// Copyright 2017-2020 @polkadot/apps authors & contributors // This software may be modified and distributed under the terms // of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details. const fs = require('fs'); const pinataSDK = require('@pinata/sdk'); const cloudflare = require('dnslink-cloudflare'); const execSync = require('@polkadot/dev/scripts/execSync'); const createEndpoints = require('../packages/apps-config/build/settings/endpoints').default; const lernaInfo = require('../lerna.json'); // https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/ const GATEWAY = 'https://ipfs.io/ipfs/'; const DOMAIN = 'dotapps.io'; const DST = 'packages/apps/build'; const SRC = 'packages/apps/public'; const WOPTS = { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' }; const PINMETA = { name: DOMAIN }; const repo = `https://${process.env.GH_PAT}@github.com/${process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git`; const pinata = pinataSDK(process.env.PINATA_API_KEY, process.env.PINATA_SECRET_KEY); function writeFiles (name, content) { [DST, SRC].forEach((root) => fs.writeFileSync(`${root}/ipfs/${name}`, content, WOPTS) ); } function updateGh (hash) { execSync('git add --all .'); execSync(`git commit --no-status --quiet -m "[CI Skip] publish/ipfs ${hash} skip-checks: true"`); execSync(`git push ${repo} HEAD:${process.env.GITHUB_REF}`, true); } async function pin () { const result = await pinata.pinFromFS(DST, { pinataMetadata: PINMETA }); const url = `${GATEWAY}${result.IpfsHash}/`; const html = ` Redirecting to ipfs gateway

Redirecting to


`; writeFiles('index.html', html); writeFiles('pin.json', JSON.stringify(result)); updateGh(result.IpfsHash); console.log(`Pinned ${result.IpfsHash}`); return result.IpfsHash; } async function unpin (exclude) { const result = await pinata.pinList({ metadata: PINMETA, status: 'pinned' }); if (result.count > 1) { const filtered = result.rows .map(({ ipfs_pin_hash: hash }) => hash) .filter((hash) => hash !== exclude); if (filtered.length) { await Promise.all( filtered.map((hash) => pinata .unpin(hash) .then(() => console.log(`Unpinned ${hash}`)) .catch(console.error) ) ); } } } async function dnslink (hash) { const records = createEndpoints(() => '') .map(({ dnslink }) => dnslink) .filter((dnslink) => !!dnslink) .reduce((all, dnslink) => { if (!all.includes(dnslink)) { all.push(dnslink); } return all; }, [null]) .map((sub) => ['_dnslink', sub, DOMAIN] .filter((entry) => !!entry) .join('.') ); await Promise.all(records.map((record) => cloudflare( { token: process.env.CF_API_TOKEN }, { link: `/ipfs/${hash}`, record, zone: DOMAIN } ) )); console.log(`Dnslink ${hash} for ${records.join(', ')}`); } async function main () { // only run on non-beta versions if (!lernaInfo.version.includes('-beta.')) { const hash = await pin(); await dnslink(hash); await unpin(hash); } } main() .catch(console.error) .finally(() => process.exit());