import { BaseModel, BooleanField, IntField, Model, ManyToOne, OneToMany, CustomField, EnumField, StringField, } from 'warthog'; import { Membership } from '../membership/membership.model'; import { CuratorGroup } from '../curator-group/curator-group.model'; import { ChannelCategory } from '../channel-category/channel-category.model'; import { DataObject } from '../data-object/data-object.model'; import { Language } from '../language/language.model'; import { Video } from '../video/video.model'; import { AssetAvailability } from '../enums/enums'; export { AssetAvailability }; @Model({ api: {} }) export class Channel extends BaseModel { @ManyToOne(() => Membership, (param: Membership) => param.channels, { skipGraphQLField: true, nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"], modelName: 'Channel', relModelName: 'Membership', propertyName: 'ownerMember', }) ownerMember?: Membership; @ManyToOne(() => CuratorGroup, (param: CuratorGroup) => param.channels, { skipGraphQLField: true, nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"], modelName: 'Channel', relModelName: 'CuratorGroup', propertyName: 'ownerCuratorGroup', }) ownerCuratorGroup?: CuratorGroup; @ManyToOne(() => ChannelCategory, (param: ChannelCategory) => param.channels, { skipGraphQLField: true, nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"], modelName: 'Channel', relModelName: 'ChannelCategory', propertyName: 'category', }) category?: ChannelCategory; @StringField({ nullable: true, description: `Reward account where revenue is sent if set.`, }) rewardAccount?: string; @StringField({ nullable: true, description: `The title of the Channel`, }) title?: string; @StringField({ nullable: true, description: `The description of a Channel`, }) description?: string; @ManyToOne(() => DataObject, (param: DataObject) => param.channelcoverPhotoDataObject, { skipGraphQLField: true, nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"], modelName: 'Channel', relModelName: 'DataObject', propertyName: 'coverPhotoDataObject', }) coverPhotoDataObject?: DataObject; @CustomField({ db: { type: 'text', array: true }, api: { type: 'string', description: `URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)` }, }) coverPhotoUrls!: string[]; @EnumField('AssetAvailability', AssetAvailability, { description: `Availability meta information`, }) coverPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability; @ManyToOne(() => DataObject, (param: DataObject) => param.channelavatarPhotoDataObject, { skipGraphQLField: true, nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"], modelName: 'Channel', relModelName: 'DataObject', propertyName: 'avatarPhotoDataObject', }) avatarPhotoDataObject?: DataObject; @CustomField({ db: { type: 'text', array: true }, api: { type: 'string', description: `URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)` }, }) avatarPhotoUrls!: string[]; @EnumField('AssetAvailability', AssetAvailability, { description: `Availability meta information`, }) avatarPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability; @BooleanField({ nullable: true, description: `Flag signaling whether a channel is public.`, }) isPublic?: boolean; @BooleanField({ description: `Flag signaling whether a channel is censored.`, }) isCensored!: boolean; @ManyToOne(() => Language, (param: Language) => param.channellanguage, { skipGraphQLField: true, nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"], modelName: 'Channel', relModelName: 'Language', propertyName: 'language', }) language?: Language; @OneToMany(() => Video, (param: Video) =>, { cascade: ["insert", "update"], modelName: 'Channel', relModelName: 'Video', propertyName: 'videos', }) videos?: Video[]; @IntField({}) createdInBlock!: number; constructor(init?: Partial) { super(); Object.assign(this, init); } }