913 B

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. set -e
  3. # If OS is supported will install:
  4. # - build tools and any other dependencies required for rust and substrate
  5. # - rustup - rust insaller
  6. # - rust compiler and toolchains
  7. # - skips installing substrate and subkey
  8. curl -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
  9. source ~/.cargo/env
  10. rustup component add rustfmt clippy
  11. # Current version of substrate requires an older version of nightly toolchain
  12. # to successfully compile the WASM runtime. We force install because rustfmt package
  13. # is not available for this nightly version.
  14. rustup install nightly-2020-05-23 --force
  15. rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2020-05-23
  16. # Sticking with older version of compiler to ensure working build
  17. rustup install 1.46.0
  18. rustup default 1.46.0
  19. # Install additional tools...
  20. # - docker engine, docker, docker-compose,
  21. # - nodejs, npm, yarn (classic), npx
  22. # - b2sum,