '../../../generated';
- import { Video } from './video.model';
- import { VideoService } from './video.service';
- import { Block } from '../block/block.model';
- import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
- @ObjectType()
- export class VideoEdge {
- @Field(() => Video, { nullable: false })
- node!: Video;
- @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
- cursor!: string;
- }
- @ObjectType()
- export class VideoConnection {
- @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
- totalCount!: number;
- @Field(() => [VideoEdge], { nullable: false })
- edges!: VideoEdge[];
- @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
- pageInfo!: PageInfo;
- }
- @ArgsType()
- export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
- @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- @Min(0)
- first?: number;
- @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
- after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
- @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
- @Min(0)
- last?: number;
- @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
- before?: string;
- }
- @ArgsType()
- export class VideoConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
- @Field(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
- where?: VideoWhereInput;
- @Field(() => VideoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
- orderBy?: VideoOrderByEnum;
- }
- @Resolver(Video)
- export class VideoResolver {
- constructor(@Inject('VideoService') public readonly service: VideoService) {}
- @Query(() => [Video])
- async videos(
- @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: VideoWhereArgs,
- @Fields() fields: string[]
- ): Promise<Video[]> {
- return this.service.find<VideoWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
- }
- @Query(() => VideoConnection)
- async videoConnection(
- @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: VideoConnectionWhereArgs,
- @RawFields() fields: Record<string, any>
- ): Promise<VideoConnection> {
- let result: any = {
- totalCount: 0,
- edges: [],
- pageInfo: {
- hasNextPage: false,
- hasPreviousPage: false,
- },
- };
- // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
- // by warthog
- try {
- result = await this.service.findConnection<VideoWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, fields);
- } catch (err) {
- console.log(err);
- // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
- if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
- }
- return result as Promise<VideoConnection>;
- }
- @FieldResolver(() => Block)
- async happenedIn(@Root() r: Video): Promise<Block> {
- const result = await getConnection()
- .getRepository(Video)
- .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['happenedIn'] });
- if (!result || !result.happenedIn) {
- throw new Error('Unable to find result for Video.happenedIn');
- }
- return result.happenedIn;
- }
- }