'use strict' const debug = require('debug')('joystream:runtime:assets') const { decodeAddress } = require('@polkadot/keyring') function parseContentId(contentId) { try { return decodeAddress(contentId) } catch (err) { return contentId } } /* * Add asset related functionality to the substrate API. */ class AssetsApi { static async create(base) { const ret = new AssetsApi() ret.base = base await AssetsApi.init() return ret } static async init() { debug('Init') } /* * Create and return a data object. */ async createDataObject(accountId, memberId, contentId, doTypeId, size, ipfsCid) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) const tx = this.base.api.tx.dataDirectory.addContent(memberId, contentId, doTypeId, size, ipfsCid) await this.base.signAndSend(accountId, tx) // If the data object constructed properly, we should now be able to return // the data object from the state. return this.getDataObject(contentId) } /* * Return the Data Object for a contendId */ async getDataObject(contentId) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) return this.base.api.query.dataDirectory.dataObjectByContentId(contentId) } /* * Verify the liaison state for a DataObject: * - Check the content ID has a DataObject * - Check the storageProviderId is the liaison * - Check the liaison state is Pending * * Each failure errors out, success returns the data object. */ async checkLiaisonForDataObject(storageProviderId, contentId) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) let obj = await this.getDataObject(contentId) if (obj.isNone) { throw new Error(`No DataObject created for content ID: ${contentId}`) } obj = obj.unwrap() if (!obj.liaison.eq(storageProviderId)) { throw new Error(`This storage node is not liaison for the content ID: ${contentId}`) } if (obj.liaison_judgement.type !== 'Pending') { throw new Error(`Expected Pending judgement, but found: ${obj.liaison_judgement.type}`) } return obj } /* * Sets the data object liaison judgement to Accepted */ async acceptContent(providerAccoundId, storageProviderId, contentId) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) const tx = this.base.api.tx.dataDirectory.acceptContent(storageProviderId, contentId) return this.base.signAndSend(providerAccoundId, tx) } /* * Sets the data object liaison judgement to Rejected */ async rejectContent(providerAccountId, storageProviderId, contentId) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) const tx = this.base.api.tx.dataDirectory.rejectContent(storageProviderId, contentId) return this.base.signAndSend(providerAccountId, tx) } /* * Creates storage relationship for a data object and provider */ async createStorageRelationship(providerAccountId, storageProviderId, contentId, callback) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) const tx = this.base.api.tx.dataObjectStorageRegistry.addRelationship(storageProviderId, contentId) const subscribed = [['dataObjectStorageRegistry', 'DataObjectStorageRelationshipAdded']] return this.base.signAndSend(providerAccountId, tx, 3, subscribed, callback) } /* * Gets storage relationship for contentId for the given provider */ async getStorageRelationshipAndId(storageProviderId, contentId) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) const rids = await this.base.api.query.dataObjectStorageRegistry.relationshipsByContentId(contentId) while (rids.length) { const relationshipId = rids.shift() let relationship = await this.base.api.query.dataObjectStorageRegistry.relationships(relationshipId) relationship = relationship.unwrap() if (relationship.storage_provider.eq(storageProviderId)) { return { relationship, relationshipId } } } return {} } /* * Creates storage relationship for a data object and provider and returns the relationship id */ async createAndReturnStorageRelationship(providerAccountId, storageProviderId, contentId) { contentId = parseContentId(contentId) // TODO: rewrite this method to async-await style // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { await this.createStorageRelationship(providerAccountId, storageProviderId, contentId, (events) => { events.forEach((event) => { resolve(event[1].DataObjectStorageRelationshipId) }) }) } catch (err) { reject(err) } }) } /* * Set the ready state for a data object storage relationship to the new value */ async toggleStorageRelationshipReady(providerAccountId, storageProviderId, dosrId, ready) { const tx = ready ? this.base.api.tx.dataObjectStorageRegistry.setRelationshipReady(storageProviderId, dosrId) : this.base.api.tx.dataObjectStorageRegistry.unsetRelationshipReady(storageProviderId, dosrId) return this.base.signAndSend(providerAccountId, tx) } /* * Returns array of know content ids */ async getKnownContentIds() { return this.base.api.query.dataDirectory.knownContentIds() } } module.exports = { AssetsApi, }