A joystream-node can be compiled with given Dockerfile file:
# Build and tag a new image, which will compile joystream-node from source
docker build . -t joystream-node
# run a development chain with the image just created publishing the websocket port
docker run -p 9944:9944 joystream-node --dev --ws-external
docker pull joystream/node
Create a working directory to store the node's data and where you will need to place the chain file.
mkdir ${HOME}/joystream-node-data/
cp rome-testnet.json ${HOME}/joystream-node-data/
docker run -d -p 30333:30333 \
-v ${HOME}/joystream-node-data/:/data \
--name my-node \
joystream/node --base-path /data --chain /data/rome-testnet.json
# check status
docker ps
# monitor logs
docker logs --tail 100 -f my-node