#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" cd $SCRIPT_PATH # Location that will be mounted as the /data volume in containers # This is how we access the initial members and balances files from # the containers and where generated chainspec files will be located. DATA_PATH=${DATA_PATH:=~/tmp} # Initial account balance for Alice # Alice is the source of funds for all new accounts that are created in the tests. ALICE_INITIAL_BALANCE=${ALICE_INITIAL_BALANCE:=100000000} # The docker image tag to use for joystream/node as the starting chain # that will be upgraded to the latest runtime. RUNTIME=${RUNTIME:=latest} TARGET_RUNTIME=${TARGET_RUNTIME:=latest} mkdir -p ${DATA_PATH} echo "{ \"balances\":[ [\"5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY\", ${ALICE_INITIAL_BALANCE}] ] }" > ${DATA_PATH}/initial-balances.json # Make Alice a member echo ' [{ "member_id":0, "root_account":"5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY", "controller_account":"5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY", "handle":"alice", "avatar_uri":"https://alice.com/avatar.png", "about":"Alice", "registered_at_time":0 }] ' > ${DATA_PATH}/initial-members.json # Create a chain spec file docker run --rm -v ${DATA_PATH}:/data --entrypoint ./chain-spec-builder joystream/node:${RUNTIME} \ new \ --authority-seeds Alice \ --sudo-account 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY \ --deployment dev \ --chain-spec-path /data/chain-spec.json \ --initial-balances-path /data/initial-balances.json \ --initial-members-path /data/initial-members.json # Convert the chain spec file to a raw chainspec file docker run --rm -v ${DATA_PATH}:/data joystream/node:${RUNTIME} build-spec \ --raw --disable-default-bootnode \ --chain /data/chain-spec.json > ~/tmp/chain-spec-raw.json NETWORK_ARG= if [ "$ATTACH_TO_NETWORK" != "" ]; then NETWORK_ARG="--network ${ATTACH_TO_NETWORK}" fi # Start a chain with generated chain spec # Add "-l ws=trace,ws::handler=info" to get websocket trace logs CONTAINER_ID=`docker run -d -v ${DATA_PATH}:/data -p 9944:9944 ${NETWORK_ARG} --name joystream-node joystream/node:${RUNTIME} \ --validator --alice --unsafe-ws-external --rpc-cors=all -l runtime \ --chain /data/chain-spec-raw.json` function cleanup() { docker logs ${CONTAINER_ID} --tail 15 docker stop ${CONTAINER_ID} docker rm ${CONTAINER_ID} } trap cleanup EXIT # Initialize content-directory # sleep 15 # yarn workspace cd-schemas initialize:dev # NOTE: Skipping this step and let the scenarios do this setup instead # or align the scenario expectations of the initial state to match # with what we do here. if [ "$TARGET_RUNTIME" == "$RUNTIME" ]; then echo "Not Performing a runtime upgrade." else # Copy new runtime wasm file from target joystream/node image echo "Extracting wasm blob from target joystream/node image." id=`docker create joystream/node:${TARGET_RUNTIME}` docker cp $id:/joystream/runtime.compact.wasm ${DATA_PATH} docker rm $id # Display runtime version before runtime upgrade yarn workspace api-scripts tsnode-strict src/status.ts | grep Runtime echo "Performing runtime upgrade." DEBUG=* yarn workspace api-scripts tsnode-strict \ src/dev-set-runtime-code.ts -- ${DATA_PATH}/runtime.compact.wasm echo "Runtime upgraded." fi # Display runtime version yarn workspace api-scripts tsnode-strict src/status.ts | grep Runtime # pass the scenario name without .ts extension SCENARIO=$1 # fallback to full.ts scenario if not specified SCENARIO=${SCENARIO:=full} # Execute the tests time DEBUG=* yarn workspace network-tests test-run src/scenarios/${SCENARIO}.ts