import { Channel } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/channel/channel.model' import { Category } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/category/category.model' import { KnownLicenseEntity } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/known-license-entity/known-license-entity.model' import { UserDefinedLicenseEntity } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/user-defined-license-entity/user-defined-license-entity.model' import { JoystreamMediaLocationEntity } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/joystream-media-location-entity/joystream-media-location-entity.model' import { HttpMediaLocationEntity } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/http-media-location-entity/http-media-location-entity.model' import { VideoMedia } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/video-media/video-media.model' import { Language } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/language/language.model' import { VideoMediaEncoding } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model' import { LicenseEntity } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/license-entity/license-entity.model' import { MediaLocationEntity } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/media-location-entity/media-location-entity.model' import { NextEntityId } from '../../generated/graphql-server/src/modules/next-entity-id/next-entity-id.model' import { decode } from './decode' import { categoryPropertyNamesWithId, channelPropertyNamesWithId, httpMediaLocationPropertyNamesWithId, joystreamMediaLocationPropertyNamesWithId, knownLicensePropertyNamesWIthId, languagePropertyNamesWIthId, licensePropertyNamesWithId, mediaLocationPropertyNamesWithId, userDefinedLicensePropertyNamesWithId, videoMediaEncodingPropertyNamesWithId, videoPropertyNamesWithId, } from './content-dir-consts' import { ClassEntityMap, ICategory, IChannel, IDBBlockId, IEntity, IHttpMediaLocation, IJoystreamMediaLocation, IKnownLicense, ILanguage, ILicense, IMediaLocation, IReference, IUserDefinedLicense, IVideoMedia, IVideoMediaEncoding, } from '../types' import { createCategory, createChannel, createVideoMedia, createUserDefinedLicense, createKnownLicense, createHttpMediaLocation, createJoystreamMediaLocation, createLanguage, createVideoMediaEncoding, createLicense, createMediaLocation, } from './entity/create' import { DB } from '../../generated/indexer' // Keep track of the next entity id async function nextEntityId(db: DB, nextEntityId: number): Promise { let e = await db.get(NextEntityId, { where: { id: '1' } }) if (!e) e = new NextEntityId({ id: '1' }) e.nextId = nextEntityId await } function generateEntityIdFromIndex(index: number): string { return `${index}` } function findEntity(entityId: number, className: string, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap): IEntity { const newlyCreatedEntities = classEntityMap.get(className) if (newlyCreatedEntities === undefined) throw Error(`Couldn't find '${className}' entities in the classEntityMap`) const entity = newlyCreatedEntities.find((e) => e.indexOf === entityId) if (!entity) throw Error(`Unknown ${className} entity id: ${entityId}`) // Remove the inserted entity from the list classEntityMap.set( className, newlyCreatedEntities.filter((e) => e.entityId !== entityId) ) return entity } async function language( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, language: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let lang const { entityId, existing } = language if (existing) { lang = await db.get(Language, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!lang) throw Error(`Language entity not found`) return lang } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction lang = await db.get(Language, { where: { id } }) if (lang) return lang // get the entity from list of newly created entities and insert into db const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'Language', classEntityMap) return await createLanguage( { db, block, id }, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, languagePropertyNamesWIthId) ) } async function videoMediaEncoding( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, encoding: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let vmEncoding const { entityId, existing } = encoding if (existing) { vmEncoding = await db.get(VideoMediaEncoding, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!vmEncoding) throw Error(`VideoMediaEncoding entity not found`) return vmEncoding } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction vmEncoding = await db.get(VideoMediaEncoding, { where: { id } }) if (vmEncoding) return vmEncoding const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'VideoMediaEncoding', classEntityMap) return await createVideoMediaEncoding( { db, block, id }, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, videoMediaEncodingPropertyNamesWithId) ) } async function videoMedia( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, media: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let videoM: VideoMedia | undefined const { entityId, existing } = media if (existing) { videoM = await db.get(VideoMedia, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!videoM) throw Error(`VideoMedia entity not found`) return videoM } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction videoM = await db.get(VideoMedia, { where: { id } }) if (videoM) return videoM const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'VideoMedia', classEntityMap) return await createVideoMedia( { db, block, id }, classEntityMap, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, videoPropertyNamesWithId), nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction ) } async function knownLicense( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, knownLicense: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let kLicense: KnownLicenseEntity | undefined const { entityId, existing } = knownLicense if (existing) { kLicense = await db.get(KnownLicenseEntity, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!kLicense) throw Error(`KnownLicense entity not found`) return kLicense } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction kLicense = await db.get(KnownLicenseEntity, { where: { id } }) if (kLicense) return kLicense const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'KnownLicense', classEntityMap) return await createKnownLicense( { db, block, id }, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, knownLicensePropertyNamesWIthId) ) } async function userDefinedLicense( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, userDefinedLicense: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let udLicense: UserDefinedLicenseEntity | undefined const { entityId, existing } = userDefinedLicense if (existing) { udLicense = await db.get(UserDefinedLicenseEntity, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!udLicense) throw Error(`UserDefinedLicense entity not found`) return udLicense } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction udLicense = await db.get(UserDefinedLicenseEntity, { where: { id }, }) if (udLicense) return udLicense const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'UserDefinedLicense', classEntityMap) return await createUserDefinedLicense( { db, block, id }, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, userDefinedLicensePropertyNamesWithId) ) } async function channel( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, channel: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let chann: Channel | undefined const { entityId, existing } = channel if (existing) { chann = await db.get(Channel, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!chann) throw Error(`Channel entity not found`) return chann } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction chann = await db.get(Channel, { where: { id } }) if (chann) return chann const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'Channel', classEntityMap) return await createChannel( { db, block, id }, classEntityMap, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, channelPropertyNamesWithId), nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction ) } async function category( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, category: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let cat: Category | undefined const { entityId, existing } = category if (existing) { cat = await db.get(Category, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!cat) throw Error(`Category entity not found`) return cat } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction cat = await db.get(Category, { where: { id } }) if (cat) return cat const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'Category', classEntityMap) return await createCategory( { db, block, id }, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, categoryPropertyNamesWithId) ) } async function httpMediaLocation( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, httpMediaLoc: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let loc: HttpMediaLocationEntity | undefined const { entityId, existing } = httpMediaLoc if (existing) { loc = await db.get(HttpMediaLocationEntity, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!loc) throw Error(`HttpMediaLocation entity not found`) return loc } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction loc = await db.get(HttpMediaLocationEntity, { where: { id }, }) if (loc) return loc const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'HttpMediaLocation', classEntityMap) return await createHttpMediaLocation( { db, block, id }, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, httpMediaLocationPropertyNamesWithId) ) } async function joystreamMediaLocation( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, joyMediaLoc: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let loc: JoystreamMediaLocationEntity | undefined const { entityId, existing } = joyMediaLoc if (existing) { loc = await db.get(JoystreamMediaLocationEntity, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!loc) throw Error(`JoystreamMediaLocation entity not found`) return loc } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction loc = await db.get(JoystreamMediaLocationEntity, { where: { id }, }) if (loc) return loc const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'JoystreamMediaLocation', classEntityMap) return await createJoystreamMediaLocation( { db, block, id }, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, joystreamMediaLocationPropertyNamesWithId) ) } async function license( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, license: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let lic: LicenseEntity | undefined const { entityId, existing } = license if (existing) { lic = await db.get(LicenseEntity, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!lic) throw Error(`License entity not found`) return lic } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction lic = await db.get(LicenseEntity, { where: { id } }) if (lic) return lic const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'License', classEntityMap) return await createLicense( { db, block, id }, classEntityMap, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, licensePropertyNamesWithId), nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction ) } async function mediaLocation( { db, block }: IDBBlockId, classEntityMap: ClassEntityMap, location: IReference, nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction: number ): Promise { let loc: MediaLocationEntity | undefined const { entityId, existing } = location if (existing) { loc = await db.get(MediaLocationEntity, { where: { id: entityId.toString() } }) if (!loc) throw Error(`MediaLocation entity not found`) return loc } const id = generateEntityIdFromIndex(nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction + entityId) // could be created in the transaction loc = await db.get(MediaLocationEntity, { where: { id }, relations: ['httpMediaLocation', 'joystreamMediaLocation'], }) if (loc) { return loc } const { properties } = findEntity(entityId, 'MediaLocation', classEntityMap) return await createMediaLocation( { db, block, id }, classEntityMap, decode.setEntityPropertyValues(properties, mediaLocationPropertyNamesWithId), nextEntityIdBeforeTransaction ) } export const getOrCreate = { language, videoMediaEncoding, videoMedia, knownLicense, userDefinedLicense, channel, category, joystreamMediaLocation, httpMediaLocation, license, mediaLocation, nextEntityId, }