//! # Working group module //! Working group module for the Joystream platform. Version 1. //! Contains abstract working group workflow. //! //! ## Overview //! //! The working group module provides working group workflow to use in different modules. //! It contains extrinsics for the hiring workers, their roles lifecycle and stake management. //! There is a possibility to hire a special worker - the leader of the working group. //! Some module operations like 'increase_stake' can be invoked by the worker, others //! like 'terminate_role' can be invoked by the leader only. The leader himself can be hired and //! managed only by the council via proposals. //! //! Exact working group (eg.: forum working group) should create an instance of the Working group module. //! //! ## Supported extrinsics //! ### Hiring flow //! //! - [add_opening](./struct.Module.html#method.add_opening) - Add an opening for a worker/lead role. //! - [accept_applications](./struct.Module.html#method.accept_applications)- Begin accepting worker/lead applications. //! - [begin_applicant_review](./struct.Module.html#method.begin_applicant_review) - Begin reviewing worker/lead applications. //! - [fill_opening](./struct.Module.html#method.fill_opening) - Fill opening for worker/lead. //! - [withdraw_application](./struct.Module.html#method.withdraw_application) - Withdraw the worker/lead application. //! - [terminate_application](./struct.Module.html#method.terminate_application) - Terminate the worker/lead application. //! - [apply_on_opening](./struct.Module.html#method.apply_on_opening) - Apply on a worker/lead opening. //! //! ### Roles lifecycle //! //! - [update_role_account](./struct.Module.html#method.update_role_account) - Update the role account of the worker/lead. //! - [update_reward_account](./struct.Module.html#method.update_reward_account) - Update the reward account of the worker/lead. //! - [update_reward_amount](./struct.Module.html#method.update_reward_amount) - Update the reward amount of the worker/lead. //! - [leave_role](./struct.Module.html#method.leave_role) - Leave the role by the active worker/lead. //! - [terminate_role](./struct.Module.html#method.terminate_role) - Terminate the worker/lead role. //! - [set_mint_capacity](./struct.Module.html#method.set_mint_capacity) - Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. //! //! ### Stakes //! //! - [slash_stake](./struct.Module.html#method.slash_stake) - Slashes the worker/lead stake. //! - [decrease_stake](./struct.Module.html#method.decrease_stake) - Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker _role_account_. //! - [increase_stake](./struct.Module.html#method.increase_stake) - Increases the worker/lead stake. //! // Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm. #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] // Do not delete! Cannot be uncommented by default, because of Parity decl_module! issue. //#![warn(missing_docs)] #[cfg(test)] mod tests; mod types; #[macro_use] mod errors; use rstd::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap; use rstd::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet; use rstd::prelude::*; use rstd::vec::Vec; use sr_primitives::traits::{Bounded, One, Zero}; use srml_support::traits::{Currency, ExistenceRequirement, Get, Imbalance, WithdrawReasons}; use srml_support::{decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, print, StorageValue}; use system::{ensure_root, ensure_signed}; use crate::types::ExitInitiationOrigin; use common::constraints::InputValidationLengthConstraint; use errors::WrappedError; pub use errors::Error; pub use types::{ Application, Opening, OpeningPolicyCommitment, OpeningType, RewardPolicy, RoleStakeProfile, Worker, }; /// Stake identifier in staking module pub type StakeId = ::StakeId; /// Member identifier in membership::member module pub type MemberId = ::MemberId; /// Workaround for BTreeSet type pub type ApplicationIdSet = BTreeSet>; /// Type for the identifier for an opening for a worker/lead. pub type OpeningId = ::OpeningId; /// Type for the identifier for an application as a worker/lead. pub type ApplicationId = ::ApplicationId; /// Balance type of runtime pub type BalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::Balance; /// Balance type of runtime reward pub type BalanceOfMint = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::Balance; /// Balance type of runtime pub type CurrencyOf = ::Currency; /// Negative imbalance of runtime. pub type NegativeImbalance = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance; /// Alias for the worker application id to the worker id dictionary pub type ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap = BTreeMap, WorkerId>; /// Type identifier for worker role, which must be same as membership actor identifier pub type WorkerId = ::ActorId; /// Alias for the application id from the hiring module. pub type HiringApplicationId = ::ApplicationId; // Type simplification type OpeningInfo = ( OpeningOf, hiring::Opening, ::BlockNumber, HiringApplicationId>, ); // Type simplification type ApplicationInfo = (ApplicationOf, ApplicationId, OpeningOf); // Type simplification type RewardSettings = ( ::MintId, RewardPolicy, ::BlockNumber>, ); // Type simplification type WorkerOf = Worker< ::AccountId, ::RewardRelationshipId, ::StakeId, ::BlockNumber, MemberId, >; // Type simplification type OpeningOf = Opening< ::OpeningId, ::BlockNumber, BalanceOf, ApplicationId, >; // Type simplification type ApplicationOf = Application<::AccountId, OpeningId, MemberId, HiringApplicationId>; /// The _Working group_ main _Trait_ pub trait Trait: system::Trait + membership::members::Trait + hiring::Trait + minting::Trait + stake::Trait + recurringrewards::Trait { /// _Working group_ event type. type Event: From> + Into<::Event>; /// Defines max workers number in the working group. type MaxWorkerNumberLimit: Get; } decl_event!( /// _Working group_ events pub enum Event where WorkerId = WorkerId, ::ActorId, ::AccountId, OpeningId = OpeningId, ApplicationId = ApplicationId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap = ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap, RationaleText = Vec, MintBalanceOf = minting::BalanceOf, ::MintId, { /// Emits on setting the leader. /// Params: /// - Worker id. LeaderSet(WorkerId), /// Emits on un-setting the leader. /// Params: LeaderUnset(), /// Emits on terminating the worker. /// Params: /// - worker id. /// - termination rationale text TerminatedWorker(WorkerId, RationaleText), /// Emits on terminating the leader. /// Params: /// - leader worker id. /// - termination rationale text TerminatedLeader(WorkerId, RationaleText), /// Emits on exiting the worker. /// Params: /// - worker id. /// - exit rationale text WorkerExited(WorkerId, RationaleText), /// Emits on updating the role account of the worker. /// Params: /// - Member id of the worker. /// - Role account id of the worker. WorkerRoleAccountUpdated(ActorId, AccountId), /// Emits on updating the reward account of the worker. /// Params: /// - Member id of the worker. /// - Reward account id of the worker. WorkerRewardAccountUpdated(ActorId, AccountId), /// Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker. /// Params: /// - Member id of the worker. WorkerRewardAmountUpdated(ActorId), /// Emits on adding new worker opening. /// Params: /// - Opening id OpeningAdded(OpeningId), /// Emits on accepting application for the worker opening. /// Params: /// - Opening id AcceptedApplications(OpeningId), /// Emits on adding the application for the worker opening. /// Params: /// - Opening id /// - Application id AppliedOnOpening(OpeningId, ApplicationId), /// Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening. /// Params: /// - Worker application id ApplicationWithdrawn(ApplicationId), /// Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening. /// Params: /// - Worker application id ApplicationTerminated(ApplicationId), /// Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening. /// Params: /// - Opening id BeganApplicationReview(OpeningId), /// Emits on filling the worker opening. /// Params: /// - Worker opening id /// - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary OpeningFilled(OpeningId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap), /// Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake. /// Params: /// - worker/lead id. StakeIncreased(WorkerId), /// Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake. /// Params: /// - worker/lead id. StakeDecreased(WorkerId), /// Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake. /// Params: /// - worker/lead id. StakeSlashed(WorkerId), /// Emits on changing working group mint capacity. /// Params: /// - mint id. /// - new mint balance. MintCapacityChanged(MintId, MintBalanceOf), } ); decl_storage! { trait Store for Module, I: Instance> as WorkingGroup { /// The mint currently funding the rewards for this module. pub Mint get(mint) : ::MintId; /// The current lead. pub CurrentLead get(current_lead) : Option>; /// Next identifier value for new worker opening. pub NextOpeningId get(next_opening_id): OpeningId; /// Maps identifier to worker opening. pub OpeningById get(opening_by_id): linked_map OpeningId => OpeningOf; /// Opening human readable text length limits pub OpeningHumanReadableText get(opening_human_readable_text): InputValidationLengthConstraint; /// Maps identifier to worker application on opening. pub ApplicationById get(application_by_id) : linked_map ApplicationId => ApplicationOf; /// Next identifier value for new worker application. pub NextApplicationId get(next_application_id) : ApplicationId; /// Worker application human readable text length limits pub WorkerApplicationHumanReadableText get(application_human_readable_text) : InputValidationLengthConstraint; /// Maps identifier to corresponding worker. pub WorkerById get(worker_by_id) : linked_map WorkerId => WorkerOf; /// Count of active workers. pub ActiveWorkerCount get(fn active_worker_count): u32; /// Next identifier for new worker. pub NextWorkerId get(next_worker_id) : WorkerId; /// Worker exit rationale text length limits. pub WorkerExitRationaleText get(worker_exit_rationale_text) : InputValidationLengthConstraint; /// Map member id by hiring application id. /// Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call to refund the balance on unstaking. pub MemberIdByHiringApplicationId get(fn member_id_by_hiring_application_id): map HiringApplicationId => MemberId; } add_extra_genesis { config(phantom): rstd::marker::PhantomData; config(storage_working_group_mint_capacity): minting::BalanceOf; config(opening_human_readable_text_constraint): InputValidationLengthConstraint; config(worker_application_human_readable_text_constraint): InputValidationLengthConstraint; config(worker_exit_rationale_text_constraint): InputValidationLengthConstraint; build(|config: &GenesisConfig| { Module::::initialize_working_group( config.opening_human_readable_text_constraint, config.worker_application_human_readable_text_constraint, config.worker_exit_rationale_text_constraint, config.storage_working_group_mint_capacity) }); } } decl_module! { /// _Working group_ substrate module. pub struct Module, I: Instance> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { /// Default deposit_event() handler fn deposit_event() = default; /// Predefined errors type Error = Error; /// Exports const - max simultaneous active worker number. const MaxWorkerNumberLimit: u32 = T::MaxWorkerNumberLimit::get(); // ****************** Roles lifecycle ********************** /// Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead. pub fn update_role_account( origin, worker_id: WorkerId, new_role_account_id: T::AccountId ) { // Ensuring worker actually exists let worker = Self::ensure_worker_exists(&worker_id)?; // Ensure that origin is signed by member with given id. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( membership::members::Module::::ensure_member_controller_account_signed(origin, &worker.member_id) )?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Update role account WorkerById::::mutate(worker_id, |worker| { worker.role_account_id = new_role_account_id.clone() }); // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::WorkerRoleAccountUpdated(worker_id, new_role_account_id)); } /// Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker. pub fn update_reward_account( origin, worker_id: WorkerId, new_reward_account_id: T::AccountId ) { // Ensure there is a signer which matches role account of worker corresponding to provided id. let worker = Self::ensure_worker_signed(origin, &worker_id)?; // Ensure the worker actually has a recurring reward let relationship_id = Self::ensure_worker_has_recurring_reward(&worker)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Update only the reward account. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( recurringrewards::Module::::set_reward_relationship( relationship_id, Some(new_reward_account_id.clone()), // new_account None, // new_payout None, //new_next_payment_at None) //new_payout_interval )?; // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::WorkerRewardAccountUpdated(worker_id, new_reward_account_id)); } /// Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount). pub fn update_reward_amount( origin, worker_id: WorkerId, new_amount: BalanceOfMint ) { // Ensure lead is set and is origin signer or it is the council. Self::ensure_origin_for_leader(origin, worker_id)?; // Ensuring worker actually exists let worker = Self::ensure_worker_exists(&worker_id)?; // Ensure the worker actually has a recurring reward let relationship_id = Self::ensure_worker_has_recurring_reward(&worker)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Update only the reward account. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( recurringrewards::Module::::set_reward_relationship( relationship_id, None, // new_account Some(new_amount), // new_payout None, //new_next_payment_at None) //new_payout_interval )?; // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::WorkerRewardAmountUpdated(worker_id)); } /// Leave the role by the active worker. pub fn leave_role( origin, worker_id: WorkerId, rationale_text: Vec ) { // Ensure there is a signer which matches role account of worker corresponding to provided id. let active_worker = Self::ensure_worker_signed(origin, &worker_id)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // Self::deactivate_worker( &worker_id, &active_worker, &ExitInitiationOrigin::Worker, &rationale_text )?; } /// Terminate the active worker by the lead. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role). pub fn terminate_role( origin, worker_id: WorkerId, rationale_text: Vec, slash_stake: bool, ) { let (cloned_origin1, cloned_origin2) = common::origin::double_origin::(origin); // Ensure lead is set or it is the council terminating the leader. let exit_origin = Self::ensure_origin_for_leader(cloned_origin1, worker_id)?; // Ensuring worker actually exists. let worker = Self::ensure_worker_exists(&worker_id)?; // Ensure rationale text is valid. Self::ensure_worker_exit_rationale_text_is_valid(&rationale_text)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // if slash_stake { Self::slash_stake(cloned_origin2, worker_id, BalanceOf::::max_value())?; } Self::deactivate_worker( &worker_id, &worker, &exit_origin, &rationale_text )?; } // ****************** Hiring flow ********************** /// Add an opening for a worker role. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position). pub fn add_opening( origin, activate_at: hiring::ActivateOpeningAt, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment>, human_readable_text: Vec, opening_type: OpeningType, ){ Self::ensure_origin_for_opening_type(origin, opening_type)?; Self::ensure_opening_human_readable_text_is_valid(&human_readable_text)?; Self::ensure_opening_policy_commitment_is_valid(&commitment)?; // Add opening // NB: This call can in principle fail, because the staking policies // may not respect the minimum currency requirement. let policy_commitment = commitment.clone(); // // == MUTATION SAFE == // let opening_id = ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::add_opening( activate_at, commitment.max_review_period_length, commitment.application_rationing_policy, commitment.application_staking_policy, commitment.role_staking_policy, human_readable_text, ))?; let new_opening_id = NextOpeningId::::get(); // Create and add worker opening. let new_opening_by_id = Opening::, T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf, ApplicationId> { hiring_opening_id: opening_id, applications: BTreeSet::new(), policy_commitment, opening_type, }; OpeningById::::insert(new_opening_id, new_opening_by_id); // Update NextOpeningId NextOpeningId::::mutate(|id| *id += as One>::one()); // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::OpeningAdded(new_opening_id)); } /// Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position). pub fn accept_applications(origin, opening_id: OpeningId) { // Ensure opening exists in this working group // NB: Even though call to hiring module will have implicit check for // existence of opening as well, this check is to make sure that the opening is for // this working group, not something else. let (opening, _opening) = Self::ensure_opening_exists(&opening_id)?; Self::ensure_origin_for_opening_type(origin, opening.opening_type)?; // Attempt to begin accepting applications // NB: Combined ensure check and mutation in hiring module // // == MUTATION SAFE == // ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::begin_accepting_applications(opening.hiring_opening_id) )?; // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AcceptedApplications(opening_id)); } /// Apply on a worker opening. pub fn apply_on_opening( origin, member_id: T::MemberId, opening_id: OpeningId, role_account_id: T::AccountId, opt_role_stake_balance: Option>, opt_application_stake_balance: Option>, human_readable_text: Vec ) { // Ensure origin which will server as the source account for staked funds is signed let source_account = ensure_signed(origin)?; // In absence of a more general key delegation system which allows an account with some funds to // grant another account permission to stake from its funds, the origin of this call must have the funds // and cannot specify another arbitrary account as the source account. // Ensure the source_account is either the controller or root account of member with given id ensure!( membership::members::Module::::ensure_member_controller_account(&source_account, &member_id).is_ok() || membership::members::Module::::ensure_member_root_account(&source_account, &member_id).is_ok(), Error::OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot ); // Ensure worker opening exists let (opening, _opening) = Self::ensure_opening_exists(&opening_id)?; // Ensure that there is sufficient balance to cover stake proposed Self::ensure_can_make_stake_imbalance( vec![&opt_role_stake_balance, &opt_application_stake_balance], &source_account ) .map_err(|_| Error::InsufficientBalanceToApply)?; // Ensure application text is valid Self::ensure_application_text_is_valid(&human_readable_text)?; // Ensure application can actually be added ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::ensure_can_add_application( opening.hiring_opening_id, opt_role_stake_balance, opt_application_stake_balance) )?; // Ensure member does not have an active application to this opening Self::ensure_member_has_no_active_application_on_opening( opening.applications, member_id )?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Make imbalances for staking let opt_role_stake_imbalance = Self::make_stake_opt_imbalance(&opt_role_stake_balance, &source_account); let opt_application_stake_imbalance = Self::make_stake_opt_imbalance(&opt_application_stake_balance, &source_account); // Call hiring module to add application let add_application = ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::add_application( opening.hiring_opening_id, opt_role_stake_imbalance, opt_application_stake_imbalance, human_readable_text ) )?; let hiring_application_id = add_application.application_id_added; // Save member id to refund the stakes. This piece of date should outlive the 'worker'. >::insert(hiring_application_id, member_id); // Get id of new worker/lead application let new_application_id = NextApplicationId::::get(); // Make worker/lead application let application = Application::new(&role_account_id, &opening_id, &member_id, &hiring_application_id); // Store application ApplicationById::::insert(new_application_id, application); // Update next application identifier value NextApplicationId::::mutate(|id| *id += as One>::one()); // Add application to set of application in worker opening OpeningById::::mutate(opening_id, |opening| { opening.applications.insert(new_application_id); }); // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AppliedOnOpening(opening_id, new_application_id)); } /// Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only. pub fn withdraw_application( origin, application_id: ApplicationId ) { // Ensuring worker application actually exists let (application, _, opening) = Self::ensure_application_exists(&application_id)?; // Ensure that it is signed let signer_account = ensure_signed(origin)?; // Ensure that signer is applicant role account ensure!( signer_account == application.role_account_id, Error::OriginIsNotApplicant ); // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Attempt to deactivate application // NB: Combined ensure check and mutation in hiring module ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::deactive_application( application.hiring_application_id, opening.policy_commitment.exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period, opening.policy_commitment.exit_role_stake_unstaking_period ) )?; // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ApplicationWithdrawn(application_id)); } /// Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only. pub fn terminate_application( origin, application_id: ApplicationId ) { // Ensure lead is set and is origin signer Self::ensure_origin_is_active_leader(origin)?; // Ensuring worker application actually exists let (application, _, opening) = Self::ensure_application_exists(&application_id)?; // Attempt to deactivate application. // NB: Combined ensure check and mutation in hiring module. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::deactive_application( application.hiring_application_id, opening.policy_commitment.terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period, opening.policy_commitment.terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period ) )?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ApplicationTerminated(application_id)); } /// Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position). pub fn begin_applicant_review(origin, opening_id: OpeningId) { // Ensure opening exists // NB: Even though call to hiring modul will have implicit check for // existence of opening as well, this check is to make sure that the opening is for // this working group, not something else. let (opening, _opening) = Self::ensure_opening_exists(&opening_id)?; Self::ensure_origin_for_opening_type(origin, opening.opening_type)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Attempt to begin review of applications. // NB: Combined ensure check and mutation in hiring module. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::begin_review(opening.hiring_opening_id) )?; // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::BeganApplicationReview(opening_id)); } /// Fill opening for worker/lead. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position). pub fn fill_opening( origin, opening_id: OpeningId, successful_application_ids: ApplicationIdSet, reward_policy: Option, T::BlockNumber>> ) { // Ensure worker opening exists let (opening, _) = Self::ensure_opening_exists(&opening_id)?; Self::ensure_origin_for_opening_type(origin, opening.opening_type)?; let potential_worker_number = Self::active_worker_count() + (successful_application_ids.len() as u32); ensure!( potential_worker_number <= T::MaxWorkerNumberLimit::get(), Error::MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded ); // Cannot hire a lead when another leader exists. if matches!(opening.opening_type, OpeningType::Leader) { ensure!(!>::exists(), Error::CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists); } // Ensure a mint exists if lead is providing a reward for positions being filled let create_reward_settings = if let Some(policy) = reward_policy { // A reward will need to be created so ensure our configured mint exists let mint_id = Self::mint(); // Make sure valid parameters are selected for next payment at block number ensure!(policy.next_payment_at_block > >::block_number(), Error::FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock); // The verified reward settings to use Some((mint_id, policy)) } else { None }; // Make iterator over successful worker application let successful_iter = successful_application_ids .iter() // recover worker application from id .map(|application_id| { Self::ensure_application_exists(application_id)}) // remove Err cases, i.e. non-existing applications .filter_map(|result| result.ok()); // Count number of successful workers provided let num_provided_successful_application_ids = successful_application_ids.len(); // Ensure all worker applications exist let number_of_successful_applications = successful_iter .clone() .count(); ensure!( number_of_successful_applications == num_provided_successful_application_ids, Error::SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist ); // Attempt to fill opening let successful_application_ids = successful_iter .clone() .map(|(successful_application, _, _)| successful_application.hiring_application_id) .collect::>(); // Check for a single application for a leader. if matches!(opening.opening_type, OpeningType::Leader) { ensure!(successful_application_ids.len() == 1, Error::CannotHireMultipleLeaders); } // NB: Combined ensure check and mutation in hiring module ensure_on_wrapped_error!( hiring::Module::::fill_opening( opening.hiring_opening_id, successful_application_ids, opening.policy_commitment.fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period, opening.policy_commitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period, opening.policy_commitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period ) )?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // Process successful applications let application_id_to_worker_id = Self::fulfill_successful_applications( &opening, create_reward_settings, successful_iter.collect() ); // Trigger event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::OpeningFilled(opening_id, application_id_to_worker_id)); } // ****************** Stakes ********************** /// Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake. /// If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake). pub fn slash_stake(origin, worker_id: WorkerId, balance: BalanceOf) { // Ensure lead is set or it is the council terminating the leader. Self::ensure_origin_for_leader(origin, worker_id)?; // Ensuring worker actually exists. let worker = Self::ensure_worker_exists(&worker_id)?; ensure!(balance != >::zero(), Error::StakeBalanceCannotBeZero); let stake_profile = worker.role_stake_profile.ok_or(Error::NoWorkerStakeProfile)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // This external module call both checks and mutates the state. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( >::slash_immediate( &stake_profile.stake_id, balance, false ) )?; Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StakeSlashed(worker_id)); } /// Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id. /// Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake. /// Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake). pub fn decrease_stake(origin, worker_id: WorkerId, balance: BalanceOf) { // Ensure lead is set or it is the council terminating the leader. Self::ensure_origin_for_leader(origin, worker_id)?; let worker = Self::ensure_worker_exists(&worker_id)?; ensure!(balance != >::zero(), Error::StakeBalanceCannotBeZero); let stake_profile = worker.role_stake_profile.ok_or(Error::NoWorkerStakeProfile)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // This external module call both checks and mutates the state. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( >::decrease_stake_to_account( &stake_profile.stake_id, &worker.role_account_id, balance ) )?; Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StakeDecreased(worker_id)); } /// Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker /// role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake. pub fn increase_stake(origin, worker_id: WorkerId, balance: BalanceOf) { // Checks worker origin, worker existence let worker = Self::ensure_worker_signed(origin, &worker_id)?; ensure!(balance != >::zero(), Error::StakeBalanceCannotBeZero); let stake_profile = worker.role_stake_profile.ok_or(Error::NoWorkerStakeProfile)?; // // == MUTATION SAFE == // // This external module call both checks and mutates the state. ensure_on_wrapped_error!( >::increase_stake_from_account( &stake_profile.stake_id, &worker.role_account_id, balance ) )?; Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StakeIncreased(worker_id)); } /// Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin. pub fn set_mint_capacity( origin, new_capacity: minting::BalanceOf ) { ensure_root(origin)?; let mint_id = Self::mint(); // Technically this is a bug-check and should not be here. ensure!(>::exists(mint_id), Error::CannotFindMint); // Mint must exist - it is set at genesis or migration. let mint = >::mints(mint_id); let current_capacity = mint.capacity(); // // == MUTATION SAFE == // if new_capacity != current_capacity { ensure_on_wrapped_error!( >::set_mint_capacity(mint_id, new_capacity) )?; Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MintCapacityChanged(mint_id, new_capacity)); } } } } // ****************** Ensures ********************** impl, I: Instance> Module { fn ensure_opening_policy_commitment_is_valid( policy_commitment: &OpeningPolicyCommitment>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // check fill_opening unstaking periods if let Some(unstaking_period) = policy_commitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period { ensure!( unstaking_period != Zero::zero(), Error::FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero ); } if let Some(unstaking_period) = policy_commitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period { ensure!( unstaking_period != Zero::zero(), Error::FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero ); } if let Some(unstaking_period) = policy_commitment.fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period { ensure!( unstaking_period != Zero::zero(), Error::FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero ); } Ok(()) } fn ensure_origin_for_opening_type( origin: T::Origin, opening_type: OpeningType, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match opening_type { OpeningType::Worker => { // Ensure lead is set and is origin signer. Self::ensure_origin_is_active_leader(origin) } OpeningType::Leader => { // Council proposal. ensure_root(origin).map_err(|err| err.into()) } } } fn ensure_origin_for_leader( origin: T::Origin, worker_id: WorkerId, ) -> Result { let leader_worker_id = Self::ensure_lead_is_set()?; let (worker_opening_type, exit_origin) = if leader_worker_id == worker_id { (OpeningType::Leader, ExitInitiationOrigin::Sudo) } else { (OpeningType::Worker, ExitInitiationOrigin::Lead) }; Self::ensure_origin_for_opening_type(origin, worker_opening_type)?; Ok(exit_origin) } fn ensure_lead_is_set() -> Result, Error> { let leader_worker_id = Self::current_lead(); if let Some(leader_worker_id) = leader_worker_id { Ok(leader_worker_id) } else { Err(Error::CurrentLeadNotSet) } } // Checks that provided lead account id belongs to the current working group leader fn ensure_is_lead_account(lead_account_id: T::AccountId) -> Result<(), Error> { let leader_worker_id = Self::ensure_lead_is_set()?; let leader = Self::worker_by_id(leader_worker_id); if leader.role_account_id != lead_account_id { return Err(Error::IsNotLeadAccount); } Ok(()) } fn ensure_opening_human_readable_text_is_valid(text: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { >::get() .ensure_valid( text.len(), Error::OpeningTextTooShort.into(), Error::OpeningTextTooLong.into(), ) .map_err(|e| e.into()) } /// Ensures origin is signed by the leader. pub fn ensure_origin_is_active_leader(origin: T::Origin) -> Result<(), Error> { // Ensure is signed let signer = ensure_signed(origin)?; Self::ensure_is_lead_account(signer) } fn ensure_opening_exists(opening_id: &OpeningId) -> Result, Error> { ensure!( OpeningById::::exists(opening_id), Error::OpeningDoesNotExist ); let opening = OpeningById::::get(opening_id); let hiring_opening = hiring::OpeningById::::get(opening.hiring_opening_id); Ok((opening, hiring_opening)) } fn ensure_member_has_no_active_application_on_opening( applications: ApplicationIdSet, member_id: T::MemberId, ) -> Result<(), Error> { for application_id in applications { let application = ApplicationById::::get(application_id); // Look for application by the member for the opening if application.member_id != member_id { continue; } // Get application details let application = >::get(application.hiring_application_id); // Return error if application is in active stage if application.stage == hiring::ApplicationStage::Active { return Err(Error::MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening); } } // Member does not have any active applications to the opening Ok(()) } fn ensure_application_text_is_valid(text: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { >::get() .ensure_valid( text.len(), Error::WorkerApplicationTextTooShort.into(), Error::WorkerApplicationTextTooLong.into(), ) .map_err(|e| e.into()) } // CRITICAL: // https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/issues/92 // This assumes that ensure_can_withdraw can be done // for a sum of balance that later will be actually withdrawn // using individual terms in that sum. // This needs to be fully checked across all possibly scenarios // of actual balance, minimum balance limit, reservation, vesting and locking. fn ensure_can_make_stake_imbalance( opt_balances: Vec<&Option>>, source_account: &T::AccountId, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let zero_balance = as Zero>::zero(); // Total amount to be staked let total_amount = opt_balances.iter().fold(zero_balance, |sum, opt_balance| { sum + if let Some(balance) = opt_balance { *balance } else { zero_balance } }); if total_amount > zero_balance { // Ensure that if CurrencyOf::::free_balance(source_account) < total_amount { Err(Error::InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake) } else { let new_balance = CurrencyOf::::free_balance(source_account) - total_amount; CurrencyOf::::ensure_can_withdraw( source_account, total_amount, WithdrawReasons::all(), new_balance, ) .map_err(|e| Error::Other(e)) } } else { Ok(()) } } fn ensure_application_exists( application_id: &ApplicationId, ) -> Result, Error> { ensure!( ApplicationById::::exists(application_id), Error::WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist ); let application = ApplicationById::::get(application_id); let opening = OpeningById::::get(application.opening_id); Ok((application, *application_id, opening)) } /// Ensures the origin contains signed account that belongs to existing worker. pub fn ensure_worker_signed( origin: T::Origin, worker_id: &WorkerId, ) -> Result, Error> { // Ensure that it is signed let signer_account = ensure_signed(origin)?; // Ensure that id corresponds to active worker let worker = Self::ensure_worker_exists(&worker_id)?; // Ensure that signer is actually role account of worker ensure!( signer_account == worker.role_account_id, Error::SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount ); Ok(worker) } fn ensure_worker_exists(worker_id: &WorkerId) -> Result, Error> { ensure!( WorkerById::::exists(worker_id), Error::WorkerDoesNotExist ); let worker = WorkerById::::get(worker_id); Ok(worker) } fn ensure_worker_has_recurring_reward( worker: &WorkerOf, ) -> Result { if let Some(relationship_id) = worker.reward_relationship { Ok(relationship_id) } else { Err(Error::WorkerHasNoReward) } } fn ensure_worker_exit_rationale_text_is_valid(text: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { Self::worker_exit_rationale_text() .ensure_valid( text.len(), Error::WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort.into(), Error::WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong.into(), ) .map_err(|e| e.into()) } } /// Creates default text constraint. pub fn default_text_constraint() -> InputValidationLengthConstraint { InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 1024) } impl, I: Instance> Module { /// Callback from StakingEventsHandler. Refunds unstaked imbalance back to the source account. pub fn refund_working_group_stake( stake_id: StakeId, imbalance: NegativeImbalance, ) -> NegativeImbalance { if !hiring::ApplicationIdByStakingId::::exists(stake_id) { print("Working group broken invariant: no stake id in the hiring module."); return imbalance; } let hiring_application_id = hiring::ApplicationIdByStakingId::::get(stake_id); if !MemberIdByHiringApplicationId::::exists(hiring_application_id) { // Stake is not related to the working group module. return imbalance; } let member_id = Module::::member_id_by_hiring_application_id(hiring_application_id); if let Some(member_profile) = membership::members::MemberProfile::::get(member_id) { let refunding_result = CurrencyOf::::resolve_into_existing( &member_profile.controller_account, imbalance, ); if refunding_result.is_err() { print("Working group broken invariant: cannot refund."); // cannot return imbalance here, because of possible double spending. return >::zero(); } } else { print("Working group broken invariant: no member profile."); return imbalance; } >::zero() } /// Returns all existing worker id list excluding the current leader worker id. pub fn get_regular_worker_ids() -> Vec> { let lead_worker_id = Self::current_lead(); >::enumerate() .filter_map(|(worker_id, _)| { // Filter the leader worker id if the leader is set. lead_worker_id .clone() .map_or(Some(worker_id), |lead_worker_id| { if worker_id == lead_worker_id { None } else { Some(worker_id) } }) }) .collect() } fn make_stake_opt_imbalance( opt_balance: &Option>, source_account: &T::AccountId, ) -> Option> { if let Some(balance) = opt_balance { let withdraw_result = CurrencyOf::::withdraw( source_account, *balance, WithdrawReasons::all(), ExistenceRequirement::AllowDeath, ); assert!(withdraw_result.is_ok()); withdraw_result.ok() } else { None } } fn deactivate_worker( worker_id: &WorkerId, worker: &WorkerOf, exit_initiation_origin: &ExitInitiationOrigin, rationale_text: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Stop any possible recurring rewards if let Some(reward_relationship_id) = worker.reward_relationship { // Attempt to deactivate recurringrewards::Module::::try_to_deactivate_relationship(reward_relationship_id) .map_err(|_| Error::RelationshipMustExist)?; }; // else: Did not deactivate, there was no reward relationship! // Unstake if stake profile exists if let Some(ref stake_profile) = worker.role_stake_profile { // Determine unstaking period based on who initiated deactivation let unstaking_period = match exit_initiation_origin { ExitInitiationOrigin::Lead => stake_profile.termination_unstaking_period, ExitInitiationOrigin::Sudo => stake_profile.termination_unstaking_period, ExitInitiationOrigin::Worker => stake_profile.exit_unstaking_period, }; // Unstake ensure_on_wrapped_error!(stake::Module::::initiate_unstaking( &stake_profile.stake_id, unstaking_period ))?; } // Unset lead if the leader is leaving. let leader_worker_id = >::get(); if let Some(leader_worker_id) = leader_worker_id { if leader_worker_id == *worker_id { Self::unset_lead(); } } // Remove the worker from the storage. WorkerById::::remove(worker_id); Self::decrease_active_worker_counter(); // Trigger the event let event = match exit_initiation_origin { ExitInitiationOrigin::Lead => { RawEvent::TerminatedWorker(*worker_id, rationale_text.to_vec()) } ExitInitiationOrigin::Worker => { RawEvent::WorkerExited(*worker_id, rationale_text.to_vec()) } ExitInitiationOrigin::Sudo => { RawEvent::TerminatedLeader(*worker_id, rationale_text.to_vec()) } }; Self::deposit_event(event); Ok(()) } fn initialize_working_group( opening_human_readable_text_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint, worker_application_human_readable_text_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint, worker_exit_rationale_text_constraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint, working_group_mint_capacity: minting::BalanceOf, ) { // Create a mint. let mint_id_result = >::add_mint(working_group_mint_capacity, None); if let Ok(mint_id) = mint_id_result { >::put(mint_id); } else { panic!("Failed to create a mint for the working group"); } // Create constraints >::put(opening_human_readable_text_constraint); >::put( worker_application_human_readable_text_constraint, ); >::put(worker_exit_rationale_text_constraint); } // Set worker id as a leader id. pub(crate) fn set_lead(worker_id: WorkerId) { // Update current lead >::put(worker_id); // Trigger an event Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::LeaderSet(worker_id)); } // Evict the currently set lead. pub(crate) fn unset_lead() { if Self::ensure_lead_is_set().is_ok() { // Update current lead >::kill(); Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::LeaderUnset()); } } // Processes successful application during the fill_opening(). fn fulfill_successful_applications( opening: &OpeningOf, reward_settings: Option>, successful_applications_info: Vec>, ) -> BTreeMap, WorkerId> { let mut application_id_to_worker_id = BTreeMap::new(); successful_applications_info .iter() .for_each(|(successful_application, id, _)| { // Create a reward relationship. let reward_relationship = if let Some((mint_id, checked_policy)) = reward_settings.clone() { // Create a new recipient for the new relationship. let recipient = >::add_recipient(); // Member must exist, since it was checked that it can enter the role. let member_profile = >::member_profile( successful_application.member_id, ) .unwrap(); // Rewards are deposited in the member's root account. let reward_destination_account = member_profile.root_account; // Values have been checked so this should not fail! let relationship_id = >::add_reward_relationship( mint_id, recipient, reward_destination_account, checked_policy.amount_per_payout, checked_policy.next_payment_at_block, checked_policy.payout_interval, ) .expect("Failed to create reward relationship!"); Some(relationship_id) } else { None }; // Get possible stake for role let application = hiring::ApplicationById::::get(successful_application.hiring_application_id); // Staking profile for worker let stake_profile = if let Some(ref stake_id) = application.active_role_staking_id { Some(RoleStakeProfile::new( stake_id, &opening .policy_commitment .terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period, &opening.policy_commitment.exit_role_stake_unstaking_period, )) } else { None }; // Get worker id let new_worker_id = >::get(); // Construct worker let worker = Worker::new( &successful_application.member_id, &successful_application.role_account_id, &reward_relationship, &stake_profile, ); // Store a worker >::insert(new_worker_id, worker); Self::increase_active_worker_counter(); // Update next worker id >::mutate(|id| *id += as One>::one()); application_id_to_worker_id.insert(*id, new_worker_id); // Sets a leader on successful opening when opening is for leader. if matches!(opening.opening_type, OpeningType::Leader) { Self::set_lead(new_worker_id); } }); application_id_to_worker_id } // Increases active worker counter (saturating). fn increase_active_worker_counter() { let next_active_worker_count_value = Self::active_worker_count().saturating_add(1); >::put(next_active_worker_count_value); } // Decreases active worker counter (saturating). fn decrease_active_worker_counter() { let next_active_worker_count_value = Self::active_worker_count().saturating_sub(1); >::put(next_active_worker_count_value); } }