A module representing the lifecycle of the staking of platform actors. The module is meant to be a low level component of a fuller staking environment, where more context specific modules will layer contextual permissions and requirements on top of this module.
As a consequence of having no dispatchables, there are also no events, client code must layer this on top, possibly decorated with more context. There are autonomous state transitions, triggered at block arrival, and they are signalled through callbacks from corresponding client calls, and module level callback handlers, in this order.
This document uses UML state machines, which are hierarchical state machines that have extended state. The event arrows have decorations ([condition])/name(/action)
, where the guts of the ()
are optional, and condition
evaluates to a boolean and has no side effects on extended state, and the action
may have side effects.
This module is organized around the idea of a stake, which refers to some amount of funds staked, or bonded, by some actor, for some specific purpose, under some constraints surrounding unstaking. This module only attempts to model the a common lifecycle found in the staking and slashing actions of a broad range of stakes on the platform.
The following image summarizes the key states and transitions concerning the staking.
All currently staked funds live in a module owned staking account. No one can sign for spending from this account.
In the staked state, a stake holds a claim on a given amount of value in this account. This claim can rise and fall over time with slashings and explicit changes to the staking amount. The value can only be unlocked by successfully unstaking, and allowing a given amount of time to transpire in the active state.
A key design choice is to allow possibly multiple simultaneous slashing processes to take place simultaneously on the same role. The following calls are used:
: Create new slashing related state.slashing_count()
: The number of currently ongoing slashings (see next section), hence no side effects.unstaking_clock()
: The total number of blocks arrived in the active state, hence no side effects.The rationale for the paused unstaking state is to allow a possibly extended slashing ordeal to take place during unstaking, without necessarily having to race against the unstaking timer.
The following image summarizes the key states and transitions concerning a the life cycle of a single slashing.
The begin_new_slashing_stm
call above involves creating a new instance of such a state machine.
The key design decision here is to not instantly slash, but to have a pausable countdown period. The pausing is ideal for allowing higher order processes around contesting a slashing action, possibly multiple times through a governance hierarchy for example.
A slashing itself involves reducing the claim of a stake on the staking fund. Multiple slashing attempts in flight will possibly compete, in that one brings the claim below the target slashing amount of the other, in which case the maximum feasible amount is slashed.
Since all methods are non-dispatchable, the module should be used by one or more use case specific modules that introduce their own set of relevant permissions and extrinsics, as well as interleave the staking and slashing activities with any other use case specific requirements.
: SRML module
trait StakingEventSink {
// Type of handler which handles unstaking event.
OnUnstakeHandler: fn(id: T::StakeId),
// Type of handler which handles slashing event.
// NB: actually_slashed can be less than amount of the slash itself if the
// claim amount on the stake cannot cover it fully.
OnSlashedHandler: fn(id: T::StakeId, slash_id: T::SlashId, actually_slashed: T::Balance)
trait Trait : StakingEventSink + Currency::Trait {
// Type of identifier for stake
// Type of identifier for a slashing
struct Slash<T: Trait> {
// The block slashing was initiated.
started_at_block: T::BlockNumber,
// Whether slashing is in active, or conversley paused state
// Blocks are only counted towards slashing execution delay when active.
is_active: bool,
// The number blocks which must be finalised while in the active period before the slashing can be executed
nr_of_blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_slashing: T::BlockNumber
enum StakedStatus<T: Trait> {
// Baseline staking status, nothing is happening.
// Unstaking is under way
Unstaking {
// The block where the unstaking was initiated
started_in_block: T::BlockNumber,
// Whether unstaking is in active, or conversely paused state
// Blocks are only counted towards unstaking period when active.
is_active: bool,
// The number blocks which must be finalised while in the active period before the unstaking is finished
nr_of_blocks_remaining_in_active_period_for_unstaking: T::BlockNumber,
enum StakingStatus<T: Trait> {
Staked {
// Total amount of funds at stake
staked_amount: T::Balance,
// All ongoing slashing process.
// There may be some issue with BTreeMap for now in Polkadotjs,
// consider replacing this with Vec<Slash<T>>, and remove nextSlashId from state, for now in that case,
ongoing_slashes: BTreeMap<T::SlashId, Slash<T>>,
// Status of the staking
staked_status: StakedStatus<T>
struct Stake<T: Trait> {
// When role was created
created: time,
// Status of any possible ongoing staking
staking_status: StakingStatus<T>,
stakes: linked_map T::StakeId => Stake<T>
: Maps identifiers to a stake.nextStakeId: T::StakeId
: Identifier value for next stake.nextSlashId: T::SlashId
: Identifier value for next slashing.staking_fund_account_id: T::AccountId
: Identifier for account of this module that holds staking funds.None
, created at given block, into stakes
map with id nextStakeId
, and increments nextStakeId
: Identifier of stake to be removedid
exists in stakes
and is NotStaked
, remove from stakes
Provided the stake exists and is in state NotStaked
and the given account has sufficient free balance to cover the given staking amount, then the amount is transferred to the MODULE_STAKING_FUND_ACCOUNT_ID
account, and the corresponding staked_balance
is set to this amount in the new Staked
Provided the stake exists and is in state Staked.Normal
, and the given source account covers the amount, then the amount is transferred to the MODULE_STAKING_FUND_ACCOUNT_ID
account, and the corresponding staked_balance
is increased by the amount. New value of staked_balance
is returned.
Initiate a new slashing of a staked stake.
Pause an ongoing slashing.
Continue a currently paused ongoing slashing.
Cancel an ongoing slashing (regardless of whether its active or paused).
Initiate unstaking of a staked stake.
Puase an ongoing unstaking.
Continue a currently paused ongoing unstaking.
Handle timers for finalizing unstaking and slashing.
Finalised unstaking results in the staked_balance
in the given stake to be transferred.
Finalised slashing results in the staked_balance
in the given stake being correspondingly reduced.