#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Run a complete joystream development network on your machine using docker INIT_CHAIN_SCENARIO=${INIT_CHAIN_SCENARIO:=setup-new-chain} if [ "${PERSIST}" == true ] then echo "Services startup up.." else # Clean start! docker-compose down -v function down() { # Stop containers and clear volumes docker-compose down -v } trap down EXIT fi ## Run a local development chain docker-compose up -d joystream-node ## Init the chain with some state export SKIP_MOCK_CONTENT=true # TODO: Move back to this approach once Giza<->Olympia integration tests merged # HOST_IP=$(tests/network-tests/get-host-ip.sh) # export COLOSSUS_1_URL="http://${HOST_IP}:3333" # export COLOSSUS_1_TRANSACTOR_KEY=$(docker run --rm --pull=always docker.io/parity/subkey:2.0.1 inspect ${COLOSSUS_1_TRANSACTOR_URI} --output-type json | jq .ss58Address -r) # export DISTRIBUTOR_1_URL="http://${HOST_IP}:3334" ./tests/network-tests/run-test-scenario.sh ${INIT_CHAIN_SCENARIO} ## Set sudo as the membership screening authority yarn workspace api-scripts set-sudo-as-screening-auth ## Member faucet docker-compose up -d faucet ## Storage Infrastructure Configuration # TODO: Move back to INIT_CHAIN_SCENARIO approach once Giza<->Olympia integration tests merged ./storage-playground-config.sh ## Query Node Infrastructure ./query-node/start.sh ## Storage Infrastructure Nodes docker-compose up -d colossus-1 docker-compose up -d distributor-1 ## Orion docker-compose up -d orion if [ "${PERSIST}" == true ] then echo "All services started in the background" else echo "use Ctrl+C to shutdown the development network." while true; do read done fi