import BN from 'bn.js' import { EntityId, SchemaId, ParametrizedClassPropertyValue, ClassId } from '@joystream/types/content-directory' import { DB } from '../generated/indexer' export interface BaseJoystreamMember { memberId: BN } export interface JoystreamMember extends BaseJoystreamMember { handle: string avatarUri: string about: string registeredAtBlock: number rootAccount: Buffer controllerAccount: Buffer } export interface MemberAboutText extends BaseJoystreamMember { about: string } export interface MemberAvatarURI extends BaseJoystreamMember { avatarUri: string } export interface MemberHandle extends BaseJoystreamMember { handle: string } export interface MemberRootAccount extends BaseJoystreamMember { rootAccount: Buffer } export interface MemberControllerAccount extends BaseJoystreamMember { controllerAccount: Buffer } export interface IReference { entityId: number existing: boolean } export interface IChannel { handle: string description: string coverPhotoUrl: string avatarPhotoUrl: string isPublic: boolean isCurated?: boolean language?: IReference } export interface ICategory { name: string description: string } export interface IKnownLicense { code: string name?: string description?: string url?: string } export interface IUserDefinedLicense { content: string } export interface IJoystreamMediaLocation { dataObjectId: string } export interface IHttpMediaLocation { url: string port?: number } export interface ILanguage { name: string code: string } export interface IVideoMediaEncoding { name: string } export interface IVideoMedia { encoding?: IReference pixelWidth: number pixelHeight: number size: number location?: IReference } export interface IVideo { // referenced entity's id channel?: IReference // referenced entity's id category?: IReference title: string description: string duration: number skippableIntroDuration?: number thumbnailUrl: string language?: IReference // referenced entity's id media?: IReference hasMarketing?: boolean publishedBeforeJoystream?: number isPublic: boolean isCurated?: boolean isExplicit: boolean license?: IReference } export interface ILicense { knownLicense?: IReference userDefinedLicense?: IReference attribution?: string } export interface IMediaLocation { httpMediaLocation?: IReference joystreamMediaLocation?: IReference } export enum OperationType { CreateEntity = 'CreateEntity', AddSchemaSupportToEntity = 'AddSchemaSupportToEntity', UpdatePropertyValues = 'UpdatePropertyValues', } export interface IAddSchemaSupportToEntity { entity_id: EntityId schema_id: SchemaId parametrized_property_values: ParametrizedClassPropertyValue[] } export interface ICreateEntity { class_id: ClassId } export interface IClassEntity { entityId: number classId: number } export interface IBatchOperation { createEntityOperations: ICreateEntityOperation[] addSchemaSupportToEntityOperations: IEntity[] updatePropertyValuesOperations: IEntity[] } export interface IProperty { // PropertId: Value // [propertyId: string]: any id: string value: any // If reference.exising is false then reference.entityId is the index that entity is at // in the transaction batch operation reference?: IReference } export interface IEntity { classId?: number entityId?: number // if entity is created in the same transaction, this is the entity id which is the index of the create // entity operation indexOf?: number properties: IProperty[] } export interface IPropertyDef { name: string type: string required: boolean } export interface IPropertyWithId { [inClassIndex: string]: IPropertyDef } export interface IWhereCond { where: { id: string } } export interface ICreateEntityOperation { classId: number } // An interface to use in function signature to simplify function parameters export interface IDBBlockId { db: DB block: number // Entity id id: string } export type ClassEntityMap = Map export interface IFeaturedVideo { video?: IReference }