// Auto-generated via `yarn polkadot-types-from-chain`, do not edit /* eslint-disable */ import type { Bytes, Option, Vec, bool, u32, u64 } from '@polkadot/types'; import type { ApplicationId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap, CategoryId, Channel, ChannelCategory, ChannelCategoryCreationParameters, ChannelCategoryId, ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters, ChannelCreationParameters, ChannelId, ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest, ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId, ChannelUpdateParameters, ContentActor, ContentId, ContentParameters, CuratorGroupId, CuratorId, DataObjectStorageRelationshipId, DataObjectType, DataObjectTypeId, EntryMethod, IsCensored, MemberId, MintBalanceOf, MintId, NewAsset, OpeningId, PersonCreationParameters, PersonId, PersonUpdateParameters, PlaylistCreationParameters, PlaylistId, PlaylistUpdateParameters, PostId, ProposalId, ProposalStatus, RationaleText, Series, SeriesId, SeriesParameters, StorageObjectOwner, StorageProviderId, ThreadId, UploadingStatus, VideoCategoryCreationParameters, VideoCategoryId, VideoCategoryUpdateParameters, VideoCreationParameters, VideoId, VideoUpdateParameters, VoteKind, VoucherLimit, WorkerId } from './all'; import type { BalanceStatus } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/balances'; import type { AuthorityId } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/consensus'; import type { AuthorityList } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/grandpa'; import type { Kind, OpaqueTimeSlot } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/offences'; import type { AccountId, Balance, BlockNumber, Hash } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/runtime'; import type { IdentificationTuple, SessionIndex } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/session'; import type { ElectionCompute, EraIndex } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/staking'; import type { DispatchError, DispatchInfo, DispatchResult } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/system'; import type { ApiTypes } from '@polkadot/api/types'; declare module '@polkadot/api/types/events' { export interface AugmentedEvents { balances: { /** * A balance was set by root. \[who, free, reserved\] **/ BalanceSet: AugmentedEvent; /** * Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees). \[who, deposit\] **/ Deposit: AugmentedEvent; /** * An account was removed whose balance was non-zero but below ExistentialDeposit, * resulting in an outright loss. \[account, balance\] **/ DustLost: AugmentedEvent; /** * An account was created with some free balance. \[account, free_balance\] **/ Endowed: AugmentedEvent; /** * Some balance was reserved (moved from free to reserved). \[who, value\] **/ Reserved: AugmentedEvent; /** * Some balance was moved from the reserve of the first account to the second account. * Final argument indicates the destination balance type. * \[from, to, balance, destination_status\] **/ ReserveRepatriated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Transfer succeeded. \[from, to, value\] **/ Transfer: AugmentedEvent; /** * Some balance was unreserved (moved from reserved to free). \[who, value\] **/ Unreserved: AugmentedEvent; }; content: { ChannelAssetsRemoved: AugmentedEvent]>; ChannelCategoryCreated: AugmentedEvent; ChannelCategoryDeleted: AugmentedEvent; ChannelCategoryUpdated: AugmentedEvent; ChannelCensorshipStatusUpdated: AugmentedEvent; ChannelCreated: AugmentedEvent; ChannelOwnershipTransferred: AugmentedEvent; ChannelOwnershipTransferRequested: AugmentedEvent; ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent; ChannelUpdated: AugmentedEvent; CuratorAdded: AugmentedEvent; CuratorGroupCreated: AugmentedEvent; CuratorGroupStatusSet: AugmentedEvent; CuratorRemoved: AugmentedEvent; FeaturedVideosSet: AugmentedEvent]>; PersonCreated: AugmentedEvent, PersonCreationParameters]>; PersonDeleted: AugmentedEvent; PersonUpdated: AugmentedEvent, PersonUpdateParameters]>; PlaylistCreated: AugmentedEvent; PlaylistDeleted: AugmentedEvent; PlaylistUpdated: AugmentedEvent; SeriesCreated: AugmentedEvent, SeriesParameters, Series]>; SeriesDeleted: AugmentedEvent; SeriesUpdated: AugmentedEvent, SeriesParameters, Series]>; VideoCategoryCreated: AugmentedEvent; VideoCategoryDeleted: AugmentedEvent; VideoCategoryUpdated: AugmentedEvent; VideoCensorshipStatusUpdated: AugmentedEvent; VideoCreated: AugmentedEvent; VideoDeleted: AugmentedEvent; VideoUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; contentDirectoryWorkingGroup: { /** * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id * - Application id **/ AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on setting the leader. * Params: * - Worker id. **/ LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on un-setting the leader. * Params: **/ LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on changing working group mint capacity. * Params: * - mint id. * - new mint balance. **/ MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding new worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on filling the worker opening. * Params: * - Worker opening id * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary **/ OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the leader. * Params: * - leader worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on exiting the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - exit rationale text **/ WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker. * Params: * - Member id of the worker. * - Reward account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the role account of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Role account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the worker storage role. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Raw storage field. **/ WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; council: { CouncilTermEnded: AugmentedEvent; NewCouncilTermStarted: AugmentedEvent; }; councilElection: { AnnouncingEnded: AugmentedEvent; AnnouncingStarted: AugmentedEvent; Applied: AugmentedEvent; CouncilElected: AugmentedEvent; /** * A new election started **/ ElectionStarted: AugmentedEvent; Revealed: AugmentedEvent; RevealingEnded: AugmentedEvent; RevealingStarted: AugmentedEvent; Voted: AugmentedEvent; VotingEnded: AugmentedEvent; VotingStarted: AugmentedEvent; }; dataDirectory: { /** * Emits when the storage provider accepts a content. * Params: * - Id of the relationship. * - Id of the storage provider. **/ ContentAccepted: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding of the content. * Params: * - Content parameters representation. * - StorageObjectOwner enum. **/ ContentAdded: AugmentedEvent, StorageObjectOwner]>; /** * Emits when the storage provider rejects a content. * Params: * - Id of the relationship. * - Id of the storage provider. **/ ContentRejected: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on content removal. * Params: * - Content parameters representation. * - StorageObjectOwner enum. **/ ContentRemoved: AugmentedEvent, StorageObjectOwner]>; /** * Emits when the content uploading status update performed. * Params: * - UploadingStatus bool flag. **/ ContentUploadingStatusUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits when the lead sets a new default voucher * Params: * - New size limit * - New objects limit **/ DefaultVoucherUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits when the global voucher objects limit is updated. * Params: * - New limit **/ GlobalVoucherObjectsLimitUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits when the global voucher size limit is updated. * Params: * - New limit **/ GlobalVoucherSizeLimitUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits when the storage object owner voucher objects limit update performed. * Params: * - StorageObjectOwner enum. * - voucher objects limit. **/ StorageObjectOwnerVoucherObjectsLimitUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits when the storage object owner voucher size limit update performed. * Params: * - StorageObjectOwner enum. * - voucher size limit. **/ StorageObjectOwnerVoucherSizeLimitUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits when the objects limit upper bound is updated. * Params: * - New Upper bound **/ VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBoundUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits when the size limit upper bound is updated. * Params: * - New Upper bound **/ VoucherSizeLimitUpperBoundUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; dataObjectStorageRegistry: { /** * Emits on adding of the data object storage relationship. * Params: * - Id of the relationship. * - Id of the content. * - Id of the storage provider. **/ DataObjectStorageRelationshipAdded: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding of the data object storage relationship. * Params: * - Id of the storage provider. * - Id of the relationship. * - Current state of the relationship (True=Active). **/ DataObjectStorageRelationshipReadyUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; dataObjectTypeRegistry: { /** * Emits on the data object type registration. * Params: * - DataObjectType * - Id of the new data object type. **/ DataObjectTypeRegistered: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on the data object type update. * Params: * - Id of the updated data object type. * - DataObjectType **/ DataObjectTypeUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; forum: { /** * A category was introduced **/ CategoryCreated: AugmentedEvent; /** * A category with given id was updated. * The second argument reflects the new archival status of the category, if changed. * The third argument reflects the new deletion status of the category, if changed. **/ CategoryUpdated: AugmentedEvent, Option]>; /** * Given account was set as forum sudo. **/ ForumSudoSet: AugmentedEvent, Option]>; /** * Post with given id was created. **/ PostAdded: AugmentedEvent; /** * Post with givne id was moderated. **/ PostModerated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Post with given id had its text updated. * The second argument reflects the number of total edits when the text update occurs. **/ PostTextUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * A thread with given id was created. **/ ThreadCreated: AugmentedEvent; /** * A thread with given id was moderated. **/ ThreadModerated: AugmentedEvent; }; gatewayWorkingGroup: { /** * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id * - Application id **/ AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on setting the leader. * Params: * - Worker id. **/ LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on un-setting the leader. * Params: **/ LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on changing working group mint capacity. * Params: * - mint id. * - new mint balance. **/ MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding new worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on filling the worker opening. * Params: * - Worker opening id * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary **/ OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the leader. * Params: * - leader worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on exiting the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - exit rationale text **/ WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker. * Params: * - Member id of the worker. * - Reward account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the role account of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Role account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the worker storage role. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Raw storage field. **/ WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; grandpa: { /** * New authority set has been applied. \[authority_set\] **/ NewAuthorities: AugmentedEvent; /** * Current authority set has been paused. **/ Paused: AugmentedEvent; /** * Current authority set has been resumed. **/ Resumed: AugmentedEvent; }; imOnline: { /** * At the end of the session, no offence was committed. **/ AllGood: AugmentedEvent; /** * A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId` \[authority_id\] **/ HeartbeatReceived: AugmentedEvent; /** * At the end of the session, at least one validator was found to be \[offline\]. **/ SomeOffline: AugmentedEvent]>; }; members: { MemberRegistered: AugmentedEvent; MemberSetControllerAccount: AugmentedEvent; MemberSetRootAccount: AugmentedEvent; MemberUpdatedAboutText: AugmentedEvent; MemberUpdatedAvatar: AugmentedEvent; MemberUpdatedHandle: AugmentedEvent; }; memo: { MemoUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; offences: { /** * There is an offence reported of the given `kind` happened at the `session_index` and * (kind-specific) time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes. last * element indicates of the offence was applied (true) or queued (false) * \[kind, timeslot, applied\]. **/ Offence: AugmentedEvent; }; operationsWorkingGroup: { /** * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id * - Application id **/ AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on setting the leader. * Params: * - Worker id. **/ LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on un-setting the leader. * Params: **/ LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on changing working group mint capacity. * Params: * - mint id. * - new mint balance. **/ MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding new worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on filling the worker opening. * Params: * - Worker opening id * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary **/ OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the leader. * Params: * - leader worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on exiting the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - exit rationale text **/ WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker. * Params: * - Member id of the worker. * - Reward account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the role account of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Role account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the worker storage role. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Raw storage field. **/ WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; proposalsDiscussion: { /** * Emits on post creation. **/ PostCreated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on post update. **/ PostUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on thread creation. **/ ThreadCreated: AugmentedEvent; }; proposalsEngine: { /** * Emits on proposal creation. * Params: * - Member id of a proposer. * - Id of a newly created proposal after it was saved in storage. **/ ProposalCreated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on proposal status change. * Params: * - Id of a updated proposal. * - New proposal status **/ ProposalStatusUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on voting for the proposal * Params: * - Voter - member id of a voter. * - Id of a proposal. * - Kind of vote. **/ Voted: AugmentedEvent; }; session: { /** * New session has happened. Note that the argument is the \[session_index\], not the block * number as the type might suggest. **/ NewSession: AugmentedEvent; }; staking: { /** * An account has bonded this amount. \[stash, amount\] * * NOTE: This event is only emitted when funds are bonded via a dispatchable. Notably, * it will not be emitted for staking rewards when they are added to stake. **/ Bonded: AugmentedEvent; /** * The era payout has been set; the first balance is the validator-payout; the second is * the remainder from the maximum amount of reward. * \[era_index, validator_payout, remainder\] **/ EraPayout: AugmentedEvent; /** * An old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it could * not be processed. \[session_index\] **/ OldSlashingReportDiscarded: AugmentedEvent; /** * The staker has been rewarded by this amount. \[stash, amount\] **/ Reward: AugmentedEvent; /** * One validator (and its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount. * \[validator, amount\] **/ Slash: AugmentedEvent; /** * A new solution for the upcoming election has been stored. \[compute\] **/ SolutionStored: AugmentedEvent; /** * A new set of stakers was elected with the given \[compute\]. **/ StakingElection: AugmentedEvent; /** * An account has unbonded this amount. \[stash, amount\] **/ Unbonded: AugmentedEvent; /** * An account has called `withdraw_unbonded` and removed unbonding chunks worth `Balance` * from the unlocking queue. \[stash, amount\] **/ Withdrawn: AugmentedEvent; }; storageWorkingGroup: { /** * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Worker application id **/ ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id * - Application id **/ AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on setting the leader. * Params: * - Worker id. **/ LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on un-setting the leader. * Params: **/ LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on changing working group mint capacity. * Params: * - mint id. * - new mint balance. **/ MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on adding new worker opening. * Params: * - Opening id **/ OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on filling the worker opening. * Params: * - Worker opening id * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary **/ OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake. * Params: * - worker/lead id. **/ StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the leader. * Params: * - leader worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on terminating the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - termination rationale text **/ TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on exiting the worker. * Params: * - worker id. * - exit rationale text **/ WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker. * Params: * - Member id of the worker. * - Reward account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. **/ WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the role account of the worker. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Role account id of the worker. **/ WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * Emits on updating the worker storage role. * Params: * - Id of the worker. * - Raw storage field. **/ WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent; }; sudo: { /** * The \[sudoer\] just switched identity; the old key is supplied. **/ KeyChanged: AugmentedEvent; /** * A sudo just took place. \[result\] **/ Sudid: AugmentedEvent; /** * A sudo just took place. \[result\] **/ SudoAsDone: AugmentedEvent; }; system: { /** * `:code` was updated. **/ CodeUpdated: AugmentedEvent; /** * An extrinsic failed. \[error, info\] **/ ExtrinsicFailed: AugmentedEvent; /** * An extrinsic completed successfully. \[info\] **/ ExtrinsicSuccess: AugmentedEvent; /** * An \[account\] was reaped. **/ KilledAccount: AugmentedEvent; /** * A new \[account\] was created. **/ NewAccount: AugmentedEvent; }; utility: { /** * Batch of dispatches completed fully with no error. **/ BatchCompleted: AugmentedEvent; /** * Batch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, as * well as the error. \[index, error\] **/ BatchInterrupted: AugmentedEvent; }; } export interface DecoratedEvents extends AugmentedEvents { } }