import { Struct, Option, Text, bool, Vec, u16, u32, u64, getTypeRegistry, Null } from "@polkadot/types"; import { BlockNumber, Moment } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'; import { Codec } from "@polkadot/types/types"; // we get 'moment' because it is a dependency of @polkadot/util, via @polkadot/keyring import moment from 'moment'; import { JoyStruct } from './JoyStruct'; export { JoyStruct } from './JoyStruct'; import { JoyEnum } from './JoyEnum'; export { JoyEnum } from './JoyEnum'; // Treat a BTreeSet as a Vec since it is encoded in the same way export class BTreeSet extends Vec {} export class Credential extends u64 {} export class CredentialSet extends Vec.with(Credential) {} // BtreeSet ? // common types between Forum and Proposal Discussions modules export class ThreadId extends u64 {} export class PostId extends u64 {} export type BlockAndTimeType = { block: BlockNumber, time: Moment }; export class BlockAndTime extends Struct { constructor (value?: BlockAndTimeType) { super({ block: u32, // BlockNumber time: u64, // Moment }, value); } get block (): BlockNumber { return this.get('block') as BlockNumber; } get time (): Moment { return this.get('time') as Moment; } static newEmpty (): BlockAndTime { return new BlockAndTime({} as BlockAndTime); } get momentDate (): moment.Moment { const YEAR_2000_MILLISECONDS = 946684801000; // overflowing in ~270,000 years const timestamp = this.time.toNumber(); // TODO: remove once is resolved // due to a bug, timestamp can be either in seconds or milliseconds let timestampInMillis = timestamp; if (timestamp < YEAR_2000_MILLISECONDS) { // timestamp is in seconds timestampInMillis = timestamp * 1000; } return moment(timestampInMillis); } } export function getTextPropAsString(struct: Struct, fieldName: string): string { return (struct.get(fieldName) as Text).toString(); } export function getBoolPropAsBoolean(struct: Struct, fieldName: string): boolean { return (struct.get(fieldName) as bool).valueOf(); } export function getOptionPropOrUndefined(struct: Struct, fieldName: string): T | undefined { return (struct.get(fieldName) as Option).unwrapOr(undefined); } export class OptionText extends Option.with(Text) { static none(): OptionText { return new Option(Text, null); } static some(text: string): OptionText { return new Option(Text, text); } } export type InputValidationLengthConstraintType = { min: u16, max_min_diff: u16 }; export class InputValidationLengthConstraint extends JoyStruct { constructor (value: InputValidationLengthConstraintType) { super({ min: u16, max_min_diff: u16 }, value); } get min (): u16 { return this.getField('min'); } get max_min_diff (): u16 { return this.getField('max_min_diff'); } get max (): u16 { return new u16(this.min.add(this.max_min_diff)); } } export const WorkingGroupDef = { Storage: Null } as const; export type WorkingGroupKeys = keyof typeof WorkingGroupDef; export class WorkingGroup extends JoyEnum(WorkingGroupDef) { }; export function registerCommonTypes() { const typeRegistry = getTypeRegistry(); typeRegistry.register({ Credential, CredentialSet, BlockAndTime, ThreadId, PostId, InputValidationLengthConstraint, BTreeSet, // Is this even necessary? WorkingGroup }); }