123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111 |
- import { Codec, Constructor, RegistryTypes } from '@polkadot/types/types'
- import common from './common'
- import members from './members'
- import council from './council'
- import roles from './roles'
- import forum from './forum'
- import stake from './stake'
- import mint from './mint'
- import recurringRewards from './recurring-rewards'
- import hiring from './hiring'
- import workingGroup from './working-group'
- import storage from './storage'
- import proposals from './proposals'
- import content from './content'
- import legacy from './legacy'
- import { InterfaceTypes } from '@polkadot/types/types/registry'
- import { TypeRegistry, Text, UInt, Null, bool, Option, Vec, BTreeSet, BTreeMap } from '@polkadot/types'
- import { ExtendedEnum } from './JoyEnum'
- import { ExtendedStruct } from './JoyStruct'
- import BN from 'bn.js'
- export {
- common,
- members,
- council,
- roles,
- forum,
- stake,
- mint,
- recurringRewards,
- hiring,
- workingGroup,
- storage,
- proposals,
- content,
- }
- export const types: RegistryTypes = {
- // legacy types comes first so they are overriden by proper definitions in new modules
- ...legacy,
- ...common,
- ...members,
- ...council,
- ...roles,
- ...forum,
- ...stake,
- ...mint,
- ...recurringRewards,
- ...hiring,
- ...workingGroup,
- ...storage,
- ...proposals,
- ...content,
- }
- // Allows creating types without api instance (it's not a recommended way though, so should be used just for mocks)
- export const registry = new TypeRegistry()
- registry.register(types)
- // Tweaked version of https://stackoverflow.com/a/62163715 for handling enum variants
- // Based on type (T) like: { a: string; b: number; c: Null; }
- // will create a type like: { a: string } | { b: number } | { c: Null } | "c"
- type EnumVariant<T> = keyof T extends infer K
- ? K extends keyof T
- ? T[K] extends Null | null
- ? K | { [I in K]: T[I] }
- : { [I in K]: T[I] }
- : never
- : never
- // Create simple interface for any Codec type (inlcuding JoyEnums and JoyStructs)
- // Cannot handle Option here, since that would cause circular reference error
- type CreateInterface_NoOption<T extends Codec> =
- | T
- | (T extends ExtendedEnum<infer S>
- ? EnumVariant<{ [K in keyof S]: CreateInterface<InstanceType<T['typeDefinitions'][K]>> }>
- : T extends ExtendedStruct<infer S>
- ? { [K in keyof S]?: CreateInterface<InstanceType<T['typeDefs'][K]>> }
- : T extends Text
- ? string
- : T extends UInt
- ? number | BN
- : T extends bool
- ? boolean
- : T extends Vec<infer S> | BTreeSet<infer S>
- ? CreateInterface<S>[]
- : T extends BTreeMap<infer K, infer V>
- ? Map<K, V>
- : T extends Null
- ? null
- : unknown)
- // Wrapper for CreateInterface_NoOption that includes resolving an Option
- // (nested Options like Option<Option<Codec>> will resolve to Option<any>, but there are very edge case)
- export type CreateInterface<T extends Codec> =
- | T
- | (T extends Option<infer S> ? undefined | null | S | CreateInterface_NoOption<S> : CreateInterface_NoOption<T>)
- export type AnyTypeName = keyof InterfaceTypes
- export function createType<TN extends AnyTypeName, T extends InterfaceTypes[TN] = InterfaceTypes[TN]>(
- type: TN,
- value: CreateInterface<T>
- ): InterfaceTypes[TN] {
- return registry.createType(type, value)
- }
- // FIXME: Backward-compatibility. Use only one createType in the future!
- export function createTypeFromConstructor<T extends Codec>(type: Constructor<T>, value: CreateInterface<T>): T {
- return registry.createType(type.name as AnyTypeName, value) as T
- }