COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=joystream PROJECT_NAME=query_node # We will use a single postgres service with multiple databases # The env variables below are by default used by all services and should be # overriden in local env files # DB config INDEXER_DB_NAME=query_node_indexer DB_NAME=query_node_processor DB_USER=postgres DB_PASS=postgres DB_HOST=db DB_PORT=5432 DEBUG=index-builder:* TYPEORM_LOGGING=error ########################### # Indexer options # ########################### # Block height to start indexing from. # Note, that if there are already some indexed events, this setting is ignored BLOCK_HEIGHT=0 ############################### # Processor GraphQL API # ############################### GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT=4002 GRAPHQL_SERVER_HOST=graphql-server GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ENDPOINT=ws://localhost:8081/graphql WARTHOG_APP_PORT=4002 WARTHOG_APP_HOST=hydra-indexer-gateway # Default configuration is to use the docker container WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI=ws://joystream-node:9944/ # If running joystream-node on host machine you can use following address to reach it instead # WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI=ws://host.docker.internal:9944/