import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api/promise'; import { Balance } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'; import { Option, Vec } from '@polkadot/types'; import { Moment } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/runtime'; import { QueueTxExtrinsicAdd } from '@polkadot/react-components/Status/types'; import { keyring } from '@polkadot/ui-keyring'; import { APIQueryCache } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/transport/APIQueryCache'; import { Subscribable } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/helpers'; import BaseTransport from '@polkadot/joy-utils/transport/base'; import { ITransport } from './transport'; import { GroupMember } from './elements'; import { Application as WGApplication, Opening as WGOpening, Worker, WorkerId, RoleStakeProfile } from '@joystream/types/working-group'; import { Application, Opening, OpeningId, ApplicationId, ActiveApplicationStage } from '@joystream/types/hiring'; import { Stake, StakeId } from '@joystream/types/stake'; import { RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId } from '@joystream/types/recurring-rewards'; import { Membership, MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'; import { createAccount, generateSeed } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/functions/accounts'; import { WorkingGroupMembership, GroupLeadStatus } from './tabs/WorkingGroup'; import { WorkingGroupOpening } from './tabs/Opportunities'; import { ActiveRole, OpeningApplication } from './tabs/MyRoles'; import { keyPairDetails } from './flows/apply'; import { classifyApplicationCancellation, classifyOpeningStage, classifyOpeningStakes, isApplicationHired } from './classifiers'; import { WorkingGroups, AvailableGroups, workerRoleNameByGroup } from './working_groups'; import { Sort, Sum, Zero } from './balances'; import _ from 'lodash'; type WorkingGroupPair = { hiringModule: HiringModuleType; workingGroup: WorkingGroupType; } type StakePair = { application: T; role: T; } const apiModuleByGroup = { [WorkingGroups.StorageProviders]: 'storageWorkingGroup', [WorkingGroups.ContentCurators]: 'contentDirectoryWorkingGroup', [WorkingGroups.Operations]: 'operationsWorkingGroup' } as const; export class Transport extends BaseTransport implements ITransport { protected queueExtrinsic: QueueTxExtrinsicAdd constructor (api: ApiPromise, queueExtrinsic: QueueTxExtrinsicAdd) { super(api, new APIQueryCache(api)); this.queueExtrinsic = queueExtrinsic; } queryByGroup (group: WorkingGroups) { const apiModule = apiModuleByGroup[group]; return this.api.query[apiModule]; } queryCachedByGroup (group: WorkingGroups) { const apiModule = apiModuleByGroup[group]; return this.cacheApi.query[apiModule]; } txByGroup (group: WorkingGroups) { const apiModule = apiModuleByGroup[group]; return this.api.tx[apiModule]; } unsubscribe () { this.cacheApi.unsubscribe(); } protected async stakeValue (stakeId: StakeId): Promise { const stake = await this.cacheApi.query.stake.stakes(stakeId) as Stake; return stake.value; } protected async workerStake (stakeProfile: RoleStakeProfile): Promise { return this.stakeValue(stakeProfile.stake_id); } protected async rewardRelationshipById (id: RewardRelationshipId): Promise { const rewardRelationship = await this.cacheApi.query.recurringRewards.rewardRelationships(id) as RewardRelationship; return rewardRelationship.isEmpty ? undefined : rewardRelationship; } protected async workerTotalReward (relationshipId: RewardRelationshipId): Promise { const relationship = await this.rewardRelationshipById(relationshipId); return relationship?.total_reward_received || this.api.createType('Balance', 0); } protected async workerRewardRelationship (worker: Worker): Promise { const rewardRelationship = worker.reward_relationship.isSome ? await this.rewardRelationshipById(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap()) : undefined; return rewardRelationship; } protected async groupMember ( group: WorkingGroups, id: WorkerId, worker: Worker ): Promise { const roleAccount = worker.role_account_id; const memberId = worker.member_id; const profile = await this.cacheApi.query.members.membershipById(memberId) as Membership; if (profile.handle.isEmpty) { throw new Error('No group member profile found!'); } let stakeValue: Balance = this.api.createType('Balance', 0); if (worker.role_stake_profile && worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) { stakeValue = await this.workerStake(worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap()); } const rewardRelationship = await this.workerRewardRelationship(worker); const storage = await this.queryCachedByGroup(group).workerStorage(id); return ({ roleAccount, group, memberId, workerId: id.toNumber(), profile, title: workerRoleNameByGroup[group], stake: stakeValue, rewardRelationship, storage: this.api.createType('Text', storage).toString() }); } protected async areGroupRolesOpen (group: WorkingGroups, lead = false): Promise { const groupOpenings = await this.entriesByIds( this.queryByGroup(group).openingById ); for (const [/* id */, groupOpening] of groupOpenings) { const opening = await this.opening(groupOpening.hiring_opening_id.toNumber()); if ( opening.is_active && ( groupOpening instanceof WGOpening ? (lead === groupOpening.opening_type.isOfType('Leader')) : !lead // Lead openings are never available for content working group currently ) ) { return true; } } return false; } async groupLeadStatus (group: WorkingGroups = WorkingGroups.ContentCurators): Promise { const optLeadId = await this.queryCachedByGroup(group).currentLead() as Option; if (optLeadId.isSome) { const leadId = optLeadId.unwrap(); const leadWorker = await this.queryCachedByGroup(group).workerById(leadId) as Worker; return { lead: await this.groupMember(group, leadId, leadWorker), loaded: true }; } else { return { loaded: true }; } } async groupOverview (group: WorkingGroups): Promise { const workerRolesAvailable = await this.areGroupRolesOpen(group); const leadRolesAvailable = await this.areGroupRolesOpen(group, true); const leadStatus = await this.groupLeadStatus(group); const workers = (await this.entriesByIds( this.queryByGroup(group).workerById )) .filter(([id, worker]) => worker.is_active && (!leadStatus.lead?.workerId || !id.eq(leadStatus.lead.workerId))); return { leadStatus, workers: await Promise.all([id, worker]) => this.groupMember(group, id, worker))), workerRolesAvailable, leadRolesAvailable }; } curationGroup (): Promise { return this.groupOverview(WorkingGroups.ContentCurators); } storageGroup (): Promise { return this.groupOverview(WorkingGroups.StorageProviders); } async opportunitiesByGroup (group: WorkingGroups): Promise { const output = new Array(); const nextId = (await this.queryCachedByGroup(group).nextOpeningId()) as OpeningId; // This is chain specfic, but if next id is still 0, it means no openings have been added yet if (!nextId.eq(0)) { const highestId = nextId.toNumber() - 1; for (let i = highestId; i >= 0; i--) { output.push(await this.groupOpening(group, i)); } } return output; } async currentOpportunities (): Promise { let opportunities: WorkingGroupOpening[] = []; for (const group of AvailableGroups) { opportunities = opportunities.concat(await this.opportunitiesByGroup(group)); } return opportunities.sort((a, b) => b.stage.starting_block - a.stage.starting_block); } protected async opening (id: number): Promise { const opening = await this.cacheApi.query.hiring.openingById(id) as Opening; return opening; } protected async groupOpeningApplications (group: WorkingGroups, groupOpeningId: number): Promise[]> { const groupApplications = await this.entriesByIds( this.queryByGroup(group).applicationById ); const openingGroupApplications = groupApplications .filter(([id, groupApplication]) => groupApplication.opening_id.toNumber() === groupOpeningId); const openingHiringApplications = (await Promise.all( ([id, groupApplication]) => this.cacheApi.query.hiring.applicationById(groupApplication.application_id) ) )) as Application[]; return, index) => ({ hiringModule: hiringApplication, workingGroup: openingGroupApplications[index][1] })); } async groupOpening (group: WorkingGroups, id: number): Promise { const nextId = (await this.queryCachedByGroup(group).nextOpeningId() as OpeningId).toNumber(); if (id < 0 || id >= nextId) { throw new Error('invalid id'); } const groupOpening = await this.queryCachedByGroup(group).openingById(id) as WGOpening; const opening = await this.opening( groupOpening.hiring_opening_id.toNumber() ); const applications = await this.groupOpeningApplications(group, id); const stakes = classifyOpeningStakes(opening); return ({ opening: opening, meta: { id: id.toString(), group, type: groupOpening instanceof WGOpening ? groupOpening.opening_type : undefined }, stage: await classifyOpeningStage(this, opening), applications: { numberOfApplications: applications.length, maxNumberOfApplications: opening.max_applicants, requiredApplicationStake: stakes.application, requiredRoleStake: stakes.role, defactoMinimumStake: this.api.createType('Balance', 0) }, defactoMinimumStake: this.api.createType('Balance', 0) }); } protected async openingApplicationTotalStake (application: Application): Promise { const promises = new Array>(); if (application.active_application_staking_id.isSome) { promises.push(this.stakeValue(application.active_application_staking_id.unwrap())); } if (application.active_role_staking_id.isSome) { promises.push(this.stakeValue(application.active_role_staking_id.unwrap())); } return Sum(await Promise.all(promises)); } async openingApplicationRanks (group: WorkingGroups, openingId: number): Promise { const applications = await this.groupOpeningApplications(group, openingId); return Sort( (await Promise.all( applications .filter((a) => a.hiringModule.stage.value instanceof ActiveApplicationStage) .map((application) => this.openingApplicationTotalStake(application.hiringModule)) )) ); } expectedBlockTime (): number { return (this.api.consts.babe.expectedBlockTime as Moment).toNumber() / 1000; } async blockHash (height: number): Promise { const blockHash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(height); return blockHash.toString(); } async blockTimestamp (height: number): Promise { const blockTime = await await this.blockHash(height) ); return new Date(blockTime.toNumber()); } accounts (): Subscribable { return keyring.keyringOption.optionsSubject.pipe( map((accounts) => { return accounts.all .filter((x) => x.value) .map(async (result, k) => { return { shortName:, accountId: this.api.createType('AccountId', result.value), balance: (await this.api.derive.balances.account(result.value as string)).freeBalance }; }); }), switchMap(async (x) => Promise.all(x)) ) as Subscribable; } protected async applicationStakes (app: Application): Promise> { const stakes = { application: Zero, role: Zero }; const appStake = app.active_application_staking_id; if (appStake.isSome) { stakes.application = await this.stakeValue(appStake.unwrap()); } const roleStake = app.active_role_staking_id; if (roleStake.isSome) { stakes.role = await this.stakeValue(roleStake.unwrap()); } return stakes; } protected async myApplicationRank (myApp: Application, applications: Array): Promise { const activeApplications = applications.filter((app) => app.stage.value instanceof ActiveApplicationStage); const stakes = await Promise.all( => this.openingApplicationTotalStake(app)) ); const appvalues =, key) => { return { app: app, value: stakes[key] }; }); appvalues.sort((a, b): number => { if (a.value.eq(b.value)) { return 0; } else if ( { return -1; } return 1; }); return appvalues.findIndex((v) => + 1; } async openingApplicationsByAddressAndGroup (group: WorkingGroups, roleKey: string): Promise { const myGroupApplications = (await this.entriesByIds( this.queryByGroup(group).applicationById )) .filter(([id, groupApplication]) => groupApplication.role_account_id.eq(roleKey)); const myHiringApplications = await Promise.all( ([id, groupApplication]) => this.cacheApi.query.hiring.applicationById(groupApplication.application_id) ) ) as Application[]; const stakes = await Promise.all( => this.applicationStakes(app)) ); const openings = await Promise.all([id, groupApplication]) => { return this.groupOpening(group, groupApplication.opening_id.toNumber()); }) ); const allAppsByOpening = (await Promise.all([id, groupApplication]) => ( this.groupOpeningApplications(group, groupApplication.opening_id.toNumber()) )) )); return await Promise.all( (o, key) => { return { id: myGroupApplications[key][0].toNumber(), hired: isApplicationHired(myHiringApplications[key]), cancelledReason: classifyApplicationCancellation(myHiringApplications[key]), rank: await this.myApplicationRank(myHiringApplications[key], allAppsByOpening[key].map((a) => a.hiringModule)), capacity: o.applications.maxNumberOfApplications, stage: o.stage, opening: o.opening, meta: o.meta, applicationStake: stakes[key].application, roleStake: stakes[key].role, review_end_time: o.stage.review_end_time, review_end_block: o.stage.review_end_block }; }) ); } // Get opening applications for all groups by address async openingApplicationsByAddress (roleKey: string): Promise { let applications: OpeningApplication[] = []; for (const group of AvailableGroups) { applications = applications.concat(await this.openingApplicationsByAddressAndGroup(group, roleKey)); } return applications; } async myRolesByGroup (group: WorkingGroups, roleKeyId: string): Promise { const workers = await this.entriesByIds( this.queryByGroup(group).workerById ); const groupLead = (await this.groupLeadStatus(group)).lead; return Promise.all( workers .filter(([id, worker]) => worker.role_account_id.eq(roleKeyId) && worker.is_active) .map(async ([id, worker]) => { let stakeValue: Balance = this.api.createType('Balance', 0); if (worker.role_stake_profile && worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) { stakeValue = await this.workerStake(worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap()); } let earnedValue: Balance = this.api.createType('Balance', 0); if (worker.reward_relationship && worker.reward_relationship.isSome) { earnedValue = await this.workerTotalReward(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap()); } return { workerId: id, name: (groupLead?.workerId && groupLead.workerId === id.toNumber()) ? _.startCase(group) + ' Lead' : workerRoleNameByGroup[group], reward: earnedValue, stake: stakeValue, group }; }) ); } // All groups roles by key async myRoles (roleKey: string): Promise { let roles: ActiveRole[] = []; for (const group of AvailableGroups) { roles = roles.concat(await this.myRolesByGroup(group, roleKey)); } return roles; } protected generateRoleAccount (name: string, password = ''): string | null { const { address, deriveError, derivePath, isSeedValid, pairType, seed } = generateSeed(null, '', 'bip'); const isValid = !!address && !deriveError && isSeedValid; if (!isValid) { return null; } const status = createAccount(`${seed}${derivePath}`, pairType, name, password, 'created account'); return status.account as string; } applyToOpening ( group: WorkingGroups, id: number, roleAccountName: string, sourceAccount: string, appStake: Balance, roleStake: Balance, applicationText: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { (this.cacheApi.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(sourceAccount) as Promise>) .then((membershipIds) => { if (membershipIds.length === 0) { reject(new Error('No membship ID associated with this address')); } const roleAccount = this.generateRoleAccount(roleAccountName); if (!roleAccount) { reject(new Error('failed to create role account')); } const tx = this.txByGroup(group).applyOnOpening( membershipIds[0], // Member id id, // Worker opening id roleAccount, // Role account // TODO: Will need to be adjusted if AtLeast Zero stakes become possible roleStake.eq(Zero) ? null : roleStake, // Role stake appStake.eq(Zero) ? null : appStake, // Application stake applicationText // Human readable text ); const txFailedCb = () => { reject(new Error('transaction failed')); }; const txSuccessCb = () => { resolve(1); }; this.queueExtrinsic({ accountId: sourceAccount, extrinsic: tx, txFailedCb, txSuccessCb }); }) .catch((e) => { reject(e); }); }); } leaveRole (group: WorkingGroups, sourceAccount: string, id: number, rationale: string, txSuccessCb?: () => void) { const tx = this.txByGroup(group).leaveRole( id, rationale ); this.queueExtrinsic({ accountId: sourceAccount, extrinsic: tx, txSuccessCb }); } withdrawApplication (group: WorkingGroups, sourceAccount: string, id: number, txSuccessCb?: () => void) { const tx = this.txByGroup(group).withdrawApplication( id ); this.queueExtrinsic({ accountId: sourceAccount, extrinsic: tx, txSuccessCb }); } }