# @polkadot/ui-settings Manages app settings including endpoints, themes and prefixes ## Usage Example User preferences are set as a settings object in the browser's local storage. ```text import settings from '@polkadot/ui-settings'; render () { // get api endpoint for the selected chain const WS_URL = settings.apiUrl(); // get the selected il8n language const language = settings.il8nLang(); // get all available il8n languages const languages = settings.availableLanguages(); // update settings const updatedSettings = { ...settings, i18nLang: 'Arabic' } settings.set(updatedSettings); // NOTE: API currently does not handle hot reconnecting properly, so you need to manually reload the page after updating settings. window.location.reload(); } ``` ## Used by Apps that currently use the settings package * \[polkadot-js/apps\]\('[https://www.github.com/polkadot-js/apps](https://www.github.com/polkadot-js/apps)'\) * [paritytech/substrate-light-ui](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-light-ui)