storage-node-v2 =============== Jostream storage subsystem. [![oclif](]( [![Version](]( [![Downloads/week](]( [![License](]( * [Usage](#usage) * [Commands](#commands) # Usage ```sh-session $ npm install -g storage-node-v2 $ storage-node COMMAND running command... $ storage-node (-v|--version|version) storage-node-v2/0.1.0 darwin-x64 node-v14.17.0 $ storage-node --help [COMMAND] USAGE $ storage-node COMMAND ... ``` # Commands * [`storage-node dev:init`](#storage-node-devinit) * [`storage-node dev:multihash`](#storage-node-devmultihash) * [`storage-node dev:sync`](#storage-node-devsync) * [`storage-node dev:upload`](#storage-node-devupload) * [`storage-node dev:verify-bag-id`](#storage-node-devverify-bag-id) * [`storage-node help [COMMAND]`](#storage-node-help-command) * [`storage-node leader:cancel-invite`](#storage-node-leadercancel-invite) * [`storage-node leader:create-bucket`](#storage-node-leadercreate-bucket) * [`storage-node leader:delete-bucket`](#storage-node-leaderdelete-bucket) * [`storage-node leader:invite-operator`](#storage-node-leaderinvite-operator) * [`storage-node leader:remove-operator`](#storage-node-leaderremove-operator) * [`storage-node leader:set-uploading-block`](#storage-node-leaderset-uploading-block) * [`storage-node leader:update-bag`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-bag) * [`storage-node leader:update-bag-limit`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-bag-limit) * [`storage-node leader:update-blacklist`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-blacklist) * [`storage-node leader:update-data-fee`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-data-fee) * [`storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-dynamic-bag-policy) * [`storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-voucher-limits) * [`storage-node operator:accept-invitation`](#storage-node-operatoraccept-invitation) * [`storage-node operator:set-bucket-limits`](#storage-node-operatorset-bucket-limits) * [`storage-node operator:set-metadata`](#storage-node-operatorset-metadata) * [`storage-node operator:update-bucket-status`](#storage-node-operatorupdate-bucket-status) * [`storage-node server`](#storage-node-server) ## `storage-node dev:init` Initialize development environment. Sets Alice as storage working group leader. ``` USAGE $ storage-node dev:init OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/dev/init.ts]( ## `storage-node dev:multihash` Creates a multihash (blake3) for a file. ``` USAGE $ storage-node dev:multihash OPTIONS -f, --file=file (required) Path for a hashing file. -h, --help show CLI help ``` _See code: [src/commands/dev/multihash.ts]( ## `storage-node dev:sync` Synchronizes data - it fixes the differences between local data folder and worker ID obligations from the runtime. ``` USAGE $ storage-node dev:sync OPTIONS -d, --uploads=uploads (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path). -h, --help show CLI help -o, --dataSourceOperatorHost=dataSourceOperatorHost Storage node host and port (e.g.: to get data from. -p, --syncWorkersNumber=syncWorkersNumber Sync workers number (max async operations in progress). -q, --queryNodeHost=queryNodeHost Query node host and port (e.g.: -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage node operator worker ID. ``` _See code: [src/commands/dev/sync.ts]( ## `storage-node dev:upload` Upload data object (development mode only). ``` USAGE $ storage-node dev:upload OPTIONS -c, --cid=cid (required) Data object IPFS content ID. -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -s, --size=size (required) Data object size. -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/dev/upload.ts]( ## `storage-node dev:verify-bag-id` The command verifies bag id supported by the storage node. Requires chain connection. ``` USAGE $ storage-node dev:verify-bag-id OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bagId=bagId (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}. - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic' - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel' - Id: - absent for 'static:council' - working group name for 'static:wg' - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel' Examples: - static:council - static:wg:storage - dynamic:member:4 -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/dev/verify-bag-id.ts]( ## `storage-node help [COMMAND]` display help for storage-node ``` USAGE $ storage-node help [COMMAND] ARGUMENTS COMMAND command to show help for OPTIONS --all see all commands in CLI ``` _See code: [@oclif/plugin-help]( ## `storage-node leader:cancel-invite` Cancel a storage bucket operator invite. Requires storage working group leader permissions. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:cancel-invite OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/cancel-invite.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:create-bucket` Create new storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:create-bucket OPTIONS -a, --allow Accepts new bags -h, --help show CLI help -i, --invited=invited Invited storage operator ID (storage WG worker ID) -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -n, --number=number Storage bucket max total objects number -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -s, --size=size Storage bucket max total objects size -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:delete-bucket` Delete a storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:delete-bucket OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:invite-operator` Invite a storage bucket operator. Requires storage working group leader permissions. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:invite-operator OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 -w, --operatorId=operatorId (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID) ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/invite-operator.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:remove-operator` Remove a storage bucket operator. Requires storage working group leader permissions. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:remove-operator OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/remove-operator.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:set-uploading-block` Set global uploading block. Requires storage working group leader permissions. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:set-uploading-block OPTIONS -d, --disable Disables global uploading block. -e, --enable Enables global uploading block (default). -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/set-uploading-block.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:update-bag` Add/remove a storage bucket from a bag (adds by default). ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:update-bag OPTIONS -b, --bucket=bucket (required) Storage bucket ID -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bagId=bagId (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}. - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic' - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel' - Id: - absent for 'static:council' - working group name for 'static:wg' - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel' Examples: - static:council - static:wg:storage - dynamic:member:4 -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -r, --remove Remove a bucket from the bag -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bag.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:update-bag-limit` Update StorageBucketsPerBagLimit variable in the Joystream node storage. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:update-bag-limit OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -l, --limit=limit (required) New StorageBucketsPerBagLimit value -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bag-limit.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:update-blacklist` Add/remove a content ID from the blacklist (adds by default). ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:update-blacklist OPTIONS -c, --cid=cid (required) Content ID -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -r, --remove Remove a content ID from the blaclist -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/update-blacklist.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:update-data-fee` Update data size fee. Requires storage working group leader permissions. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:update-data-fee OPTIONS -f, --fee=fee (required) New data size fee -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/update-data-fee.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy` Update number of storage buckets used in the dynamic bag creation policy. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy OPTIONS -c, --channel Channel dynamic bag type -e, --member Member dynamic bag type (default) -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -n, --number=number (required) New storage buckets number -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts]( ## `storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits` Update VoucherMaxObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherMaxObjectsNumberLimit for the Joystream node storage. ``` USAGE $ storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'max voucher object number limit' value -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -s, --size=size (required) New 'max voucher object size limit' value -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 ``` _See code: [src/commands/leader/update-voucher-limits.ts]( ## `storage-node operator:accept-invitation` Accept pending storage bucket invitation. ``` USAGE $ storage-node operator:accept-invitation OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID ``` _See code: [src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts]( ## `storage-node operator:set-bucket-limits` Set VoucherObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherObjectsNumberLimit for the storage bucket. ``` USAGE $ storage-node operator:set-bucket-limits OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'voucher object number limit' value -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -s, --size=size (required) New 'voucher object size limit' value -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID ``` _See code: [src/commands/operator/set-bucket-limits.ts]( ## `storage-node operator:set-metadata` Accept pending storage bucket invitation. ``` USAGE $ storage-node operator:set-metadata OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -m, --metadata=metadata Storage bucket operator metadata -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 -w, --operatorId=operatorId (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID) ``` _See code: [src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts]( ## `storage-node operator:update-bucket-status` Update storage bucket status (accepting new bags). ``` USAGE $ storage-node operator:update-bucket-status OPTIONS -d, --disable Disables accepting new bags. -e, --enable Enables accepting new bags (default). -h, --help show CLI help -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID ``` _See code: [src/commands/operator/update-bucket-status.ts]( ## `storage-node server` Starts the storage node server. ``` USAGE $ storage-node server OPTIONS -d, --uploads=uploads (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path). -h, --help show CLI help -i, --syncInterval=syncInterval [default: 1] Interval between syncronizations (in minutes) -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment. -m, --dev Use development mode -o, --port=port (required) Server port. -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). -q, --queryNodeHost=queryNodeHost Query node host and port (e.g.: -r, --syncWorkersNumber=syncWorkersNumber [default: 20] Sync workers number (max async operations in progress). -s, --sync Enable data synchronization. -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944 -w, --worker=worker (required) Storage provider worker ID ``` _See code: [src/commands/server.ts](